RelicBlackOUT |

Hello! I am currently playing in a Kingmaker game and the party wants to make a specific item that will help us in questioning/interrogation situations. The DM said we could make it, I just want to know the rules around it.
What we are wanting to create is a "Rug of Abadar's Truth Telling"
We want to have a rug that has a constant effect of the "Abadar's Truth Telling" on it.
I know this would include the need for that spell, permanent spell, and CWI.
What is the math needed to figure out the GP cost is also another thing I am looking for.
Thanks guys, I look forward to see what everyone comes up with.
Also, I am playing a crafter and know how the rules to make the items that are already listed in the Ultimate Equipment book, but when it comes to crafting a "new" item, I need a little help.

_Ozy_ |
Standard formula for a constant effect item would be:
Spell Level * Caster Level * 2000 * duration factor
For a duration of 1 min/level, the duration factor is 2.
So, the standard formula would suggest a price of 4000gp.
The other thing to do is look through the standard list of magic items and see if there is anything that has roughly the same effect and use that price as a guide.
If you can't find anything, then 4000 could be the starting point. That doesn't seem too out of bounds since you could just buy a wand for 750gp and use that as needed. The DC for the save for the magic item effect is going to be pretty low by default, DC 11.

RelicBlackOUT |

Standard formula for a constant effect item would be:
Spell Level * Caster Level * 2000 * duration factor
For a duration of 1 min/level, the duration factor is 2.
So, the standard formula would suggest a price of 4000gp.
The other thing to do is look through the standard list of magic items and see if there is anything that has roughly the same effect and use that price as a guide.
Thank you so much or this starting point. I will do a little digging from this point and go from there.
Yes, we have talked about Elixirs of Truth and even making a wand of Abadar's Truth Telling. They might be more "realistic." But how cool would it be to have a rug in the throne room that would do the same thing? It just seems more fantastical, and just straight up bad to the bones.

Splendor |
If you created the rug using the trap rules. 500gp*CL*SL
You could add the spell Improved trap to it and up the DC by +2. Which would be +150gp if you hire a hireling to cast it.
Heighten Spell would increase the DC also.
DC includes the Improved Trap Spell (but not the cost)
DC 13 = 500gp - Lv 1 spell (11 stat)
DC 15 = 3000gp - Lv 2 Spell (12 stat)
DC 16 = 7500gp - Lv 3 Spell (13 stat)
DC 18 = 14000gp - Lv 4 Spell (14 stat)

_Ozy_ |
the only thing to increase the DC is to instead use zone of truth, which is a lvl 2 spell then use the above trap rules - you could get the DC all the way upto 25 that way if you're feeling rich
Er, that's not the only way. When you're custom crafting a magic item, you and the GM can work out a boost to the DC cost with whatever formula agree upon.

RelicBlackOUT |

If you created the rug using the trap rules. 500gp*CL*SL
You could add the spell Improved trap to it and up the DC by +2. Which would be +150gp if you hire a hireling to cast it.
Heighten Spell would increase the DC also.
DC includes the Improved Trap Spell (but not the cost)
DC 13 = 500gp - Lv 1 spell (11 stat)
DC 15 = 3000gp - Lv 2 Spell (12 stat)
DC 16 = 7500gp - Lv 3 Spell (13 stat)
DC 18 = 14000gp - Lv 4 Spell (14 stat)
Where did you get the formula for the cost of that trap?
500gp x Caster level x Spell level?
NVM yes I figured it out...