Can race boon be applied during level 1 rebuild?

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 4/5

So this question came up in the play by post forums. If a PC already has xp from being played/GM credit/whatever, can you add a race boon to it while doing a level 1 rebuild?

Some of us think you can, since level 1 rebuild lets you change anything, even race. Others think that because the race boons say they have to be applied to 0 xp PCs, you can't apply them when rebuilding a PC that already has xp.

Can we get an official ruling?

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5 *

Yes here

You can.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Thanks for finding that. You'd think I would have remembered that, since I was the one who asked the question in that thread. But it was 5 years ago.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

That was in 2012.

A recent FAQ changed that. As I read that FAQ, you can't.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

BretI wrote:

That was in 2012.

A recent FAQ changed that. As I read that FAQ, you can't.

My take on reading this thread, and that FAQ, is 'Unintended Consequences'. (As in, I don't think they intended to undo the previous allowance. Since FAQ's generally get answered with a very tight focus to the actual question, these things can happen.)

Definitely something that should be addressed, to be clear. (Perhaps in the Campaign Clarifications document, where they can be more free-form about writing on the subject, rather than in FAQ which tends to focus very tightly on the triggering question and so leads to these kinds of Butterfly Effects. :) )

If you run into this situation, and we haven't seen a formal response on how these two sources interact, I would ask your local VC and go with that opinion until such time as a more formal answer comes down. (I /think/ it will land with the older retraining allowance, but that's just a personal opinion with no weight behind it anymore.)

Silver Crusade 4/5

That FAQ doesn't mention level 1 rebuilds at all. It just says that race boons have to come before adventure chronicles. They always have, so that doesn't change anything. The FAQ just clarifies that you can have more than one such "first chronicle" type of chronicle on the same PC. Which coincidentally, was also a question that I asked years ago and got an answer from Mike Brock.

That doesn't change the earlier question and answer about level 1 rebuilds, though.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5 *

I agree with Fromper.

When you rebuild, you can name your race boon #0 and it will just got before your #1 chronicle ;-)

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

I'm pretty sure you could, and its been answered recently again, but my search fu appears to be weak today.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I read the new FAQ as a reversal of Mike Brock's ruling.

If that's not the case, or if we can just label the Race Boon as "#0", that would be swell.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Nefreet wrote:
I read the new FAQ as a reversal of Mike Brock's ruling.

Here we go again! :)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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The FAQ to me reads like it's just clarifying how to handle multiple "must be first boons". It covers cases like when you're using a boon to build a new PC with a bonus trait, Thassilonian magic, VC patronage, and on a weird race. And it's saying, just count those #0.1, #0.2, #0.3 and so on.

The FAQ isn't aiming to regulate how those boons work with rebuilding, so it shouldn't reverse earlier rulings.

IIRC there are several other posts by Mike Brock and/or John Compton saying that you can apply boons until the PC solidifies by being played at level 2+, not just the one cited above.

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