Are spears the same length as javelins?

Rules Questions

I know it is a weird question but for efficient quiver purposes
Why would you put spears in compartment 3 when you could put them in compartment 2

The Efficient Quiver description clearly classifies spears as having being sized for the larger compartment. I don't see the source of your confusion.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Spears cover a wide range of sizes. I'd be generous and say a short spear is probably interchangeable for a javelin. As both are one handed and can be thrown.

A regular spear (much less a long spear) is two handed can't be thrown and is much heavier and explicitly goes in the 3rd section.

FWIW, Ultimate Equipment says a "spear" spear (as opposed to longspear, shortspear, etc) is 5' and can be thrown; length of a javelin is not given but it is described as "a thin throwing spear." Make of this what you will.

Going back a ways javelins were listed as about 3' long in AD&D.

Thanks but as fuzzy-wuzzy said UE does say that javelins are a thin throwing spear
That's the source of my confusion

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