Intrest check- stranded in the mealstrom


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So, my currently working on another one of my ideas, and wanted to see if there was any interest before I started putting it all together.

The party, trained for an expedition and sent through a portal to a island in the mealstrom to harvest rare magical rengants, find the portal closing behind them, stuck on a huge island full of intensely magical flora and fauna, where teleportation seems to falter in the spacial riptide.

The longer they are here, the more obvious it is that other sentient things used to live here, but seemed to have vanished entierly, and there doesn't seem to be a visible end to the island, where the island becomes "mealstrom" once again.

The creatures on the island act like normal predator and prey- most of the time.
however, when they see the party, many of the local creatures will attack- they will even stop fighting each other, and fight the party as a group.

Obviously, something bigger is going on here, but only time will tell what's really going on.

The game planned is inspired by quite a few things, but the most notable one is monster hunter-

The large beasts on the island have incredible amounts of health, taking beatings far beyond the real of possibility, and shattering debilitating magical effects on them in only a few seconds.

The game would start somewhere between level five and six, and most pazio material is allowed, along with most psionics.

Other third party is on request, aside from certain pre-approved things that will be listed if the campain concept sees some interest.

In addition, there will likely be a custom pantheon of deities, rather then the normal ones.

a large caveat is that if the game does go live, that the game is largely focused on player action, and envormental reaction. as such, having at least one party member who is willing to drive exploration or do things like lead the party into making a base is very helpful- as they're really isn't anything telling you where to go.

So, I'd be glad to hear about interest, if anyone has it.

I am interested

For the flavor presented, magic using classes would make the most sense, but we might need a martial
Maybe I could re-make Marko Cain here

caught my interest

Glad to see some interest has arisen.

A few more and I'll start working on putting it together.

I'd certainly be interested in a game (partially) inspired by monster hunter. I've never played the games, to be honest, but they seem terribly neat.

What is your outlook on Third party publishers, and more specifically, playtest materials?

This seems interesting. I'd want to see the character creation guidelines, but I'm interested for now. What level would we start at, and how far do you plan on taking us?

alexgndl wrote:
This seems interesting. I'd want to see the character creation guidelines, but I'm interested for now. What level would we start at, and how far do you plan on taking us?

5-6, as noted in the post.

Don't know which yet.

Joseph Soltz wrote:

I'd certainly be interested in a game (partially) inspired by monster hunter. I've never played the games, to be honest, but they seem terribly neat.

What is your outlook on Third party publishers, and more specifically, playtest materials?

As noted in the post, most pazio is allowed, psionics are allowed, and third party is on a case by case, request basis.

icehawk333 wrote:
Joseph Soltz wrote:

I'd certainly be interested in a game (partially) inspired by monster hunter. I've never played the games, to be honest, but they seem terribly neat.

What is your outlook on Third party publishers, and more specifically, playtest materials?

As noted in the post, most pazio is allowed, psionics are allowed, and third party is on a case by case, request basis.

Thank you very much! Honestly, I'm not sure how I missed it. Definitely interested, in some way, shape, or form.

I know if it was gestalt I'd be going agies/magus bur as is a straight ageis is fine
A bodyguard for all the squishy mages and researchers

Dark Archive

I have a knife master rogue focused on feinting that should work well in the level range. Skill points aplenty should be useful.

Marco Theseus Cain wrote:

I know if it was gestalt I'd be going agies/magus bur as is a straight ageis is fine

A bodyguard for all the squishy mages and researchers

They're sending trained survivalists to gather material for thier research.

The class you have is more or less irrelvent.
As such, don't expect there to be any exess of Mage PC's- it depends on who wants to play.

There is no preticular reason to play a Mage in this campain- you can, but nothing is meant to encorage it.

In fact, I intend to encorage the opposite.

I'm going to design the whole thing so it can be completed without a full caster at all.

Marco Theseus Cain wrote:

I know if it was gestalt I'd be going agies/magus bur as is a straight ageis is fine

A bodyguard for all the squishy mages and researchers

Well, gestalt is a wholly separate ball game. I'd probably try something altogether different than I'm used to, and probably a tad silly.

No getsalt.

I didn't figure so; luckily, I've already got a few character concepts mulling around.

Fair enough
Still ageis is a nice class, or maybe soul knife

How will loot work?

The envorment is intensely magical- most loot will be crafted out of the intensity magical fauna and flora.

Ok cool so I won't need to use soul knife to have my equipment be my class features

Will we still need crafting feats?

Special training will be given out for crafting at the start of the game.


That is good!

Would you consider a Scholar, from the ongoing Spheres of Might playtest, focusing on utility via Alchemy and Scouting spheres?

Between Alchemy for healing and utilitarian talents, Scouting for targeting weaknesses, and Scholar class abilities and skills, I think it would make a solid, flavorful addition to a team put together for this purpose.

Icehalk333 wrote:
The party, trained for an expedition and sent through a portal to a island in the mealstrom to harvest rare magical rengants, find the portal closing behind them, stuck on a huge island full of intensely magical flora and fauna, where teleportation seems to falter in the spacial riptide.

The Teleportation thing seems interesting. How would that play about with a character that has short-range teleport jumps?

An idea I had is that of a "Gate Expert" who was sent with the team as a precaution. Gates failed, the expert could do nothing about it and the precautions failed.
Now the expert is trying his darndest to recreate a portal back but it is a loooong time later before he gets anywhere (if ever ^_^).
In the meantime he does short hops and jumps from place to place and to get around obstacles.
Basically I would be a Psion Nomad who can do short hops of about 45-50ft and is constantly trying to reaserch ways back, but he never succeeds (because I will not take any planeshopping spells, and because plot). That doesn't stop him from trying!
But I wonder, big teleports and planeshopping will obviously not work but what about small, shortrange teleports?
Or does all teleporting auto-fail. Period. Something to the tune of the Planes being cut off from eachother.
Actually, just thought of something else... What about summoning spells?
I think it would be hilarious if we could summon a dog only to longingly watch it get sent back home afterwards and us still being stuck here ^_^

Edit: I could totally see someone constantly wasting a 1st level spell on Summon Minor Monster to summon a few cats for a few minutes just to have the companionship and reminder of home, then longingly staring into space where they used to be, long after they have gone ^_^

Gobo Horde wrote:
Icehalk333 wrote:
The party, trained for an expedition and sent through a portal to a island in the mealstrom to harvest rare magical rengants, find the portal closing behind them, stuck on a huge island full of intensely magical flora and fauna, where teleportation seems to falter in the spacial riptide.

The Teleportation thing seems interesting. How would that play about with a character that has short-range teleport jumps?

An idea I had is that of a "Gate Expert" who was sent with the team as a precaution. Gates failed, the expert could do nothing about it and the precautions failed.
Now the expert is trying his darndest to recreate a portal back but it is a loooong time later before he gets anywhere (if ever ^_^).
In the meantime he does short hops and jumps from place to place and to get around obstacles.
Basically I would be a Psion Nomad who can do short hops of about 45-50ft and is constantly trying to reaserch ways back, but he never succeeds (because I will not take any planeshopping spells, and because plot). That doesn't stop him from trying!
But I wonder, big teleports and planeshopping will obviously not work but what about small, shortrange teleports?
Or does all teleporting auto-fail. Period. Something to the tune of the Planes being cut off from eachother.
Actually, just thought of something else... What about summoning spells?
I think it would be hilarious if we could summon a dog only to longingly watch it get sent back home afterwards and us still being stuck here ^_^

Short range (100 or less feet) works fine.

Bigger teleports (any larger then 100 feet, but not off the island) work, but they have to deal with spacial riptide- a DC 30 fortitude save VS 1d4+1 rounds of stasis after the teleport. Fail by 5 or more, and it becomes 1d4+1 minutes. Obviously, these need caution to use.

Anything that tries to take you off the island fails.

Summoning works, but calling fails.

Joseph Soltz wrote:

Would you consider a Scholar, from the ongoing Spheres of Might playtest, focusing on utility via Alchemy and Scouting spheres?

Between Alchemy for healing and utilitarian talents, Scouting for targeting weaknesses, and Scholar class abilities and skills, I think it would make a solid, flavorful addition to a team put together for this purpose.

I know nothing of spheres of might, yet, so I can't say one way or another.

And this seems to have enough intrest to actually justify making, so, yay.


DC 30 fort fails?!? XD I would have to be a 18th level Psion with 18 Con to just barely make that on a natural 20 XD
"Temporal Stasis" for a few minutes as a consequence if you ever attempt to teleport too far? I love it!
That is a very neat bit of flavor to have and I would happily take that as he would have a constant warriness to exactly how much he could safely get away with. It would be really fun to play around with and roleplay as he experements. (he would not immediately know the "Safe" distances)

I love it and I would love a chance to work around with that :)

Gobo Horde wrote:

DC 30 fort fails?!? XD I would have to be a 18th level Psion with 18 Con to just barely make that on a natural 20 XD

"Temporal Stasis" for a few minutes as a consequence if you ever attempt to teleport too far? I love it!
That is a very neat bit of flavor to have and I would happily take that as he would have a constant warriness to exactly how much he could safely get away with. It would be really fun to play around with and roleplay as he experements. (he would not immediately know the "Safe" distances)

I love it and I would love a chance to work around with that :)

Yep. The DC 30 is more a "yeah, don't do this unless you really need to". then somethign I expect to be overcome.

I might lower it a bit, as I had just pulled the number out of a metaphorical hat, but it's supposed to be unlikely you avoid it.

As for the safe distances, those might change too.

Considring this is the mealstrom, they might change daily, not wholly sure.

Im just fine with the impossible save DC. It does not deal damage or harm me in any way, it just wastes a lot of time so I have no qualms about the impossibility of success.

Now I would imagine that poping into existance next to a Stegosaurus and being stuck there for even a few minutes would be bloody and dangerous so it would only ever be used as a last minute, "we're screwed!" moment, of with lots of preperation and Divinations, or as an accident :)

icehalk333 wrote:
Considring this is the mealstrom, they might change daily, not wholly sure.

THAT would be fun :)

However, if you do that, I would appreciate the ability to make some sort of skill check to "Read the Winds of Space" or something that I could make each morning, even if it was vague, or something of the sort.
I dont think I could function as a character if I have to use my main abilities "blind" with potential fear of death where the rules change without warning :/

Gobo Horde wrote:

Im just fine with the impossible save DC. It does not deal damage or harm me in any way, it just wastes a lot of time so I have no qualms about the impossibility of success.

Now I would imagine that poping into existance next to a Stegosaurus and being stuck there for even a few minutes would be bloody and dangerous so it would only ever be used as a last minute, "we're screwed!" moment, of with lots of preperation and Divinations, or as an accident :)

icehalk333 wrote:
Considring this is the mealstrom, they might change daily, not wholly sure.

THAT would be fun :)

However, if you do that, I would appreciate the ability to make some sort of skill check to "Read the Winds of Space" or something that I could make each morning, even if it was vague, or something of the sort.
I dont think I could function as a character if I have to use my main abilities "blind" with potential fear of death where the rules change without warning :/

Oh, certianly.

I don't think it would ever go below 100.

Details will be peiced together as this whole thing gets made.

Here is a link to the document with Scholar; conveniently, the document has links to all of the other Spheres of Might subsections, as well.

And here I thought you were talking about this scholar
But then I see spheres of might

Morning bump

Not sure why but this concept reminds me a little of the sunbane from the Thomas covenant novels. Perhaps that is this dialed up to 11. Anyway interesting!

Was wondering if you'd consider allowing me to use this class.
Savage. It might not quite be the plane hopping survivalist, but it's a survivalist none the less.

Teiidae wrote:

Was wondering if you'd consider allowing me to use this class.

Savage. It might not quite be the plane hopping survivalist, but it's a survivalist none the less.

is that supposed to be some sort of barbarian monk hybrid class?

Marco Theseus Cain wrote:
Teiidae wrote:

Was wondering if you'd consider allowing me to use this class.

Savage. It might not quite be the plane hopping survivalist, but it's a survivalist none the less.
is that supposed to be some sort of barbarian monk hybrid class?

That's what it looks like, definitely.

Yeah that it is, I like the idea of it. If the Dm says no I might make a druid of some variety instead.

Oh druids are cool
I do wonder how the summon nature ally will work in this game though

Teiidae wrote:

Was wondering if you'd consider allowing me to use this class.

Savage. It might not quite be the plane hopping survivalist, but it's a survivalist none the less.

The idea is neat.

The execution, however, is not.

Getting most of the features of monk, pounce, full bab, two good saves, pseudo-rage, inintative buffs, superstition, d12 HD, the wisdom bouns of monk that works even in light armor, The ability to take monk bouns feats with improved unarmed strike as a Prequisite (monk bouns feats ignore Prequisites, so you could skip to medusa's wrath with no problem, ignoring the feat taxes getting there), the ability to use a shield and still gain wisdom to AC, a continuous stream of temporary hit points from the defeat of your foes, and more skill points per level then either of the base classes.

The balance of the class is... Questionable.
To say the least.

Oh, and I noticed that rampage doesn't have any cooldown like rage-
You can turn it on and off as you please, always a free action, so you can selectively choose turns when you need it.

icehawk333 wrote:
Teiidae wrote:

Was wondering if you'd consider allowing me to use this class.

Savage. It might not quite be the plane hopping survivalist, but it's a survivalist none the less.

The idea is neat.

The execution, however, is not.

Getting most of the features of monk, pounce, full bab, two good saves, pseudo-rage, inintative buffs, superstition, d12 HD, the wisdom bouns of monk that works even in light armor, The ability to take monk bouns feats with improved unarmed strike as a Prequisite (monk bouns feats ignore Prequisites, so you could skip to medusa's wrath with no problem, ignoring the feat taxes getting there), the ability to use a shield and still gain wisdom to AC, a continuous stream of temporary hit points from the defeat of your foes, and more skill points per level then either of the base classes.

The balance of the class is... Questionable.
To say the least.

Oh, and I noticed that rampage doesn't have any cooldown like rage-
You can turn it on and off as you please, always a free action, so you can selectively choose turns when you need it.

Any verdict, perhaps, upon Scholar?

Joseph Soltz wrote:
icehawk333 wrote:
Teiidae wrote:

Was wondering if you'd consider allowing me to use this class.

Savage. It might not quite be the plane hopping survivalist, but it's a survivalist none the less.

The idea is neat.

The execution, however, is not.

Getting most of the features of monk, pounce, full bab, two good saves, pseudo-rage, inintative buffs, superstition, d12 HD, the wisdom bouns of monk that works even in light armor, The ability to take monk bouns feats with improved unarmed strike as a Prequisite (monk bouns feats ignore Prequisites, so you could skip to medusa's wrath with no problem, ignoring the feat taxes getting there), the ability to use a shield and still gain wisdom to AC, a continuous stream of temporary hit points from the defeat of your foes, and more skill points per level then either of the base classes.

The balance of the class is... Questionable.
To say the least.

Oh, and I noticed that rampage doesn't have any cooldown like rage-
You can turn it on and off as you please, always a free action, so you can selectively choose turns when you need it.

Not that it matters, but I uh.... I have to say I agree.

Any verdict, perhaps, upon Scholar?

I hadn't combed through the playtest yet, but usually, play tests are a no.

Expecally ones with new rulesets.

Spheres of might looks like it's got a new ruleset, yes?

Kind of. It's similar to Spheres of Power in that you select "talents" that allow you to do this, that, and the other. The "this, that, and the other" are, however, almost exclusively nothing new. They may be a new way to accomplish something, but nothing that wasn't doable in the first place, or in the case of Alchemy, just a bit of scaling tacked on to pre-existing effects.

I plan to use a very specific subset of spheres/talents, and the Scholar class is almost exclusively utilitarian.

That said, I also understand if you wish to keep spheres of Might out of your game prior to release.

Joseph Soltz wrote:

Kind of. It's similar to Spheres of Power in that you select "talents" that allow you to do this, that, and the other. The "this, that, and the other" are, however, almost exclusively nothing new. They may be a new way to accomplish something, but nothing that wasn't doable in the first place, or in the case of Alchemy, just a bit of scaling tacked on to pre-existing effects.

I plan to use a very specific subset of spheres/talents, and the Scholar class is almost exclusively utilitarian.

That said, I also understand if you wish to keep spheres of Might out of your game prior to release.

Before I go though it-

Would investigator do the trick?

icehawk333 wrote:
Joseph Soltz wrote:

Kind of. It's similar to Spheres of Power in that you select "talents" that allow you to do this, that, and the other. The "this, that, and the other" are, however, almost exclusively nothing new. They may be a new way to accomplish something, but nothing that wasn't doable in the first place, or in the case of Alchemy, just a bit of scaling tacked on to pre-existing effects.

I plan to use a very specific subset of spheres/talents, and the Scholar class is almost exclusively utilitarian.

That said, I also understand if you wish to keep spheres of Might out of your game prior to release.

Before I go though it-

Would investigator do the trick?

Honestly, the investigator is really neat, but I'm not a huge fan. I'd be far too tempted to emphasize combat stats and such, with the investigator kit, whereas with Scholar, I'm going to be much more focused on mundane healing, combat utility, and out of combat utility, with little by way of outright offensive options. While this is, admittedly, strange, and a role far outside what I generally attempt, I think it could be quite fun, and certainly could fit well in your game.

Still, sorry to make you go to the trouble of checking the playtest out for a class you may or may not even allow. Hopefully, you'll be entertained by the materials, at the very least, and maybe even get a few ideas of your own!

Joseph Soltz wrote:
icehawk333 wrote:
Joseph Soltz wrote:

Kind of. It's similar to Spheres of Power in that you select "talents" that allow you to do this, that, and the other. The "this, that, and the other" are, however, almost exclusively nothing new. They may be a new way to accomplish something, but nothing that wasn't doable in the first place, or in the case of Alchemy, just a bit of scaling tacked on to pre-existing effects.

I plan to use a very specific subset of spheres/talents, and the Scholar class is almost exclusively utilitarian.

That said, I also understand if you wish to keep spheres of Might out of your game prior to release.

Before I go though it-

Would investigator do the trick?

Honestly, the investigator is really neat, but I'm not a huge fan. I'd be far too tempted to emphasize combat stats and such, with the investigator kit, whereas with Scholar, I'm going to be much more focused on mundane healing, combat utility, and out of combat utility, with little by way of outright offensive options. While this is, admittedly, strange, and a role far outside what I generally attempt, I think it could be quite fun, and certainly could fit well in your game.

Sounds good. Let me check something, I might have some third Party stuff thst helps the theme. You're looking to play a non-magical medic, yes?

also, the list of pre-approved third party starts with-

All Alluria publishing races!
... With a few exceptions. Obitu, relluk, Mogogol, and Xax don't fit well, but all the rest are a go.

Personal favorites are entobians, squole, and Zif.

I'm aware of the Medic class, from Dreamscarred Press, and while it's cool, it doesn't quite fit what I'm looking for. It's not quite so much that I'm trying to be a medic, as an all-around useful person. The group Know-It-All, a Navigator, a bit of a pack mule, a tool for every occasion, who just so happens to be pretty darn good with a Healer's Kit, too.

Edit: To clarify, I didn't think that all you had for the theme was the Medic class, it was just a statement to clarify that it's not quite what I was going for; or rather, the theme I'd like to pursue is a bit broader than "non-magical healer".

I understand,maybe I will play a mahrog from alluria. They're neat.

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