OmniChaos |

OmniChaos wrote:P.S. I always enjoy the sight of a tiny mouse man, back handing something 10 times his size and sending it flying like a boss. Blame cartoons for that. xDDoes said tiny mouse man wear a cape?
Yep, he has brothers that go full frontal or wear a hat too. Hard to keep track sometimes. ^.^

mdt |

I'm wondering if spell casters will need to have natural spell or eschew materials or something to that effect for them to cast? Or will spells be cast in animal X "Language," so it doesn't matter?
You only need natural spell if you are casting while in another shape. So if your natural shape is cat, you cast using cat growls, hisses, and purrs. (While there's not an official FAQ on this, the devs did comment in rules board threads on it). Note that this is not the Ask James Jacobs thread, it's in the rules question forum, so it's much more of an official dev answer. Same applies to somatic gestures.
Eschew Materials, on the other hand, is likely something that would be very useful.

Storyteller Shadow |

I am leaning towards keeping this all Familiars and keeping the use of Improved Familiars restricted. I'll have a final answer by the end of the week but wanted to let people know in which way I was leaning.
My apologies to those with very interesting ideas! But for this one I had a vision in mind and things outside of that vision are just not working for me ATM.

Storyteller Shadow |

[b]Recruitment is now OPEN for: Vampires of Golarion - The Shadows of the Darklands a Second Darkness AP
Character Creation Rules:
Pathfinder rules.
1. 25 Point Buy.
2. Levels
Vampire – Level 7 +2 CR.
Living Thralls/Ghouls - Level 8 +1 CR. (See the link below for rules).
Dhampir – Level 9.
(Any +CR races selected will change the mix obviously).
3. Max HP 1st level. Roll or 1/2+1 thereafter.
4. Max starting gold as a 9th level character. All magic items must be purchased no creation. No limit to gold that you may spend on a single item.
5. All 3PP material welcome.
6. Background Skills will be used.
7. Two Traits – NO Drawbacks. There is enough juice here already with the Family selections.
10. You character MUST be named - Kisara Vulpina or an iteration thereof.
I will leave this open until September 30th. I am looking for 1 PC only.

RobL8675309 |

Shadow, in figuring out animal racial bonuses (I'll use a fox as an example, base stats are ST9 DX15 CN13 INT2 WIS12 CHA6, Tiny size), would this then be no mod to ST(but -2 from size), +2DX(w/+2 from size), +2Con, +2Wis, -4 Cha? And what are we using for starting Int? Should we start at 6 (base for familiar level 1)?
Sorry, just making sure I'm understanding this correctly

Storyteller Shadow |

Shadow, in figuring out animal racial bonuses (I'll use a fox as an example, base stats are ST9 DX15 CN13 INT2 WIS12 CHA6, Tiny size), would this then be no mod to ST(but -2 from size), +2DX(w/+2 from size), +2Con, +2Wis, -4 Cha? And what are we using for starting Int? Should we start at 6 (base for familiar level 1)?
Sorry, just making sure I'm understanding this correctly
This is one of the questions I too am pondering! :-)

mdt |

I've always found it easier to just do the animal stats as is and not worry about size. Here's why :
If you adjust for size, you're basically adjusting for size to take them out, and then applying them again afterwards, which is just a useless step.
The only time it would come into play is if you're playing a small sized cat instead of a tiny. But, it's easier to just make the size adjustments to the final stats to go from tiny to small (+2 str/-2 dex).

Storyteller Shadow |

Storyteller Shadow wrote:10. You character MUST be named - Kisara Vulpina or an iteration thereof.What do you mean with 'an iteration'? Same name, same backstory, different stats?
Well that specific name is taken as an Avatar so it'll have to be slightly different.
New players seem to dislike taking over existing characters so I'm giving an opportunity for someone to BE the character with the group but remake it if they wish to.

Jereru |

I see. Players, gotta roll with'em, uh?
So I'll make a similar concept and family, even a female if you want. I might pick another race and class, but it will mostly fill a similar niche. That way it won't be so weird. I wil name it Kisara, as well, so it's easier to follow old conversations. Is that ok?
(Honestly, I've always wondered how would it be to be a vampire barbarian with beast totem and pounce, or a vampire synthesist summoner, but well... given how long your games tend to be, I've got plenty of time to plan for a multiclass route.)

Storyteller Shadow |

I see. Players, gotta roll with'em, uh?
So I'll make a similar concept and family, even a female if you want. I might pick another race and class, but it will mostly fill a similar niche. That way it won't be so weird. I wil name it Kisara, as well, so it's easier to follow old conversations. Is that ok?
(Honestly, I've always wondered how would it be to be a vampire barbarian with beast totem and pounce, or a vampire synthesist summoner, but well... given how long your games tend to be, I've got plenty of time to plan for a multiclass route.)
Sounds good. Besides high Stealth Kisara has not done much so Amy direction is fine.

Storyteller Shadow |

Or try to anyway :p Question when creating; I'm assuming we put the creature up normally (racial modifiers and whatnot) then add the vampire template? Never actually made a vampire from scratch before.
Correct, the character should be built and then the Vampire Template applied as the final step.

Storyteller Shadow |

Thanks for the quick reply my friend :)
As an important note does "as the final step" mean before adding class levels and feats? That will significantly change things for stuff like feat prerequisites and the like.
I'm thinking of another swashbuckler...I think I have a problem...
After all class levels and feats ;-)

Dodekatheon |

Okay. Here's Kitara Vulpina. I'm not sure how in-line she is with the character that left, but I definitely think I made an effective all around character. Pretty good stealth, ability to deal with magical traps if no one else can, and some pretty great martial stuff (yaaaaaaay PoW!!). I'm not sure if the background's appropriate but I think it's neat :)

Storyteller Shadow |

Eh, with the little one up extra late and a shit commute home tonight and a f##$ ton of garbage to take out, I'll not get to Familiars tonight.
I'll try to get to it tomorrow though I plan on focusing table top prep, I can hopefully get some time to devote to getting this Recruitment squared away.
Most of you are aware of the reasons for the delay and if you now that you know I'll get to this soon enough ;-)

Storyteller Shadow |

Storyteller Shadow wrote:After all class levels and feats ;-)So, how do we justify taking Vampire FamilyDisciplinesFeats if we're not vampires still when we're choosing our starting feats?
It's certainly a "fiction" that you would not be Vampires until the end that is for certain. However, two things:
(1) it's the easiest way to build and prevents a PC from utilizing Vampire Feats as Pre-Requisites to meet other Feats. The builds so far have been POWERFUL so I think building out this way makes the most sense.
(2) ghouls CAN take the Family Bloodline Feats so perhaps everyone was a Family Ghoul and Embraced/Turned at their current level. I did not want Backgrounds to be so detailed that each level required explanations so this is a fig leaf to hide the obvious flaw you pointed out. ;-)

Jereru |

Alright, I've got one question. Two questions. I've got three questions... Okay, here are some of my questions :P
a) Re: Jair Blood Power (Quicken the Blood). It states 'an extra action'. Did you really mean a Haste effect (like an extra attack on a full-attack, extra movement, bonuses to Ref, etc), or truly an extra standard action (which seems a bit too powerful)?
b) Re: Jair Blood Power (Quiet Death). Obviously, to take the one above I had to take this one, but mechanics are yet to be determined. Not really a question, just a... reminder... :P
c) An arcane caster with a spell book receives 2 spells per level increase to add to his/her book. How do I do to add some more? Shall I buy them (at what price)? Shall I assume I've encountered some of them? I rarely play prepared arcane casters :P
d) How many Spanish Inquisitors does one need to stop SS from creating new weird and fun campaigns over and over again? In which sourcebook can the Spanish domain be found?
Thank you :)

Marcos Mundstock |

Meanwhile, in the batcave...
Jereru presents Khisara, directly back from the dead (badum-tshh).
Respected most of the story and the portrait, but rearranged it as a more effective infiltrator/assassin Assamite being Elf Magus (with a dip in Conscript to set all the martial cheese up).
If SS answers my questions above (and he always does, that's how polite he is) I might change a bit here and there, but mostly this is it.
And no, the character is not Spanish (though the player is).

The Many-Faced GM |

No Really, the REAL Last of Shadow's Recruitments - "Sidekicks" An All Familiar Campaign Recruitment
1. ONLY Familiars who have become independent of their Wizards can be selected.
2. 15 Point Buy.
3. Start at 5th Level.
4. 1 Trait.
5. All Characters start with - Evasion and Alertness and the Special Ability their Master's were granted for assuming a Familiar.The world upon which we will be playing will be based on what the PCs selected choose out of the following:
1. Golarion,
2. Krynn,
3. Oerth,
4. Faerun,
5. Eberron,
6. Athas, or
7. Termana (Scarred Lands).Not sure about starting gold yet as Familiars don't generally have the use of hands like the usual PC Races do. I'll have more on that next week as well as I am done mulling the thought over.
This will not be an AP but a series of Dungeon Modules that I piece together as I don't see an AP working well here.
All 3rd Party Materials Welcome.
I have a few Feats in mind I will also create, more on that next week.
No Background Skills.
Currently, there is no end date for the Recruitment. I have four interested PCs [DarkLightHitomi, Mister Lurch, Loup Blanc, and Doomed Hero] so I would be looking for 2 to 3 more.
Folks, likely tomorrow night I'll address some of the MANY questions posted here in the past few days.
I'm interested in the familiars game. I have a few ideas floating around.
1. Unchained Rogue, Empyreal Sorcerer Squirrel going to Arcane Trickster.
2. A Monkey Spiritualist who's phantom is his previous master because well, now I am the master.
3. Possibly a Goat Cavalier with the Charger archetype, if approved.
4. A Raccoon Sacred Fist Warpriest