Increasing the Stunning Fist DC


I've always want to create a monk that focuses on using Stunning fist but the DC always seem way to low to be relied upon. I play mainly PFS so ability focus isn't much help and I already know about mantis style. Is there any other ways to improve the dc other then the ones I've mentioned?

Martial artist archetype ups the dc on stunning fist. The other direction to go on this is adding debuffs to tbe enemy saves, sbaken and sickened are probably the easiest to do for metial.

Scarab Sages

Or go wisdom primary. The sensi or a monk/cleric of irori with guided hand uses wisdom to hit, meaning you can get a very strong bonus from your wisdom modifier.

Mantis style is nice aswell

Mountain-Splitting Strike is a personal favourite combined with Horn of the Criosphinx.

Mantis Style would help, as well as Sensei Monk (as you can easily focus on Wisdom) and the Martial Artist.

There is also Stunning Fist Adept if you want to use a Style OTHER than Mantis.

Finally there is a Ki Intensifying Property.

Then you can always cause Shaken (with Intimidate effects such as Enforcer, or Cornugan Smash).

Hope this helps!

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