GM Shady |

Every year when the leaves begin to fall, the small town of Kassen conducts a rite of passage in which it sends a band of young, would-be adventurers to the abandoned crypt of the town founder to recover the Everflame, a magical fire that is kept burning throughout the winter. Each year the youths' mettle is tested by traps, illusory monsters, and other challenges before returning home to a festival honouring their coming of age. But this year … things are more complicated.
Hi. I haven’t GM’d PbP before, so I’m proposing to run this venerable Level 1 module if enough (4-6) people are interested. If it goes well, we can run through the rest of the story arc (Mask of the Living God and City of Golden Death) and see where we get to. If things do work, I’d be more than happy to run a long tour of Pathfinder modules right up to higher levels.
This is an open recruitment call for the scenario (and possibly subsequent campaign; I'd assume if we do continue then anyone around at the end of each scenario who wants to carry over just does so).
- Expect to post at least once a day, preferably more often; if there is an extended break I may run your character (or ask another player to do so) to move things along.
- All characters begin at level one.
- 20-point ability buy.
- No evil alignments.
- No third party content
- Archetypes fine as long as they can be justified within the background
- Races/Classes: The module, as written, serves core classes/core races (and the town in which it's set, and from which the party is largely expected to have come, reflects this). My preference would be to go with that, but if required would stretch to something more exotic if it could be justified.
- Two traits.
- Average gold for your class.
- Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
- Brief (1-2 para) back story to link your character to the scenario background. See the campaign information for background on the module. The quest is a rite of passage for young citizens of the town, so you need to figure out a connection - the most likely one is to link to the relevant class mentor (again see scenario background).
I will probably leave recruitment open through to January 4 to allow for the holiday period to subside.

Illya-Nym |

Working on fixing up the actual mechanics but here's the background and other such things. Apologies if it's a bit long most of it's built up from previous attempts, i add a bit for each i go through.
The concept is mysterious girl with mysterious mentor hence why i chose Moltus Vardigan to try and connect her more directly through.
Going to start as Sorcerer, probably an evocation build of some kind. Need to know though if alternate racial traits are allowed, want to swap out the skill focus half elves usually get for the weapon proficiency they can get.
I've lived most of my life as experiment number 9, of the mad Shadow mage Archae Nym. He wished to create the ultimate life form. From scouring his old journals I learned of the many bloods and magics he used in creating me.
I spent much of my child hood under his tutelage, that is when he wasn't gone on one of his trips. Dad always told me never to leave the tower there were other mages around they were not to be trusted.
It was not long before we both noticed my body deteriorating, I learned to hide the black inky blotches creeping up my arms. Archae was angry and frustrated, those were the years he locked himself in his laboratory, I snuck in to see what was going on and read one of the journals on his desk.
Experiment number 9 is a failure, the vessel lacks stability. The body will be dissected when the deterioration reaches its final form.
that was the only part I read before dashing out of the tower. I grew to hate my father, reading his journals i learned more and more about how i was just an experiment to him...one of nine. I wanted him dead, but i was slowly dying even if i couldn't feel it i knew. I had to take care of my self, that's what matter right now.
I left for the town nearby, the same town i would spend time watching from a top the tower. I didn't know if i could trust any of them, so i stayed in the forest watching from afar. at first it was only for a few days, that turned into a few months, and further into a many years.
The towns people began talking of a Faerie Ghost Like thing haunting the forest. A girl with white hair, small horns, and skin like snow that would watch the town and those entering the forest. I kept my distance from them whenever some would enter, i enjoyed just watching.
Until one day, i entered the town. I was tired of living alone in the forest, curious about those around the town more so than just watching from the edges could teach me.
[i]Father always told me, of the other mages in the area. How they were dangerous...i did not know if i could trust him, but i did now i needed to act. I caught many stares and looks walking into the town, none of them knew me as far as i knew of course it was always possible that Arnarma or Olmira knew. Moltus Vardigan, father would occasionally speak of him, it sounded much like a rivalry. I asked him to teach me more of magic, he accepted my offer rather quickly. It was no surprise why others viewed him as unhinged, to me he seemed normal. Part of it made me wonder where my body came from...This man had many children,Would father have been so cruel.
Illya often acts the leader, she is confident sometimes to the point of arrogance. She can be both kind and cold depending on the situation. She has very little qualms with killing , viewing killing humanoids as no different than killing monsters. when it comes to opponents she is clearly stronger than she will often play around with them. She views her actions as just, and knows right from wrong saving her more sadistic tendencies for people very clearly viewed as enemies. Being the daughter of a powerful and old wizard she spent much time growing up studying magic and other subjects, unlike her father she is adept at manipulation. She is True Neutral, despite knowing right from wrong and mostly choosing right, she has a few less than kind moments especially when directed at enemies that balance this out.
Illya or Illia if you prefer can be spelled either way, last name Nym. Whitish Grey hair, tiny horns underneath the hair possibly from the dragon blood. Takes on an odd appearance, with pale skin due to the mixture of blood in her. Her eye's are violet colored, like her father who changed her to resemble some family appearance. Patches of pale grayish blackness, like ink stains on her skin cover her arms, she keeps them covered this is from her body breaking down. She is tall roughly 5'11 weighing around 110 pounds.

Harken the Resister |

Here is my submission for consideration...Harken the Resister, a viking Ulfen with ties to Kassen on his mothers side...
Harken hails from the land of the ice and snow. He is a stout and broad shouldered warrior who left his homelands up in the north to get fostered to his mothers distant cousins clan, The Wisslo Family, down near the town of Kassen. He desires to seek his fame and fortune so he can live up to his fathers name and return back north as a jarl. Having just arrived in Kassen, Harken found a kindred spirit in Grimscar than in Guard Captain Gregor Wisslo, whom he was fostered to. When not at work for Gregor, Harken can usually be found in the tavern with Grimscar for a few drinks trying to keep the half orc from drinking too much and destroying property. Karken feels Grimscar is just misunderstood down here in civilized lands and would make a worthy addition as a huskarl to any Jarl up north. Harken is impatient and wants some action in his life, after hearing about the trial, he begged his foster uncle to allow him to participate...
Harken is a typical Ulfen northerner. His is tall (6'3") and weighs 16 stones. His brown hair on top flows into a braided beard down at the bottom. He dresses in furs with scale mail underneath and hefts an old Dwarven Waraxe, a gift from his father after a deed done for a northern Dwarven clan. He is also adept at using his shield in combat.
Harken is impatient, loud, boisterous, brave and foolhardy. All good traits for a northern huskarl. He is a tad distrustful of arcane magik and somewhat appreciative of divine magik. He likes to drink...a lot...and get rowdy... a lot...

Farrier |

So I'll be putting forth Brennus Farran, a rogue with the scout archetype. He is the son of two retired adventurers, who managed to get himself into trouble for having "sticky fingers". His parents opted to send him off with Arnama, hoping that the hardship of a life among the wilds would teach him discipline. Still in the draft stage at the moment, should have something up by tomorrow. Are you happy for a myth-weavers sheet as a submission, or do you require us to make an alias for it?

GM Shady |

@InVinoVeritas: yes fine. The additional bit of info in the scenario (I'll go back and add it, it might be relevant) is that the wife died in childbirth and a few months later he lost the son also. This now makes the daughter his main heir, and he tends to perk up only if he sees a likely son in law pass through town (but just a note for anyone pursuing this plot line - remember she's meant to be 13 so we can talk about dynastic marriages but that's as far as it goes).
@Farrier: sure for the submission, just PM it to me; will want an alias if we go ahead.

Esmeralda "Emmy" Emberglow |

I am very interested. I have put together a "rough" crunch for Emmy, female dwarf Transmuter, and her trusted toad familiar named Prince.
Emmy is the daughter of a successful dwarven merchant whose interest ranged from Kraggadon to Skelt with some minor trade into Kassen with a distant cousin Braggar Ironbane. She was raised, like most dwarves with an battleaxe in hand and an eye for precious gems accompanying her father on many a merchant caravan. Unlike other dwarves, Emmy also had a passion for arcane magic that could not be suppressed. Being the only girl and the gem of her father's eye, she was allowed to to travel to Kassen to study magic with a human wizard, Holgast, under the disapproving eye of her uncle Braggar. Emmy may not have been his brightest pupil but she is as tough as most fighters and more than willing to "take a tumble" with her battleaxe. Typical of a stubborn dwarf, Emmy refuses to set aside her armor and buckler and this sometimes causes her spells to fail. She figures that she will eventually get the knack of casting in armor.
Lemme know if yer thinkin a' might be the right kinda lass to join yer group!

Irgal Zeth |

InVinoVeritas submitting Irgal Zeth, halfling cleric of Erastil.
Irgal Zeth is usually seen in the fields and forested lands immediately around Kassen, taking care of the various farm animals, assisting with lambing, picking fruit in the orchards, whatever needs doing. He is normally a bit more at comfort out of doors than most, and so he gladly ceded administration of the temple to Father Prasst.
Yet, for the past year, he feels a sense of guilt. No Pharasmin was in town the night Trelvar Silvers' wife went into labor, and so he tried his best to assist with the birth. Although he stood by his expertise in assisting with births with livestock, he cannot escape the gnawing feeling that he is in some way responsible for the death of wife and son.
He figures submitting to the trial is the best way he can know whether he is still worthy of helping the community.

GM Shady |

OK, just to track where we are (no rush, just to track):
- Illya - submitted Sorceror
- Farrier - dotted, intending Ranger
- IVV/Irgal Zeth - submitted Cleric
- Harken - submitted Fighter
- Emmy - submitted Wizard
- Christopher Rowe - dotted
- Something Wicked - dotted, intending Monk
- JohBri - dotted, maybe Monk
- couple of others dotted from interest check thread

GlennH |

I am submitting a human bard. She is built using just Core rules.
Fleur Roseleaf
Female human bard 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . longsword +2 (1d8+2/19-20)
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks bardic performance 7 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 13], inspire courage +1)
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +6)
. . 1st (2/day)—cure light wounds, sleep (DC 14)
. . 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, open/close (DC 13), prestidigitation
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Extra Performance, Improved Initiative
Traits armor expert, focused mind
Skills Acrobatics +6, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge (geography) +2, Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (nobility) +2, Knowledge (planes) +2, Knowledge (religion) +2, Perception +4, Perform (oratory) +7, Perform (sing) +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +6
Languages Common, Elven
SQ bardic knowledge +1
Other Gear studded leather, arrows (20), dagger, longsword, shortbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, inkpen, mirror, soap, trail rations (5), waterskin, 52 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 7 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Focused Mind +2 to Concentration checks
Fleur Roseleaf was born in the rual town of Kassen and raised there for 10 years by her parents. After her father died in an accident as a lumberjack, her mother moved them both to the city of Skelt looking for a better life. For 5 years Fleur grew use to the urban lifestyle very different from her childhood. The hustle and bustle of city life became second nature to her. All was good until a little over a year ago her mother took ill and died. It was quite a shock to Fleur, when she was shipped back to her rual birth town of Kassen to live with distance relatives until she comes of age.
The past year didn't start out well for Fleur a child use to urban life, loosing her mother and being sentenced to finish growing up in the backward hick town of Kassen. It didn't help that her mood has been sour and her constant belittlement life in a small town and comparing it to the big city. Its well known that she can't wait for the coming of age so she can leave all the country bumpkins behind.
The only bright spot in her life is that the local bard Jocyn Elmaran saw past the discontent of a youth in unpleasant circumstances and reconsigned her potential and talent as a bard worth training in the bardic arts. Fleur seeing the opportunity as her path out, has exceed at the lessons and training provided by Jocyn when he is sober. She quickly mastered cantrips, and recently learned how to cast actual spells as well as learning to infuse bardic inspiration into bardic performances. She also enjoys the lessons in arms, feeling of confidence that comes with knowing how to defend oneself should she be attacked. Her mood is almost pleasant as the stupid coming of age ceremony is nearly here.

Cags Khorlo |

JohBri here, submitting this character background for Cags Khorlo. Crunch will be forthcoming.
Cags Khorlo is the sensitive, poetic son of a foreman in the Woodcutters' Guild. From the age of thirteen, he had been hopelessly enamored with the guildmaster's lovely and enchanting daughter who, unfortunately, remained largely oblivious to his very existence. Cags was painfully shy, and the pages upon pages of verse extolling his beloved's virtues were regularly consigned to the hearth or the Tourondel river in fits of melancholic despair.
The final straw fell almost two years ago, at the annual harvest festival, when the guildmaster's daughter and the handsome, barrel-chested son of his right-hand man announced their betrothal. His romantic illusions shattered by reality, Cags slipped away toward the outskirts of town, intending to do some inconsolable sobbing. Stepping off the bridge toward the northern palisade, however, he noticed, as though for the first time, the reclusive foreigner, Ilimara Oniri, in her yard practicing the elegant motions of a meditative kata. He stood entranced for several minutes until, never looking in his direction or missing a beat in her fluid pattern of postures, Ilimara spoke. "Suffering arises in clinging to impermanence," she said with a final flourish, turned, and walked back inside her house without another word.
From that day forward, Cags has been her disciple, jumping into the lifestyle of the contemplative renunciate with both feet. Realizing the essential emptiness of the subjective self and all of phenomenal reality has - oddly, perhaps - greatly improved his confidence, as well as unlocking his heretofore undreamed-of physical potential. He still writes poetry, albeit now mostly cryptic koans attempting to put transconceptual insight into words.

Death_Keeper |

Ahlbay Ustler
Alignment, Neutral Good
Two traits. Couragous +2 vs Fear , Devotee of the Green (Knowledge: Nature/Geography+1)
HP: 10 BAB: 0, Fort+4, Ref+1, Will+5
Strength: 14 (2)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Intelligence: 11 (+0)
Wisdom: 14 (Racial Bonus)2= 16 (+3)
Charisma: 9(-1)
Sense Motive: 1+3+3
Diplomacy: 1+3-1
Knowledge: Geography 1+3+0+1
Carry weight (75lbs) Medium Load
Longspear (1d6)(x3)
Shortspear (1d6)(x2)
Chain Shirt +4 AC +4 Max Dex -2 ACP
Light Wooden Shield +1AC -1 ACP
Flint and steel
Rope, Hemp
2 Torch
Traveler's Outfit (2)
10 Meals
9Gp 8Sp 8Cp
Ahlbay is the son of a local fisherman, and spent most of his childhood with his father. His mother stayed mostly within the town, running the small shop where she would sell the fishbone jewelry that she would make after a particularly fine specimen was caught.
Ahlbay was naturally curious and inquisitive all throughout his childhood, straying deep into the forest and into the surrounding hills with little care, as he was generally inquisitive of every situation. Nearing his fourteenth year he and one of his friends were playing on the banks the river, and not paying attention as the day moved on and the tide rose, before his friend knew what was happening, he was drawn out to the middle of the river.
Leaping into the river to rescue his friend his power quickened, Summoning forth a swell of water that lifted them both from the harsh chill of the late winter water. On that day his father told him of the tale that once upon a time his great-great-grandfather had bargained with one of the spirits of the river, gaining an extended life, though no-one knew what he had offered in exchange.
Immediately after hearing of this and having close ties to the water already, he was apprenticed to Olmira Treesong, though he doesn't worship in the same manner she does, he too draws his power from nature, though in a different manner. He draws from the wave and the sky, rather than the land and the forest.
Submitting Ahlbay, a cleric of no particular god, with chosen domains of Ocean and Storm. (alternative domains of water and weather from the advanced players guide)

Death_Keeper |

[EDIT] It appears that the feel and types of spells that I was looking for in this character is found within the Druid class. I want to change Ahlbay into a Druid with the Aquatic Archetype (Still able to fully function on land, but I get the spells and things of that nature that Cleric doesn't provide.
Level 1 Human Druid
Alignment, Neutral Good
Two traits. Couragous +2 vs Fear , Devotee of the Green (Knowledge: Nature/Geography+1)
HP: 10 BAB: 0, Fort+4, Ref+1, Will+5
Strength: 14 (2)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Intelligence: 11 (+0)
Wisdom: 14 (Racial Bonus)2= 16 (+3)
Charisma: 9(-1)
Spells Per Day: 1st Level: 1(Class) 1(Bonus) 1(Domain)
Skills: 5
Survival: 1+3+3+2
Knowledge: Nature: 1+3+0+1+2
Knowledge: Geography:1+3+0+1
Carry weight (70lbs) Medium Load
Longspear (1d6)(x3)
Shortspear (1d6)(x2)
Studded Leather +3 AC +5 Max Dex -1 ACP
Light Wooden Shield +1AC -1 ACP
Flint and steel
Rope, Hemp
2 Torch
Traveler's Outfit (2)
10 Meals
75Gp 8Sp 8Cp
Ahlbay is the son of a local fisherman, and spent most of his childhood with his father. His mother stayed mostly within the town, running the small shop where she would sell the fishbone jewelry that she would make after a particularly fine specimen was caught.
Ahlbay was naturally curious and inquisitive all throughout his childhood, straying deep into the forest and into the surrounding hills with little care, as he was generally inquisitive of every situation. Nearing his fourteenth year he and one of his friends were playing on the banks the river, and not paying attention as the day moved on and the tide rose, before his friend knew what was happening, he was drawn out to the middle of the river.
Leaping into the river to rescue his friend his power quickened, Summoning forth a swell of water that lifted them both from the harsh chill of the late winter water. On that day his father told him of the tale that once upon a time his great-great-grandfather had bargained with one of the spirits of the river, gaining an extended life, though no-one knew what he had offered in exchange.
Immediately after hearing of this and having close ties to the water already, he was apprenticed to Olmira Treesong, though he doesn't worship in the same manner she does, he too draws his power from nature, though in a different manner. He draws from the waves and the rivers, rather than the land and the forest.
Submitting Ahlbay, a Druid of no particular god, with chosen domain of Ocean. (alternative domains of water from the advanced players guide)

GM Shady |

Is the Rich Parents trait allowed?
It's not forbidden, per se. That having been said, my view is that it has a significant skew on lower level characters, which admittedly tends to go away a couple of levels in.
In the case of this scenario, however, it's for level 1 characters and also will probably involve a party of 6 (just because of the dynamics of PbP, to cope with players dropping out) so there is the potential to really skew play here. So I'm not forbidding it, but won't be ultra keen on it either.

GM Shady |

GM Shady, I'm working up a human ranger from the area. Can you offer any advice--maybe a short list--on what favored enemy he's likely to have chosen at first level?
Kassen's position is basically carved out of the northern part of Southern Fangwood in Nirmathas, and proximate to the southern edge of the Northern Fangwood in Lastwall. Nirmathas also fought a relatively recent war with "Golarion's Prussians", Molthune. Magical residue from that war has left a number of undead. The Fangwood Keep module (this is from memory) is set on the Nirmathas/Molthune border and involves elves and hobgoblins.
So potential shortlist:
- Humanoid/human
- Humanoid/elf
- Fey (the "big bad" in Southern Fangwood is an evil dryad)
- Humanoid/orc (the "big bad" in Northern Fangwood is - this is also from memory, ought to go check it in Inner Sea Guide, really - a dragon served by orcs)
- Undead, as the land is covered in barrows, sites of magically contaminated old barrows, etc.
- Humanoid/goblinoid
If you just based it on rangers operating in Southern Fangwood, which is the primary theatre of operations for the Nirmathas rangers, it's probably fey, undead or humans.
Note - this scenario, though, isn't really set in Southern Fangwood (so the above is just background). It's mostly set in a crypt, as the name would imply.

GM Shady |

What about nerfing it? Instead of 900, let it add an additional 400 or so?
As I say, I'm not forbidding it per se. I assume you're looking to spend the 400 gp on something rather than just carrying round 400 gp and spreading generosity to passers by. I'll take a look at the character and just figure out whether it will work or not, in terms of selecting versus the others.

GM Shady |

OK, state of play (and merry Xmas).
Illya - submitted Sorceror
Farrier - dotted, intending Rogue (as a kind of ersatz Ranger)
IVV/Irgal Zeth - submitted Cleric
Harken - submitted Fighter
Esmeralda "Emmy" Emberglow - submitted Wizard
Christopher Rowe - dotted, intending Ranger
Something Wicked/Pava Esperia - submitted Fighter
JohBri/Cags Khorlo - submitted Monk
Dalgar - dotted, probably Paladin
Death_Keeper/Ahlbay Ustler - submitted Druid
GlennH - submitted Bard
Orannis - dotted, intending Rogue
Talia Oran - submitted Monk
couple of others dotted from interest check thread
Given the number of people already, and the effort involved on the part of candidates, I will look to close submissions by 29 December (earlier than I had previously said - sorry) and announce final party by 5 January. I'm away from 30 Dec to 3 Jan, so hopefully this gives me the chance to check over/validate the various submissions also.

Death_Keeper |

Possible solution to problem.
Make the character without the trait and grab a different one as substitute,
Then Make the character /with/ the trait and proceed as normal.
The GM when making his decision on the matter could inform you whether it is permissible or not and you already have both the 'yes' and the 'no' options already sorted out.

Mawgrim |

I think I'd like to try my hand with a submission for this one. Looking to get my feet wet with PbP again and a trek through a module sounds like a good way to do things :)
So, I present to you Ka'narg, half-orc ranger - alias will be created if accepted.
Stat Block:
Male half-orc ranger 1
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20) or
. . orc double axe +5 (1d8+6/×3)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Power Attack
Traits child of nature, tactician
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Climb +4, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +5, Stealth +2, Survival +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Common, Orc
SQ orc blood, track +1, wild empathy +0
Other Gear scale mail, crossbow bolts (10, in pouch), crossbow bolts (10, stored in backpack), dagger, light crossbow, orc double axe, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), pot, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Gozreh, 16 gp, 2 sp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Humans) foes.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Orc Ferocity (1/day) If brought below 0 Hp, can act as though disabled for 1 rd.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Tactician (1/day) Gain a +2 trait bonus on an attack of opportunity.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +0 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
After setting a funeral pyre for his father, he took up his father's orc double axe as well as any supplies he could stuff into a backpack and left to do as he was bid. Ka'narg stumbled into Kassen, exhausted and mumbling the name 'Armana' in his delirium. He woke a couple of days later in the experienced ranger's hut, who first chided him on not having more essential supplies before asking why her name was the only thing he had said before collapsing. When he told her of his father's passing, she grimly took him under her wing and taught him of the skills it took to be a ranger, as well as a few tricks she had picked up in her time in the war against Molthune.
After a few years had passed, and Ka'narg had grown to become a capable warrior under the irritable woman's tutelage, she suggested that it was time for him to undertake his rite of passage and told him of the town's idea to send a group of would-be adventurers to undertake the Quest of the Everflame.
As noted in the stat-block, I'm taking the Child of Nature trait which is in the Inner Sea Gods book if that is allowed - otherwise, I'll change it for something else. May look at taking a level or two in barbarian or rogue at some point if it ends up fitting the character, but not 100% committed to that at this point and may stay as full ranger for however long the game runs for.

GM Shady |

OK, here is current list. I will close submissions tomorrow evening (midnight GMT). If any need tuning I will subsequently contact via PM. There are 15 currently interested (of which 11 have submitted builds) chasing 6 slots so inevitably some people will be disappointed. I should say at this point no decisions have been made so still time to submit.
Illya - submitted Sorceror
Farrier - submitted Rogue/Scout (as a kind of ersatz Ranger)
IVV/Irgal Zeth - submitted Cleric
Harken - submitted Fighter
Esmeralda "Emmy" Emberglow - submitted Wizard
Christopher Rowe - dotted, intending Ranger
Something Wicked/Pava Esperia - submitted Fighter
JohBri/Cags Khorlo - submitted Monk
Dalgar - dotted, probably Paladin
Death_Keeper/Ahlbay Ustler - submitted Druid
GlennH - submitted Bard
Orannis - dotted, intending Rogue
Talia Oran - submitted Monk
Mawgrim/Ka'Narg - submitted Ranger
D'Tang - dotted, maybe Fighter

Christopher Rowe Contributor |

I'm applying with an archer ranger, Tycho Sandalwood. I hope my verbosity in his background doesn't count against me too much!
Male human ranger 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20) or
morningstar +3 (1d8+2)
Ranged longbow +5 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (goblinoids +2)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits indomitable faith, magical knack
Skills Climb +4, Handle Animal +4, Perception +5, Ride +6, Stealth +6, Survival +5, Swim +4
Languages Common
SQ track +1, wild empathy +1
Combat Gear tangleshot arrow; Other Gear hide shirt, buckler, arrows (20), blunt arrows (20), dagger, longbow, morningstar, backpack, bandolier, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, canteen, earplugs, flint and steel, grappling arrow, silk rope (50 ft.), smoked goggles, sunrod (3), 7 gp, 8 sp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Earplugs +2 save vs. hearing effects, -5 hearing-based Perception.
Favored Enemy (Goblinoids +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Goblinoids) foes.
Magical Knack (Ranger) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Smoked goggles +8 save vs. visual effects, -4 sight-based Perception and you treat all opponents as having 20% concealment.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Fleeing with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and the babe in their arms, the couple crossed the Marideth River into Nirmathas seeking the aid of a mysterious fellow follower of Milani they knew only as Frater Cobb. The Molthuni army caught up with them in the shallows as they forded their way to a new life, however. Tycho’s mother was killed by archers, and his father grievously wounded.
Grief-stricken, Tycho’s father was forced to abandon his wife’s body and flee into the prisoning trees of the Fangwood. Lacking the woodcraft of his late spouse and burdened with an infant, the cleric quickly became hopelessly lost, only to be rescued at the point of starvation by Frater Cobb. That worthy proved to be a faun bent on bringing the faith of the Everbloom from his native Verduran Forest to the fey of the Southern Fangwood.
The faun took the widower and his son north through the dangerous woodlands until they came close to the banks of the Tourondell in the environs of the village of Kassen. There, man and child set out to make a new life for themselves, with Tycho’s father aiding Frater Cobb in his evangelizing and the rapidly growing youngster quickly adapting to life in the woods. Raised as much by Cobb as his father, each of those priests provided tutelage in the ways of Milani, investing young Tycho with a life-long ambition to join the Everbloom’s church. But not as a cleric. The priesthood of Milani also numbers rangers among its ranks, and it was around his twelfth year that Tycho made the acquaintance of Kassen’s resident expert in those ways, Arnama Lastrid.
Herself orphaned by the Molthuni military, Arnama overcame her usual brusqueness to befriend the boy who had begun clumsily following her on her patrols of the area. The two discovered they had more in common besides a shared tragedy—they each had an abiding love of wild places, and of the plants and creatures that live in them. With his father’s blessing—and the somewhat more grudging approval of Frater Cobb—Tycho was eventually formally apprenticed to Arnama, who has spent the last several years training him in the arts once practiced by his late mother.
A stocky young man with a quick smile that never fails to reach his green eyes, Tycho Sandalwood looks forward to the day when he’ll be anointed as a clergyman of Milani. Her tenants of optimism and resolve have much to do with the makeup of the young man’s personality, as he is always ready to face any task with both the will to complete it and the firm belief that resolution is possible. Though he does not remember his mother, he has benefitted greatly from the tutelage and examples of three parental figures now—his father, Frater Cobb, and, most recently, Arnama Lastrid. Now in his 20th year, Tycho stands ready to put his skill with a bow and his training in woodcraft in the service of any who need them.

GM Shady |

I have rolled up a shield fighter as outlined in the Strategy Guide. Just have not posted it yet. Will do later tonight.
Hi - I'll hold off and take a look given you had come in beforehand, but for everyone else, submissions are now closed. I have a party in mind but haven't taken a final decision on the full list - I'll PM individuals over the next few days if I think any adjustments are needed on the stat blocks or back story.

Nivea Formen |

As promised, I present Nivea Formen. A Shield Fighter and deserter of the Grand Army of Cheliax (but he doesn't want to tell you as you never know when a Hellknight will show up looking for deserters). After having a crisis of conscious and being introduced to a cleric of Cayden Cailean she convinced him their were other paths in life to follow. Shortly after, Nivea watched as the Cleric was executed for her beliefs.
The horror of this death spurred him to action. Nivea left behind both friend and family in his pursuit for a new path to life. Since all he knows is how to heft a blade, Nivea took on various security jobs while on the road. Such as guarding a merchants wares. Usually this work was very boring and he was never getting the action he still craved. Eventually his travels took him to Kassen and stories of the Everflame have left him more than a bit curious.

GM Shady |
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Hi. Firstly thanks for the submissions, of which there were ultimately 14 for 6 slots. They were generally of a very high quality, and as a result were very difficult to choose between.
I ended up going with the following (in no particular order):
- Harken the Resister
- Illya Nym
- Irgal Zeth
- Ahlbay Ustler (Death_Keeper)
- Bardan Greyholt
- Tycho Sandalwood (Christopher Rowe)
Apologies to those who didn’t make the cut, I really have no excuse and have gone with hunches which I hope pay off but which could equally be incorrect.
For those chosen, I’ve opened up the Discussion thread (or am about to do so). Please feel free to dot over there.
Many thanks to everyone else for your interest, and best wishes for 2016.