
Balistyc's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (12 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

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Wow! I was saying "Stay on point" as much to myself as the other poster. Thanks for the education about you 2 hating analogies. I am done posting in these forums again.

So let me make my stance which was agreed with more clear. I think fighters should have more skills and or background bonuses. Rogues usually already get this with their custom skill tree last version on the unchained(huge improvement). Barbarians get all sorts of special abilities and for some reason more skills.

Common problem in Pathfinder as a GM: You train 40 peasants in 1 week to repel a horde coming at the town. What class are they now? Hmmm, I have once set them as (classic) rogues before with weapons they weren't trained in, but really you set them to fighters.
So a player you GM asks: "How is my fighter better/different than the 40 other fighters we just trained?"
GM: "Well, you have 2 more levels."
Player: "Awesome!"(Sarcasm font) Next time they aren't a fighter.

See the problem? Sorry, I still think fighters require less training. Maybe the samurai, gunslinger, or swashbuckler I saw as trained compared to a fighter. It boils down to fighters were discarded in 5 minutes by most players in season 1 until they released 2 supplemental books which you mentioned.

Grand Lodge

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Rysky wrote:
... you're equating Fighters to Blue Collar workers

Let's stay on point.

The weapon is supposed to make the fighter. We see that weapon specialization isn't as special due to other classes having it. The previous fighter had the least number of skill choices but was built around feats.

I am suggesting more skill options/background points (if those are possible), due to them requiring less training and commitment.

Also, the fighter would have more out of combat abilities as well with this due to the skills they could acquire.

I don't want to see the generic fighter become the first throw away class. Or the class you dip once into and that's it.


Grand Lodge

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Rysky wrote:
Balistyc wrote:
That class requires less training
... the Fighter's whole thing is their training.

Lets put this into modern day understanding for my statement. The fighter is the blue collar work horse of the world. He should have more "Other skills" that he does when not fighting. Wizards study, rogues hone their skills to sneak/steal, monks train at a monastery for special skills, bards practice entertaining/magic, and paladins/clerics worship/support their church.

So why do fighters always get less skill options? They just have to go through some weapon training and then they are done. Especially considering that the paladin is just 1 weapon step behind them, so that Training isn't as special as you think. I bet rogues (and rightly so) get weapons training in light weapons. So the best way to push fighters forward from being a random red shirt is to give them more background points. He is a fighter who is also a world renowned blacksmith. A fighter who is also a scholar. Other examples exist.

Otherwise they are storm trooper #452.

Grand Lodge

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Something I want to see is the fighter class get more points or more benefits from their background(Career). That class requires less training so it would have more time to develop skills outside of a weapon's use.

This also would fix the problem of the fighter standing around watching everyone talk or make skill checks. Fighters don't spend years mastering arcane arts, learning to sing, training with monks, and studying a deity so they should have more time to hone other skills.

Just wondering if the new Pathfinder 2.0 will address that. I was going to put that on the fighter post, but I was waiting to see if background would address that. Thanks!

Grand Lodge

Resurrecting this thought. I think constrict needs to work like sleeper hold. Then grab and constrict becomes a battle for allies to stop the grapple, not a damage destival with no defense or story points. This is one of the things 5e fixed.

Grand Lodge

Dean Ludwig wrote:


We are the process of making some website changes and enhancements. We will keep your suggestion in mind when scoping out the navigation of the site.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Thanks for the response! Like I said, typically Google analytics should tell you what should be top bar items.

Just something I did on one of the sites I made, when I realized I didn't understand what the site viewers really wanted. This especially happens when you are really close to your product.

Grand Lodge

Once I download the books I don't come to the site except for session logging. Could someone please make a button to bring me right to that page? The organization of the site makes my head hurt as a Web designer, but not having a quick button to log sessions is just not thinking about why people are here. Also maybe a quick link to the PFS main blog would be good. Just look at Google analytics on your site and make the main pages navigated too links is a good practice.

Grand Lodge

I haven't played Pathfinder long, but what I did in D&D when I had this issue, is to tell the player to GM for a campaign because I need a break from my side of the table. If they are a rules jockey and want to be evil, here is a whole dungeon. Play is slow at first, but if you want to show this person how to play, then really show them how to play. Maybe they are a bad player because they should be a GM. I have seen that before.

If you are worried about the size, then try Pathfinder Society to recruit people for home games. That usually works well.
Plus it may give the rest of the group a breath of fresh air.

If this doesn't work, then see if the rest of the group is willing to go evil. The party can be evil, just they all need to be on the same level. Now the characters fear paladins and rangers hunting them down. It changes the angle of the story and makes the evil actions just within bounds for the rest of the team. Maybe they could even start to internally fight from time to time because evil is rarely unified.

Grand Lodge

Having at least 1 person with diplomacy, sense motive, and bluff is amazing. Otherwise you will find yourself getting into a lot of unnecessary fights. Heal is obvious. Can't tell you how many times we had to stabilize then CLW someone we needed to finish the obj.

I would say also tell them to bring a crowbar. When your rogue can't pick something and you need to break in. Only had 2 human interactive missions not need the handy skeleton key crowbar.

Grand Lodge

Seamstress_Druid wrote:
I have a huntress who got abandoned by the party to a leech swarm.... Some party. Also said Magus flaming sphere? The party was about to leave my Huntress in it and perma die until I argued with them. Experiences like this make me play more adventure paths with my friends while slow to accept any pathfinder society once or twice a month.

Pathfinder Society is all about who you find there, true.

It is strangely the closest you get to a real life makeshift party experience. The GM should have alignment smacked any good PCs leaving your PC. Since watching Critical Role and starting recently in PS, I do a lot of the talking even though I keep looking around the table for someone else to say anything. Even though my PC is a slugger with no INt or CHA.
So I roll with it and play it as a PC who thinks everyone trusts his leadership, even though number jockeys shouldn't let me talk. Everyone loves to see the trouble I get into and I fight way more than I should. Half the conversations we have involve post knocking everyone out intimidation conversations.
Roll with the situation is how this should go.
I would make your character more gunshy around society players and maybe have her trust the one player who saved her. Or have her take her alignment to neutral and make her plot her revenge indirectly. You now are the definition of chaotic. The story threw you a curve ball. Just keep trudging through like you would in real life. It is why playing with living people is interesting.

Grand Lodge

I know since the Equipment book came out in 2016, brawler class armor has been made out of reach until way later in levels.
All other weapons are less effective than unarmed.
What should a brawler spend their gold on in 1-5 level?

After that you start to proceed in paths. I just am wondering what to get in the lower levels when each buy really matters.