Pathfinder, Earth Wants You!


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There will be now.

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Well, where there's a Will, there's a Wei!

Sorry to intrude, watching, observing, hadn't applied in the past because wasn't sure what would be appropriate to the setting

It's hardly a private thread. When I thought of my character, I just thought of real world inspired ideas that didn't meld with golarion.

Any word on when we might know who's going to get to play?

Been keepin' my eye on the thread, and on your Gameplay :)

I think I'm going to bow out. Keep me in mind for the future, but I've hit some sort of a block, mentally, on Otori. I really like the concept, and I've finished him up, mechanically on my computer not my profile, but I just can't seem to get a handle on his backstory, personality, and such. I will revisit him someday, for some game, but like I said, for now I don't think either of us are ready for this game. I'll keep an eye on your game thread, though! It's been a blast reading up on you cooky characters. :)

The votes are in, Nazuri has been chosen for the team. I will keep everyone else in mind should we ever need more members.

Have a good one.

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