Monster Feats & Books

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hi all, already posted this on Enworld but then remembered this forum as well....

I am going to give PF a good go and run some games of it. It's a bit fiddly for my tastes but my players will enjoy it and the adventure support is perfect so that more than balances things out.

Having played it already with many of the supplement books...I'm not a fan of system bloat and will be sticking to the Core Rulebook for players this time.

I've bought that, the Gamemastery Guide and Bestiaries 1,2 and 3 in hardcover. I also have many pdfs that I got as part of the humble bundle. questions are...

When the published Adventures say they draw from the Advanced Players Guide or other books. Will I really need those at the table? I don't want to be doing SRD internet searches during play if avoidable.

Also, in the Bestiary descriptions...many of the monsters have 'Feats'. This is a bit of a pain as you have to reference the Core book for what they do or learn them over time...but what about the Bestiaries 2 and 3 etc...are those creatures just using feats from the Core or do you also have to then know which supplementary book to go to (the descriptions don't say) to find out their effects from that seems a really messy design choice if it is so?

Thanks for any help or advice in advance,


Typically, creatures from the Bestiaries are limited to feats from the CRB or the Monster Feats section (check the appendix of your Bestiary - in Bestiary 3, for example, it's Appendix 5 on page 308).

If the feat is from something else, the industry-standard formatting method is to provide a notation after the feat, usually superscript text that's small and floats upward. For example, if a feat was from the Advanced Player's Guide, it would probably say "APG" after the feat.

Options from the Core Rulebook (CRB) or the Monster Feats appendix are generally unmarked, because you're sort of assumed to be familiar with those if you're playing the game at all. It is a lot to take in at first, but once you get used to it, it's pretty straightforward and you can tell which feats affect a monster's strategies (Power Attack, which reduces accuracy to deal more damage), and which don't (Toughness, which just gives bonus HP and doesn't really change anything else).

Hi GM Rednal...thanks that is very helpful. It is a lot to take on but I know my players will love the depth of options and be enthusiastic about the game so I think it'll be worth the effort on my part. I had best get reading! Cheers.

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