
vermines1's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. *** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta 25 posts (26 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters.


My question boils down to is Foxfire a Unarmed Attack without the agile or finesse trait Or is it a Ranged Attack and can be used with Devise a Stratagem.

Devise a Stratagem
When you make this substitution, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it's a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap.

Fox fire
You gain a foxfire ranged unarmed attack with a maximum range of 20 feet. The attack deals 1d4 damage of the chosen type (no ability modifier is added to the damage roll). Your foxfire attack is in the sling weapon group. Like other unarmed attacks, you can improve this attack with handwraps of mighty blows.

If i can't use Foxfire with Devise a stratagem does anybody know of a feat or item that might help?

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Well the spell just asks for a small metal object like a coin. So i guess it doesn't matter? I could fire off gold coins if i wanted.

If i use a piece of cold iron, silver, etc.. with the Magnetic Acceleration spell will that trigger weaknesses from demons, devils, fey, etc..?
Also, would adamantine bypass hardness on Golems?

Character Name: ZapZap

Ancestry and Heritage: Blue DragonScaled Kobold

Background: Sponsored by Village

Class: Oracle cursed with an overload of Electricity. always absorbing and expelling electricity.

Short Character Biography: Every since he was little ZapZap has been sparking with power, literally. Static shocks and charring happened whenever he touched things. The biggest problem was soon realized when during the next storm it was discovered that lightning seemed to strike whatever building he was in several times. this burned down a few buildings until the village could install some lighting rods at his house and those nearby. Now the village elders have decided that ZapZap should learn to control his powers or at least not their problem any more.

can a barbarian use knockback with a thrown weapon? It says your previous action needed to be a successful strike. Am i wrong in thinking i can use this at range?

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Is there any reason for there to be Bogymen, Iridescent animals, and visitants in the backmatter? I can't figure out where they appear in the campaign.

Continuing the Discussion. I think handwraps with a ghost touch rune would allows strength based checks against creatures with the incorporeal tag

I have an alchemist player who wants to modify a crossbow to launch bombs. I was thinking of allowing him to do so in downtime with the restriction that the crossbow losses half its range and he is not proficient with the weapon until he takes a feat. As for modifying it the craft check would be a hard level 3 check and cost half the crossbow cost. Does anybody have any other suggestions?

Thanks, but that leads me to ask if i can summon weak 0th level creatures as well.

Because Potency runes give a bonus to weapon attack rolls I would say it does not apply to a spell attack. However, the damage from a striking rune would apply because Hand of the Apprentice does damage as if you hit with a melee strike attack. There is a stipulation in the Spell Attack rules that says if the spell asks for a different kind of attack such as a weapon strike, then use the normal rules and bonuses for that type of attack.

Build in a Wellspring (arcane) gnome rouge with wizard multiclass to get silent spell.

Are there any creatures with -1 level or do I take a 0th level creature and apply the weak template?

3/5 *** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

My record shows the scenarios i have GMed, but does not give me credit for duplicates. Is that correct?

I do not believe it is a thing anymore. If it was it would be in the Acrobatics skill description. You can acrobatics through enemy squares, but since AoO's are now rare you don't have an acrobatics to avoid instead you can spend an action to step 5 feet without provoking a reaction

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In the text about spellcasting for Druids it says you prepare 5 cantrips perday, which is on par with other spell casters, but the spells per day chart lists only five. Which one is correct.

The Druid Spellcasting description says you start with 5 cantrips, but the spells per day chart says 4. Is that i typo?

3/5 *** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

Thes Hunter wrote:
Joe Bouchard wrote:

I can confirm that they are still taking GMs. I submitted my application via the online form Monday night and got a response in less than 24 hours.

See y'all there!

If I submitted my application Tuesday night, and still haven't gotten a response, should I be worried?

Or are ya'all waiting until the schedules are done and sending out the response next week?

Same for me and my fiance. Some of the earlier posts got responses within 24 hours. We submitted last week.

I'm playing a wrecker cursed battle oracle and i get improved critical at 8th level from a revelation with doubles the critical threat range of the specified weapon type. However, because of my curse any item in my hands is considered broken. For weapons this means -2 to attack and damage, only get critical hits with a natural 20, and only have a X2 critical modifier.

My question is: Does the broken condition override improved critical or does improved critical double the threat range of the broken weapon.

I'm playing a wrecker cursed battle oracle and i get improved critical at 8th level from a revelation with doubles the critical threat range of the specified weapon type. However, because of my curse any item in my hands is considered broken. For weapons this means -2 to attack and damage, only get critical hits with a natural 20, and only have a X2 critical modifier.

My question is: Does the broken condition override improved critical or does improved critical double the threat range of the broken weapon.

also how does a impact furious and furyborn greatsword sound. in that order of application.

I am planning for my half-orc to go 5 levels barbarian then prestige into a living monolith for 5 levels. i was thinking that a level of alchemist to get a mutagen boost at level 7 would be good. Is this a good or bad idea.

Tengu favored class bonus for oracle is the same for gnome. Add 1/2 to the oracle level for purposes of determining the effects of the curse. At level 5 wrecker oracle says "reduce the hardness of an object you attack in mellee by your oracle level." Does my favored class bonus apply to this or do I just get the ability a level earlier. I'm paraphrasing so if the ruling is very word specific let me know.

I heard you can buy a ship for 10 PA. I'm making a pirate so what book would that be in and what kind of ship would it be. Also where could i find ship stats.

I would like a ruling please and officially state the ruling

Hey weird question here so some background first. My character will be a Halfling witch with the Halfling Jinx Racial trait. I know you sacrifice Halfling Luck to obtain Halfling Jynx and you can increase the negatives you apply to afflicted enemy's saves by gaining the feats Iron will, Lightning reflexes, and/or Great fortitude. My question is if I take the Halfling Opportunist prestige class, do the bonuses to Halfling Luck gained by the class apply to the penalties my Jynx incurs or does it allow me to gain Halfling luck bonuses. Either way it sounds pretty cool one way i get increased debuff ability another i get save bonuses. If i could get an official ruling that would be great.