Need a non AP adventure for Chelaxians to serve the empire.


Dark Archive

A few of my fellow card/board gaming friends said they would be willing to try playing pathfinder for a few nights, ONLY a FEW nights. They would really like to be agents working for House Thrune or at least to uphold the laws of Cheliax and help keep House Thrune in power.

They don't want to devote too many nights to such a game so the APs would be too long. I don't wat to just run the first book of an AP either.

I am hoping to run it at level 3 but am very willibg to run a different adventure powered up or down for 3rd level PCs.

Any advice on what adventure to pick?

So far by best guess is to do the old 3.5 adventure Tower of the Last Barron but rewrite it as coming in on the side of getti g the tower to support Cheliax instead of Andoran.

If we exclude AP and Pathfinder society Scenario (whixh all tend to oppose them). you have 2 Cheliax specific adventure: From Shore to Sea set for a 6th level party and No response from Deepmar set for a 8th level party. of the 2, the second one, might fit the bill a bit better.

Dark Archive

Thank you.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

You could also relocate The Emerald Spire to the Cheliax hinterlands. A LE party could either act as agents of house Thrune or agents of the Hellknights.

Unless your party doesn't like superdungeons.

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