The Great War of Valoran, The Fractured Runeterra. (LoLfinder) (Interest Check)


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I've been wanting to do this for a while, so I finally feel like I can see who wants to join me.

Welcome to the League of Pathfinder!!!

The Teal Deer:
TL;DR of everything.
League Campaign, Pathfinder Rules, Runeterra setting.
Start in Demacia, brink of a World War.
Champions exist, you are NOT one of them.
20 pt buy, no evil, All Paizo, no 3pp.
Character RP example preferred.
I am GM space Duck. Fear me. Quack.

The setting
This is a pathfinder campaign set in Runeterra, where the majority of League of Legends lore originates. Similarly to the current lore to my understanding, the actual League does not exist in this dimension, and summoning magic is the only reason some champs are equivalent in strength. Garen will be a middling high level, but Cho'Gath will have a CR on par with a Great Old One like Cthulhu or something.

The Setup
Runeterrans are just too damn strong, and they all want to prove it. War is breaking out everywhere, and some very crucial and shaky alliances have yet to be made. The PC's find themselves in Demacia as Noxus attacks, and must prove their worth in trial by fire. The campaign will inevitably lead them off into other iconic locations and they will cross paths with champions all over.

The Space Duck
I am a bit of a wild card GM. I like the standard rules, and they all have their purpose. That said, the purpose often outweighs the letter, and I may bend a few things. I have a handful of house rules that I use and am expanding upon, and I love feedback. I'm very good with numbers and balance, so I like brewing new things into the existing material.
You should know that I am fairly against evil parties and flagrant self service. I don't care that you're a perfect pragmatist and somehow are here because of self interest, if the party doesn't like you, I can arrange to have Gnar picking you out of his teeth.
I prefer the party to gel with flavor even more so than with mechanics, so I usually throw a gmpc in to fill the biggest gap in a party. Make the characters you want.

Should I receive the interest to move forward, You should know about your characters and my plans.
As I said, no Evil. My ability to evoke character investment generally revolves around a sense of virtue and ethics. I'm just not a good evil GM.
You may use any race found in Golarion, and I will work with players if anyone wants to use Runeterran races like Ursine, Yordle, or Voidling.
Champions do exist, and I'll try to pay the fanservice and see a lot of them, but you are NOT a champion. You MIGHT have a personal connection with one champ, but you may not be a champ or any likeness thereof.

Lastly, know that this is based on MY interpretation of the lore. There will be anachronisms and discrepancies, but I'll try to make it the best experience that I can.

If you would like to get the jump on Character submission, Its 20 pt buy, level 3, 1000 gold. Any Paizo, no 3pp crap unless it's mine, and 12RP limit. (I am racist against Aasimars, so that will hurt your chances)

All submissions should come with a decent backstory or roleplay short with your character. Don't confuse long with high quality in these.

I am interested in the setting premise, though I do wonder what particular happenings are occurring presently; Noxus & Demacia always hate each other, but there are a variety of other places (Piltover, Zuan, Bilgewater, Shurima, etc.) where politics and alignment are more flexible. Especially for characters who might have ties/be from those places originally, that is an important facet to consider.

Also, at level 1, we are essentially novices in whichever field our characters might have. Is there a unifying tie for prospective members of this campaign to have with one another that might provide a prompt of sorts for the character RP sample you desire?

The basics, what any character would know, is that there is an understanding of borders at the moment. It's a weird unspoken agreement that, apart from the eternal Noxus-Demacia campaign, no one is taking hostile action across their borders. Sure, a skirmish or two up in the Freljord, the usual Noxian diplomacy, but no acts of war. There is this uneasy feeling though. Well traveled characters know that the armies of each respective city-state are larger than ever, and alliances are almost non-existent.

Note that you are indeed level 3. And the example doesn't have to be with other PC's. Any little situation you make up to flavor your character is cool. I'll post one or two of my old ones soon.

Oh yes, League of Legends and Pathfinder. This is great. Runeterra has room for a little bit of everything and anything, there's so much freedom and the flavor is steadily expanding. We just learned so much about Zaun with the WW rework. In particular how it's below Piltover, which just gives a new meaning to the phrase "seedy underbelly".

I'll see what I can think up for this.

Initial thought is someone who's studying magic in order to eventually join the Institute of War. Would you allow wizards to use PFS rules and trade off Scribe Scroll for Spell Focus?

I'll have to look at those rules, but I don't see much issue off the bat.

I should mention that in my lore (and the goal of rito in the reworking lore to my knowledge) there is NO LEAGUE. The institute exists for a different purpose, but the Rift and the League exist extradimensionally

That's pretty fair. What does the Institute do in your lore, then? I can't find new lore on it.

Umm....yeah I'm interested. I love league and pathfinder, so this should be major fun. The android race looked like it would be fun, but it's 16 RP. Would you maybe allow me to use implants/augments from the Technology guide? I'd be interested in playing somebody who has joined the glorious evolution, and has maybe just started their transformation.

I've worked with Androids before, and may make an exception. Lemme look at the race once i'm not actively playing league, maybe we work on it a little. I'd love an augmented (or pre-augmented) Zaunite though.

I have yet to decide entirely on the institute, as there is no updated lore concerning it. I may create a new purpose for it entirely if rito doesn't show any big changes soon.

As promised: some examples of the little narratives that, while optional, would be great to see!

My favorite, an old one from my Catfolk Pirate Swashbuckler:

Tikkle loves kids:
As Tikkle approached the docks, he noticed a lone little catfolk girl standing at the edge of the road leading to the ships. "Ahoy lass! What are ya doin' out 'ere? Don't you know Cats are scared of water?"

"How rude!" She said before turning around. "I'm not a cat, I'm a- You're catfolk too! And a sailor! So you're clearly not afraid of water."

Tikkle chuckled at how well spoken the little one was and comically looked both ways and held a finger to his mouth as if it was a secret. "What brings you out here love? Where are your parents?"

"Mummy's asleep, but I had a nightmare. My papa's on a ship, and I dreamed that he didn't come back. I dunno why I came to look for him, he's not supposed to be back for another week."

Tikkle grabbed a scrap of rope from the dock and kneeled in front of the little kit. He started working on a complicated knot as he spoke. "Have you ever seen the bright orange butterflies that come here every summer? They fly for miles and miles on their own, some even all the way to the mainland. But at the end of every summer, they all come back to the place they were born, because that's where their heart is. That's why sailors make these," He holds up the finished butterfly knot, "To remind us that we always go back to where we left our heart. Your Papa will come back to you, because where else could his heart be but with his beautiful little kit here in Tarth?"

"I'm not a kit! I'm thirteen!" she exclaimed.

"My mistake young miss!" Tikkle then bowed to her, presenting the butterfly knot to her as a gift."For you. Now, may I walk you home my dear?"

and a narrative I used in lieu of a background:

Drake's Awakening:
*Bang, bang, bang.*
Am I asleep? Is someone knocking?
*Bang, Bang*
Come on, Drake, open your eyes
*Bang. Bang. Bang*
Wait, they are open. What am I doing? Are these my hands?
*Bang, bang*
Why am I hitting this door? I, I want in. I want… to eat… No, that's not me. Get a grip Drake. I, I need to kill… No! No no no. I feel warm, I've been so cold…
Those are your arms, Drake, move them…
Kill, kill, kill…
Who's voice is that? Who is in my head!? Calm down… I'm leaning against a door… I stopped moving, that's good. Breathe, Drake… Take a breath…
Attack the living, destroy everything you see!
No! That's not me! I am alive! This is my body, and you can't have it! I… will… WIN!!!

With that push of will, Drake felt a pop near the base of his skull, a spell releasing its hold. He then regained his senses fully and collapsed to the ground. He did not remember how he got there, but quickly became aware of the fact that he was, until now, undead. The man was unsure what was happening, but he knew enough to recognize powerful divine magic when he felt it. He stood then, realizing that the other undead around him would not remain oblivious to his change for long. There were survivors, that's why I was trying to get in… I'll bet they were further inside, maybe I can get around back...

In lieu of messing with the Institute, then, maybe an apprentice to a Shuriman elder who was sent to Demacia to try and warn them about Azir's gathering forces and hopefully gain some allies in the process?

Also a great concept. If this actually turns into a recruitment, I'll work with each of you on specifics your character would know based on background.

Suuuper interested. Already got a little bit of a character idea in mind.

A wanna-be vigilante. Born to a rich semi-corrupt by Demacian standards noble family, in that they've lost all martial vigor and just enjoy the high life and fancy parties among the shining towers of Demacia. He/She wants to become a champion of justice like the shining examples throughout the world like Garen or Jayce. But his/her parents would never let him/her join the military, so he/she instead goes on long "vacations" to other parts of the world to try and learn how to fight.

He/she visited Ionia to try and learn martial arts, but didn't really stay long enough to become a true master. When he/she visited "Piltover" but actually went Zaun to try to and test out those skills, he/she got the tar beat out of him/her. Currently recouping at home, wondering if he/she has what it takes.

Think that fits well enough with your vision to go ahead and flesh out the concept?

I'll dot my interest. I want to bring in a character much like Kled: crazy, possibly with a mount, and always eager to fight. Maybe not to the point he thinks he owns everything, but probably more that he wants to be glorious and have everyone know his name. He's also definitely going to be a Yordle. Yordle pride!

For a better reference of what I want, my alias of Urf Rotnose may provide adequate information of the type of character.

@Illia that sounds like a fantastic idea! Reason enough to be well traveled with ties to certain high profile demacians... I love it!

@Umineko sounds like a fun concept, just try to give him space to become his own character in time.

Thanks for the interest so far. If I keep getting love over the weekend, I'll turn it full blown recruitment next week.

I don't suppose any of your homebrews are reductions to feat taxes?

I keep running the numbers on my build and finding that I can't quite get my combo running due to stuff like Mobility and Combat Expertise, even if I managed to convince you to let me trade Skilled for Skill Focus or Acrobatic and a bonus to acrobatics if I can get it (which is technically equal by race builder points, but getting the feat and a static bonus is way more front loaded on bonus, even if Skilled is better in the long run).

I actually have been known to fudge around useless feats. In my meatspace Hell's Rebels game I offered to change ONE feat branch's prereq from Combat expertise to something more useful to the character concept, like agile maneuvers. Once you get it roughed out, tell me what you want and we'll see about making it more accessible without breaking it.

I do hate having a character that just can't be what I want him to be because of silly prereqs, and I understand the plight. So long as you're ok with waiting to scale properly, I will try to help you get there eventually.

Basically and are things I want. I want to follow this combat pattern, standard action feint, tumble through the enemy, whack them with this: "Up Close and Personal (Ex): When attempting to move through an opponent's space during a move action, single melee attack as a swift action. If the acrobatics check is successful, this attack applies the vigilante's hidden strike damage as if the foe were unaware of the vigilante. Otherwise, as if the target was denied it's dexterity bonus to AC." I'm flatfooting them from a bunch of sources, but flat-footing them makes it less dangerous and easier to tumble through them.

I can only take that at fourth level, so, that's looking forward to the future anyway. So, right now my primary trick is just fighting straightforward, and surprise attacks.

My must have feats are Weapon Finesse, I'm going dexterity based. As a human I have two feats to spend, so I can't get either of those in time, and can only get one at 5, and the other will have to wait until 11. If I can convince you to let me trade out skilled for some of the feats I need, that would help.

I'd also really like to have Step Up, but that's a want, not a need.

I'll read up on it and see whether I can get you there still balanced. I like combat shticks.

omg I love LoL and its mixed with pathfinder, thats awesome.

Super interested,

Currently thinking Kitsune born in Ionia (either going Vigilante class or Sorcerer). Heavily spiritual, and involved in diplomatic affairs in Runeterra - primarily within Ionia and Demacia (since I'm unsure how someone like her would be received if she arrived in Noxus trying to end hostilies), but still working alongside traditional Ionian values.

Ok, so I'm curious about something. I'm looking at playing either a bloodrager with the Abyssal bloodline, or a warpriest who serves a god of magic. Are we using PF gods and goddesses, or would it be better to dedicate ourselves to say, the force of magic itself in the runeterra setting? Do you have homebrew rules for this? Like I'd mentioned earlier I'm looking at being from Zaun or having ties to Zaun/Viktor, so my conviction as a warpriest would be for the force of magic itself. Also, if you're not too thrilled with the Android race, I can go with human (though that eats into some stat allotment, but that's ok).

I will have to create Valoran appropriate deities. You can assume that each civilization has an appropriate deity, along with the chaos of the void and some old shuriman gods. Assume that there will be an equivalent for any pathfinder deity, and I'll work with you on the equivalent.

I will begin soon posting custom, playable races. I'll keep you guys updated, and the official guide will be in the official recruitment thread, assuming it gets there.
Races may include but are not limited to:
Glorious Evolutionite
And whatever I've forgotten!

I'll also likely up my max Race Points to 15 and give a homebrew rule that makes humans a little more on par with them.

What's your planned level range - just as a ballpark. Just thinking about my concept a little more and wondering if it's going to go long enough to make use of the magical tails feat or not.

Well, all pbps run the risk of falling apart, but I wanna go far. I can pretty well guarantee twelve in the material I have prepared (ish), but I'd like to go on to twenty and have you take on world sized Cho'gath or some crazy crap

I guess some of these questions are more suitable for recruitment threads if it gets off the ground, but I'm curious for the hell of it, is there going to be any perceptions or curiosity RE weird and wonderful races?

Also for what its worth, I fleshed out a possible character I'd be playing (I kept the earlier concept above but went Oracle instead because I felt the curse was a better fit), but I'm not sure if this is the thread for it.

The Exchange


Still working on my talky bit, and actual numbers crunch, but got my general design doc together.


Str 14? +2 Damage and +2 CMD, but it's a lot of points that could be spent on skills. On the other hand, relying on heirloom weapon, I really don't want to be disarmed/sundered. Depending on Combat Expertise, I might go 12 Str, 13 Int. If I can't weapon finesse the reach/disarm/trip features of Double Chained Kama, 14 is a must.
Dex 16+2. A must.
Con 14. I'm melee, doing risky AoO provoking things.
Int 14? more skill ranks.. Also, 13 required if I have to have Combat Expertise.
Cha 14? I like being pretty...
Wis 10 Dumping this stat has proved a poor decision in the past.

Stalker Vigilante:
Deal 2d8 extra precision damage on melee (or ranged within 30 ft) when the foe is unaware of her presence, consider him an ally, or who are made flat-footed by startling appearance. Changes to d4s against targets she is flanking or are denied Dex to AC. Can deal this against targets with concealment but not total concealment. Only one * talent can be applied with a given hidden strike, and only when you deal the big boy damage dice.

Social Talents:
I was wondering if I could treat Perform (Dance) as a Profession skill, for the purposes of social talents like Double Time.

Vigilante Talents:

Level 2: Leave an Opening* (Ex): On hidden strike, if the opponent is still threatened by the Vigilante at the start of the Vigilante's next turn, they provoke an attack of opportunity from the vigilante.

Level 4: Up Close and Personal (Ex): When attempting to move through an opponent's space during a move action, single melee attack as a swift action. If the acrobatics check is successful, this attack applies the vigilante's hidden strike damage as if the foe were unaware of the vigilante. Otherwise, as if the target was denied it's dexterity bonus to AC.

Level 6: Lethal Grace (Ex): Gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat and swap out existing weapon finesse for another feat she qualifies for at that level. When using weapon finesse to make a melee attack using dexterity on attack rolls and strength on damage rolls, add half vigilante level on damage rolls.

Level 8: Cunning Feint (Ex): The vigilante can feint as a move action or in place of his first attack during a full attack. At 8th level, when the vigilante successfully feints, the opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against all attacks until the vigilante's next turn.

Level 1 ???-
Level 1 Human-
Level 3- Weapon Finesse use dex to hit
Level 5 ???-
Level 7 ???-

In order of desire Want Feats: Slayer's Feint, Combat Reflexes, Canny Tumble, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Step Up replaces Combat Reflexes if Double Chained Kama doesn't work out.

Feats I need to get those feats but don't want, in order of do not want: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Acrobatic, I don't particularly mind acrobatic seeing I focus hard on acrobatics, but considering the likelihood of ever using fly checks, it's just poor Skill Focus.

Skills: 18 ranks spent
Acrobatics: 3 ranks, +3 Class, +4 Dex (+6 to tumbling)
Appraise: 1 rank, +3 Class, +? Int
Bluff: 3 ranks, +3 Class, +? Cha
Climb: 1 rank, +3 Class, +? Str
Diplomacy: 1 rank, +3 Class, +? Cha
Disable Device: 1 rank, +3 Class, +4 Dex
Escape Artist: 1 rank, +3 Class, +4 Dex
Knowledge (nobility): 1 rank, +? Int
Perception: 1 rank, +3 Class, + 0 Wis
Perform (dance): 1 rank, +3 class, +? Cha
Sleight of Hand: 1 rank, +3 Class, +4 Dex
Stealth: 3 ranks, +3 Clas, +4 Dex

Crowd Dodger: +2 Trait bonus on acrobatics checks to move through another creature's space and to avoid attacks of opporunity for leaving a threatened square. The poor aren't the only ones to deal with crowds. In an overstuffed party, the ability to gracefully extricate yourself physically may be the only method of escape from a poor conversationalist who won't take a hint. And no one likes a dance partner who steps on toes.
Heirloom Weapon: Proficiency with Double Chained Kama. Upon the completion of her first tier of training in Ionia, her master gifted her with a humble set of Double Chained Kama to take with her.

Combat Gear:
Double Chained Kama, 8 gp, 4 lbs.
1d6/1d6, x2, Slashing, double, monk, reach, trip.
Benefit: The wielder can attack as if armed with a single kama in each hand or extend the chain to make a single reach attack. By swinging the rope, the wielder can whip the kama about to disarm or trip opponents. Furthermore, if one of the weapons is dropped, the wielder can retrieve as a free action by pulling on the chain.

Now, if I understand the Double Chained Kama, it's two Kama, which can be weapon finessed, attached together. I'm certain you can weapon finesse them when you attack without reach, but I'm not sure RAW you can do so when using the reach attack feature, or the trip/disarm.

Presuming no Piecemeal Armor, which would be admittedly a pure upgrade that costs me 6 extra gp in return for getting a +4 AC, +4 Max Dex armor with no ACP, via going Lamellar Cuirass with padded arms and studded leather legs, I'd go with a Lamellar cuirass, 15 gp, +2 AC, +4 Max Dex, 0 ACP, 5 ASF, 8 lbs. Unless I end up not being able to get all my tumbling shenanigans to work, in which case I'd probably roll Kikko armor or something for +5 AC, +4 Max Dex.

Belt of Tumbling, faint transmutation; CL 1st, belt, 800 gp, 1 lb.
+4 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through a threatened square or through an enemy's space.

Sorry ginja, I'm not sure I know what you're asking with that question...

However, regardless of how many I have here I am officially pumped enough to go full recruitment. New thread will be up by the end of the week.

Finally found it :)
This thread has some good ideas for converting pathfinder characters :) use as you desire.
Also, I like the idea of creating the Champions closer to what their "true" abilities should be rather then what their "balanced" abilities are.
Malphite should be the size of a house! Not twice the size of a little girl >:(

Also, I have a pretty good idea for how to create the yordles and I should be able to have it put up by tomorrow for you to critique if you want :)

As for me, one idea I had was to create a Shard of the same monolith that Malphite came from. When Malphite was summoned to Runeterra a shard of the monolith broke off and traveled with him to Runeterra but landed in aa seperate location. Gripped with the same sense of loneliness and loss of community he now wanders Runeterra chasing after rumors of Malphites wereabouts in the hopes of rejoining him.

So I would basically play a small rock creature who is out searching for his big, famous brother, a brother who doesnt know he exists :)
Probably build him as a monk and slap people with big, rocky fists >:)

Dot! The world can always use more Yordles : )

Thanks for the suggestions I'd be happy to look them over! I have Yordles close to ready, but I could look over your idea first :)

So far as the mini-Malph, I like the idea, but for story purposes you may not know much about your progenitor at all. I'll think on it, but let's start with the Oread race and tweak from there!

Here ya go! See what you think :)


Yordles are a race of diminutive fey creatures that inhabit the breadith of Runeterra. While today, the vast majority of the yordle society dwells in the southeastern part of Valoran, behind the safety of the Sablestone Mountain range, they had not always done so. They eventually settled themselves within the Ruddynip Valley known as the Yordle Land, where modern day Bandle City is located. There, their knowledge of magic, the sciences and arts made them an integral part of Valoran society and are present in its Politics.
However the origin of this race in Runeterra is unknown but most would agree that Yordles resided in Valoran during its Pre-Historic times. They were a nomadic race, travelling from one part of Valoran to the other. Records show they had presence in Ancient Freljord. They lived in tight neat family groups. Because of their small stature, they were mostly prey for many animals. During their evolution they lost their tails and front canine teeth, which help them evolve their brains. They started using tools for their everyday needs like hunting and defending from predators which helped them evolve as a species. The recent discovery of the pre-historic Yordle known as Gnar has further expanded the knowledge of Yordle biology and has opened a window into the life of the Pre-historic yordle race.

Yordles are sexually dimorphic and much shorter than humans; both genders rarely exceed 1 meter tall, with most averaging around 0.8 meters. Their skin texture ranges from being completely smooth, to very lightly covered in fur, to ultimately being significantly furry. Their hands and feet differ greatly depending on the individual (ranging from five digit hands similar to humans, to two digit feet). Their skin tone runs a much broader spectrum of colors than their human counterparts; some consider this to be a sign of the yordles’ attunement to Runeterra’s magical nature; though scientists agree that this evolutionary trait is used by male Yordles (which tend to be furry ) to attract females of their species (which tend to be smooth skinned and/or lightly covered with fur).[1] Their large eyes feature a large, circular iris with a vertically oval pupil, and they generally have inferior vision in the normal spectrum of light than humans. Yordles nevertheless have much better hearing, due to their large fox-like ears and are able to see into the infrared spectrum of light, whereas humans cannot. Furthermore, they are commonly characterized by their dependence on language, as well as their creation and utilization of complex tools.

Alignment: Yordles are generally a peaceful and amicable race, often marked with streaks of joviality and light prankishness; their moral compass is most often pointed toward goodness and benevolence. Their desire for social interaction drives them toward this ethos, as the mental health of a yordle is very much dependent on the positive company he or she keeps. This does not mean, however, that they are incapable of cruelty and evil. In fact, a yordle who is kept in isolation for too long – especially from contact with other yordles – runs the risk of becoming withdrawn and sullen. Some who already are centered more toward malevolence will become exceedingly so in due course. These yordles will often twist their desire for social interaction into a desire to seek out others to inflict pain and suffering upon them, one extreme example being Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil. Yordles are attracted to Runeterra cultures and enjoy manifesting around certain human ideals.

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Yordles are an incredibly diverse race, prone to variations and mutations. Yordles characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Type: Yordles are humanoids with the Yordle subtype.
Size: Yordles are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Base Speed (Slow Speed): Yordles have a base speed of 20 feet.
Languages: Yordles begin play speaking Common and Yordle. Yordles with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits
Eternal Hope: Yordles gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects. Also, once per day, after a natural roll of 1 on a d20 roll, a Yordle may reroll and use the second result.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Bonus Feat:Yordles select one extra feat at 1st level.
Master Tinkerer: Yordles gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. Yordles are also treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted.
Skill Bonus: Yordles gain a +2 bonus to one skill of their choice.

Alternate Racial Traits
The following alternate racial trait may be selected in place of one or more of the standard racial traits above. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

  • Fell Magic All Yordles seek out and thrive on social interaction and positive emotion, however if a Yordle gets denied such stimulus for too long they can begin to give into despair. Yordles that have done so for long enough will often seek out darker and more depraved pursuits to satisfy themselves. Yordles that succumb to this gain +1 to the DC of any saving throws against necromancy spells that they cast. Yordles with a Wisdom score of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the user's character level):
    1/day—bleed, chill touch, detect poison, touch of fatigue.
    The DC is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the user's Wisdom modifier. This racial trait replaces the Eternal Hope trait.

Favoured Class Options
Alchemist: Add +1/2 to the number of bombs per day the alchemist can create.
Arcanist: Increase total number of points in the arcanist’s arcane reservoir by 1.
Bard: Add +1 to the Yordle's total number of bardic performance rounds per day.
Cleric: Add 1/2 to the result of the warpriest’s channeled energy when healing creatures of the animal, fey, plant and yordle types.
Druid: Add +1/2 to the druid's wild empathy bonus.
Gunslinger: Add +1/4 to the dodge bonus to AC granted by the nimble class feature (maximum +4).
Investigator: Increase the total number of points in the investigator’s inspiration pool by 1/3.
Magus: Add +1/4 to the magus' arcane pool.
Monk: Add +1/2 on Escape Artist checks and on Acrobatics checks to cross narrow surfaces.
Oracle: Treat the Yordles’s level as +1/2 higher for the purpose of determining the effects of the oracle’s curse ability.
Paladin: Add +1/2 hit point to the paladin's lay on hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm).
Rogue: Add +1 to the number of times per day the rogue can cast a cantrip or 1st-level spell gained from the minor magic or major magic talent. The number of times this bonus is selected for the major magic talent cannot exceed the number of times it is selected for the minor magic talent. The rogue must possess the associated rogue talent to select these options.
Sorcerer: Select one bloodline power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier. The sorcerer adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that bloodline power.
Summoner: The amount of time the summoner must spend to summon his eidolon is reduced by 1 round, to a minimum of 1 round.
Warpriest: Add 1/2 to the result of the warpriest’s channeled energy when healing creatures of the animal, fey, plant and yordle types.
Wizard: Select one arcane school power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard's Intelligence modifier. The wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that arcane school power.


Race Points: Yordle
Humanoid (Yordle) 0rp
Small Size 0rp
Slow Speed -1rp
Human Heritage Ability Array 0rp
Linguist +1rp
Eternal Hope +2rp
Flexible Bonus Feat +4rp
Master Tinkerer +2rp
Skill Bonus ~+2rp
Fell Magic +3rp

Total: about 10-11rp

What do you think? I purposefully made them about the strength of the core races. 2 aspects clearly define the Yordles in my mind. First, their irrepressible spirit and their constantly upbeat nature, and secondly, the fact that they are everywhere and doing everything. The first is easily and quite aptly represented by the Eternal Hope ability, granting them bonuses against fear and a free reroll in the direst of circumstances. However, if a Yordle finds itself in isolation for too long, and starts to give in to despair then he can exchange his Eternal Hope for Fell Magic and begin embracing his dark side >:)
The second aspect, their incredible diversity, is represented by their almost extreme ability to choose some of their bonuses at character creation. They have flexible languages, a bonus feat of their choice, and a floating +2 skill bonus to place where they wish. This should allow them to become just about anything that they wish and be proficient at it. They also have the Master Tinkerer trait to represent the races constant desire to create and invent.
The rest is just to round out what I view the Yordle to be, Small, short legs, and possessing an endless desire to create and invent. (Master Tinkerer).

If you feel anything should be changed, or would like changed, let me know :) I can also get you a fully formatted form if you desire.

That's pretty close to what I had in mind already! I'm gonna take your idea and tweak it a bit to go into my official race guide, thanks for the help!

Sweet. Everything is coming together. Leaguefinder hype!

dw overmuch RE that question GM.

I was initially really wondering how say, champions, or the standard citizens of (for instance) Demacia react in a favorable or adversarial manner to some of the more unusual pathfinder races - but then realized that there are probably some pretty popular champions that represent most of the odd races anyway, ie twitch as a ratfolk - so maybe they don't really react much at all.

ginganinja wrote:

dw overmuch RE that question GM.

I was initially really wondering how say, champions, or the standard citizens of (for instance) Demacia react in a favorable or adversarial manner to some of the more unusual pathfinder races - but then realized that there are probably some pretty popular champions that represent most of the odd races anyway, ie twitch as a ratfolk - so maybe they don't really react much at all.

I imagine it depends on where you are. Twitch might significantly stand out at a Demacian Dinner Party, but would be right at home in a Zuanite one. :P

Xenophobic people do exist, especially in the smaller settlements, and some races will be looked at unfavorably. Even Yordles have their haters.

Also, to be clear, Twitch is NOT ratfolk. He is something far worse ;)

dotting to follow along

I'll start work on a preliminary crunch and background this weekend. Most of the crunch would basically be done except for racial bonuses. I'm fine with either elf, human, or glorious evolutionite, but will wait until the race gets posted before making a final decision.

Haven't really had a lot of time to work on my yordle idea, but I should have plenty tomorrow. All I know is that he's going to be glorious, and he's going to have a theme song. He's going to find a way to have it play every time he charges into battle, whether it's a good idea or not. Not sure how I want to go about making that happen, though. Also don't know what his combat style is going to be yet. I'm toying with either mounted or being a spell slinger, but I can't make up my mind.

I might be away for a few days, so I might as well post the crunch of my concept now.


Rei Miyako
Kitsune oracle 3 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 175)
CG Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 21 (3d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +0 (1d4-2)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +8)
3/day—dancing lights
2/day—disguise self
Oracle Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +8)
1st (7/day)—barbed chains (DC 16), burning disarm (DC 16), cure light wounds, summon monster I
0 (at will)—create water, enhanced diplomacy, guidance, light, stabilize
Mystery Shadow
Str 7, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20
Base Atk +2; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Augment Summoning, Magical Tail[ARG], Realistic Likeness[ARG], Skill Focus (Stealth)
Traits dangerously curious, omen
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +11 (+21 circumstance to fool others with impersonation), Intimidate +12, Knowledge (planes) +7, Stealth +10
Languages Celestial, Common, Sylvan
SQ change shape, oracle's curse (wrecking mysticism), revelations (army of darkness, stealth mastery)
Other Gear 1,000 gp
Special Abilities
Army of Darkness (Su) Whenever you cast a summon monster spell and summon a creature that normally has the celestial or fiendish template, you can instead summon it with the shadow creature template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 238). This revelation counts as having
Augment Summoning Summoned creatures have +4 to Strength and Constitution.
Change Shape (Su) Assume a single human form.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Realistic Likeness Change shape can mimic individuals you've met, gain a +10 bonus to Disguise to impersonate.
Wrecking Mysticism A divine entity has blessed you with a source of eldritch power that erodes your fortitude, increasing by 50% the duration of any poison, sickened condition, or nauseated condition affecting you. Whenever you would gain a mystery spell, you can gain

Still thinking how I'll roleplay her personality, and the kind of background and/or childhood she might have had, but I'm currently happy with the initial concept.

Heh, Magical Tail is a weird feat. I've been wondering about doing a Fighter Kitsune to max it out by level 7, letting you cast Dominate Person 2 levels before a wizard.

I'm loving the concepts guys!

Just letting you know I am still here. I've decided to delay the recruitment thread for a few days because I want to get my player's guide a little closer to ready. Races, traits, champs, locations... This is a lot of work.

Yeah I debated the merits of rushing all magical tails and then struggling in combat. I think the fighter can get it done earlier though - maybe level 6 since you can now take 1/6 of
a magical tail feat as a favoured class bonus.

Anyway, as I won't start with all tails, I'm thinking of tying the manifestation of every new tail in response to some significant event but idk what.

I don't think you'd suck in combat. All you need to be alright at beatsticking people in the face with a two handed weapon is a str of 18 and full BaB. 2d6+6 stays relevant for a surprising amount of time in non super-optimized games.

Course, now that I think about it, getting a Str of 18 on a Kitsune would be challenging.

Oh, I think you probably do o.k, but I imagine delaying Power Attack till 7 or 9 is a bit painful. I probably would have tried rushing all the tails myself if I didn't have so much darn metamagic to pick up. Also Realistic Likeness is just awesome

Well the only problem, if I'm not mistaken, is that fighter bonus feats have to be combat feats, which would not include magical tail.

Sounds an awful lot like the abilities of Ahri. Some things translate so well I begin to wonder if some of the employeesof one or the other intend it that way...

Ace Matthews wrote:

Well the only problem, if I'm not mistaken, is that fighter bonus feats have to be combat feats, which would not include magical tail.

Take a look at this:

You can take Magical Tail in place of Combat Feats.

I was not aware of the existence of that trait that is cool...

Kitsune oracle can get the last tail at 8th level, which is only one level after the fighter. And, compared to a fighter with no combat feats, the oracle hardly gives up anything. I'd recommend the oracle option to anyone who wants to make a tail build.

Isn't that only with third party material?

Scroll up at my oracle build. She's already got 1, and could have two more if I traded my feats. Either way, replace each mystery spell with a magical tail, take an extra one from favoured class bonus and another 4 tails through standard fears taken normally and that should get you all by level 7. All paizo legal. Of course, my character probably won't get them all until level 12 because I'm saving my feats for Realistic Likeness and summoning, but if you want to rush it - you could.

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