123zane321 |
123zane321 |
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tldr; bard decides to prank wizard, wizard punishes bard by taking a huge s~%* on his bed
So I'm currently playing a CG Bard (his name is Desmond) in my first ever Pathfinder campaign. The majority of the party is CG (Barbarian, Cleric, Rogue), with the exception of the Paladin (LG, of course) and the Wizard (Ivellious), who is LN.
Ivellious is an elven racial purist, who believes all other races are vastly inferior to elves, although he doesn't take it as far as killing other races. Desmond, being somewhat of a ladies' man (or so he would like to think) has earnt the ire of Ivellious, who constantly refers to him as "scum" although he somehow tolerates my presence - not that we always manage to moderate our animosity for each other, as you will soon learn.
Anyways, this past session we were resting in a tavern, and Ivellious was drinking a glass of fine elven wine and studying his spellbook, while Desmond was quietly playing his lute. Deciding to have a little harmless fun, Desmond used Mage Hand to randomly turn the pages of Ivellious' spellbook, so as to annoy the hell out of him. Ivellious, getting understandably annoyed, used Mage Hand himself, to retune Desmond's lute so it was out of tune. Himself now pissed off, Desmond used Mage Hand AGAIN, this time using it to dump the glass of wine on Ivellious' head. Laughs were had, and the night went on, with Desmond becoming more and more drunk as time passed.
Here's where things turned into sheer hilarity - Desmond, by this stage being completely off his face, failed a Perception check to notice Ivellious leave the room in secret. He soon returned, saying nothing of what he had left the room for. Later on, Desmond decided that it was time to call it a night, and headed for bed.
However, as he lay down, he felt a strange feeling on his arms and chest. Me, feeling rather confused, initially thought that he had been hit by some kind of spell. This was promptly dismissed, as he then noticed the smell coming from around him. Getting up and looking at his bed, he noticed the large pile of elven faeces he had been laying in a few moments prior. While Desmond, having failed the Perception check earlier, did not connect the dots, the DM told me that it had actually been Ivellious who had taken a dump on my bed, as a drunken way of "punishing" me for messing with him. Everyone bursts out laughing at this, myself and Ivellious' owner included.
123zane321 |
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Several sessions back, our party was resting in a cave overnight on the way to the nearest village. One of our party, a CG Half-Orc Barbarian called Kar-Splatt, decided to cook up a stew to feed the party. He went out, successfully hunting a deer (which we had previously learnt he had somewhat of a soft spot for) and using its meat for the stew. While not having any ranks in the relevant skill (Profession: Cook, I think), he somehow got a bloody good roll on the check, not a natural 20, but an 18 or 19 if I recall correctly. Anyways, our party agreed that the stew tasted amazing, with some jokingly referring to it as "Splatty Stew".
While most of us thought it was simply something to lighten the mood on our journey, little did we realize that it was going to become something else entirely...
Upon reaching the village in question, our party was tasked with heading to a nearby castle to defeat - wait for it - an undead baby elf foetus (yes, I am serious.) Anyways, while in the castle, we came across an owlbear, which our party managed to defeat in 2 turns, thanks to a VERY lucky critical hit from Kar-Splatt. Once we had defeated the owlbear, Kar-Splatt asked how much meat he was able to get from the creature. We all asked why he would want to do such a thing, to which he replied he was going to make more Splatty Stew.
We all had a good laugh, upon realizing that Splatty Stew was now an official thing. We also learnt afterwards that Kar-Splatt had taken ranks in Profession: Cook, further cementing the foundation of what was going to become almost the centerpiece of our campaign.
When we returned to the village, we were rewarded with a handsome sum of GP each. We spent some time in the village, with our Wizard working on making magic items for the party (the same Wizard from my previous story - he was starting to become less of a troll to everyone by now), my Bard (Desmond) becoming mates with the local woodworker, and his father who was the local blacksmith (both of whom were worshipers of Cayden Cailean, as was Desmond) and Kar-Splatt making - you guessed it - a MASSIVE pot of Splatty Stew. Everyone in the village became obsessed with this newfound delicacy, with the manager of the local tavern asking for the recipe for the stew.
Kar-Splatt eventually agreed to give them the recipe, on the condition that he received a portion of any profits made from selling the stew, with some of said portion being put towards a large house to be built for him in the village.
And thus Splatty Stew became an official business.
Our party eventually departed the village, heading for the capital city of the region we were in. While in the city, Kar-Splatt spent some of his hard-earned GP to get himself a fancy suit, with our Paladin (Lithert) doing the same. We wondered why they were doing this, before being informed that Lithert was now Kar-Splatt's manager, and that they were looking to purchase business cards to promote Splatty Stew.
While this was going on, Desmond went to one of the Bard colleges in the city to try and convince them to purchase some of his poetry for sale (I had been having Desmond write poetry the last few days, as selling something he had written or scribed was the final prerequisite for taking levels in Pathfinder Chronicler). At this point, I had scribed three pieces; two of which were serious, and one which was originally intended as a joke. The "joke" poem went as such:
The first taste has you hooked
For more, anything would you do
Tastes like food from the gods
They call it "Splatty Stew"
Now when the Bards of the college asked me for an example of my work, I went to pull out one of my serious poems to show them. Instead, I accidentally pulled out the "joke" poem. I initially went to put it away and grab one of the other ones, before a moment of sheer' hilarious brilliance struck me.
Desmond gave the Bards the "joke" poem. They were all confused as to what "Splatty Stew" was, and asked for an example of such before they made a decision. He went and found Kar-Splatt, who agreed to make a pot of Splatty Stew if I went out and purchased the owlbear meat required. He did so, and the pot of stew was made (he took 20 on the Profession check, so the stew was perfect).
Upon returning to the college, the Bards were instantly hooked on the Splatty Stew. They agreed to purchase his poem for 50 GP, on the conditions that a) they were left with at least a week's supply of Splatty Stew, and b) they were directed to where they could obtain more.
The deal was made, and so Desmond became Kar-Splatt's Vice President of Marketing.
'Tis a good idea. I've written some short stories of my sessions too, although they're mostly fictional. This is because the sessions might not exactly be a good story like Splatty Stew (ours can get either too confusing or too dull), but a good starting point to an interesting story. Does that make sense? <-- basically, I took something that happened in the game and crafted a story around it.
Kileanna |
Sounds cool! I try to be somewhat accurate when I tell my stories, but when I cannot remember the specifics sometimes I have to fill some holes.
Hey, what about creating a common thread just to share stories? Not «the best combats» nor «your character background» but «whatever you want to share»?
It could be gaming stories, rpg related fiction, whatever. I love reading interesting gaming stories, so it could be cool.
123zane321 |
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Had another session of our campaign today. Sadly I wasn't able to turn up until towards the latter half of the session, by which time I had missed 90% of the awesome stuff (not my PC though, as the DM had simply RPed as him, and did a bloody good job by the sound of it). However, this did not mean that I missed out on all the fun, because I was able to be somewhat responsible for a couple of minor miracles this session, as I will explain below.
Basically, Skorg, the village I mentioned earlier where the tavern was that the recipe for Splatty Stew had been sold to, was burnt down, and our party currently doesn't know who was responsible (although a couple of them have some ideas). Desmond, having developed quite a close friendship with Siegmund the local woodworker previously, made saving him and his father his main priority. He managed to save them both, and while they were rather badly injured, they were able to be healed to a point where they were somewhat mobile again. Sadly, the village of roughly 30 people was practically razed, and about half of the villagers died. The leader of the village and his wife managed to survive, but their baby son was nowhere to be found, and was assumed to have tragically perished in the fire. More fatalities would have occured, were it not for us being saved by the task force of about 50 led by the leader of a rebellion we had met a couple of sessions previous (Elcindor was his name IIRC).
Anyways, cutting back to where I finally turned up to the session, our party had managed to capture the people who had actually torched Skorg. They informed us that they had simply been ordered to perform the deed by a hooded stranger. Much debate occurred among the party as to who could be responsible, but no single conclusive answer could be reached. Moving on from this, our party discussed what would happen to the survivors from the village. Desmond immediately suggested that the survivors come with us (we were going with Elcindor to their headquarters), to which the rest of the party agreed that they didn't really have any other choice.
After resting that night, Kar-Splatt (who you all know well enough by now) and Lithert (the Paladin in our party) spent some time in the morning training up some of the peasants in basic melee combat. Meanwhile, Desmond and a couple of others decided to return to what remained of Skorg, in the hope of salvaging anything that could be of use to us on the journey. The DM, deciding to give us a fair chance, rolled a percentile check to see what we found. When his eyes shot wide open, and he revealed that he had rolled a 100, I was immediately ecstatic, assuming that I had found some awesome magic item or some such.
What I found, however, while of no real monetary worth to me, was something far, far more valuable to someone else. We found what originally appeared to be the somewhat charred corpse of a baby. Looking at the DM, I initially wondered if he was playing a cruel joke on me. When the baby let out a stifled cry, however, it was my turn to be amazed.
We had found the baby son of the village leader. And he was alive.
After a quick heal, the baby was still crying, but otherwise okay. The village leader and his wife were out taking a walk in the nearby woods, mourning the apparent loss of their son. Meanwhile, Desmond was tasked with looking after the baby until they returned. Having noticed a rather unpleasant smell, he realised that baby had made a boom-boom and needed a change. Failing a Fortitude save (which he had developed somewhat of a habit of doing in the past, with hilarious results), he made a hasty exit, with Dathamir (our Cleric) taking over changing duties. Desmond soon returned once the deed had been done, resuming looking after the baby.
The village leader and his wife soon returned, and Desmond approached them, simply commenting that he "had something that they were desperately looking for", before presenting them with their very much alive baby boy. I left them for a while, giving them time to come to terms with the fact that their son was still with them.
Meanwhile, Elcindor and a number of others were preparing a small memorial to honour the lives of those they had been unable to save, with one of them being a rather devout cleric of Cayden Cailean. Desmond, he himself being a follower of CC, pulled out his last remaining bottle of wine and added it to the memorial, asking that the cleric enjoy it at CC's side, because he deserved it. Our DM, feeling rather generous, decided to roll another percentile check to see if a small miracle occured as a result of his actions, and the dice, feeling rather generous themselves, gave another favourable result.
Before leaving, Desmond turned back to the memorial, noticing that the bottle of wine, despite not being open, was now half-empty. He also felt a strong feeling wash over him, almost as if a certain deity was immensely proud and grateful for his actions.
Anyways, now that the serious business is out of the way, I can move on to what I'm sure you're all here for: MORE STORIES ABOUT SPLATTY STEW.
After arriving at our destination (a port city a couple of days away from Skorg), Kar-Splatt went out shopping. Upon stating that he was purchasing as much owlbear meat as he could, we all knew that it was time for Splatty Stew. Preparing a big pot of stew outside the local tavern, Desmond decided to perform nearby, so as to make a little money on the side, as well as to draw more people in to buy some stew.
The tavern owner, wondering who was drawing so many customers in, came out and asked what we were doing. Kar-Splatt simply replied by handing him a free bowl of stew. Finishing it, the tavern owner immediately asked for the recipe. Kar-Splatt and Desmond, after a brief discussion, agreed to sell him the recipe, seeing as their previous venture was no longer a thing. However, this time we took further steps to secure the deal, with Desmond drawing up a detailed contract (he got a non-natural 20 on the Profession: Scribe check) and the tavern owner readily agreeing.
We, and the rest of our party, now had free lodgings and food for the rest of our lives, as well as a 15% cut of any profits from sales of the stew.
Before I finish my post for this session, I thought I'd mention my plans for the future of Desmond and Siegmund, who Desmond has developed quite a close friendship with.
I had a brief discussion with our DM earlier, and he agreed to let me take Leadership as a feat in the future. While I probably won't take it until 9th level, for reasons I will explain below, I asked our DM if he would be fine with me taking Siegmund as my cohort, to which he seemed to agree.
My plan, assuming I take the feat at 9th level, is to introduce Siegmund as a 7th level Ranger with the Craft Magic Arms & Armor feat. Now before people start thinking that I'm simply going to abuse Item Creation feats on him, my logic for this is the following:
- Many of the villagers of Skorg were rangers, which makes this class the most logical choice given where he came from
- A 7th level Ranger has a caster level of 4, which means that the fact that he was able to give my shortbow a +1 enhancement bonus previously will make sense
- I don't want him to have any other Item Creation feats, seeing as his profession was working with mainly ranged weapons - having Craft: Bows as a skill would be the most logical choice for skills in this case
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this update, and please stay tuned for more in the future.
Devilkiller |
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I want the recipe for Splatty Stew! I wonder what owlbear stew would taste like though. I've never eaten an owl or a bear, but I've read online that bears taste a bit like like venison, which tastes a lot like beef. Depending on how owl tastes maybe you'd end up with something around like goose or more like veal. We haven't decided what to have for dinner at today's game, and a big pot of Mystery Stew might be fun...maybe next time...
I seem to recall that the "plus" you can put on a weapon is limited by your caster level. If so then a Ranger would ironically kind of suck at making magic bows and arrows. If he'll just have one item creation feat then he could take the Master Craftsman feat to get it at full caster level and whether or not he has any spellcasting ability.
It doesn't look like the Hunter class has a reduced caster level, so you could get him as a 5th level cohort at 7th level. That seems like a significant improvement to me though you should probably discuss with the DM what role the cohort will play in the game (some are mostly "off camera" and only rarely help out on adventures)
123zane321 |
I want the recipe for Splatty Stew! I wonder what owlbear stew would taste like though. I've never eaten an owl or a bear, but I've read online that bears taste a bit like like venison, which tastes a lot like beef. Depending on how owl tastes maybe you'd end up with something around like goose or more like veal. We haven't decided what to have for dinner at today's game, and a big pot of Mystery Stew might be fun...maybe next time...
I seem to recall that the "plus" you can put on a weapon is limited by your caster level. If so then a Ranger would ironically kind of suck at making magic bows and arrows. If he'll just have one item creation feat then he could take the Master Craftsman feat to get it at full caster level and whether or not he has any spellcasting ability.
It doesn't look like the Hunter class has a reduced caster level, so you could get him as a 5th level cohort at 7th level. That seems like a significant improvement to me though you should probably discuss with the DM what role the cohort will play in the game (some are mostly "off camera" and only rarely help out on adventures)
Oh yeah, that's the other thing I found in the village - the original recipe for Splatty Stew that Kar-Splatt had written up for the innkeeper. I originally intended to hold onto it, but honesty got the better of me, and I gave it back to Kar-Splatt, who seemed somewhat grateful at least.
As for the whole caster level issue, the reason why I'm hoping to have siegmund the way he is is that, when Desmond originally met him, he was relatively new to the whole woodworking business, and the extent of the work he has been able to do for Desmond so far is to make him a Masterwork lute, and give his Masterwork shortbow a +1 enhancement. That, combined with the fact that many of Skorg's former residents were rangers, means taking him on as a 7th level Ranger (with a caster level of 4) makes logical sense. I'll probably give him ranks in Craft: Bows and Spellcraft, as well as Craft Magic Arms & Armor and Skill Focus: Craft Bows as two of his feats.
The Hunter class does look interesting, however this campaign is only going by the Core Rulebook currently, so no hybrid classes, sadly.
123zane321 |
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Moved thread to the proper forum.
Thanks, appreciate it.
*runs off*
*frantic clanking noises*
*returns, wearing my formal faceplate*
W-why hello there, Mister Splatt.
The famous Kar-Splatt from Splatty Stew is here!!!
Will you share your famous recipe?
FYI, I can confirm this is definitely the real Kar-Splatt you're talking to =D
Kileanna |
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You are a lucky GM, you seem to have a great gaming group!
Keep up the good stories! Your bard deserves a reward for writing and sharing all this stories, just saying *wink wink*.
And maybe a Cauldron of Brewing for our dear Kar-Splatt xD
I'm not allowing my Bard to write my campaign journal and I have to do it myself because she'd make everything just too big. She tends to exaggerate a bit xD
Rookwood |
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Also, please tell the story of Dathamir and her "Transformation" I'd love to see how you portray that one, especially since it was one of my favourite parts to DM.
That was an interesting encounter, still something I feel will come up later.
Also, might be good to edit a cast section into the first post, something like:Ivellios Meliamne: Elven Wizard, Magic Item Crafter, Resident Instigator
MooBoi |
MooBoi wrote:Also, please tell the story of Dathamir and her "Transformation" I'd love to see how you portray that one, especially since it was one of my favourite parts to DM.That was an interesting encounter, still something I feel will come up later.
Also, might be good to edit a cast section into the first post, something like:
Ivellios Meliamne: Elven Wizard, Magic Item Crafter, Resident Instigator
I agree
123zane321 |
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As requested by MooBoi and Rookwood (who I can confirm are from our campaign as well) I'll post the other stories I neglected to mention previously.
(Forgive me if my telling is a little off, this was a few months ago now, so my memory is a little hazy)
Our party was in the castle which I mentioned earlier (the one where we killed the owlbear and fought the undead elf foetus). The room where we were going to be facing the foetus was in the castle's basement, which was accessible via a rather unstable ladder. Now I don't remember who was the first one down the ladder, but when Desmond went to climb down, he failed the check rather hilariously (Climb or Acrobatics, I think) not only landing in a puddle of blood, but breaking the ladder. Failing a Fortitude save, he started vomiting again quite violently (sewers, blood, and diapers - Fortitude checks did not like Desmond). The next person to go down was Dathamir, our half-elf cleric. With the ladder now unusable, an Acrobatics check was the only way down into the basement. Failing the check, she too fell into the puddle of blood.
And from here, things got weird. And scary.
Dathamir, while mostly unhurt from the fall, suddenly started acting really weird (she had done this earlier in the castle, but nobody really gave it any thought at the time). Her eyes turned red, and her sword (think it was a scimitar) turned black, with tentacles coming from it. Nobody had any idea what was going on, but we all knew this couldn't be good. Regardless, we managed to beat the foetus quite easily. The foetus, before dying, ran at Dathamir, before splitting in two and finally perishing. However, Dathamir showed no signs of returning to normal, instead turning her aggression towards the rest of our party.
Everyone went into panic mode, with a few of our party stating that she was evil and that we needed to kill her then and there, while the rest of us merely wishing to knock her out or bring her back to her senses so we could figure out what was going on (Desmond was one of the latter). A frenzy of slaps, nonlethal damage and Diplomacy/Intimidate checks ensued, during which we managed to remove the black sword from her grip. However, a number of black tentacles still connected her hand to the sword, so Desmond immediately tried to sever them himself. Thanks to his subpar BAB and Strength, he failed, but another of our party managed to sever them. The tentacles, while still writhing around on the ground, no longer bound the sword to Dathamir.
Dathamir had by this stage begun to regain her senses, and was panicking because, while she had lost control of her body, she could still see and feel what was going on, and could not understand why the party had seemingly turned against her. Not willing to risk her "transforming" again, Kar-Splatt knocked her out with his sap, before our party returned to Skjorg. There, she was swiftly locked away in a cell, and shackled to the wall, while our party deliberated what to do about what had happened.
Thanks to Kurst (our Rogue) stealing a Potion of Calm Emotions, we were able to calm Dathamir down somewhat. While the rest of our party agreed that her sword (which was clearly evil in some way) had to be destroyed, she did not, claiming that the sword was one of the last relics she had from her home, and that she could not bear to lose it. Regardless, the sword was taken to the local church (we weren't stupid enough to carry it ourselves, so we had to Mage Hand it all the way there), where it was swiftly taken and destroyed (we assumed).
Eventually, after staying in Skjorg for a while, and our party coming to an agreement that Dathamir wasn't actively going to try and attack us now that her sword was gone, we freed her from the dungeon, and went on our way. However, we all get the feeling that there's more to what happened that we are yet to find out...
Anyways, moving on from the above, and coming back to the previous session, our party, as well as the task force led by Elcindor, was resting up and preparing for the journey ahead. Kar-Splatt and Ivellios, however, spent their time discussing the purchase of a warship. Kar-Splatt had mentioned a few sessions back that he really wanted a warship, with everyone else assuming that this was a joke at the time (although, looking back on things, Splatty Stew started as a joke as well...). We were heading to a nearby port city, so Kar-Splat was adamant that he was going to purchase a ship, and nobody was going to tell him otherwise (Kar-Splatt had competed in, and won, a gladiator tournament while we had previously been in the capital city, and still had a fair portion of his winnings left, so he could at least afford a down-payment.)
While we were in the port city, after selling the recipe for Splatty Stew to the local inn, Kar-Splatt and Ivellios decided to open a bank account, so as to make the collection of profits from the stew easier (which was a decent amount, thanks to the comprehensive contract Desmond had written up as part of the deal - hooray for Profession: Scribe.) Ivellios was subsequently appointed Kar-Splatt's Financial Manager, meaning that Splatty Stew was now, for all intent and purposes, a legitimate business.
Oh, and as I was reminded above, we are now part of Elcindor's not-so-little rebellion force, after he asked that we join him to fight back against Tamir, a general from Frostpoint who wanted us rather dead. Thankfully, we were in a different region at the time, so he couldn't attack us without being met with equal force, but still, the threat was enough that joining Elcindor's forces was the best option.
Anyways, I'm fairly sure that this brings everything up to the present. I think that the next session is in a few weeks, so I'm sure I'll have more awesome stories to tell then.
Until then, peace out.
(And BTW, Mr. DM, you're a better DM than you give yourself credit for, and I'm sure everyone else in the group agrees as well =) )
Kileanna |
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I can tell he's a good GM because all of you seem to be having a blast with the story, and that are signs of good GMing.
You seem like a really cool gaming group and it's refreshing to have posts with some cool stories instead of more «my GM is a dick» and «I want my Paladin to kill everyone in sight without falling». I love to hear and tell stories so this thread is very cool to me.
I loved the updates. The story about the sword gave me the creeps because on the story I'm playing right now we have fought an enemy that seemed to be posessed by an artifact sword and now my PC is carrying it. She has been tempted to wield it a few times so it might not end good. I fear I'm going to suffer Dahamir's fate!!!
123zane321 |
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Sorry for the lack of updates for the last couple weeks, we only have a session roughly once every 3-4 weeks, to allow for other campaigns that some of the other members of the group are part of.
Anyways, we had our latest session today, complete with some funny, serious, splatty, and outright cringe-worthy stories.
Our session started in the port city where we had found ourselves last time. We had roughly a week remaining until our party set sail for the rebellion headquarters with Elcindor and his squadron. Ivellios spent most of this time making a couple magic items, one of them being a cloak of resistance for Lithert, and the other being... a magical freezer. Basically, the idea was to get a 10-ft square vault, have a continual Ray of Frost spell cast inside the vault every round, and the door sealed with an Arcane Lock so as to deter intruders. We all knew where this was going, and our suspicions were confirmed that we were told that the freezer was made to store mass amounts of meat for... well, if you can't guess what the meat will be used for, then I'll eat my hat.
Desmond, meanwhile, went to one of the local orphanages, and decided that he was going to spend some time teaching the children how to brew ginger beer (non-alcoholic, of course). Having rolled quite well on the skill check, the children of the orphanage quite enjoyed the taste of the beverage, and there was enough to last everyone for roughly a week, assuming it was rationed out reasonably well.
After the week passed by, and the freezer was built, we finally set sail on the rebellion ship, making for rebellion headquarters, which was about 4 days away. We all made Fortitude saves to see if any of us had sea sickness, and for what I'm fairly sure was the first time in the campaign, Desmond made the Fortitude save. The majority of the day went rather uneventfully, but the evening was when the "fun" started.
Our party was in the mess hall with the rest of the troops, eating, drinking, and generally having a good time. At one point, Elcindor approached our party, asking us to meet him in his office at 10 that evening. Asking us to not get too drunk beforehand, our party agreed.
Suddenly, a woman with raven-black hair and pale skin approached the front of the mess hall, and went up on the stage (which was a large wooden bathtub that had been turned upside-down), before playing a rather soothing melody on her flute. The performance ended, and the soldiers in the hall let out a round of applause. Desmond, being the typical young male he was, knew that this was a good chance to impress her, and approached the stage to play a melody of his own. Ivellios, being the troll he has been in the past, decided to mess with Desmond's lute as he was tuning it. After a few minutes of this, Desmond decided that a dance would be a more appropriate option. Thankfully, he wasn't wearing any shoes at the time, so Ivellios couldn't tangle his shoelaces as he was wanting to.
Rolling particularly well on the Perform: Dance check, Desmond was given another round of applause from the soldiers, and a rather admiring gaze from the raven-haired woman. She extended her hand out towards him, and Desmond, realising that she wanted to dance with him, was more than happy to reciprocate. However, before he could take her hand, she was pushed out of the way by Kar-Splatt, who now stood in Desmond's way.
And so Desmond found himself in the hilarious position of having a dance-off with Kar-Splatt. Despite this unexpected competition, Desmond was able to win with relative ease, and found himself once again the recipient of another admiring gaze from the woman. Approaching her afterwards, she introduced herself as Valia (I think that's how her name was spelt). After spending some time chatting each other up, Valia took Desmond's hand once again, before leading him out of the mess hall, and to his room.
What happened next was... well... let's just say that what happened next was something that the group was thankful for not having to witness a roleplay of. You get the picture.
While the above... happenings were... happening, the rest of our party was en route to Elcindor's office. Deciding that he was going to screw with me yet again, Ivellios decided to place an Arcane Lock on the door so that Desmond and Valia would be trapped inside. Given that heading to Elcindor's office went past Desmond's room, Kar-Splatt knocked on the door, telling Desmond that he needed to hurry up or he would be late for the meeting. Finding himself unable to open the door (he has a -1 in Strength, so he failed his attempt to escape miserably), he called out to Kar-Splatt in the hope of him being able to open the door from the outside. Finding himself unable to do so, he decided to, in typical Barbarian fashion, break the door open with sheer brute force. Thankfully, Desmond and Valia were... respectable once again, and Desmond left with Kar-Splatt, but not before giving Valia a sly wink.
Meeting in Elcindor's office, he asked us if there were any signs of anybody having followed us. Not noticing anybody in the immediate vicinity, he thanked us for coming. As he had mentioned in the previous session, he was fairly confident that the person who had ordered the burning of Skorg was aboard the ship, and he asked us to investigate any suspicious persons on board, letting him know if we found anything of note. Our party split up, with myself checking the living quarters (I think Dathamir might have been with me), Kurst and Lithert checking the hull, and Ivellios and Kar-Splatt (I think) checking the top deck.
On the top deck, Ivellios found an elven man skulking about, with their hood pulled over their head. Seeing this as somewhat out of the ordinary, Ivellios began to question him. He claimed that he had his hood pulled up because he found it rather cold outside, and while this seemed a little out of the ordinary, given that it was a rather sunny day, there was a light breeze, and we were in Nordic waters. Nonetheless, Ivellios asked him to lead the way to his room. Finding a spellbook with a number of fire spells, Ivellios immediately went to Elcindor with the suspicious elf in tow. Presenting the spellbook, Elcindor agreed to interrogate the elf.
Meanwhile, Desmond and Dathamir found themselves checking the rest of the living quarters. They came across one room with a locked door, and decided to check it. Knocking, they were let in by a young man who seemed oblivious to what was going on. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, aside from a letter from his mother and a totem pole which didn't have any traces of magic, Desmond and Dathamir decided to leave him be.
It was in the hull, however, where Kurst made the real find that evening. Several crates were found in the hull of the ship, and while most of them were filled with rather mundane items, one of them was full of sticks of dynamite. Realising that this was unlikely to be something that Elcindor had ordered, they immediately raced to his office, informing him of their find. He was shocked with this find, not having ordered any explosives of this kind or quantity, and thanked them for their find.
Nothing else of much note happened that evening, and everybody eventually got to sleep.
The next night, a plan was put into action to try and catch the arsonist. Kurst hid herself inside the crate of dynamite that had been found previously, and a permanent Arcane Eye was placed inside the hull of the ship, so Ivellios could see if anybody else approached the crate. Meanwhile, the suspicions of some of our group turned towards Valia, and it was agreed that we would investigate her room. With Kar-Splatt and Ivellios hilariously failing Stealth checks, Valia was followed to her room, with Desmond desperately following behind, hoping to avert their suspicions.
While not wanting to let these "strange people" in her room, Valia stated that she wouldn't be against the idea of Desmond entering (gee, I wonder why). Kar-Splatt butted in, stating that if Desmond was to be let in to investigate, he wanted to be there as well (no doubt to ensure that... nothing happened). Although we were denied entry as a result, we decided to remain outside her room, so we could immediately see if she left to do anything suspicious.
Later that night, Desmond was still outside Valia's room (the rest of the party was on the same floor) when he suddenly heard whispers coming from inside. Suddenly alert, he tried to open the door, and found it locked. Asking Kar-Splatt to "splatt" the door open, he entered, and found a male he didn't recognise in Valia's bed. Demanding to know where Valia had gone, he didn't seem to know who or where Valia was. However, Ivellios, who was in the room with us, used Detect Magic, and found residual teleportation energy coming from behind the cupboard. We found ourselves immediately on alert.
And then things got real. REALLY real.
Our party heard a piercing melody coming from the top deck, and we were immediately asked to make a Will save. Everyone made their save, except for Lithert, who suddenly found himself hypnotized, and drawn to the top deck. At the same time, Ivellios, checking his Arcane Eye, saw people moving throughout the hull of the boat. Our party split in two, with Desmond and Dathamir heading for the top deck (as well as Lithert, who was still hypnotized) and Ivellios and Kar-Splatt heading for the hull. Using Message, Ivellios was able to inform Kurst that the people in the hull were heading for a different crate, rather than the one she was still hidden in. Initiatives were rolled, and the fight began. The group noticed that the people in the hull did not appear to be acting of their own accord, so we concluded that they were under the same hypnosis effect that Lithert had found himself subject to. A desperate fight began, with the enemy wizard casting Fireball on the second crate, setting it alight. Kar-Splatt, Ivellios and Kurst had to balance felling their enemies with extinguishing the fire, so as to prevent any damage to the ship. Ripping the top off the crate, it was found that this crate was full of dynamite as well, and so Kar-Splatt spent his next turn extinguishing the rest of the flames by tearing off a second panel, and... urinating on the third. The fire was extinguished, and the enemies were all killed (except for the wizard, who was merely unconscious). The group, while lamenting the fact that they had been forced to kill people who were forced to act against their will, agreed that it was for the greater good.
Meanwhile, on the top deck, Desmond, Dathamir and Lithert (who was still hypnotized), found themselves facing a number of hypnotized troops at the bow of the ship, as well as a male who exactly matched the description of the person who one of our captives from last session had informed us had ordered the burning of Skorg. Desmond, piecing everything together, seeing the male before him, immediately deduced that this was the Valia that he had... met earlier. Initiatives were rolled, with Desmond and Valia both rolling a natural 20. Valia, playing another piercing melody on his flute, attempted to keep everyone under his hypnosis once again, although Desmond thankfully made the save once again. Using a well-timed Countersong, Desmond was able to finally bring Lithert back to his senses. Dathamir, realising what was happening, cast Silence on her scimitar, and moved up to the troops before her. Not being able to hear Valia's melody, they were finally able to break free from his hypnosis, although they found themselves unable to speak or hear anything. Despite this, we were able to signal them to move out of our way.
On his next turn, Valia pulled a stick of dynamite out of his pocket and lit it. Realising what he was planning to do, Desmond ran towards him. While he was within range of Dathamir's Silence spell, everyone around the table burst into hysterics as Desmond mouthed "YOU MADE ME F*** A GUY". Taking aim at the dynamite, Desmond fired with his bow, and successfully managed to shoot it out of his hands, causing it to fall into the ocean. Realising that he stood no chance at this stage (he had taken a lot of damage by this point, thanks to a Smite Evil-enhanced Spirited Charge from Lithert, that had dealt at least 60 damage, as well as a bolt to the chest from Dathamir, and his song was useless thanks to Dathamir's Silence spell) leapt overboard. Desmond was still seething with rage at this point, and took one more cheap shot at her before she hit the water.
By this stage, the fight in the hull had ended, and Kar-Splatt and co. had reached the top deck. Seeing that Valia was somehow still alive and swimming away, Kar-Splatt swam after him, and managed to hit him with his trident, knocking her unconscious. Dragging him back to the ship, we found a number of potions on him - several potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, a few potions of Disguise Self, and one of Water Breating. A rather heated discussion began, with some of our party fully supporting Valia's immediate execution (Desmond included), and the rest of the group wanting to interrogate her before anything else.
Meanwhile, we realised that Valia was not in fact a man after all, as the effect of the Disguise Self potion she had apparently taken earlier finally wore off, and she reverted back to a woman. Desmond was still angry, but now somewhat confused as to whether he saw Valia as a man or a woman. Nonetheless, she was dragged to the dungeon cells on the boat, and interrogated. Forced to reveal the truth, she informed us that she had been ordered to orchestrate the burning of Skorg by General Tamir of Frostpoint (Frostpoint was the neighboring country to Whitereach, the country where we currently were - Tamir wanted us dead because we were harboring a fugitive half-giant - he was also the person who several of our party assumed last session had ordered the burning). She claimed that she had ordered the bandits to only kill us, and to not take any innocent lives, although a Sense Motive check told us that she had not said anything about sparing innocents. With the interrogation over, and many of us baying for her swift execution, Elcindor leant down and held a dagger to her exposed throat. Whispering something in her ear, and Valia whispering in reply, Elcindor declared that she wound instead be kept captive with them, claiming that she held too much info on General Tamir to simply be executed, and that she could be useful. Giving up on her, Desmond and the rest of our group left her, and started recovering from that night's events. Most of our group went to sleep, although Desmond spent some time checking up on Siegmund and his father to make sure they were alright.
The next morning, the casualties of the previous night's events were placed into lifeboats, in preparation for a Viking-style sea burial. Prayers were said by several troops, as well as myself and Lithert. Gifts were left with the bodies for their cremation; Kar-Splatt placed a small amount of what the rest of our party assumed was Splatty Stew in their mouths, and Ivellios placed a small glass of elven wine with each body. Desmond, he himself having left some wine as a small offering to those who died in Skorg, surprisingly found himself feeling a small measure of begrudging respect for Ivellios.
The boats were lauched, and Elcindor fired burning arrows at the boats, setting them alight. Turning to our group and the rest of his men, he informed everyone that they were to return to their posts, although he would excuse anyone who still needed time to grieve. Simply wishing to rest, Desmond found himself face-to-face with the man whose room he had searched a couple nights prior. Apologising for making himself suspicious, Desmond in turn apologised for suspecting him, before heading away to drown his sorrows.
Anyways, that's basically it for our latest session. Hope you all enjoyed my story, and please look forward to more.
Peace out.
123zane321 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'm glad to hear from you again!
It seems you are still having a blast!You are a Casananova, Desmond! We want details... of that dance with Kar-Splatt, of course!!!
Oh, we're definitely having fun XD We just leveled up this session, and I've taken a level in Pathfinder Chronicler at last - time to have fun with Deep Pockets =D
The dance-off was hilarious - it was basically a series of Perform: Dance checks made by Kar-Splatt and I, although we all knew that, barring me being screwed by RNGesus, I was going to win without any trouble. Kar-Splatt managed to beat me at one check, but I easily made all the others. My final move for the dance-off was a perfect moonwalk, which seemed appropriate, given that the music for the dance-off was Thriller by Michael Jackson.
The... happenings between Valia and Desmond resulted in much of the rest of the session being punctuated by various forms of innuendo, including Desmond "coming rather late" to the meeting in Elcindor's office, and Valia the arsonist giving Desmond "a burning sensation".
Kileanna |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I definitely like how your GM manages to keep the focus on character interaction and development while the story is still interesting and dynamic. It's definitely a game that I'd enjoy playing.
I have created a theme for sharing some stories too. I'm going to link your theme from there to advertise this one, because it's such a fun read ^.^
MooBoi |
I definitely like how your GM manages to keep the focus on character interaction and development while the story is still interesting and dynamic. It's definitely a game that I'd enjoy playing.
I have created a theme for sharing some stories too. I'm going to link your theme from there to advertise this one, because it's such a fun read ^.^
Thanks for the compliment Kileanna, much appreciated.I'm so glad people are enjoying the story of ROG(Reign of Giants)Even if it is just the funny bits you enjoy.
123zane321 |
Heya folks!
Sorry I've been silent for longer than usual, I've had a number of real-life issues that have sadly had to take priority over updating this thread. Fortunately, I have still been attending our Pathfinder sessions, and have 2 of them to update you on.
The first session commenced with our party dealing with the aftermath of Valia's attempted bombing of the ship - soldiers had been laid to rest at sea, and survivors were consoling each other. Desmond spent most of the time remaining on the ship drinking with Siegmund and Bjorn.
At one point, however, our party was summoned to the mess hall, where Elcindor and a couple of his soldier were tearing up floorboards, with Vahlia chained up nearby. We were informed that said floorboards contained the markings of a Teleportation Circle spell, although nobody except Vahlia seemed to know where said circle led to. Vahlia, upon being asked if she knew, was surprisingly co-operative, informing us that the circle lead to a room she was using in an uninhabited section of the ship, allowing her to go between the mess hall and said room at night without being detected. We searched the room in question, and aside from finding a rather dusty desk with a few markings where potions had been, nothing of note was found (Desmond managed a natural 20 on a Perception check, so we were all confident of this). Anyways, the teleportation circles were removed, and Vahlia was returned to her holdings.
Most of the rest of the trip to headquarters was rather uneventful. Desmond, wishing to act on his newfound sense of respect for Ivellios, obtained a couple bottles of fine elven wine from Elcindor, and proceeded to have a friendly drink with an initially skeptical Ivellios. The two of them managed to have a surprisingly civil conversation about respect, Bardic magic, and human-elven relations.
Upon reaching Embershard Isle, the home of the rebellion's headquarters, we were shown to what was to be our new living quarters. Said quarters were rather lavish, and tailored specifically for each of us, given that we were to be made captains in the rebellion.
After a brief period of setting in, we were led to the meeting room, for a debriefing with Elcindor, the other admirals of the rebellion, as well as the King of Whitereach, with whom the rebellion was allied. We were given a rundown on the current situation between Whitereach/the rebellion and Frostpoint. Battle plans were suggested, considered, and swiftly tossed aside. We were informed that General Tamir of Frostpoint was after 3 things for his plan (which we currently have no idea what it is). The first thing is the pure blood of a monster, which partially explained the reason why he had been hunting down our party - Myril, a half-giant who had been journeying with us, was ideal for this. Nobody knew what the other two things were that he required, however.
During the meeting, Ivellios proposed that a letter be penned by him and sent to Galdora, a nation based some way south of Frostpoint. The reason for this was because Ivellios was a member of House Meliamne, second-highest of the elven noble houses of Galdora, and in attempting to take the life of a high-ranking member of an elven noble house, Tamir had effectively declared war on Galdora. Elcindor agreed to this proposal, and the letter was soon sent.
We were also given our first paychecks (bolstered somewhat for tracking down the Skorg arsonist) as well as a reward for joining the rebellion. The joining reward was supposed to be a magic item worth 8,000 GP or less, but Desmond, through a little bargaining with Elcindor, managed to wrangle himself a reward of somewhat greater worth (a magic item that allows him to cast Phantom Steed once per day at a caster level of 14th, something he had been keen on for a while).
Before the meeting was ended, we were told that Vahlia was being held in the rebellion's custody, while her eventual fate was being decided on. She was apparently refusing to speak to any of the rebellion leaders, so questioning her was proving rather futile. Desmond, having spent some... time... with her previously, offered to speak to her instead, hoping to get some answers himself. Elcindor eventually agreed to this request, asking in return for Desmond to return the flute that he had taken from Vahlia following her defeat - apparently it was suspected to possess some kind of power, and Elcindor wished to investigate it.
Desmond, Elcindor and Avala (Elcindor's spymaster - no idea if I spelt her name correctly) made their way to Vahlia's holding cell, where she was kept chained up with a mouthpiece covering her face so she could not speak. The mouthpiece was removed, and Desmond asked if she was willing to speak to him. Hesitant at first, Avala held up her flute and threatened to break it, causing Vahlia to eventually agree to speak to Desmond. While some of the information that she gave him was rather vague, Desmond was able to gain a couple of important pieces of information: the King of Frostpoint was supporting General Tamir of his own free will (or at least, not thanks to any mind spells), also that one of the other things that Tamir required for his plan possibly involved necromancers.
The trio eventually left Vahlia, with Avala giving Desmond a key to her cell, should he wish to ever interrogate her further. We all knew what she was *really* implying, given that she was already aware that Desmond and Vahlia, had... yeah. Anyways, Desmond kept the key, although any thoughts of spending "quality time" with Vahlia were the last thing on his mind.
The next couple of weeks were spent getting ourselves acquainted with others of the rebellion, crafting magic items, and researching spells. Ivellios started work on researching his own spell (Eyes of the Apocalypse, if I recall correctly - I forget what its affect was). Desmond spent some more time drinking with Siegmund and Bjorn, as well as performing in his free time.
Ivellios and Kar-Splatt, meanwhile, made their way back to the port city where we had just come from, to collect our ship, which had finally been completed. The ship was christened the Armorguard, and was to be used in aid of the rebellion.
Eventually, we were given our first official mission in the rebellion. A port city some way down the western coast of the continent (about 30 days via water, if I recall) had been identified as a viable target of Frostpoint to strike at, with its planned destruction damaging Frostpoint's supply lines. We were to make our way there on the Armorguard under cover of night (Potions of Water Breathing and Invisibility to help us approach stealthily once we were close enough), plant dynamite inside the ten pillars holding the city up above the water (Potions of Silence were to be provided to mask the noise of the explosions, and the dynamite had been obtained by Kar-Splatt from obvious prior events) and level the city.
One of the other admirals, who was a rather eloquent troll (the species, not a "trololololol" - I forget what his name was), informed us that the city was known for using trolls as slaves, and he would reward us extra if we were able to rescue the troll slaves in the process of our mission. We agreed to do our best, and eventually departed on our way, along with our ship's crew.
Partway along our journey, we came across a rather unusual fog, before finding ourselves assailed by a group of sirens. They managed to enthrall a few members of our crew (navigator included) before our party managed to defeat them all. However, in the process, our ship, which had lost course during the attack, struck a rock, causing damage to the ship.
Our session ended there, and although we were worried that we were going to lose our ship, we were assured that the ship was going to be fine.
Anyways, it's late, and I'm tired, so I'll post details of the other session tomorrow. Tata for now!
123zane321 |
Howdy again!
As promised, here's the rundown on our most recent session.
Having just run aground on a rock, our party was initially fearing the worst. However, our ship's engineer assured us that the damage was only minor, and could easily be repaired without any risk of sinking. Several casts of Mending later courtesy of Ivellios, we were good to go, and the Navigator, having broken free from his enthrallment, was able to get us back on course.
A couple uneventful weeks later, we finally arrived at our destination. We dropped anchor about a mile away from the port, and surveyed our target from afar. We were able to spot a ship already in port, which appeared to have a number of troll slaves already on board. We agreed that, before we were to blow up the port, we would assassinate the guards on the ship, free the troll slaves, and take the ship as our own.
The mission went surprisingly smoothly, the dynamite being secured to the pillars without any problems. We then consumed our potions of invisibility, and stealthily boarded the slave ship, where we successfully assassinated all the guards on board - Kurst got a critical hit on a sneak attack, stabbing one guard in the lungs, Kar-Splatt decapitated another, and Desmond and Dathamir collectively took down the last one (Dathamir cast Deeper Darkness, Desmond lured him out of the dark by doing a perfect impersonation of a crewmember thanks to a natural 20 on a Bluff check, and Dathamir decapitated him with her scimitar as he emerged). We cut the ship free, ignited the dynamite as we departed, and patted ourselves on the back on a perfectly successful mission.
The journey back to Embershard Isle was rather uneventful - we made sure the now-freed trolls were well fed on the way, as they had been fed stale bread and other such foods up until this point, and we had a plentiful supply of fresh foods on the Armorguard.
Upon returning to headquarters, we were welcomed by a large gathering of rebellion soldiers, cheering us as we entered port. As we arrived, we also noticed that there was another boat already in port, a rather lavishly decorated one at that. Ivellios immediately recognised it as one belonging to his elven noble house, Meliamne. We all made our way to our living quarters for a brief rest prior to debriefing, except for Ivellios, who made his way aboard the Meliamne ship. None of our party knew exactly what was discussed aboard the boat (in-character, although we all knew out of character, as it was discussed publicly), except that Ivellios was meeting with his brother, who informed him that his father had come in response to the letter that Ivellios has sent previously.
While Ivellios and his brother were conversing, Desmond made his way to the meeting room, finding it blocked by two rebellion soldiers. Asking to be let in, the soldiers informed him that an important meeting was taking place, and that he would have to wait for a while before he could enter. However, they did ask Desmond if he could bring Ivellios to them, as he was required to attend the meeting as well.
Meanwhile, Ivellios had departed the Meliamne ship, and was escorted by two Galdoran guards. Desmond, managing to find him, relayed the request for Ivellios to attend the meeting. Following him to the meeting room, Desmond stood outside as Ivellios entered.
As the door was open, Desmond, thanks to a natural 20 on a Perception check, caught a brief glimpse of the people in the room. While he did not get a good enough chance to recognize any of them, he was suddenly overcome by visions of a... certain major event that had occurred in his past, and reeled back in shock, grabbing a tight hold on his sword.
(No, the "major event" was not what happened earlier with Desmond and Vahlia - I won't describe it here yet, as I don't want anyone else finding out at this stage - all I can say is that things will make sense at a later date)
The guards, seeing Desmond's shocked expression, asked him if something was wrong. Desmond found himself barely able to reply, before backing away and returning to his quarters, where he sat on his bed, staring at the wall until he was eventually summoned for debriefing.
As Desmond made his way to the meeting hall, he walked past what was apparently Ivellios' father. However, thanks to being distracted by his state of shock, he didn't look up, and did not get the opportunity to recognise him.
When we arrived in the meeting hall, the only people there were Elcindor and Goki, the troll admiral from earlier. Desmond was largely silent for the debriefing, as we relayed our perfect success on the mission. Elcindor awarded us with our main reward for our success, and Goki promised us a further reward for freeing the troll slaves, although we would have to wait a couple days until he could gather the necessary funds.
Once the debriefing had concluded, we were informed that we now had free time again, until our next mission. Desmond, in typical Desmond fashion, made his way straight to the bar, to drink away his sorrows. Siegmund, being the bro that he is, shouted Desmond's drinks for the rest of the night, and was perfectly fine when Desmond said he didn't want to discuss why he was feeling the way he was, being content with serving as a silent drinking buddy.
The next day, Desmond had recovered somewhat from his shock the previous day, having dismissed it as a seemingly random occurrence. Apologizing to Siegmund in earnest this time, and promising to explain everything in the future, he was more or less back to his normal self. Siegmund made good on a promise he had made Desmond previously, and was able to enhance Desmond's bow for him at half the normal price. The rest of our party's downtime was spent waiting for magic items to be made, training, and socializing.
We were eventually given our next mission, which was to make our way to a nearby township where civilians were sent after being in the care of the rebellion for a while. Rebellion soldiers had been sent there recently, but had not returned or made any contact, which meant that we were tasked with making our own way there to figure out what was going on. Fortunately, the town was only a day or so away, so it was a relatively short trip.
Nearing the town, we spotted a thin, pale figure skulking around, and we agreed that approaching the town via boat was a sure-fire way of drawing unwanted attention, thus we decided to head the rest of the way there via rowboat.
Entering the town, we saw that many of the buildings had been attacked or partially destroyed. The church, in particular, had lost its steeple. We entered one of the houses, finding ourselves suddenly assailed by a number of scary-looking creatures - a Knowledge check confirmed them as sinspawn. We were able to dispatch them, and protect the young inhabitants of the house who had been huddled in the corner the whole time. Sadly, when we asked them where their parents were, they pointed to the bodies of the sinspawn we had just slain, which made us feel somewhat depressed.
As we went to leave, we found ourselves almost successfully ambushed by another group of sinspawn who seemed intent on killing the children we had just saved, although we were able to dispatch them in time. Making our way outside again, we saw that many of the sinspawn appeared to be coming from the ruined church. There were simply way too many of them for us to be able to handle in normal combat, so we made to ambush them in a trap. Planting several sticks of dynamite which we still had with us, our party hid, while Desmond lured the sinspawn out from the church with a rather horribly-played tune on his lute. We were able to successfully kill most of them in the initial explosion, with a couple more sticks of hastily-lit dynamite taking care of the rest.
We entered the church, which was thankfully sinspawn-free by this stage. Finding a trapdoor near the back of the church, our party made their way down, ending up in an underground room, with a young girl bearing a neutral expression chained up near a large door. She turned to our party and simply said, "Ah, more sinners have come to be turned".
This was where the session ended, as most of us had to leave by this point. We do have another session coming up in just over a week and a half though, so not too long to wait.
Again, apologies for the long wait between the last couple of updates - I'll try and get them up more promptly from now =D
Until next time, peace out fo' shizzle, and goodbye!
123zane321 |
Its 'chu boi here again, with another update from our latest session for your reading pleasure.
Our latest session picked up where the previous one had left off, with our party about to face off against the young girl and her entourage of sinspawn. Lithert, being a typical paladin, was hesitant about attacking her initially, given that he did not yet know whether she was evil, or simply brainwashed or some such. However, our hesitation was quickly dispelled when the young girl's hair transformed into snakes, and we realised that we were up against a medusa. Given that we also had half a dozen sinspawn to contend with as well, we were prepared for a brutal and bloody battle...
And then Lithert, who had already earned himself a name among our group as the undisputed king of burst damage, killed her in a single attack with a Power Attack/Smite-enhanced Spirited Charge, dealing over 90 damage to her. Our jaws all hit the floor, and our DM was stunned that his boss had been killed so quickly. Despite this, however, we still had the sinspawn to deal with, so we got to work.
During this fight, Kieran, Desmond's "pocket cleric" as the party called him (I'll explain about him at the end of this post) informed Desmond that he sensed a very large group of sinspawn approaching from above - nineteen, by his count. With our exit now apparently blocked off, we started to panic. However, after a very brief search, we were able to find a hidden door at the back of the room. We all made our way to the door, despite not knowing what lay inside. Desmond was able to fire off a Sonic Burst spell to stun the first wave of sinspawn that had reached our position, before fleeing as well.
After entering the room, and barring the door, we noticed three things - the room was dimly lit, there was a book on blood magic on a table in the center of the room, and an old man whose mouth appeared to be sewn shut was sitting in the corner. A quick check courtesy of Lithert revealed that the man was very much evil, although he did not appear to have any intention of causing us any harm - indeed, he looked more scared of us than we were of him. We managed to cut open the stitches on his mouth, and a quick search of the room turned up a scroll of teleport, meaning that we were able to safely return to our ship. The old man was secured to the mast, and we made our way back to Embershard Isle.
As for the book of blood magic, Ivellios was adamant that he keep the book, claiming that some of the spells inside could be useful to our cause, despite everyone else's protestations that the book was very much evil.
As our party returned to port, we noticed another ship that was already there. While nowhere near as large as the Meliamne ship we had seen previously, it was still decorated somewhat. Lithert immediately recognised the ship as belonging to his people, from the land of Middenstrath (I think I spelt that right). One of the gnomes, who was apparently a rather high-level dragon disciple, as his dragon wings seemed to suggest, immediately flew over to our ship, greeting Lithert with some measure of shock and surprise. As it turned out, Lithert had been gone from his people for so long, that they believed him to be dead, and had only recently heard rumors that he was alive and well. After confirming that Lithert was very much alive, Kithert (apparently Lithert's people had a thing for rhyming names) said that he would immediately contact his people back at home to inform them that Lithert was alive, and that they would soon make their way to Embershard Isle - arriving before Lithert had returned would have only served to invite the suspicions, and potential fire, of rebellion defenses.
Anyways, after our debriefing, we were given our reward for the mission, and we were allowed a couple weeks to recover, train, and basically do whatever. Ivellios spent some time crafting magic items and researching his new spell, Lithert spent time socialising and looking for a protege, Kar-Splatt spent some time "sparring" with Dathamir, and Desmond, having some questions he needed answered, spent some time questioning Vahlia (and yes, I do mean questioning, not something more carnal).
After our downtime had concluded, we were given our next mission. We were to make our way south to the city of Mero (I honestly have no idea if I've spelt that right or not), where a large number of half-bloods seemed to be going missing. It was suspected, but not confirmed, that these disappearences were related to Tamir's plan, and so it was our job to investigate said disappearances, and see if we could find who was responsible. We were to be disguised appropriately, as our faces were beginning to become somewhat notorious in some places. We agreed to the mission, and promptly made our way south.
After a long journey (was further south than the port city we had destroyed previously, if I recall) we found ourselves approaching a rather gaudy, lavishly-built city, with great purple walls surrounding the city - we had arrived in Mero. We were greeted by the city guard, who stated that they needed to check our boat to make sure we didn't have anything suspicious on board, given that they were very wary of terrorists. After deducing that we did not have anything suspicious aboard, and that our intentions were benevolent, we were allowed entry into the city.
All this time, Dathomir seemed to be somewhat nervous about being here, given that this was apparently her previous home some time prior to meeting us. She had not seen her family for quite a long time, and did not even know if her parents were still alive. However, she did remember where her parents lived - apparently her father was a blacksmith in the city, and she remembered roughly where he lived. She also seemed nervous about simply being in the city itself, although she seemed reluctant to tell us why.
While Dathomir made her way to her parent's house, Desmond made his way to the local church of Cayden Cailean. Upon entering, one of the members of the clergy took a single look at him and simply said "You look like a fellow worshipper of Cayden.", while Desmond simply grinned and gave him a thumbs-up. Upon agreeing that he indeed was a worshipper, he proceeded to worship his deity the only way he knew how - drinking alcohol copiously.
Meanwhile, Dathomir, who had finally found her old home, was greeted by a man who she did now recognise, only knowing that this was not her father. However, upon stating who she was, he was visibly stunned, before managing to compose herself and stating that he would go and inform her mother of her return, and that she should come with him. Upon reaching her house, her mother, seeing her daughter, fainted in sheer shock. When she eventually came to, she was still somewhat reeling, although she managed to steel herself and usher her daughter inside.
Dathomir had a rather long conversation with her mother, learning many things that had transpired during her time away. Sadly it seemed that her father had died at some point, although she had since remarried, to the man Dathomir had met earlier. While the two of them conversed, the rest of our group made our way to the house, having been since invited for dinner. We were served a rather... unusual meat for dinner, which was a lavender-coloured, oddly sweet steak. We ate the meal politely, before retiring for the evening.
The next day, we began work on our mission which we had originally been sent for. We made our way to the local archives, where we enquired about the details of some of the people who had gone missing. Apparently civilians enquiring about the disappearances was not unheard of, so we didn't draw any obvious suspicion. We found a few major connections between a majority of the disappearences: many of them were half-elves, and they were occuring at the east gate at night. They were also people who had registered as leaving the city for various reasons. With all this in mind, we made our plan.
Dathomir was to be used as bait, placing herself outside the east gate so as to draw attention to herself. The rest of us would hide atop the castle gate, to keep an eye out for anything of note. Upon the apppearance of anyone suspicious, we would follow them and try to ascertain where they were coming from. Several nights passed with nothing happening, before one night where Dathomir suddenly found herself ambushed from behind, feeling a sharp pain in her back before falling unconscious. The ambusher, who had stabbed her with a dagger (not fatally) scraped some of the blood off into a vial, mixing it with an unknown substance, before drinking it. Upon drinking it, his form changed, assuming that of Dathomir.
Upon realising that we had found our target, Ivellios fired off a Dispel Magic, negating the apparent magical disguise that the ambusher had assumed. Knowing that his cover had been blown, he made his getaway, with Dathomir unconscious in tow. Kar-Splatt leapt down from the castle wall with everyone on his back, suffering only light falling damage. Chasing after the ambusher, we found him walking up to a strange tree. He muttered something and waved his hand across it, and the tree disappeared, revealing a hole in the ground, which he swiftly climbed down. Upon descending through the hole, the tree returned, blocking off the hole. We reached the tree, with Ivellios managing to discern what the spell was on the tree, and succeeding in making the tree disappear himself. We mde our way down the hole, unsure as to what we were getting ourselves into.
We found ourselves in a sewer, with most of our group managing to keep it together, and Desmond, failing yet another Fortitude save, only vomiting mildly. Nonetheless, we made our way forward, eventually finding ourselves at a dead end. A Detect Magic spell revealed that a teleportation circle had recently been used here, and Ivellios was able to pinpoint where the circle lead to. Having a scroll of Teleport on him, Ivellios teleported most of the party to where the circle had lead to, with only Desmond being left behind (As there were 5 of us at the time, and Ivellios could only take 3 of us with him, it was expected that he would leave Desmond behind of all people - a natural 1 on a Sense Motive check meant that Desmond didn't even realise that this was basically Ivellios saying "screw you")
While the rest of our party made their way through the new cave system they had found themselves in, Desmond pondered the quandry he found himself in. Although Ivellios had at least been kind enough to send Desmond a message with the exact location of where they were (several miles away, inside a mountain cave) he had no way of teleporting to their location. Suddenly, he remembered the special magic item he had bargained with Elcindor for previously (the Steedstone, as he had dubbed it), and realised that he could simply fly there at high speed. Casting his stone, he summoned his steed, and flew out of the sewer. The city guards, obviously shocked, fired Magic Missiles at Desmond, although he was able to move quickly out of their range before they could hit him.
After fleeing from the guards, Desmond eventually reached the mountain that Ivellios had given him the location of. He found himself faced with two cave entrances, and had no idea which one he needed to take to reunite with the party...
It was here where our session ended, as some of us had to leave. I'll leave you at that somewhat of a cliffhanger. Thanks for reading, and I'lll see you next time with another update =D
Oh, before I go, I'd better tell you about Kieran. Early on in the campaign, Desmond had been separated from the party (I forget what the exact reason was in the story, although it was arranged because I was unable to make a couple sessions). During this time, Desmond had found a pendant that contained a sapphire gem. Inside this gem was apparently the soul of an elven cleric of Sarenrae, who had locked himself inside it several centuries ago in order to save himself from a group of necromancers. However, he hd grown tired of being stuck in the gem, and wished to be freed. Apparently the journal he had owned contained some pages on how to reverse the spell he had used to seal his soul, and the necromancers had torn these pages out. It's kind of a side mission for Desmond now to look for any information on who these necromancers are, where they are based, and where he can find said journal pages so that Kieran can be freed.
Anyways, *now* that's all, so I'll see you next time =D
123zane321 |
Hello again everybody, sorry for the longer time between posts. Basically, there's been a bunch of stuff come up between my last post and now - I've been busy with pushing out assessments for study, I was hit by the flu for a couple weeks, and I had somewhat of a family emergency. Basically, life decided to screw me over, and that has meant that I just haven't had the chance to update this thread.
Anyways, as the last session was a few weeks ago, I can't recall every minute detail of what happened. Additionally, I had to turn up late to the session, as I had prior commitments that had to take priority. However, what I do recall is this being probably the most epic session yet.
Basically, by the time I was able to turn up to the session, our party had already found and freed Dathomir (our DM had explained away my absence by saying that Desmond had got lost in the tunnels). We had already returned to Embershard Isle, but the REAL deal was about to go down, as we were informed that Tamir was currently en route to our headquarters with his army in tow, intending to wipe us out once and for all. To complicate matters even more, the Galdoran army accompanied Tamir, telling us that Ivellios' father, who had supposedly pledged his support to the rebellion, had decided to betray us.
Battle plans were made, with Lithert leading troops on the front lines, Desmond boosting troop morale (we jokingly referred to him as a "cheerleader"), Ivellios firing off spells from atop the castle walls, Dathomir healing people in the infirmary, and Kurst infiltrating enemy lines. Kurst's job was especially dangerous, because not only was she putting herself in danger by boarding enemy ships, she was also tasked with placing plague rats amongst the enemy ships, with the intention of infecting Tamir's army with the plague, weakening them. Nonetheless, the plan was a success, the rats were successfully placed, and Kurst was able to return alive. Our party fought a couple of minor skirmishes ourselves, but the bulk of the fighting was done by Elcindor and his army.
That night, Tamir's army fell back to rest, giving us some time to tend to the wounded, take care of the fallen, and rest. Meanwhile, we received more grim news: word had been received that a platoon of necromancers and antipaladins from Middenstrath were en route to our headquarters, expected to arrive within the next three days. We knew that, unless we were able to fend off Tamir's army by then, our situation would be dire. Now I forget exactly who came up with this plan, but someone suggested casting a spell to block out the sun, destroying the morale of Tamir's army (most of Frostpoint were worshipers of Sarenrae, and the sun disappearing would make them assume that their deity had abandoned them).
The next day, the effects of the plague began to appear amongst Tamir's men, as many of them appeared significantly weakened. It was decided that this was an ideal time to put the aforementioned plan into action. The spells were cast, the sun was blocked, and everything went dark. To our good fortune, the plan was a resounding success, as Tamir's army soon made a hasty retreat, and we were also informed that the army from Middenstrath had turned around as well.
That day, we were informed that Whitereach (who were allies of the Rebellion) had officially declared war on Frostpoint, meaning that while we had won the battle, the war was only beginning. Nonetheless, it was unlikely that any fighting would reach us for quite some time, given that Frostpoint's ability to wage war had been weakened somewhat for the time being, thanks to the plague. As such, we were given some downtime to do what we pleased. We were also paid a hefty sum for our efforts in the battle.
The battle was ours, but the war, and the Age of Blood and Steel, had just begun.
Again, sorry for the delay in this post. Our DM is away for a few months, and won't be back until at least the start of December, so I won't have any updates until then at least. Nonetheless, if anybody has any questions about what has happened so far, feel free to ask away.
Peace out