Improved Critical and broken weapons

Rules Questions

I'm playing a wrecker cursed battle oracle and i get improved critical at 8th level from a revelation with doubles the critical threat range of the specified weapon type. However, because of my curse any item in my hands is considered broken. For weapons this means -2 to attack and damage, only get critical hits with a natural 20, and only have a X2 critical modifier.

My question is: Does the broken condition override improved critical or does improved critical double the threat range of the broken weapon.

Scarab Sages

An interesting question. I think the Broken Condition overrides the feats that modify crit threat range.

That doesnt seem to be the best choice of a curse for a battle oracle?

And I agree with Murdock. Yep, they are still broken, so that revelation is useless.

I read it differently.

The broken condition changes that particular weapon's critical threat range to 20 and its multiplier to x2. If the wielder has Improved Critical for that weapon, then the feat's benefit still applies, but to the broken weapon's current critical threat stats. A character with Improved Critical weilding a broken weapon would have a threat range of 19-20 and a multiplier of x2, regardless of the weapon's normal critical stats.

This was how I ruled at my table for a PC with Improved Critical (scimitar). That normally granted a crit threat range of 15-20. When the scimitar gained the broken condition, that threat range dropped to 19-20.

Broken weapons impose a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls, as well.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Why did we literally open a new thread on the subject in 7 days?

Your broken Improved Critical Scythe is 20x2.

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