Magic Item Purchases.


I was just wondering if anyone has ever compiled a list of things that can be just bought for magic items.

For example, a bow can have Adaptive bought for it at 1000 gp.

I was wondering if there was such a list for both weapons and armour?

And if the list shows the book where the item comes from?

Do you mean weapon/armor enchantments which have a fixed price rather than '+1 bonus' or similar? If so look at Archives of Nethys or d20pfsrd and just look for the entries which say something like '+2,500 gp'. Either site lists the source in the item entry rather than on the list itself though.

@AVR, that is exactly what I was after.

But I cannot seem to get Archives of Nethys to work properly, and D20PFSRD, is not Paizo certified.

I was just wondering if there was one on this site that anyone had done?

why does it need to be paizo certified?

d20 does a pretty good job. In fact, some entries are updated with FAQ/errata that the 'official' site still has wrong.

d20pfsrd is pretty obvious when it uses 3rd party - it either has [3PP] on the link to it or the copyright info at the bottom of the page makes it obvious - it's layout is also much better than archives of nethys and prd

My GM will not accept non Paizo, so knowing which is 3 party is a bonus.
So i guess i have to look at d20.

I've grown increasingly skeptical of d20pfsrd, because they've started integrating 3PP stuff into official material with nothing more than an easily unnoticed disclaimer at the top. That's led to players quoting me "rules" in the middle of a session that simply do not exist. I've told my players to rely on Archives of Nethys as a consequence. . .

A good example is how d20pfsrd treats the Perception skill:

The *first* listing is unofficial third-party expansions (not even set aside with a bold or underlined header) and then it gets to the official skill description and then it slips into Unchained and then it slips into stuff from FAQs and message boards. I appreciate that they're trying to be comprehensive, but it just causes too much confusion for many players (and some GMs) who don't read carefully enough . . .

Jhaeman wrote:

A good example is how d20pfsrd treats the Perception skill:

The *first* listing is unofficial third-party expansions (not even set aside with a bold or underlined header) and then it gets to the official skill description and then it slips into Unchained and then it slips into stuff from FAQs and message boards. I appreciate that they're trying to be comprehensive, but it just causes too much confusion for many players (and some GMs) who don't read carefully enough . . .

i still find d20 a significantly better source than nethys as d20 is far more strat forward and all the info i need is easy to acess while i find nethys a laberenth to manuver through just to get a single small peice of info im looking for as well as being outdated a majority of the time if i had a gm say i could only use nethys to make my characters i would quit their game as it is far to much of a hassle to deal with and find everything i need to make my character

The Archives are good as just that, an archive. They have items, spells, and classes galore. For rules, you're better served by the PRD for most things.

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