Can you change orientation while levitating?

Rules Questions

When a character is under the effect of a levitate spell, can she change her orientation (to become "prone" in mid-air, for example)? If so, would she need something solid to push against to achieve this? Could she, for example, levitate until her head touched a ceiling, then keep levitating her feet up until she was flat against the ceiling?

How about if she was lying down when she started levitating? Would she remain in the same orientation, or become upright? Could she choose to become upright, or stay lying down, or something in-between?

Well, you can get yourself wobbling by attacking, and you can spend time getting yourself restabilized as a full round action. It does not seem to imply that you need to be in touch with a surface to do this, so it stands to reason that the creature has some ability to affect it's angular momentum in a meaningful way.

I would say they could get into a prone position, or any other facing/orientation they wish. Might make them take a longer action to do so, however, but that's just me.

The Exchange

Levitate allows you to move yourself, another creature, or an object up and down as you wish. A creature must be willing to be levitated, and an object must be unattended or possessed by a willing creature. You can mentally direct the recipient to move up or down as much as 20 feet each round; doing so is a move action. You cannot move the recipient horizontally, but the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base land speed).

A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack has a –1 penalty on attack rolls, the second –2, and so on, to a maximum penalty of –5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at –1.

I would say since it's a full round action to stabilize after attacks (Which I picture as causing a character to spin around awkwardly) that going from a stable vertical stance, to stable horizontal one would be a standard action. It shouldn't take as much action as stabilizing your self from wild movements, but should be more difficult than standing up.

The spell doesn't call it out, but I'd say stabilizing yourself from combat and changing your position as being asked about would also both provoke AoO's.

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