D&D Miniatures News


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Marco Massoudi wrote:

I also found the ships schematics and it looks the same:


It would be cool if the ballistae and catapult fit in the same way shown

Dark Archive

Two as yet unrevealed HUGE minis in "Monster Menagerie III" seem to be:

-Adult Remorhaz (looking very similiar to the sleek "Young Remorhaz" from MM II, only bigger) &
-T-Rex (looking similiar to the old D&D "Fiendish Tyrannosaur").

So far, there are no previews of actual minis from the set, besides the very good "Kraken & Islands" set, which is gargantuan with large tentacles and a very nice rowboat, as can be seen in the "Fallen Star" Toy Fair pics.

Scarab Sages

Marco Massoudi wrote:

I know i´ll be getting this.

Personally i estimate a price between $100 and $120.

This is a mini i have been waiting for a long time.

What do you think of it?

A must-buy for sure. I have other boats, which are basically boat outlines on which you can place figures on. This one goes well beyond that!

Dark Archive

Less than 4 weeks till the release of MM 3 and not a single preview of an actual mini - that´s a new low even for Wizkids.


Marco Massoudi wrote:
Less than 4 weeks till the release of MM 3 and not a single preview of an actual mini - that´s a new low even for Wizkids.

Minis collector has 8 previews.

there are 4 more seen on the side of the box Edit: you already mention these 4 earlier in the thread

Liberty's Edge

They need this as an official DnD mini. The show makers are gamers, they can make it happen.

Scarab Sages

Isn't the Gug sort of close enough?

There are 4 unboxing videos on Youtube for MM3:


Dark Archive

Dungeons & Dragons: Icons of the Realms Set 9 (as yet untitled) will release on july 25th 2018 - 2 months from now.

I expect the title to be revealed in june.
(Mordenkainen's) "Tome of Foes" is a strong possibility.

I also expect the incentive to be a collection of "dungeon dressing", as the last set (Monster Menagerie III) had a creature and the one before (Tomb of Annihilation) had scenery.

A "Wizard's Tower" pack would be an easy possibility, as the unpainted D&D lines latest wave offers lots of scenery found in a wizard's lair.

Dark Archive

The next two 256 page adventure books have been revealed:

-september 18th: "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist". A sourcebook for the city and four urban adventures, each taking place in a different season. Levels 1-5.

-november 20th: "Undermountain: The mad Mage" (or somesuch).
Twenty levels of dungeon, each totally different. Levels 6-20.

D&D Icons of the Realms Set 10 (no relese date yet) will very probably have lots of creatures from those books.

Dark Archive

D&D Icons of the Realms Set 9 is titled:

"Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" and has been moved to september.
This makes it take away from sales of Pathfinder Battles Set 15: "Kingmaker", which releases in october.

Dragon Heist boosters will contain 1 large OR 1 UNIQUE HUGE mini & 3 medium or small minis.

Confirmed minis are:
-human Warlock of the fiend
-Pit Fiend (large?)
-Quadrone (large?)
-Dragonborn dragonblood sorcerer
-Brown Bear (large)

There are supposed to be 44 minis in the set, but there will probably much more with variants.

The Case Incentive is the "City of the Dead: Statues & Monuments" dressing set, which includes 9 statues & 5 coffins (with removable lids) & costs $49.99.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks, Marco.

Dark Archive

93 days until the release date of september 18th.

To my knowledge, this is the very first time EVER, that a minis set releases on the same day as the adventure it is based on (which is supercool by the way).

As the hardcover is an urban adventure for levels 1-6, it should have a lot of low level creatures suitable for city & dungeon adventures.

Dark Archive

Yesterday Wizkids announced it's yet unnamed Icons of the Realms set #10 for november 2018!

While it's certainly possible that that date will be moved to december or january, i don't think so this time.

I think it will be called "Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage" and be in stores the same day as the hardcover of the same name.

Here's where it gets really interesting:

There will also be a "Starter Companion One" & a "Starter Companion Two", each containing 5 miniatures for $24.99 each.

Also people who order a case will be able to order a "premium figure" which is listed for $49.99 by PHD Games.

I got a case of MM3 and I have to say that I really like the alternate for some of of the commons and uncommon. I assume it is less costly for the manufacturer to make a slight variation in an existing model or paint job than to make a whole new model, but as a collector it felt like I was getting a lot fewer duplicates.
I didn't like that there were so many variants of rares. I was lucky that I got the versions I wanted, but it could have gone the other way. The seeding is as good as Battles, I got a "full" set but I didn't get a complete set. Not the end of the world, but the completist part of my brain doesn't like it. Hopefully this is unique to this set since it doesn't look like earlier sets did the same thing.
The invisible figures are cool, but I can see how their utility has probably diminished as more sets have come out. Battles dungeon dressings seem much more popular. I can usually get an invisible figure for an uncommon and get a rare for dressing.
The minis themselves are pretty great. The giants can be out of scale for Pathfinder, but some figures almost demand to have an encounter designed around them. The goblin flinger and three headed frost giant for example. However, I don't like how obesity is used as a shorthand for hill giants being grotesques (an earlier case incentive was especially bad).

Dark Archive

Furdinand wrote:

I got a case of MM3 and I have to say that I really like the alternate for some of of the commons and uncommon. I assume it is less costly for the manufacturer to make a slight variation in an existing model or paint job than to make a whole new model, but as a collector it felt like I was getting a lot fewer duplicates.

I didn't like that there were so many variants of rares. I was lucky that I got the versions I wanted, but it could have gone the other way. The seeding is as good as Battles, I got a "full" set but I didn't get a complete set. Not the end of the world, but the completist part of my brain doesn't like it. Hopefully this is unique to this set since it doesn't look like earlier sets did the same thing.
The invisible figures are cool, but I can see how their utility has probably diminished as more sets have come out. Battles dungeon dressings seem much more popular. I can usually get an invisible figure for an uncommon and get a rare for dressing.
The minis themselves are pretty great. The giants can be out of scale for Pathfinder, but some figures almost demand to have an encounter designed around them. The goblin flinger and three headed frost giant for example. However, I don't like how obesity is used as a shorthand for hill giants being grotesques (an earlier case incentive was especially bad).

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on MMIII, Furdinand. :-)

I totally agree with you that i have enough invisibles now & like most dressing pieces better.
The HUGE giants are easily incorporated into Pathfinder, they either use the "giant creature" template (Bestiary page 295) or have "enlarge person" cast on them/drunk a potion of enlarge person.
It really makes sense for a lot of giants to want to be even bigger imo. ;-)

Dark Archive

minisgallery has some pictures of actual D&D "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" minis

Dark Archive

Partial Set List "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist":

COMMON 01-13a


01: Cranium Rat Swarm
02: Darkling
05a&b: Noble
08a&b: Apprentice Wizard
11: Way of the Sun Monk
13a: Cambion Devil (spear)

Dark Archive

UNCOMMON 13-24 (small & medium)


15: Darkling (alternate)
17: Cambion Devil (spell effect)
22: Sun Elf Arcana Cleric

Dark Archive



-Brown Bear
-Dire Wolf
-Griffin Cavalry

Dark Archive

RARE 33-40 (medium)


-Volothamp Geddarm
-Jarlaxle Baenre

Dark Archive

RARE 41-44 (LARGE)


-Pit Fiend
44: Xanathar (Beholder)

Dark Archive

D&D Icons of the Realms Set 10 has been revealed.

It's called "Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica" and is made up of small, medium & large Magic the Gathering characters & creatures.

There will be a "larger" "Niv-Mizzet Red Dragon" case incentive.

Personally i am not really interested.

I am in agreement, Marco. The flamboyant style of MtG artwork doesn't fit in with the more "realistic" looking minis I collect. I'm sure there will be a couple of singles from this set that I can use, but I'm not going in for a case or brick.

Dark Archive

7 weeks until the release of "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist"!

Dark Archive

The D&D Icons "Falling Star" sailing ship 33 squares/inches long!) will release on may 15 2019 for a whopping $249.99!


Dark Archive

The release date of the "Falling Star Sailing Ship" is actually JANUARY 2019!

Dark Archive

6 weeks till Waterdeep: Dragon Heist!

Still no idea what the "unique huge mini" is...

WizKids has a preview up of some of the Dragon Heist minis and the graveyard case incentive! Unfortunately, the picture is of the minis in a group, so it's hard to see the figures. The Pit Fiend has a variant figure, and we're getting an armored elephant with howdah!


Dark Archive

Vernon Fults wrote:

WizKids has a preview up of some of the Dragon Heist minis and the graveyard case incentive! Unfortunately, the picture is of the minis in a group, so it's hard to see the figures. The Pit Fiend has a variant figure, and we're getting an armored elephant with howdah!


Thanks, Vernon!


I can see:
-Dire Wolf
-Pit Fiend with mace
-hunchbacked Hag? with spell
-Brown Bear
-Iron Guardian Golem
-Pit Fiend without mace
-Gryffon Cavalry
-Xanathar (Beholder)
-hunchbacked Hag? without spell

The huge mini is indeed an armored War Elephant with howda! :-)

The strangest mini seems to be a medium flying door...

Also: only four small minis in the set (a good thing), two of which are the common (#2) & uncommon (#15) "Darkling" (Dark Creeper), the other two seem to be some kind of birds.

Dark Archive

There are:
4 small
37 medium
13 large
1 huge
minis for a total of 55 including (11) variants.

Dark Archive

While the statues look pretty cool, i think they should have made fewer and included a small crypt with removable roof and operating door and maybe a caretaker with removable lantern.
The coffins (with removable lids) will come in handy for putting stuff in them.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
The release date of the "Falling Star Sailing Ship" is actually JANUARY 2019!

Have you seen it up for (pre)sale yet anywhere, Marco?

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
The release date of the "Falling Star Sailing Ship" is actually JANUARY 2019!
Have you seen it up for (pre)sale yet anywhere, Marco?

Yes, amazon.com has it up for pre-order.

They have the release date wrong, though.
The official Wizkids releade schedule has dated it for january.

Will you pre-order it, Steve?

I probably will, even if i may not use it for years. ;-)

Have you tried the Playtest yet?
I will on the coming weekend.

I hope you and your family are well. :-)

My playtest book hasn't arrived yet. I'll be reading it and the forums, we won't actually be participating though.

Still in two minds about the ship. I'm not a fan of setting stuff as you know - but if it's a whole scene in just a couple of pieces, that might be cool.

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:

My playtest book hasn't arrived yet. I'll be reading it and the forums, we won't actually be participating though.

Still in two minds about the ship. I'm not a fan of setting stuff as you know - but if it's a whole scene in just a couple of pieces, that might be cool.

Yeah, i find too small props bothersome too.

That being said, there is one scenario in "Doomsday Dawn", where you have to draw a map yourself and in the descriptive text for each room the number of chairs and crates is given and you can (and probably have to) use these to barricade doors and double doors.
Actual chair, barrel and crate minis will actually once be useful for that. ;-)

I think of the "Sailing Ship" as a threedimensional flip-mat.
You could use the "Pirate ship" & "Ship" flip-mat and the "Cabins" map pack instead, though.

Grand Lodge

Vernon Fults wrote:
...and we're getting an armored elephant with howdah!

Looks like I might need to make that purchase!

Marco Massoudi wrote:

The strangest mini seems to be a medium flying door...

That's a small white (or clear) figure separate from the door, which isn't on a round base. No idea what that figure is, though.

Dark Archive

Damon Griffin wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

The strangest mini seems to be a medium flying door...

That's a small white (or clear) figure separate from the door, which isn't on a round base. No idea what that figure is, though.

You're right, Damon Griffin.

It has a tail and two pointed ears - maybe an invisible bunny? ;-)

So a medium door is in the set, i wonder at which rarity?

Hopefully common (5-6 in a case), uncommon would also be okay (3-4 per case), but i wouldn't put it beyond Wizkids to make it a rare.

Strangely no invisible variants are shown...

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Vernon Fults wrote:
...and we're getting an armored elephant with howdah!
Looks like I might need to make that purchase!

I just ordered one brick & the case incentive, maybe i'll luck out and get the elephant. ;-)

I also want Jarlaxle Baenre and some of the medium minis look pretty good.

I don't really need any of the large minis, maybe another crocodile and that hunchbacked creature, but that's it. Not a fan of modrons too.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

The D&D Icons "Falling Star" sailing ship 33 squares/inches long!) will release on may 15 2019 for a whopping $249.99!


If I get this, I'll have to convince my group to run Skulls and Shackles.

Dark Archive

waterdeep: dragon heist official page

Falling Star Sailing Ship official page

Waterdeep Dragon Heist will be in stores in exactly 5 weeks/35 days.
There should be some more pictures coming up in the next 2-3 weeks.

I expect actual images of the Falling Star (release date JANUARY 2019) somewhen before x-mas.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

It has a tail and two pointed ears - maybe an invisible bunny? ;-)


Dark Archive

Wizkids has moved up the release date of the "Icons of the Realms: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" miniatures to wednesday, 5th of september!

That is in exactly 3 weeks!

The hardcover of the same name is still scheduled for tuesday, september 18th.

Dark Archive

pictures of actual minis on minisgallery.com

Take note that the PIT FIEND (32A & 32B) is UNCOMMON!

The large rare minis are:

Also: the door is indeed on a clear post and is an "animated door"...

Dark Archive

Here are pictures of all the actual minis in the "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" set:

Scarab Sages

Have to admit, not feeling much enthusiasm for this set other than the incentive and the elephant.

Dark Archive

davrion wrote:
Have to admit, not feeling much enthusiasm for this set other than the incentive and the elephant.

I mostly agree.

There are some other minis like the Hag & Jarlaxle which i like, but "Dungeon of the Mad Mage" (February) having HUGE Minis like the FROGHEMOTH, excites me much more.

Dark Archive

D&D Release Schedule:

-Sept 5th: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (44 minis + 11 alternate sculpts)
-October: Spell Effects: Arcane Might & Divine Fury (17 miniatures)
-October: Spell Effects: Wall of Fire & Wall of Ice (12 minis)
-Jan 2019: Falling Star sailing ship (premium miniature)
-Feb 2019: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (44 minis + alternates)

Dark Archive

Both spell effects packs will be out on october 17th.
I'll definetly get the walls, don't know about the other set yet.

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