Charging for Resurrection...

Rules Questions

How much would a church, above and beyond the component cost, charge to cast resurrect on someone?

From Spellcasting and Services, in the Equipment chapter: Spellcasting Caster level × spell level × 10 gp, plus any additional costs given in the spell description. So, for resurrection, that's a minimum of (7 x 13 x 10) = 910 gp, plus the 10,000 gp material component.

Scarab Sages

Tim Emrick wrote:
From Spellcasting and Services, in the Equipment chapter: Spellcasting Caster level × spell level × 10 gp, plus any additional costs given in the spell description. So, for resurrection, that's a minimum of (7 x 13 x 10) = 910 gp, plus the 10,000 gp material component.

Additionally, they need to actually have an NPC capable of casting the spell.

Many GMs handwaive this, but for a realistic setting, the party may have to journey to a larger or more remote temple/church in order to find a cleric able to cast the spell (or they may have to pay additionally for teleportation to get the cleric and corpse together in one spot). One of those, "how friendly is your setting," GMing questions...

I did have a GM a while back, which would allow the PCs to go in debt to the local church, with most questing being centered on getting out of debt, rather gaining wealth. His was sort of a sadistic (to the PCs) setting.

Yeah, they're learning that it's not the easiest thing in the world locating an NPC that can cast the spell.
In my world, dying might not be permanent, but it is pretty darn inconvenient for the entire party.

My home-brew world actually has the Church of the goddess of healing sell Insurance. Which can offset cost nicely and has additional options to teleport a healer to a branch office or even to the scene to help expedite your claim.

Scarab Sages

Aaron Gillespie wrote:

Yeah, they're learning that it's not the easiest thing in the world locating an NPC that can cast the spell.

In my world, dying might not be permanent, but it is pretty darn inconvenient for the entire party.

As GM, you should suggest to the players to find an NPC Druid that can cast Reincarnate. So much more fun...

It's only a 4th level spell and only requires 1k in material components. It also has similar corpse requirements to Resurrection, so it really is the better spell, except the random body side effect (which I think is really fun).

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