The Great War of Valoran, The Fractured Runeterra. (LoLfinder) (Interest Check)


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Scarab Sages

My build is literally a drummer of epic Orcish drums if that matters for anything. :P

Most Skins exist in alternate realities, some of which we may visit :D

GM, how badly to do you want us to be paragon's of virtue?

Like, I'm trying to work each of her tails as being key'd some event (ie does X and gets a tail) in character, as well as trying to find a way to tie in her Shadow Mystery into her background - but most LoL Shadow related stuff is connected to something nasty ie Noxus / Zaun / Shadow Isles, MAYBE Order of Shadows (Zed).

I guess I could make her have a darker past/history, but IDK if that plays well with what you have planned in this game, or what you visualize for your heroes/party.

GM Space Duck wrote:
I highly doubt I'm picking a party of five Yordles. That said, it may benefit those who play the odds.

Lol, is that how you feel? Well I would love to know your ideas and stats for the Glorious Evolutionist or the Voidling. Especially the voidling. It might be interesting to try and build something with that :)

So long as you're not evil, I.e. you revel in bad things happening to good people. I don't care how nice you are. I've seen and enjoyed characters that revel in slaughter and mischief, but they still care who's innocent or defenseless. Dark is fine, evil is bad.

I'm working like crazy to get this done among my other responsibilities now. I promise things will mellow out when I start GMing so that I can keep up, I'm just packed up a little this week. Few more days and I should have that guide together and a recruitment thread up.

Scarab Sages

Just poking us back up the list so I don't have to scroll so far to check for new developments. :)

Haha thanks. I'm still working. gotta go to georgia Monday, but I should be able to finish up the guide soon.

I've actually decided to go ahead and bow out from this one. Y'all have fun though - I'm going to try to keep up and read, since I'm interested in how y'all translate Runeterra to Pathfinder. I like seeing other settings converted to this system.

(And I may be tempted to make commentary in the OOC so please let me know if you'd rather I not do that.)

Scarab Sages

If I am chosen (and that's looking to be a big if right now) I'd rather you did. :)


Yordles 1.0:

Yordles are a race of diminutive fey creatures that inhabit the breadith of Runeterra. While today, the vast majority of the yordle society dwells in the southeastern part of Valoran, behind the safety of the Sablestone Mountain range, they had not always done so. They eventually settled themselves within the Ruddynip Valley known as the Yordle Land, where modern day Bandle City is located. There, their knowledge of magic, the sciences and arts made them an integral part of Valoran society and are present in its Politics. 
However the origin of this race in Runeterra is unknown but most would agree that Yordles resided in Valoran during its Pre-Historic times. They were a nomadic race, travelling from one part of Valoran to the other. Records show they had presence in Ancient Freljord. They lived in tight neat family groups. Because of their small stature, they were mostly prey for many animals. During their evolution they lost their tails and front canine teeth, which help them evolve their brains. They started using tools for their everyday needs like hunting and defending from predators which helped them evolve as a species. The recent discovery of the pre-historic Yordle known as Gnar has further expanded the knowledge of Yordle biology and has opened a window into the life of the Pre-historic yordle race.

Alignment: Yordles are generally a peaceful and amicable race, often marked with streaks of joviality and light prankishness; their moral compass is most often pointed toward goodness and benevolence. Their desire for social interaction drives them toward this ethos, as the mental health of a yordle is very much dependent on the positive company he or she keeps. This does not mean, however, that they are incapable of cruelty and evil. In fact, a yordle who is kept in isolation for too long – especially from contact with other yordles – runs the risk of becoming withdrawn and sullen. Some who already are centered more toward malevolence will become exceedingly so in due course. These yordles will often twist their desire for social interaction into a desire to seek out others to inflict pain and suffering upon them, one extreme example being Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil. Yordles are attracted to Runeterra cultures and enjoy manifesting around certain human ideals.

Standard Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Yordles are quick and clever above all else, but as a race are rather squishy. They receive +2 to DEX and INT, and -2 to CON.
Type: Yordles are humanoids with the Yordle subtype. 
Size: Yordles are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. 
Base Speed (Move Quick): Yordles have a base speed of 30 feet, quick for such small creatures. 
Languages: Yordles begin play speaking Common and Bandiche. Yordles with high Intelligence scores can choose from languages geographically near Bandle City. (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Senses racial traits
Big-ass ears: Yordles gain a +2 to sound based perception checks, and take a lessened penalty to perception while sleeping.

Defense Racial Traits 
Community Hope: Yordles gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects when with companions. Also, once per day, after a natural roll of 1 on a saving throw, a Yordle may reroll and use the second result.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits 
Specialized education,
All Yordles raised in Bandle City are given a choice of specialty as they near the end of their primary education. At level one a yordle must choose a pair of skills from the list below. These are considered class skills permanently. If the yordle chooses a class that has these as class skills, they receive a +2 racial bonus to it instead.
Disable Device and K. (Engineering)
Perception and Survival
K. (nature) and Handle Animal
K. (Arcana) and Use Magic Device
Bluff and Sense Motive

Alternate Racial Traits 

Alts are to come, suggestions welcome.

Scarab Sages

Looks awesome! I'll start building as soon as I can.

Alternate race trait:
You won't like him when he's angry
Yortles who get mad tend to like it a little too much and therefore tend to produce fits of rage far out of proportion with their small frames. They count as orcs for the purposes of rage-related effects or features.

It's totally selfish, I know. :)

Perhaps flavoring it as a gene passed down by Gnar? It's really a trait no other Yordles have. Even Kled's not so much angry as bloodthirsty.

Scarab Sages

True enough. I wonder if that would be too against the "you are not a Champion" thing.

Well, that depends on if you also turn into a giant monster. :P

I'm trained as an Ionian Ninja who uses Kama and sets up damage for future attacks by marking them, but I can't teleport or smokebomb, and am Demacian by blood, so I'm not Akali.

Choon if you're chosen I may throw you a bone, so build as if that is a trait. It would replace community hope

After consideration, I'm nixing voidling and ursine as playable for now. Nobody seemed excited about them anyway lol. I'll finish up Viktor's fanboys tomorrow, and hopefully get a quick rundown of campaign traits up in time for recruitment.

See you all soon!

lol Illia I read that as Karma for a moment xD

Though slamming people with Karma could be fun. Less fun if Karma objects though :P

Are yordles going to have favored class options at some point? That may finally be what helps me make my decision as I finally get some time to work on a character. I'm now leaning towards either an Order of the Flame Emissary Cavalier, or a Paladin that wants his name in the history books as the greatest follower of his deity, and will do many great acts of heroism and compassion to that end.

I can't really imagine how playable voidlings would work in a Good game anyway, so that was probably doomed from the start. Mildly surprised that no one wants to play an Armored Bear, but I guess that's just the way it is.

Slamming people with Karma is fun. She's my most played. :P

Scarab Sages

I tend to play assassins and brawlers like Poppy, Irelia, and Yi

Sona, Zyra, Vel'Koz~

I like my supports =]

Anyway I'm thinking up something dark for my oracle. Shes Level 3, so I don't really think " ex-assasin" is a good idea, but she does have Realistic Likeness, so her disguise is through the roof. It wouldn't be hard for her to find and/or steal valuable information, or like, manipulate/charm/blackmail/sabotage I think.

Oh old Poppy. I miss you sweet princess-ambassador!

Mundo, Veigar, Fidd. Kled is probably my favorite, design wise but I just cant seem to make him work in-game :,(

Joseph Bonkers wrote:
GM Space Duck wrote:
I highly doubt I'm picking a party of five Yordles. That said, it may benefit those who play the odds.
Lol, is that how you feel? Well I would love to know your ideas and stats for the Glorious Evolutionist or the Voidling. Especially the voidling. It might be interesting to try and build something with that :)

Im quite interested in the voidling! However, I understand if it is too much work :)

Personally, voidling feels like something more akin to a monster as a PC race, each beast being unique and weird. Cho'Gath and Rek'sai, for example, have rather little in common.

Would you let me use Heirloom Weapon to get a masterwork weapon? The trait specifies non-masterwork. I'd be willing to pay for the cost of a Masterwork Transmutation spell if you want.

Honestly as I thought about the concept of PC voidling or similar, I was left with Fetchlings, Tieflings, and an older custom race I made called Forsaken. Easier to just make the Void encompass most evil aligned planes.

(House Rule) Heirloom or signature weapons are always considered to be Masterwork, but too worn or damaged to provide the Masterwork bonus until repaired for the Masterwork cost or transmuted via magic.

Okay, so I can just spend the extra 300 to make it properly masterwork? Thanks!

Glorious Evolutionite 0.1 (beta)
I'm thinking bonus to con and int, penalty to both CHA and Wis, and the Android traits emotionless and alert. The big, important thing, is the ability to upgrade yourself when you have access to tech. This makes them a little weak early game, but they pick up steam because they can get upgraded for cheaper than other races.


In the argument for game balance, they probably shouldn't scale too hard. Maybe instead give them a discount/benefit on "magic items" if they craft/have someone in an auto-shop make a slotted item out of their actual body parts with Craft (Mechanical Stuff) or Knowledge (Engineering) checks. So their robo-hands act as Gloves of [Whatever] magic free rather than having to hunt down a pair of enchanted gloves.

Also, I've assembled a bit of crunch using the currently available Yordle stuff. Not gonna post it just yet in hopes of some alternate racial traits in the works that might fit better. I also want to have a bit of concrete lore for them on paper first as well.

Yeah I intend to make them go from like 5 RP to around 15 RP. Carefully. I'll need good players to help me playtest these.

Yeah I'd be careful with upgrades. CON + INT is very much a "caster" stat spread (or something like a Magus/Bomber Alchemist even), something that doesn't overly mind dumping CHA and WIS, and usually something that ends up scaling up late pretty well regardless!

I'd rather give them something like the androids Nanite surge, or the demoniac's Energumen ability - a small boost (representing an "upgrade", or tapping into any "enhancements", but not something permanant. Victor himself being the obvious exception since hes probably hit perfection himself.

That said, how strong it is depends entirely on what enhancements are on offer.

Just as a thought: what if you did something for Androids similar to what Warforged had in 3.5 featwise? That is, instead of giving them extra CON, just give them a +2 to INT or a stat of their choice, or +2 INT and -2 CHA, but then allow them to spend a feat (level 1 only?) to get, say, Adamantine Body, or Mithral Body, or something of that nature.

Warforged in Eberron operated on the idea that they already counted as having armor because they were, well, constructs. So they couldn't wear armor (unless they had a feat that removed their armor I think?), but they could use these things called Docets which gave their bodies enhancement bonuses.

Warforged were weird.

But that might be an option to consider as it makes boosting their starting defenses a player choice.

I'm starting to remember the frustration with how terrible guns can be if they're not at least somewhat common in the setting. A blunderbuss is basically a ridiculously overpriced and glorified reach weapon that can target Touch AC or attack a cone at the penalty of costing about 12 GP an attack with sub-par damage, a full round to reload, AND triggering AoOs any time you interact with it in any way during combat.

It makes my concept cry.

Mundane ammo will not be that bad, but ADC's tend to be late game focused ;)

TL/DR: Guns are terribly balanced. I'd be better off with a Crossbow, but it makes the concept less interesting.

Wall of Text:
If I craft normal ammo myself, it's 1GP and 1SP per shot. If I craft my own Alchemical Charges, I'll be able to maybe shoot every round at least due to being easier to load, but will be paying 6GP per shot. In comparison, someone wielding a Crossbow or Bow would be paying 1GP for 10 and 20 shots respectively. Not to mention the stupidly high cost of 2,000 GP for a blunderbuss, but hey, I get one for free. Hope it never gets sundered, stolen, or obsolete.

Also, I'm trying to make a Gun Tank, a heavily armored juggernaut with a BFGun. If the character were a LoL Champion they'd be categorized as a Tank and I wouldn't mind a slow attack speed. As a Pathfinder character the very fact that my absolute best case scenario at the start of the campaign (being allowed to remain stationary with enemies no closer nor farther than 10ft away and not currently engaged in melee combat, since I don't have the feats to get Precise Shot yet) costs me 60 time more a shot just to contribute one round (which might can likely take a week in real time) than someone using a light crossbow is disgustingly unfun and I argue unbalanced. This is ignoring the extra round of actions it takes to get my gun in working order again if I ever roll a 1 or 2.

All of that said, I could scrap the Rule of Cool and (respectively) high tech feel the blunderbuss (and maybe later, shotgun) grants me, alter my build to start with 3 levels of Fighter, use a heavy crossbow, and take Bolt Ace Gun Tank Gunslinger levels once the game starts rolling. At least I'll feel like I'm pulling my weight without pouring my gold down the drain.

Yeah guns(lingers) are terribly balanced. Basically the kings of DPR where you get free Dex to damage and target touch AC which pretty much nukes through most of your standard monsters. In my experience, gunslingers find it tough level 1-4, and then kick ass from 5 onwards. Kinda like those Mad Bomber Alchemists that go crazy nova from Fast Bombs onwards.

TL/DR: My best case scenario is equal to basically any other martial character's worst case (not being able to Full Attack).

My Continued Whining:
I'm rather sure that DPR assessment is taking into account the ability to Full attack, yes? I've made a gunslinger with a pistol before, they were great, carried the party damage, basically. But, they were using a pistol. They could full attack freely and hit Touch ACs out to at least 20ft.

I cannot. My effective range is exactly 10ft and I have to use my Move Actions reloading even with Alchemical Charges and Rapid Reload.

A Rapid Shot Pistolero dual wielding and laying out 5 shots a round IS some damn good DPR. A Guntank that only fires once a round is not.

I WANT the blunderbuss to be good. I REALLY do. I LOVE the idea of a 3ft tall yordle clad in heavy plate, carrying a massive cannon, walking slowly through a battlefield, whistling a melancholy tune between giant BLASTS of gunpowder as they blow their enemies apart. It's just so pitifully weak mechanically. I'll be doing respectable damage once every round at best, but once every other round or so at worst, while everyone else is doing it two to five times in one round at best or once every round at worst.

Gun stuff:
You can eventually get a Shotgun, which has a 20 ft. range when used with bullets (thus DEX-to-damage) and a 30 ft. cone when used as a spread attack. You can specialize in the spread attack without being horrible at the other mode of fire.

Once you get to Advanced Firearms (which you CAN eventually get given the settings of "Emerging Guns"), you can grab Rapid Reload and fire the shotgun as many times a round as you please.

"Massive cannon"? I think I understand the problem; you are using the wrong weapon!

Take a look at the hand culverin! While it still has all the annoying reloading problems, at least it does 2d8 at 30' instead. Expensive and with some drawbacks* though ...

But if you are not going to use the Scatter part of the blunderbuss anyhow you could simply grab a musket instead? They are less resistant to being useful :P

*more on this, since I just had an silly idea!

Indeed, late game focus. Also, being a tank makes it hard to do damage, lol.

Imagine what happens if you are this character and your team finds the Rapid Fire Cannon...

For all I know "later levels" could mean level 20. Until we get more information about when "later levels" might be, I'm going to assume I'm pretty much stuck with my blunderbuss. If it's a matter of cost, that's a bit less of an issue, assuming we make enough cash quickly.

Using Pellets and Scatter attacks adds an additional stipulation of being able to aim a cone attack without hitting my friends as well. If we ever find ourselves on one side of a door with enemies clustered about on the other side, scatter shots will be gleeful bits of fun. In less optimal situations, I hope no one wants to flank, cause I'll be a sad yordle.

We start with 1,000GP. A Culverin costs 4,000GP, a Shotgun is 5,000GP, and a Double Barreled Shotgun is 7,000GP. The only reason I'm allowed to have a gun at all to begin with is because the class gives me a free one. Using a Musket has the same issues with taking a base Full Action to reload as the Blunderbuss, but does cut down on many of the other issues, you are correct.

One last thing I have to know is am I allowed to retrain my Rapid Reload to apply to another weapon once I upgrade? I have enough things to gripe about without having Rapid Reload taking up most of my feats just because I picked up a new gun.

Rapid Fire Cannon sounds fun, I hope it's worth the wait and all of my frustrations.

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All right let's see. The Hand Culverin knocks you off your feet unless it is properly braced (ie you fall prone). This seems sucky. It also gives an -4 penalty, but let's ignore that for now.

The course of action seems to be to find a way to brace yourself? Soooooo... Let's not to that and instead embrace this little flaw and turn it into something (moderately) useful!

Introducing the Intrepid Rescuer feat. Every time an enemy makes an attack against *blabla* prone *blabla* allies they provoke an AoO. You are your own ally. Soooo every time the enemy wants to attack you get to smack them? Sounds nice!

Now we have found some advantage to being on the ground, though it is still annoying to suffer an -4 to AC even if we get to slap our foe around. That's why we grab Monkey Style. Suddenly it doesn't matter much that we are prone - we just get free attacks!

But we only get to make a weak kick or something as an AoO - no that won't do! So we will have to grab Snap Shot too. That way we can make an 30' cone blast instead of some weaksauce yordle slaps. Much nicer!

Ideally we'd want to reload it a bit quicker too. Rapid Reload + Alchemical cartridges drops us down to a Move Action, but we need something more. I'd personally consider using the Musket Master archetype and just picking up heavy armour proficiencies and stuff (or settling for medium armour) since it helps out so much when dealing with 2h firearms.

Anyhow - all in all - this build wouldn't really work perfectly until level 6 (when you can get snap shot!). But you can cheat the requirements of Monkey Style at least with an quick monk master of many styles dip. Honestly I'd probably look around for more ways to cheat on the useful feats and the build would probably be an mess of many different things. But that's the pathfinder price of trying to break the mold : )

I'm pretty sure my question got buried under all this gun talk, so I'll ask again; are there going to be favored class options for yordles?

One last thought for guns: if you're really worried about your early game action economy, the Dragon Pistol is basically a smaller blunderbuss. It gets the same spread and range, and with Rapid Reload and alchemical cartridges it becomes way easier to reload. The critical is higher (x4) and the damage is barely less (1d6 vs. 1d8). Even the misfire is the same.

The only thing is it's technically a smaller version of the gun. But you could RP yours as being especially bulky.

Lessah wrote:

All right let's see. The Hand Culverin knocks you off your feet unless it is properly braced (ie you fall prone). This seems sucky. It also gives an -4 penalty, but let's ignore that for now.

The course of action seems to be to find a way to brace yourself? Soooooo... Let's not to that and instead embrace this little flaw and turn it into something (moderately) useful!

Introducing the Intrepid Rescuer feat. Every time an enemy makes an attack against *blabla* prone *blabla* allies they provoke an AoO. You are your own ally. Soooo every time the enemy wants to attack you get to smack them? Sounds nice!

Now we have found some advantage to being on the ground, though it is still annoying to suffer an -4 to AC even if we get to slap our foe around. That's why we grab Monkey Style. Suddenly it doesn't matter much that we are prone - we just get free attacks!

But we only get to make a weak kick or something as an AoO - no that won't do! So we will have to grab Snap Shot too. That way we can make an 30' cone blast instead of some weaksauce yordle slaps. Much nicer!

Ideally we'd want to reload it a bit quicker too. Rapid Reload + Alchemical cartridges drops us down to a Move Action, but we need something more. I'd personally consider using the Musket Master archetype and just picking up heavy armour proficiencies and stuff (or settling for medium armour) since it helps out so much when dealing with 2h firearms.

Anyhow - all in all - this build wouldn't really work perfectly until level 6 (when you can get snap shot!). But you can cheat the requirements of Monkey Style at least with an quick monk master of many styles dip. Honestly I'd probably look around for more ways to cheat on the useful feats and the build would probably be an mess of many different things....


Umineko has a good point, Yordle Favored Class Bonuses would be neat.

Yeah, I count a total of 8 feats to get all those tricks. It's a nifty bit of system mastery, and I applaud you for it. If I'm right Gunslinger 1/ Fighter 4/MoMF Monk 1 can get all those feats by level six. Going Musket Master would allow me to reload at a reasonable rate, however I will never get the benefits of Gun Training (one of the Gunslingers better abilities) to anything BUT a Musket if I did it that way.

Fighting prone makes me feel more like a sniper than a heavily armored yordle mobile artillery as well.

I can't AFFORD a Dragon Pistol. It costs 1,000GP and that's all we've been allowed. I wouldn't even have ammo for it. Also to nitpick, Yordles are small so it does 1d4 compared to 1d6.

@More guns!

But I'll put it in a spoiler to clutter up a (little) bit less!


How many levels are you planning on sticking with gunslinger?

This and [url=] archetype stacks and they seem (without having perfect insight in your vision) to be more helpful for your Yordle then the Gun Tank one.

The Musket Master, while fluffed for muskets mainly, really helps out with all two handed firearm use. It will let you reload much easier thanks to the Fast Musket deed at level 3. If you ask our GM nicely he might even let you switch that free Rapid Reload to a weapon you actually want to use!

The Siege Gunner's two deeds will be really helpful if you want to scattershot people. Targeted Blast is a bit expensive in use, but not that many options boost the damage of cone weapons. The Scattershot deed is free to use increase to your blast area - helpful to use once you want to clear a room but can be turned off to not toast friendly flankers. And it is free! Furthermore it changes Grit from Wis to Int (Yordle racial bonus) which might make things easier to piece together : )

Together, by third level, you would have one step faster reload from Fast Musket, maybe another if GM lets you swap Rapid Reload, +3 damage on one target with scattershot for your grit as well as 5' range on the cone and your grit runs on Int instead of Wis.

You would however lose out on the Gun Tank Armour training on level four as well as get a somewhat less useful bonus feat.

Just some random thoughts - your idea has proven to be quite the wellspring of those :P

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