Brawler Gear Advice since most other guides are outdated now


Grand Lodge

I know since the Equipment book came out in 2016, brawler class armor has been made out of reach until way later in levels.
All other weapons are less effective than unarmed.
What should a brawler spend their gold on in 1-5 level?

After that you start to proceed in paths. I just am wondering what to get in the lower levels when each buy really matters.

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I updated my guide in response to the Brawling armor rebalance (imho, fully warranted).

1-5 level, get that +1 cestus, +1 chain shirt, +1 shield, and the other typical sundries.

Unarmed is less effective than just getting a cestus and going Outslug Style. Outslug, fully leveled, ensures you can attack enemies within 20 feet of you (10 feet steps and Lunge all the time with no penalty).

While Pummeling is still attractive, I'd never run it over a Cestus build due to the fact that I'd rather have cheaper weapon enhancements and get my Amulet of Natural Armor to pile on that sweet AC.

Yes, this means Brawling armor is not something you'd get, but I think it's the best call. There's plenty items you can aim for that have a bigger impact than that.

Anyway, I'll give my guide an update after Ultimate Wilderness. I update guides when archetypes are released and uh it's been a quiet 3 years.

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