Heretic_CrossbowmaN |

Hello all! My party has accomplished some "small" crime: they have rushed into Thieves' guild hideout and murdered 11 members of guild, 5 royal guards who came to stop them and then they have captured Thieves' guild accountant. Moreover, they have burned the house and the fire eliminated their trails.
Due to the scale of that event i may use powerful spellcasters to find them. Which spells could be useful?
I know three:
Blood biography (that spell allows inspect drops of blood to find who's blood it is and by which way it was dropped). But fire and water used for its extinguishing flew out the blood and mixed together blood of party members and royal guards.
Residual tracking. Useless because party was wearing disguise.
Locate creature: as the accountant was kidnapped the guards could try to locate him but that will be a difficult task because that spell will blocked by running water. :[

Alderic |
Locate creature might be blocked by running water, but I don't think Locate Object is blocked the same way. So if the guards know of something that was worn by the accountant, or something that was looted, and it's unique enough, it could work.
Scrying could work on the accountant, if he wants to be found he can fail the save, and a sending spell can guarantee he knows what he's saving against.
If you have dead bodies, you can try to speak with dead, the corpse cannot be too badly damaged, but there are ways to restore them. With some real cash, you could even raise them from the dead, or reincarnate them.
Actually, residual tracking could help you despite the disguises, you get a clear picture of the creature and what it was wearing, and masks and different clothes don't hide your weapons, you could still locate object on them.
Auras can be tracked, but you need to be hot on heir tails to do it.
Greater Detect Magic on the scene can help your caster identify any spellcasters in the party if they meet them in the future.

MichaelCullen |

If they are willing to bring in a high level caster, discern location is definitely the best way to go. Unless the party can cast mind blank, or can wrangle the direct intervention of a deity, discern location will find the accountant without fail.
All the caster needs is an item that once belonged to the accountant. The thieves guild should be able to provide that.

Plausible Pseudonym |

Red Hand of the Killer will let you remotely mark the PC who dealt the killing blow on a given body. A law abiding city with decent casting resources could make murder really hard to get away with by using this spell, forbidding the casual/permanent wear of gloves, and offering a reward for reporting the location and any other information on anyone with a red marked hand.
Divination spell gives advice on anything that can be accomplished in the next week, so it's fair to give your thieves guild and guards advice or hints on where to search for the PCs. It's at least an excuse to set up an encounter or make the PCs have to relocate in a hurry as the search moves in on their safe house.

Heretic_CrossbowmaN |

Discern location is a too powerful now i think. :) I am planning to use casters of 8-11 level, maybe 12th. To cast Discern Location caster must be of 15th level at least. But they can try to use a scroll...
Residual tracking is useless. Because there are no footprints in the house and on the street. And disguises of course.
Locate object - good, there are items that belong to the acountant. :))
Red hand of the Killer - great' it is very useful. Thanks!