Doctor Who as Pathfinder god.


This idea has gotten stuck running around and around in my head, so thought I'd inflict it on you all. Inner Sea Gods had great detail on gods for every occasion.

The Doctor somehow feels like he would fit right in.

This weird idea actually has two parts:
1. What would a cult dedicated to the Doctor look like, and how could he be divinely statted up?
2. If we start worldbuilding from scratch, with the Doctor as the first deity, what kinds of personalities would work well with him to form a balanced pantheon?

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I know this isn't the kind of answer you want, but as soon as I saw the thread title, I immediately thought of The Face of Evil.

Now I'm thinking: take any pantheon you like, and have a campaign world where many groups are killing each other because "our god commands it. Those other people are evil for serving the wrong god." And when the PCs are high level, they get to meet one of those gods... and discover that they're all the same god, with multiple personalities! This god works out his psychosis by making people fight each other, to represent the inner conflict that he feels but denies.

If the game universe is just a really huge CVE (Charged Vacuum Emboitement - 'looped-time bottle universe'), then the Doctor might be iterating until there's enough power to break out, or enough to break out gracefully, or enough to preserve all the sentients within and STILL rejoin the outer universe... And if something magic-mirrors the Doctor, and then all the reflections Regenerate...

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If you are doing this as a pantheon then you must include The Face of Boe. To leave him out would just be wrong. As an added bonus you could include a schism within his worshipers with one group fervently believing that Boe was Jack Harkness before his ascension, and the other group who believe this to be heresy.

Aaron Bitman wrote:

I know this isn't the kind of answer you want, but as soon as I saw the thread title, I immediately thought of The Face of Evil.

Now I'm thinking: take any pantheon you like, and have a campaign world where many groups are killing each other because "our god commands it. Those other people are evil for serving the wrong god." And when the PCs are high level, they get to meet one of those gods... and discover that they're all the same god, with multiple personalities! This god works out his psychosis by making people fight each other, to represent the inner conflict that he feels but denies.

White from the Tower of God.

Except it's not multiple personalities; he deliberately set the conflict up to feed off the souls lost in his name.

Dr. Who would - in my opinion - be a rather unwilling God. His portfolio should probably include "outsmarting".
In fact, that might just be his whole dogma. Be smart. Be nice too, nice is smart. But be smart.

I don't see The Doctor as a god of any sort.

He is, however, a tier 10 mythic character.

Silver Crusade

And his own species, you'd have to make Time Lords as a species.

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I too thought of the Face of Evil when I saw the title. Heck, you could probably do the whole story as in Numeria (or some other part of the world that happened to get a piece of the ship).

If there is one thing I dislike about nuWho it is making him into a godlike character with legends and groups being very impressed with him. And his companions into ones as well. So no godWho for me. A guy with a strikingly high Intelligence and Knowledge skills like you wouldn't believe, Bardic Knowledge, with a smattering of other skills.

he would not be a God more like an epic level chronomancer/artificer. god can get so bogged down in their own portfolios

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I think the concept of him could, through the telling of ages, become the basis of a god.

Envision a society that he had interacted with multiple times. Perhaps saving them from a doom once, perhaps causing a new societal movement to collapse another time. Because of the non-linear nature of the Doctor's existence, he has visited them wearing different forms.

The people tell tales of the somewhat capricious being who comes without warning, bringing salvation or disaster as is his want, and with no predictable form. In folklore he becomes known as the Traveler, and people begin saying prayers to him both to ask his protection from harm, and to avoid his wrath. They begin building shrines that feature a faceless figure, and attractive women are selected to tend these shrines. These women are thought to have favour in the sight of the Traveler, as tales say an attractive woman is often the harbinger of the Traveler when he arrives. As such shrines grow into larger structures, it becomes tradition to paint the doors blue, as the tales say the Traveler emerges and exits the world via blue gates.

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He could definitely pass the star stone test I have no doubt.

Neutral good
Favored weapon: sonic screwdriver
Divine symbol: Blue police box (or possibly two hearts next to each other)
Domains: Wibbily wobbily timey whimey
Good (Mercy)

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

He could definitely pass the star stone test I have no doubt.

Neutral good
Favored weapon: sonic screwdriver
Divine symbol: Blue police box (or possibly two hearts next to each other)
Domains: Wibbily wobbily timey whimey
Good (Mercy)

Back in 2001, Atlas Games put out a module in its Penumbra line of D20 products called The Tide of Years, which included a new clerical Domain of Time, including new spells and a Neutral Good deity, Ras'Tan the All-Knower. His domains were Sun, Time, and Knowledge. Time Domain spells included True Srike, Haste, Slow, Time Stop, and Temporal Stasis. New spells included Detect Temporal Disturbance, Dispel Temporal Effect, Scry the Ages, Hastening of Age, and Wellspring of Youth. The module included a new monster, the Time Elemental.

Good (Mercy)
Trickery (Deception)
Travel (Exploration)
Knowledge (Thought)

and Time, but if Paizo only Liberation (Freedom), Luck (Imagination), Healing (Resurrection) or even Destruction (Catastrophe) seem like reasonable domains.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

What about the Artifice domain???

Artifice, Good, Knowledge, Time, Trickery

Grand Lodge

I would go with Artifice, Knowledge, Time, Travel, and Trickery because o feeling that Travel is stronger focus then Good.

Yes, the Doctor is the Hero of the show and has saved many lives and even done the seemingly impossible. Where others have lost hope and yet he keeps pushing forward. Brilliant light in the infinite darkness that can be time and space, who name is known by so many indeed and even feared by those who have crossed him.

Yet he also has a darker side, and in following the rules fixed points in time there have been times where he as refused to intervene. Yes, to the point where he allows others to be hurt, perhaps even killed, and has to say "I'm sorry". More, the doctor has shown anger, he has shown hate, he has allowed or brought about the death of an entire species.

Admittedly, a counter argument that can be offered is that of the idea that good doesn't mean nice... but it is something to consider. The Doctor though first and foremost a traveller, one who can travel anywhere and everywhere in time and space. Always moving, never staying in one place or a single time and always seeking a new experience.

Artifice, yes since he has a knowledge of technology and invention. Though notably even the Tardis is not fully understood with the Doctor figuring it out as time goes on. Knowledge yes, as he has had many centuries to learn and experience so much in his travels with new things so very often exciting him. Time, of course as a Time Lord and time traveller this is perhaps the most appropriate.

Good though, this is the one domain that could possibly be put aside if the limit on domains is five. If it is not though and there is a deity with six domains we could throw it back in.

... just my thoughts.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

JW: I change my mind! :-D Artifice, Knowledge, Time, Travel, Trickery for the win!

Grand Lodge

Very good. So we have the domains, now we just need a proper portfolio.

I would also suggest that perhaps his symbol is a pair of blue doors with an hourglass centered on it then simply an image of a police box. In part because many may not even be able to read the words saying it is a police box or know what that is. As such, it will simply be a blue box, with The Doctor coming out a pair of doors.

On the Sacred Weapon, that may be more tricky as while th Doctor's weapon has traditionally been the sonic screwdriver, except more for the newest Doctor, there wouldn't be a way of having all of his clerics use such a weapon. We may need to come up with something else, though one what weapon we could have used I am not sure.

Any suggestions?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Repeating crossbow because it is mechanically complex and "high tech?"

A torch because it is illuminating?

A light hammer or handaxe because they can also be used as tools?

A pen because it's mightier than the sword?

Spring-loaded daggers because clocks use springs?

Darts or shuriken? I don't know why, but they kind of seem right for me.

Blowgun? Because I can see him using knockout poison.

A length of chain? Because it is versatile and can be used to disarm and trip and stuff. Melee, ranged, and reach!

A whip?

A canesword or umbrella cane?

The symbol has to a blue telephone box.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Or a stalk of celery.

Holy raiment would be a really long scarf and a fez.

Because fezes are cool.

He has infinite faces. But never a ginger.

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His favoured weapon would be improvised weapons. A big part of the doctor is making do with what one has at hand. Instead of proficiency in a specific weapon you get catch off guard and throw anything.

In one of the most recent episodes there is a rune of his box on a Gaelic stone. I would use that as his symbol.

Diety specific feats would include int to social skills, extensions of disable device and knowledge.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I really dig the idea of improvised weapons.

Wouldn't his holy symbol be a clock face with an extra hand or two, with the numbers scrambled?

Would his clerics get to use Int-based spellcasting?


Would Int-based Will saves be too kooky?

Grand Lodge

Create Mr. Pitt wrote:
The symbol has to a blue telephone box.

Again though, I'm offering a compromise based on how the Rate is would mostly likely recognized eyes. Which is why I'm offering to twin blue doors as well consideration of an hourglass.

It would I feel be an appropriate symbol. And it could be set up in such a way that most players would recognize it as the TARDIS but in the game itself it would be more seen as a blue box or pair of blue doors.

Also I guess I could see improvised weapons, though technically I'm not sure that would be a choice when it comes to picking a favored weapon. The big consideration I have is it would have to be a weapon that can do a non-lethal damage since the Doctor Is one to avoid killing others if he can help it.

Not liking guns, I feel would be applicable to crossbows as well.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I think in Pathfinder THIS would be the proposed deity's 'weapon'.

Ultimate Equipment Slotless Wondrous Items wrote:

Traveler's Any-Tool

Price 250 gp; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Weight 2 lbs.

This implement at first seems to be nothing but a 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes. It can be folded, twisted, hinged, and bent, to form almost any known tool. Hammers, shovels, even a block and tackle (without rope) are possible. It can duplicate any tool the wielder can clearly visualize that contains only limited moving parts, such as a pair of scissors, but not a handloom. It cannot be used to replace missing or broken parts of machines or vehicles unless a mundane tool would have done the job just as well.

The any-tool counts as a set of masterwork artisan's tools for most Craft or Profession skills (although very specialist crafts such as alchemy still require their own unique toolset). It is an ineffective weapon, always counting as an improvised weapon and never granting any masterwork bonus on attack rolls.

The any-tool does catch the spirit of the sonic screwdriver in combat. I would want to give heavy divine bonuses only versus tech and constructs inkeeping with the thematics.

Pertwee and Tom Baker used Venusian Karate/Aikido (both names were used.)
I would love to put down Scarf Fighting for Tom Baker, but there is no support for this.


The Doctor's primary weapons have always been his companions and allies.

The doctor's Goodness comes from his companions, not from himself.
He is not good on his own. He loves Goodness, he does not possess it himself.
The closest to a Good doctor was Peter Davison, who was channeling his previous role in All Crreatures Great and Small.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Daw wrote:

The any-tool does catch the spirit of the sonic screwdriver in combat. I would want to give heavy divine bonuses only versus tech and constructs inkeeping with the thematics.

Pertwee and Tom Baker used Venusian Karate/Aikido (both names were used.)
I would love to put down Scarf Fighting for Tom Baker, but there is no support for this.


The Doctor's primary weapons have always been his companions and allies.

The doctor's Goodness comes from his companions, not from himself.
He is not good on his own. He loves Goodness, he does not possess it himself.
The closest to a Good doctor was Peter Davison, who was channeling his previous role in All Crreatures Great and Small.


Grand Lodge

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Daw wrote:

The doctor's Goodness comes from his companions, not from himself.

He is not good on his own. He loves Goodness, he does not possess it himself.
The closest to a Good doctor was Peter Davison, who was channeling his previous role in All Crreatures Great and Small.

By himself, the Doctor does not action often on his own. By his companions, those who believe in him the most and have faith that he will defend. Those who are inspired by what he has done and act to bring great goodness themselves. These can be his priests, and help shape the Doctor into the great protector that they know him to be but that he does not always seem him as.

Yet even those who are not clerics, the fighters, the rogues, the hopers and dreamers, those with a thrill who finding and exploring new places while doing good where they can but having learned that there are some things they cannot do. Some, who do so the hard way and feel the sting of being too late or unable to act. His companions, those who have experienced a measure of his brilliance.

God of Bad Players.

Grants the ability to reenter the game upon death with the same stats and gear, but altered appearance.

Basically anyone that plays in a megadungeon like Rappan Athuk automatically worships him.

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