Storyteller Shadow's Multi-Game Recruitment V


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Still waiting on word from our esteemed DM, but am considering re-working my race.

Well, alright! I'm sure shadow will get to you, he's a great DM.

Anyways, I know I'm going for True Neutral, and not evil. I can't seem to find a notch in any of the evil that I fit in. Honestly he's not murderous, he's just greedy. He'll stab you in the back just to get a few coins, but honestly he's not out to kill everyone nore does he have a lack of value for life. If anything he values life and sees it as a means to an end.

Of course he's also hedonistic and would rather get into a lady's pants than be her friend, hehe. That's why he always carries a bottle of wine or enough gold to buy himself any of those lovely barmaids.

So, he'd probably join the group out of greed, rather than hunger for power or control. So, True Neutral is it, undecided. Although over time he may develop a taste for the distasteful.

You sound like CN to me.

The boards have been glitchy the last day or so. If the DM is in that boat then he may not have access to the boards. Or like me only access via phone.

Well, in any case, Paizo has its issues.

Question: I can't seem to find any region Feats for the far eastern countries(and I mean the FAR east)... Not like I really expected any anyways.

So, can I possibly use one of the other Region feats? Magical training in particular.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

He usually posts at night, and the boards have been down the last two nights. I'm sure he'll post as soon as he can get into the threads.

Gramork wrote:
Still waiting on word from our esteemed DM, but am considering re-working my race.

For some reason no matter the device I could not get on, except for a few brief periods where they worked yesterday, till now.

Short version, I am ok with the Fey'ri Race. I believe they are +CR so we'll have to work on how to best tweak it for use in the Campaign.

Thanks for the reply Shadow, and I am totally understanding about the wait, this damn site is wonky lately. Pretty sure the tape that holds it together is loosing it's sticking power.

I put together a version of a lesser Fey'ri, based on the idea that he is from a group of Fey'ri that escaped prosecution and assimilated into elven or human societies by hiding as elves.As a result his blood is more diluted. Using suggestions I had sent you previously, in a pm, I think I had him as low as 17 points using the race builder. Ill write it down and post it to you later today. Also Just in case it wasn't clear my post saying I was waiting for you wasn't meant as any kind of accusation. I was just making an update on my status as far as character building goes.

CariMac wrote:
He usually posts at night, and the boards have been down the last two nights. I'm sure he'll post as soon as he can get into the threads.

The occasional daytime post I will make but to DM takes more time than I have at work.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Here is my submission. If I can't use the Moonsea feat after all (because it is a Moonsea but not a tiefling feat) let me know.


NE Tiefling Craftsman
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception

AC 13 (Dex +3)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +2 (Base 0 + Con 2); Ref +4 (Base 1 + Dex 3); Will +1 (Base 0 + Wis 1)
Resist Cold 5 Electricity 5 Fire 5

Melee Dagger -4 (1d4)

SLA: Darkness 1/day

Prehensile Tail: Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery.

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10
(25 Point Buy. +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha)

Street Smart: +2 bonus on Diplomacy (was “Gather Information”), Intimidate, and Sense Motive Checks

Omen: You are the harbinger of some future event. Whether this event bodes good or ill, you exude an ominous presence. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you. Once per day, you may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.

Fiend Blood: The blood of fiends taints your line, manifesting physically, though it may be barely noticeable. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks, and it is always a class skill for you.

=Skills and Skill Related Abilities=
(6 + 4 Int, + 2 kit ranks in Craft (*) + 2 background skills (**))
Appraise +8 (1 rank + 4 Int + 3 class)
Bluff +3 (1 rank + 0 Cha + 2 race)
Handle Animal +1 (1 rank + 0 Cha)
Intimidate +7 (1 rank + 0 Cha + 3 class + 1 trait +2 feat)
Craft (alchemy) +8 (1 rank + 4 Int + 3 class)
Craft (clothing)** +8 (1 rank + 4 Int + 3 class)
Craft (stoneworking)* +8 (1 rank + 4 Int + 3 class)
Craft (woodworking)** +8 (1 rank + 4 Int + 3 class)
Knowledge (arcana) +5 (1 rank + 4 Int)
Knowledge (engineering)* +8 (1 rank + 4 Int + 3 class)
Knowledge (planes) +9 (1 rank + 4 Int + 3 class + 1 trait)
Sense Motive +4 (1 rank + 1 Wis + 2 feat)
Spellcraft +5 (1 rank + 4 Int)
Stealth +6 (1 rank + 3 Dex + 2 race)

Skilled (+2 to Stealth and Bluff)

Artisan's Outfit (free)
Artisan's Tools (stoneworking) (free) 5 lbs
Dagger 2 gp 1 lbs
Backpack 2 gp 2 lbs
Bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs
Belt pouch 1 gp 1/2 lb
Candle x10 1 cp x 10 = 1 sp
Chalk x10 1 cp x 10 = 1 sp
Chalkboard 1 gp 2 lbs
Familiar satchel 25 gp 6 lbs
Gear maintenance kit 5 gp 2 lbs
Grooming kit 1 gp 2 lbs
Mess kit 2 sp 1 lb
Rat 1 cp 1 lb
Sewing Needle 5 sp
String 1 cp 1/2 lb
Thread 1 cp 1/2 lb
Waterskin (full) 1 gp 4 lbs

10 gp 9 sp 3 cp remaining

Load carried: 32.5 lbs; Max light load 33 lbs

Upon seeing his gaunt, pockmarked body with a ratlike tail, Pox was abandoned by his parents to an orphanage in New Phlan, believing his birth to be a curse rather than a blessing they had sought. New Phlan’s records record his name as Terix Mendaev, but he was always called “the Pox” by most who knew him. In spite of his sickly looks, Pox quickly grew strong. The orphanage trained its young wards to work, and early on he learned to mend clothes and fix simple furniture—but while he seemed to truly enjoy building things, he would be overcome by a perverse desire at times to break what he had just built or repaired. Sometimes he would re-repair the broken item, sometimes leave it as it was, picking through its remains almost lovingly and declaring it “beautiful as it was.” His only friend in the orphanage was a rat that he fed (sometimes of his own blood if he had no other food), which did not flee in fear from him like most small animals did. He was frequently bullied by the other children; after one difficult day of torment, he cried out in rage, and the room filled with magical darkness. Blinding his tormentors while he could still see, he beat the bullies to death with his carpentry hammer. The orphanage caretaker found him picking through the bullies remains, fascinated, much as he did with broken objects. From that moment he was exiled to repair the walls of Phlan. The ruins of Phlan struck him as deeply beautiful, the potential of what it was and its loss equally compelling. While he mastered repair of wood and stone, he also sabotaged the work surreptitiously to see what would happen and make things “prettier.” He was also fascinated by his own newfound capabilities and has tried to bring further magic forth, watching magic users at work when he could from a distance to try to understand magic better. He has yet to master it himself but this is one of his key goals. He fell asleep one day in a supply caravan and awoke in Zhentil Keep. Some would be horrified by this. He sees it as the next phase of his destiny.

I decided to stick with vanilla tiefling stat-wise, but I see Pox as grimspawn, i.e., descended from daemons. His own parents were normal humans, the taint randomly showed up many generations on from a long past, and at least in my intent, irrelevant ancestor. (I have too often see people try to connect tiefling characters to a massively significant ancestor and I don’t really want to deal with that cliche.)

Aim is for Pox to take the witch class. My intent is as he explores the magic within his blood, magic use, and bonds with his pet rat (which for right now is just a pet with no special capabilities), he develops his witch abilities. Within the perspective of faerunian magic, he’d be a self-taught hedge mage, whose magic is backed by his demonic energies. With the craftsman start, I’m aiming for some item creation feats eventually, though that may change depending on what the story demands. Planning eventually on taking a cacodaemon as an improved familiar at level 7, which I see the rat slowly transforming into as he bonds with Pox, slowly growing more and more teeth. No other specific intent for build as of yet as it all depends on if I get in and what ends up working for the character and campaign.

Gramork wrote:

Thanks for the reply Shadow, and I am totally understanding about the wait, this damn site is wonky lately. Pretty sure the tape that holds it together is loosing it's sticking power.

** spoiler omitted **

Oh I didn't take it as an accusation more just excitement to move forward! :-)

Gonna repost my questions to have them all together:

1) Hatred domain? and Tyranny/Hatred blessings for Warpriest?

2) Would an acolyte be considered to posses the revelation class feature for the purpose of prerequisites(for feats, items, etc), once we begin to level?

3) Just curious, but why did you choose to set the game pre- Time of Troubles? So much of easily and readily accessible info (from 3.0/.5) is from after ToT...

Alright so I'm just going to repost my questions.

some questions:

1.Do I need to remain a cleric of cyric for the rest of the adventure once I reach level 1? If so I will play a separatist cleric.
2.would you be willing to convert the sand and thirst 3.5 domains for me?
3. As an acolyte would I gain the initiate of bane feat?
4.Are you alright with the half-janni template if it has a savage progression?
5.It would only take place once I reach level one. What are the mysteries acolytes of cyric have?
Lunar or solar because cleric get their spells at moonrise and solar because solar eclipses are a "Dark sun" and are considered holy.

Why battle? Wouldn't shadow make more sense?

I would say because of his murder and strife portfolios. I can see shadow though, it could go either way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Posting questions again just in case they may have gotten lost in the site insanity.


Do we get bonus equipment from our region? In the player's guide it says if you don't want the bonus equipment for your region you get a 100 gp instead. Sense some of the equipment may be useless to your class. What do I need armor for after all. :)

Also I don't know about anyone else but I followed the automatic and bonus language rules for your region as well. Don't know if your enforcing that or not. May effect language buffs the most I figure, which I am one of due to that pesky intelligence.

Also a little lore and stuff for anyone interested on a few things concerning Zhentil Keep. Spoiler warning!, don't open them if you rather not know. Anyways I am sure the DM will change/ignore as he will. ;)

Clerics and Cyric in Zhentil Keep:

The year that the DM is starting us at. Cyric is not a god you can worship yet. Bane is Zhentil Keep's god of choice, yet not the only one. Bane's high priest/chosen in Zhentil Keep will switch over to Cyric, then Iyachtu Xvim, and finally back to Bane. I will not go into details about him or this. Not stepping on DM toes. :)

Clerics are not stuck with the first god they choose. Depending on the faith they may not hold it against you for converting. How they react should you return after converting to another faith depends on the faith as well.

Power Groups in Zhentil Keep:

The Chruch of Bane: Fzoul's faction of the church of Bane, believing that the proper worship of the god of tyranny is to support a tyrant, has allied itself with the Zhentarim, which is headed by the most efficient tyrant around, Manshoon. It also participates in numerous ventures in Zhentil Keep, to bring wealth and power to not only the church, but those individuals who serve the Black Lord. Individual priests aid the Zhentilar, the Council of Lords, and the Zhentarim on various missions, providing many kinds of tactical support through the capabilities of different priest spells.

The Handful of Coins: The struggling merchants of Zhentil Keep who are not lords have organized in the last few years to form a secret and informal support network for each other. These folks help each other with smuggling and tax evasion, and by quickly raising funds for bribes for the lord magistrate or to pay off debts and fines. This cooperative effort helps them to avoid being shut down by the richer and unscrupulous lords. The Coins also exert a united front of pressure on the Council to try and get trade standards passed and firm rules in place so that fear of the Zhentarim does not drive away ail foreign trade, or so that certain lords cannot create trade monopolies on specific goods by using arson, blades in dark alleys, and similar means.

The Naug-adar: The naug-adar, or devil dogs, are the ever-watchful minor mages of the Zhentarim. These low ranking or inexperienced mages are given certain spying and eavesdropping tasks that the Zhentarim deem important and that require the magical capabilities endowed by the ability to use wizard spells.

The Naug-orls: Also known as the devil worms, the naug-orls are loosely the thieves' guild of Zhentil Keep, although they are so closely tied to the ruling lords and the Zhentarim that they ought to simply be counted as the scouting and reconnaissance arm of the powers that be in Zhentil Keep.

Orthodox Banites: The power of the orthodox following of Bane in Zhentil Keep, guided by the authority of the High Imperceptor in Mulmaster, has waned rapidly since the inception of the Zhentarim in the Year of Bright Dreams (1261 DR). During their heyday, orthodox priests of Bane were the confidants of the lords of Zhentil Keep, using their power and influence to help the lords in their business transactions and to enrich themselves and their church through the services they offered. The lords, in turn, supported the worship of the Black Lord, allowing the Banites unprecedented freedom of worship. This enabled the Banites to bring more worshipers into the Black Lordís fold than ever before. The Orthodox Banites lost much of their secular power within Zhentil Keep with the Imperceptorís initial (trumped up) discreditment in the Year of the Tressym (1263 DR), when Fzoul took over the church of Bane in Zhentil Keep.

Press Gangs: During the night-time hours, the dreaded press gangs roam the streets of Zhentil Keep in force. The press gangs are sometimes led or incited by naug-adar mages or depraved priests of Bane looking to test their skill or prove their worth to the Black Network or the church of the Black Lord. The press gangs are supposed to (forcibly) recruit able-bodied people into the ranks of the enlisted Zhentilar, These collections of brutal thugs are theoretically details from certain units of the Zhentilar that have suddenly had massive casualties and need to be reinforced quickly.

Monkeygod wrote:
Why battle? Wouldn't shadow make more sense?

For Mask or Bhaal yes.

Bane's Portfolio: Fear, Hatred, and Tyranny.
Banes Domains: Evil, Destruction, Hatred, Law, and Tyranny.
Worshipers: Conquerors, Evil Fighters and Monks, Wizards, and Tyrants.

Based on all of that, I believe that my picks make sense.

Dαedαlus wrote:

Oh, question about creation. In the first post, you write that we take "2 Traits and 1 Drawback," however in the summary post later on you say "Two traits (Three if you select a drawback)." Which is it?

Also, how do the kits we choose affect the later game? Not entirely sure how that works.

Sorry for all the questions. I just don't want to do something wrong.

1. Two Traits. A Third Trait IF you select a Drawback (I don;t want to force people to take Drawbacks).

2. Kits are abilities that remain with the characters. The abilities do not disappear.

I devised the Kits for my table top PCs to diversify their backgrounds or obtain certain abilities that a class they chose would not normally have.

Shadow I think he was asking the battle mystery, that was in my reference to cyric.

I understand I can only worship cyric once the ToT is dwelt with. From the sound of it, we will be level one by then.

Teiidae wrote:

Shadow I think he was asking the battle mystery, that was in my reference to cyric.

I understand I can only worship cyric once the ToT is dwelt with. From the sound of it, we will be level one by then.

Ah, assuming that is the case then what you state above here is correct, Cyric is not a God at the beginning of the game as a result, Shadow will not be an option for Revelations unless your God of choice is Mask or Bhaal.

Spazmodeus wrote:
Just curious , where does one lookup these regional feats? So I'm looking at the correct resource.

Forgotten Realms Character Regions This site will break the Feats down by Region though the link Dαedαlus provided is good to see ALL available Forgotten Realms Feats from 3.5 (some of which may need to be modified).

OmniChaos wrote:
P.S. One word....Undermountain!

I am running Waterdeep Table Top right now so no trips to Undermountain in this Campaign.

One day I'd like to do an Undermountain Dungeon Crawl....

Teiidae wrote:

By the gods, that reminded me of pun pun.


Actually storyteller, would you allow us to have multiple prestige classes?
Not for single level dips.

Yes, so long as you meet the Pre-Requisites.

Teiidae wrote:

Actually I just thought of something, do we start with our feat for level 0?

I'm guessing the answer is no, but I was just curious.

The Regional Feat yes. The first level feat, no.

Teiidae wrote:

@Omnichaos; I sent Storyteller this link,Tanarukk

I made a few suggestions to make them "lesser".
Here is my quick and dirty build.
** spoiler omitted **

This I'll take a look at over the weekend. Please send me a PM re a review of this. Thanks.

Teiidae wrote:

*edit* added light sensitivity/blindness

This way the stats are in line with the orcs, and its negatives don't more or less prevent it from being the odd wizard or sorcerer. With a litle extra from their demonic heritage.

Yeah that's the plan, go cleric of bane. Later convert to Cyric and probably convert again later on if I become a walker of the waste. There is a character from one of the books that abandons the clergy of cyric because they were loyal to bane the whole time. My character would probably do the same.

Note that one PC will be a Cleric (or Oracle or Warpriest) of Cyric from low level through the end of the game (assuming said PC survives of course). Converting away from Cyric will be... difficult once he is chosen ;_)

DeathQuaker wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

This one I'm very definitely working on a character to submit. Thinking tiefling who starts off as craftsman, but goes sorcerer.

Storyteller, a few questions:
1. Is it okay to use the variant tieflings from Blood of Fiends? E.g., grimspawn, doomspawn, etc. I'm totally cool with sticking with standard tieflings but figured I'd ask. (Yes, evading that Charisma penalty would be nice, but I'd probably also play around with other stuff too.)

2. I'm thinking my character's from the Moonsea (makes it easy to get to Zhentil Keep), so the regional feat I am looking at is Street Smart. As written, it grants bonuses to "Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks." Should the "Gather Information" be changed to Diplomacy, or to "Diplomacy checks when gathering information"?

Actually on 2, I'm realizing I might have screwed up. Being rusty on my FR, I thought you could pick region OR race. It looks like you have to have both the race AND be from that region. Do I have to be from my "racial region" as it were? Because while more COMMON in areas like Thay, my understanding is planetouched can pop up anywhere. And I really want to play a tiefling, but I really don't want to be from Thay or Mulhorand or Unther. I guess I can always say he's from there and then he moved, but I liked my backstory as it was. Hm. I don't object to the feats that are available--the tiefling feats are nice (Magic in the Blood might even be a bit broken), but I just don't want to be from one of those three countries.

On 1, I'm probably going to go ahead and do a vanilla tiefling, though I'm still thinking about grimspawn in particular, so please let me know if it's doable. I'm thinking about eventually going witch rather than sorcerer... hexes suit my concept better.

I'll allow you to pick a Region as a non-Human Race. Those are the Regions where the Races are more common but such races are not barred from being from other places or at least they are not if I say so and I say so. :-)

Gramork wrote:

Man this backstory is proving harder to work around my planned race then i originally thought. Down side to actually caring about Faerun I suppose.

Storyteller do you need our backstories to include how we came to serve the Zhentarim or will that come later?

No, how you come to serve will be played as the game opens.

william Nightmoon wrote:
Oh, Forgotten Realms! Also, I plan on playing a Kitsune, now I know you may think k that isn't possible, but in the Oriental region of the world they have all the standard races as found in Oriental adventures (the 3.5 book) and one of the races is basically a Kitsune only it can be other animals than a fox and all can turn fully into their animal forms. Of course I'm planning on still being a fox. I'll find the name of said race and such...

Yep, you can be a Kitsune form the East, no problem.

Gramork wrote:
Do we keep the benefits of our kits once we have actual class levels or are they going to be subsumed and replaced by our level one class and class features?

I addressed this above but I'll reiterate, you keep those abilities.

Silver Suni wrote:

Hey, I said Uncaring Neutral, I don't care. You want to murder people, go ahead, I'm just along for the gold...

*Looks back to Atlas* ah, there is Zenthil keep!... Is this before or after the year if the rogue dragons, I can't remember...

Before: 1373, year of the rogue dragons, which also means this is before the spellplauge, and the whole Thay takeover. Alright.

This also means my Atlas isn't outdated!

I could be from as far east as the yellow sea!

Starting Year 1357.

DeathQuaker wrote:

I've got my character pretty much ready, but waiting for answers to questions to finalize.

Is it preferred to provide character sheet or just summary?

Summary is fine if you want to avoid Alias Bloat.

OmniChaos wrote:

Site is finally back up for me.

Here are some earlier questions that may have been over looked by the DM.

** spoiler omitted **

Do we get bonus equipment from our region? In the player's guide it says if you don't want the bonus equipment for your region you get a 100 gp instead. Sense some of the equipment may be useless to your class. What do I need armor for after all. :)

Also I don't know about anyone else but I followed the automatic and bonus language rules for your region as well. Don't know if your enforcing that or not. May effect language buffs the most I figure, which I am one of due to that pesky intelligence.

1. No, no bonus equipment from the Region.

2. No need to worry about regional dialects, while I like the flavor IO don't want the hassle, PbP moves slow enough as is.

Hmm I will take up that challenge. I will face what you throw at me. All said and done I will play a separatist so I can take either the sand or thirst domain, need it to get into walker.

As for the tanarukk, I will send it to you tonight, but I'm strongly considering playing a human that take the half-janni template.

For the record, what mysteries do bhaal and mask offer?


Any restrictions on 3pp material? I *think* you said yes in Recruitment III, but I can't remember, and there's no way I'm digging through that thread to find the answer, lol.


How much, if any, of canon events are we allowed to alter? Obviously, certain things will be beyond our power(Bane's death, Cyric's ascension, etc), but would we be able to change things like Cryic's church overthrowing Bane's, or the destruction of Zhent Keep? Or is everything that is supposed to happen, going to happen, and we're just along for the ride?

Monkeygod wrote:


Any restrictions on 3pp material? I *think* you said yes in Recruitment III, but I can't remember, and there's no way I'm digging through that thread to find the answer, lol.

I'll allow it in on a case by case basis, let me know what you want to use. Most FR stuff I'd allow (considering first how well it balances with PF).

Monkeygod wrote:


How much, if any, of canon events are we allowed to alter? Obviously, certain things will be beyond our power(Bane's death, Cyric's ascension, etc), but would we be able to change things like Cryic's church overthrowing Bane's, or the destruction of Zhent Keep? Or is everything that is supposed to happen, going to happen, and we're just along for the ride?

You can change everything and anything. I may even just have this take place in my own non-canon FR so be prepared for minor tweaks and Heroes and Villains you are not familiar with being mentioned. Stopping Cyric overthrowing Bane's Church would be tough as 0th/1st level characters though.

I see Storyteller Shadow went on a rampage lol. I sent you a PM btw, just a reminder. I am sure you have tons to do. x)

Monkeygod wrote:

Gonna repost my questions to have them all together:

1) Hatred domain? and Tyranny/Hatred blessings for Warpriest?

2) Would an acolyte be considered to posses the revelation class feature for the purpose of prerequisites(for feats, items, etc), once we begin to level?

3) Just curious, but why did you choose to set the game pre- Time of Troubles? So much of easily and readily accessible info (from 3.0/.5) is from after ToT...


1. Hatred Domain, I'll work on that one, send me a PM to remind me as I know I'll forget otherwise. Tyranny/Hatred blessings for Warpriests - do you have any suggestions here, don;t remember off hand if they exist already.

2. No. These 0th abilities are similar to but disconnected from class levels. Consider them extras to give the character a different twist or flavor. A Wizard that can backstab. A Fighter that can channel a little energy. A Rogue that has a few spell tricks. A Cleric that can draw a weapon faster than you can say boo.

3. I want to take the characters in my Table Top game through a tour of Zhentil Keep including seeing some NPCs they know as Villains as allies. Also to see the way the city develops over this time period I think is interesting so I wanted it to be part of the background for each PC. Essentially, the REAL action starts at 5th/6th level so levels 1-5 are Prologue to the main story that will be told. (Not that you won;t face trials at the earlier levels but we will be doing snapshots of time for that first set of levels.

The action picks up fully in 1372 or so.

Teiidae wrote:

Alright so I'm just going to repost my questions.

1.Do I need to remain a cleric of cyric for the rest of the adventure once I reach level 1? If so I will play a separatist cleric.
2.would you be willing to convert the sand and thirst 3.5 domains for me?
3. As an acolyte would I gain the initiate of bane feat?
4.Are you alright with the half-janni template if it has a savage progression?
5.It would only take place once I reach level one. What are the mysteries acolytes of cyric have?
Lunar or solar because cleric get their spells at moonrise and solar because solar eclipses are a "Dark sun" and are considered holy.

1. The PCs will remain in and within Zhentil Keep until the late 1360's. Being a separatist within the Keep will mkae things interesting but not impossible to run :-)

2. Yes, send me a PM to do so.

3. Yes. Unless you REALLY want to worship another God then you would get that Initiate Feat. One PC has to be a Cleric of Cyric and that person will get selected for sure to this Campaign.

4. Yes.

5. For Cyric I would allow the following:

From Bane's Portfolio: Apocalypse, Battle, Intrigue.
From Bhaal's Portfolio: Shadow, Streets.
From Myrkul's Portfolio: Bones, Juju, and Occult.

Eventually Cyric's followers will gain access to Dark Tapestry, Lunar, and Solar but lose Bane's Portfolios.

Mask Mysteries: Intrigue, Shadow, Streets.

A few more:

Lolth: Ancestor, Intrigue, Occult.
Talos: Apocalypse, Battle, Wind.
Umberlee: Waves, Wind.
Beshaba: Intrigue, Streets.
Malar: Lunar, Spellscar.
Loviatar: Godclaw, Pain [essentially Succor but with a few twists].
Shar: Dark Tapestry, Outer Rifts, Shadow.
Auril: Winds, Winter.

Grand Lodge

I couldn't help but start thinking about 'the future', if I even get selected of course, and Vlad's main motivation being acquiring power through any means necessary a couple questions popped up in my mind:

Rather long questions:

1)Are the Nine classic Archdevils from 3.5 the same here? I have a modicum of knowledge regarding the Forgotten Realms, but I know a greater deal of the Nine Hells as they appear in the Fiendish Codex and Fiend Folio. Special mentions would go to Bel Lord of the First, Dispater Lord of the Second and Mephistopheles Lord of the Eight.
2)Regarding the first question, would the Devil related Prestige Classes be allowed? As far as I know Dispater and Mephistopheles both have one, Bel doesn't but I could go other routes in any case.
3)Other avenues I considered would be magic, alchemy and pledging my soul to a greater, non-devilish, evil power. I know that evil deities wouldn't necessary be the only options, but for this particular concept I believe the fast way to power that evil deities and devils offer really suit Vlad's goals and desires.
4)Regarding the third question, would you be okay with multiclassing? I most probably mean level dipping, like obtaining a level in rogue or cleric, no more than a couple in any case.Obviously this would be linked to RP development, like consorting with assassins and their guilds or even the already mentioned 'pledging your soul to an evil power' thing.
5)Also regarding the third question, I know of the
Warrior of Darkness prestige class and find it amazingly fits the 'obtain power through all means' theme. Same could be said of the Ur-Priest but I am a tad concerned about how it would play along a devout of Cyric. Unless you would allow to be simple disdain for those that willingly serve a deity instead of open hostility as the class suggests.
6)In the remote case where both Ur-Priest and Disciple of Insert Archduke were given a thumbs up, would you allow both? I know the Ur-Priest nature may go against pledging himself to an Archduke, but figured that I could play it as 'more power, using an Archduke as a source as well as the puny gods'.

And that's it. I think, anyway, if more questions pop up in my kind I'll return.
Godspeed, Shadowteller.

I am new to pathfinder, most of my knowledge and experience is 3.5 based. I've had this great dread necromancer idea for a while now that I haven't gotten the chance to try out. The closest I've come up with in pathfinder is the Undead Lord archetype Cleric with the Death(Undeath) domain. Sadly, I do not see the death domain under Cyric or Bane. Also I'm not entirely sure of the direction this game will go, perhaps lugging around a few nasty Undead isn't the best option. You know, rotting corpses and such.

I personally would be more inclined to play a human, or similarly core race, perhaps a drow but doubtful. It is a personal disdain for groups that are composed entirely of obscure monster races that rubs me the wrong way.

I had my heart set on a necromancer type, but perhaps I will start delving into other things and see what pops up.

Vladislak the Bastard wrote:

I couldn't help but start thinking about 'the future', if I even get selected of course, and Vlad's main motivation being acquiring power through any means necessary a couple questions popped up in my mind:

** spoiler omitted **...

1)Are the Nine classic Archdevils from 3.5 the same here? I have a modicum of knowledge regarding the Forgotten Realms, but I know a greater deal of the Nine Hells as they appear in the Fiendish Codex and Fiend Folio. Special mentions would go to Bel Lord of the First, Dispater Lord of the Second and Mephistopheles Lord of the Eight.
2)Regarding the first question, would the Devil related Prestige Classes be allowed? As far as I know Dispater and Mephistopheles both have one, Bel doesn't but I could go other routes in any case.
3)Other avenues I considered would be magic, alchemy and pledging my soul to a greater, non-devilish, evil power. I know that evil deities wouldn't necessary be the only options, but for this particular concept I believe the fast way to power that evil deities and devils offer really suit Vlad's goals and desires.
4)Regarding the third question, would you be okay with multiclassing? I most probably mean level dipping, like obtaining a level in rogue or cleric, no more than a couple in any case.Obviously this would be linked to RP development, like consorting with assassins and their guilds or even the already mentioned 'pledging your soul to an evil power' thing.
5)Also regarding the third question, I know of the
Warrior of Darkness prestige class and find it amazingly fits the 'obtain power through all means' theme. Same could be said of the Ur-Priest but I am a tad concerned about how it would play along a devout of Cyric. Unless you would allow to be simple disdain for those that willingly serve a deity instead of open hostility as the class suggests.
6)In the remote case where both Ur-Priest and Disciple of Insert Archduke were given a thumbs up, would you allow both? I know the Ur-Priest nature may go against pledging himself to an Archduke, but figured that I could play it as 'more power, using an Archduke as a source as well as the puny gods'.

1. Yes.

2. The ones from the Fiendish Codex you mean? I'd have to look at them again in the context of Pathfinder, send me a PM to remind me to do so.
3. Witch class or a Book of Vile Darknes PRC?
4. Yes, I generally limit Base Class dipping to two but I'd allow more so long as you were not going Monk or Paladin, the most egregious of the level dips IMHO.
5. Ur-Priest no as a follower of Cyric. Warrior of Darkness yes but I'd need to take a second look at those as I mentioned above.
6. I'd consider it!

Lord Brutus wrote:

I am new to pathfinder, most of my knowledge and experience is 3.5 based. I've had this great dread necromancer idea for a while now that I haven't gotten the chance to try out. The closest I've come up with in pathfinder is the Undead Lord archetype Cleric with the Death(Undeath) domain. Sadly, I do not see the death domain under Cyric or Bane. Also I'm not entirely sure of the direction this game will go, perhaps lugging around a few nasty Undead isn't the best option. You know, rotting corpses and such.

I personally would be more inclined to play a human, or similarly core race, perhaps a drow but doubtful. It is a personal disdain for groups that are composed entirely of obscure monster races that rubs me the wrong way.

I had my heart set on a necromancer type, but perhaps I will start delving into other things and see what pops up.

You can start as a Cleric of Myrkul who I believe have access to Undeath and if they don't I'd change it as that makes no sense.

Lugging around undead will be problematic later on to be sure but that's what a Greater Bag of Holding is for :-)

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Lord Brutus wrote:

I am new to pathfinder, most of my knowledge and experience is 3.5 based. I've had this great dread necromancer idea for a while now that I haven't gotten the chance to try out. The closest I've come up with in pathfinder is the Undead Lord archetype Cleric with the Death(Undeath) domain. Sadly, I do not see the death domain under Cyric or Bane. Also I'm not entirely sure of the direction this game will go, perhaps lugging around a few nasty Undead isn't the best option. You know, rotting corpses and such.

I personally would be more inclined to play a human, or similarly core race, perhaps a drow but doubtful. It is a personal disdain for groups that are composed entirely of obscure monster races that rubs me the wrong way.

I had my heart set on a necromancer type, but perhaps I will start delving into other things and see what pops up.

You can start as a Cleric of Myrkul who I believe have access to Undeath and if they don't I'd change it as that makes no sense.

Lugging around undead will be problematic later on to be sure but that's what a Greater Bag of Holding is for :-)

Cool! Well I might just do that. Although I'm unsure of what we would do once Cyric rises and Myrkul dies. ''Tis a shame Bane and Cyric don't have the Death domain. Maybe I'll read up more on the Zhentarim and what would best fit as far as a deity goes. If that gets too complicated, seems too much work for you, or isn't really feasible, I might just try my (sleight of) hand at a rogue type. There is always a place for an assassin or spy within the ranks of the Zhentarim.

Great, although literally​ nothing is known of the lands to the east so if your characters get curious and wanna ask he'll just state some random junk about warring nations and ancient empires.

And how much bigger the countries are compared

Lord Brutus wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Lord Brutus wrote:

I am new to pathfinder, most of my knowledge and experience is 3.5 based. I've had this great dread necromancer idea for a while now that I haven't gotten the chance to try out. The closest I've come up with in pathfinder is the Undead Lord archetype Cleric with the Death(Undeath) domain. Sadly, I do not see the death domain under Cyric or Bane. Also I'm not entirely sure of the direction this game will go, perhaps lugging around a few nasty Undead isn't the best option. You know, rotting corpses and such.

I personally would be more inclined to play a human, or similarly core race, perhaps a drow but doubtful. It is a personal disdain for groups that are composed entirely of obscure monster races that rubs me the wrong way.

I had my heart set on a necromancer type, but perhaps I will start delving into other things and see what pops up.

You can start as a Cleric of Myrkul who I believe have access to Undeath and if they don't I'd change it as that makes no sense.

Lugging around undead will be problematic later on to be sure but that's what a Greater Bag of Holding is for :-)

Cool! Well I might just do that. Although I'm unsure of what we would do once Cyric rises and Myrkul dies. ''Tis a shame Bane and Cyric don't have the Death domain. Maybe I'll read up more on the Zhentarim and what would best fit as far as a deity goes. If that gets too complicated, seems too much work for you, or isn't really feasible, I might just try my (sleight of) hand at a rogue type. There is always a place for an assassin or spy within the ranks of the Zhentarim.

Cyric answers prayers for all of the Dead Three, at least until a certain event takes place when it would be time to choose but let's not have too many spoilers eh?

He really pressures the Bainites to switch over in a more relentless manner than he does the followers of Myrkul or Bhaal.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Lord Brutus wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Lord Brutus wrote:

I am new to pathfinder, most of my knowledge and experience is 3.5 based. I've had this great dread necromancer idea for a while now that I haven't gotten the chance to try out. The closest I've come up with in pathfinder is the Undead Lord archetype Cleric with the Death(Undeath) domain. Sadly, I do not see the death domain under Cyric or Bane. Also I'm not entirely sure of the direction this game will go, perhaps lugging around a few nasty Undead isn't the best option. You know, rotting corpses and such.

I personally would be more inclined to play a human, or similarly core race, perhaps a drow but doubtful. It is a personal disdain for groups that are composed entirely of obscure monster races that rubs me the wrong way.

I had my heart set on a necromancer type, but perhaps I will start delving into other things and see what pops up.

You can start as a Cleric of Myrkul who I believe have access to Undeath and if they don't I'd change it as that makes no sense.

Lugging around undead will be problematic later on to be sure but that's what a Greater Bag of Holding is for :-)

Cool! Well I might just do that. Although I'm unsure of what we would do once Cyric rises and Myrkul dies. ''Tis a shame Bane and Cyric don't have the Death domain. Maybe I'll read up more on the Zhentarim and what would best fit as far as a deity goes. If that gets too complicated, seems too much work for you, or isn't really feasible, I might just try my (sleight of) hand at a rogue type. There is always a place for an assassin or spy within the ranks of the Zhentarim.

Cyric answers prayers for all of the Dead Three, at least until a certain event takes place when it would be time to choose but let's not have too many spoilers eh?

He really pressures the Bainites to switch over in a more relentless manner than he does the followers of Myrkul or Bhaal.

Huzzah! That will be my plan moving forward then.

Well, with how Bhaal acted during the time of troubles, it wouldn't surprise me if one of us ended up being a child of the God. Haha!

The Baulder's gate games where awesome, although they definitely where confusing as to which path was the most cannon one... I'm sure the good path of course, but whatever. Minsk and Boo! So good...

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