GM Zed seeks Interplanetary Travellers (Legendary Planet)


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Interplanetary Adventure, New Worlds, Ancient Civilizations, Alien Species, and more, with a delightful mix of magic and technology, Legendary Games brings you a sword-and-planet adventure path; authored by some of the biggest names in the RPG business. Legendary Planet will take your characters across the multiverse, traveling alien gateways created by ancient, god-like beings to exotic worlds and back again in an incredible campaign like none other. Sword-swingers and spell-slingers stand alongside scoundrels and seekers for cosmic enlightenment as they unravel conspiracies and cryptic alliances bent on universal domination... or annihilation!

To Worlds Unknown is the first main chapter in the Legendary Planet Adventure Path, bringing your heroes into the midst of a battle beyond the stars for supremacy over myriad alien worlds and alien cultures. Against the backdrop of great powers both ancient and new, small-time power players and petty criminals vie in the grungy back alleys of a crossroads world, and the heroes must discover who can help them find their way to safety through an impossible network of planetary portals before their erstwhile allies betray them to those whose secret schemes are far more sinister.

I am looking for players to join my ‘An Adventure Beyond This World’ and 'Goblins in Spaaaace!!! Legendary Planet campaigns… both groups (each of which needs at least one new player) have played their way through the Prelude Adventure 'The Assimilation Strain’ and are at different stages of the first true chapter of the Adventure Path...

The gameplay thread are An Adventure Beyond This World - HERE and Goblins in Spaaaace!!! - HERE for those folks who want to get a feel for the game style.

...and so, to... The ‘Crunch’

  • Characters start the adventure as Level 3
  • All classes are acceptable (including the oft-maligned Gunslinger, Samurai, Ninja and Summoner – note that the Pathfinder Unchained version of the Summoner is preferred to the original APG version),
  • 20-point ability buy (no stat lower than 8 / higher than 18 AFTER racial bonuses / penalties),
  • Maximum HP for your class at Level 1 with a Level 2 and Level 3 increase in HP of average for class rounded up,
  • One trait maybe selected – a further campaign trait from the Legendary Planet Players Guide shall be available and I’ll provide a link to those when I’ve chosen players,
  • Note that we are using the Automatic Bonus Progression from Pathfinder Unchained and so, at Level 3 you will gain a +1 resistance bonus to all saves,
  • Whilst on the topic of Pathfinder Unchained, we are using Background Skills,
  • Also, new players will gain Mythic Tiers at some point during this first part of the Adventure Path (note that some of the players have already gained a Mythic Tier),
  • Starting gold is 1,500gp,
  • Non-evil alignments only,
  • All character options must originate from Paizo published Pathfinder products; or Legendary Games material written for this Adventure Path - no other 3rd Party Materials.

Your character won’t originate from Golarion (the rest of the party do) and therefore the options for Race are quite open...

Any of the Core, Featured or Uncommon races from the Advanced Race Guide are fine... and, furthermore; Android, Lashunta and Triaxians from Inner Sea Bestiary are fine... and, even more, any of the races from the Legendary Path Player's Guide (if you have it) are also fine... and, guess what, if there are any 0HD races in the Bestiaries that you'd like to propose, feel free to check in with your idea.

And, if you want to go really wild, I’ll even let you build your own race using the Race Builder from the Advanced Race Guide (maximum number of Race Points shall be 15)

When deciding what you may wish to propose, note that we currently have:

Legendary Planet - Adventures beyond this world
A Human Savage Technologist / Gunslinger
An Android Paladin
A Ratfolk Alchemist
A Human Telekineticist
A Half-Elf Bard

Legendary Planet - Goblins in Spaaace!!!!
A Human Summoner,
A Goblin ,
A Monkey Goblin Alchemist,
A Goblin Fighter,
and, just about to join us, an Auttaine Shaman

I'll keep this recruitment thread open until the 29th January at least, I’ll be around to answer questions on a regular basis – now go and have fun creating an interplanetary adventurer!!!

Oooh, I have a goblin built for this game, can I submit him? He's already in a game, but the GM is a bit squirrly... ;)

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Would a kitsune in space be a... Star Fox?

Sam C. wrote:
Would a kitsune in space be a... Star Fox?

In a way!!! Note that this adventure is quite far removed from full-blown Starfinder style Sci-Fi...

See below from Neil Spicer, the Lead Developer for the project:

Neil Spicer wrote:
There are really zero plans of introducing starships into the Legendary Worlds Campaign Setting. It's something I really want to avoid. It was an intentional design point on my part to only enable interplanetary travel via the gateways. That way, the focus remains on the Legendary "planets" rather than the often boring starship side of things. A lot of characters in other games involving star travel often don't have anything to do when they're aboard ship...and that includes starship combat situations (unless they're part of a boarding action). Other settings have gone the "starship" route. But I wanted to chart a different course with what we're doing with our sword-and-planet project (which I've had in mind for years now). As a result, it's much more in keeping with John Carter of Mars and the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Dark Archive

Would a Kasatha be acceptable? I know they have the potential of being quite powerful with its four arms, but I intend to make him a monk, thus such feature will be mostly irrelevant. In terms of point-buy, it would bring it from 20 to 12.

Sir Longears wrote:
Would a Kasatha be acceptable? I know they have the potential of being quite powerful with its four arms, but I intend to make him a monk, thus such feature will be mostly irrelevant. In terms of point-buy, it would bring it from 20 to 12.

Yeah, that works for me... you can play him / her as a Kasatha or re-skin to be whatever kind of alien species you like...

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Dotting. I backed the Kickstarter for this, but have been unable to interest my local group in the path.

Dotting, this looks really cool! Thinking of putting together a samsaran witch.

You know, I do have this...


CL4P-TP General Purpose Robots, more commonly known as Claptraps are built and manufactured by Hyperion as manual labour work robots. Due to little maintenance, constant abuse and a hazardous environment Claptraps have developed all sorts of personality quirks and Eccentric personas. Programed to be helpful most Claptraps will generally seek to aid those around them with almost constant cheery atitudes and be as annoyingly helpful as possible. This consideration rarely goes both ways as most other races on the planet see them as little more than scrap metal to be kicked and abused if not outright eaten. Claptraps have a special animosity towards the roaming bandits as they often use them for target practice or dismantle/destroy them in some other humorous fashion.
Alignment: Claptraps are generally lawful neutral as they dutifully follow their programming with little care for anything else though some can take a moral stance. Occasionally a Claptrap will go "Rogue" completely abandoning their programming and have a very radical shift in alignment. These rogue Claptraps will often attempt to join the nearest bandit camp or risk being dismantled by those who see them as 'faulty.' Attempting to align with the bandits is hazardous and rarely successful as they are often seen as just another target to shoot.

Classes: Most Claptraps tend to be manual labourers and never rise above the status of commoner but of those that do rise from the dregs often become paladins or rangers, helping out those around them and healing those that they can. Rogues, fighters and gunslingers are also seen as they take up whatever means of weaponry they have available to them. There are a few rare CL4P-TPs that take up alchemy, creating different oils and lubricants and lobbing grenades at those deemed a threat, or wizardry, creating technological effects so powerful as to be called spellcraft. Of the Claptraps that go rogue, they often take up the mantle of an inquisitor, rogue, anti-paladin or even assassin as a way of enforcing their own ideals on the world. There is even a CL4P-TP Ninja out there...
You will probably never see a Claptrap Cavalier.

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: CL4P-TPs are small and weak but their circuitry allows for quick processing and reactions. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Strength.
Type: CL4P-TPs are humanoids with the robotic subtype.
Size: CL4P-TPs are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Base Speed: CL4P-TPs are fast for their size, and have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: CL4P-TPs begin play speaking Common. CL4P-TPs with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defence racial Traits
Blind Panic: Whenever a CL4P-TP is reduced to half its hit points or fewer and has no conscious ally within 30 feet, it gains a +2 racial bonus on melee attack rolls and to Armor Class.
Constructed: For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), CL4P-TPs count as both humanoids and constructs. CL4P-TPs gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects, are not subject to fatigue or exhaustion, and are immune to disease and sleep effects. CL4P-TPs can never gain morale bonuses, and are immune to all emotion-based effects except fear effects.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Eccentric: CL4P-TPs have been known to have any of a number of bizare personality quirks. Choose one Perform skill. Gain +2 racial bonus to that skill.
Emotionless: CL4P-TPs have problems processing emotions properly, and thus take a –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks.
Wheeled: Jumping is quite difficult when you only have 1 wheel and no legs! CL4P-TPs take a -4 penalty to all acrobatics checks made to jump and do not have a feet slot.
Master Tinker: CL4P-TPs have a natural affinity with robotics and machinery. They gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks and are also treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted.

Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision: CL4P-TPs see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Favoured Class Options
Alchemist: Add one extract formula from the alchemist formula list to the character's formula book. This formula must be at least one level below the highest formula level the alchemist can create.
Bard: Add 1 to the CL4P-TPs total number of bardic performance rounds a day.
Gunslinger: Add +1/3 on critical hit confirmation rolls made with firearms (maximum bonus of +5). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
Paladin: Add +1/2 hp to the paladin's lay on hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm).
Ranger: Add +1 hit point to the ranger's animal companion. If the CL4P-TP ever replaces his animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus hit points.
Rogue: The rogue gains +1/6 of a new rogue talent.
Wizard: Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the wizard's spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the wizard can cast.


Race Points: CL4P-TP
Constructed: 2rp
Emotionless: -1rp
Small: 0rp
Normal movement: 0rp
Standard Abilities: 0rp (+2 dex, +2 int, -2 str)
Linguist: 1rp
Cornered Fury: 4rp
Eccentric: 1rp
Master Tinker: 2rp
Darkvision: 2rp
Penalty to Jump: -1rp
Total: 10rp

What do you think? I purposefully made them about the strength of the core races as they arnt meant to be super powerful, instead just a small robot, about as strong as the average human.
The constructed type was taken from the Android monster listing and seems more powerful than half-construct while being cheaper but gets a lot closer to the feel I was looking for. If needed you can up the race points associated with it. I also slightly modified it so that they can be afraid, as that happens a lot in the game :) Some other ideas you might like is to give it natural armour/improved to represent its metal shell or deathless spirit further setting it apart as a construct.
Also note that while it is a *robot*, it still needs to eat oil, enter sleep cycles and feed oxygen into it motors. It also bleeds oil and its sofisticated design acts more like an organic body then a piece of machinery.

The CL4P-TP series was one of the last created by the Dahl Corporation and the series was known for its tendencies to malfunction or otherwise become exceedingly eccentric. Programed to serve and repair they were created to be maintainence bots or to do other manual labour and this they do well and with cheery attitudes.
A CL4P-TP stands just over 2 feet high with a slim build supported by a single wheel, and have two spindly arms ending in a pair of surprisingly dextrous pincers. At the top-center of the chassis lies a single lens that acts as their eye to the world and their front pannel hinges open to reveal a compartment used to store whatever odds and ends they collect.
While they are always ready to help out with a cheery attitude or to offer advice, they tend to come off as annoying more than anything else and due to their extensive memory banks they can be known for being know-it-alls. Often in attempts to cheer others up or simply to while away the time a few have been known to take to singing or dancing, further cementing their annoying image yet dispite these outbursts of "personality" they are usually content with remaining in the background supporting and fixing out of the spotlight.

Maybe I could make something with this? Maybe some kind of gate warden? Would that work/be acceptable?

Edit: what level of guns for us spacers and what level of technology?

I would like to put forth interest as well. I have been eyeing the samurai order from tian xia that deals with darkness and blindness but haven't been able to fit him into a group since so many groups rely on light in the darkness. I try to put together a submission in a few days.

Grand Lodge

My vote is for CL4P-TP for the Goblin game!!

But, that's just my opinion....

Rav can disassemble the CL4P-TP to fix the Brainer! :)

You try that and ol'Clappy wil use every scrap of metal to rearrange Rav >_>
Or run away screaming... probably lots of screaming!
If I do go Clappy and I do go mythic, I am seriously thinking of picking up the Persuasive Countenance ability. Everyone loves Claptrap!

Persuasive Countenance:
Whenever you encounter a creature whose attitude is at least indifferent to you, treat its attitude as one step better. If the creature's starting attitude is helpful, you can make requests of the creature with a +5 bonus on your Diplomacy or Intimidate check.

Currently thinking of some sort of bard to inspire those Gobos and keep them in line :) that and/or something supportive, diplomatic, knowledgable, shooty or a mechanic/engineer thing.

Edit: or go with a Scrollmaster Wizard with scribe scroll and lots of scrolls and call him The Fax Machine :p

I'm a player in the first group. Zed is a great GM. If you are thinking about applying, definitely do so. We've had a blast so far!

Liberty's Edge

Rikkan Anardi wrote:
I'm a player in the first group. Zed is a great GM. If you are thinking about applying, definitely do so. We've had a blast so far!

I've been a dedicated reader of your game the whole time. Is this to replace Astraea and Locke?

EDIT: ...I might need to actually submit to this. It would be a lot of fun to play with you guys.

Zed, have you seen the options that just came out in the Healer's Handbook? I think I might enjoy playing a chlorvian druid using the herbalism nature's bond...

Liberty's Edge

Sir Longears wrote:
Would a Kasatha be acceptable? I know they have the potential of being quite powerful with its four arms, but I intend to make him a monk, thus such feature will be mostly irrelevant. In terms of point-buy, it would bring it from 20 to 12.

You should look at the tretharri in the player's guide. Might solve your issue.

Gobo Horde wrote:
Edit: what level of guns for us spacers and what level of technology?

In terms of guns, the folks from Golarion have been working under 'Emerging Guns' as the default assumption... the planet they are on now, Argosa, has increased technology and I think we can say that they are now Commonplace in terms of technology (although their use / availability for purchase will be heavily regulated)...

...and, in terms of Technology Level, I have used bits and bobs from the Technology Guide but you won't see me using too much from there (at least not for the parts of the adventure I have read thus far).

Shisumo wrote:
I've been a dedicated reader of your game the whole time. Is this to replace Astraea and Locke?

Cool... hope you've been enjoying the ride so far!!! Yeah, I have decided that Astraea needs replacing (3 months without posting can be politely assumed to be 'not coming back') but, for the moment, I am assuming Locke is still playing - having said that, if we get to the end of this re-recruitment and I've got a load of good submissions / Locke hasn't posted then I will have to consider my options...

Shisumo wrote:
Zed, have you seen the options that just came out in the Healer's Handbook? I think I might enjoy playing a chlorvian druid using the herbalism nature's bond...

I have got the book but haven't got around to reading it yet (too busy reading through Strange Aeons) - but it sounds like a good synergy with the Chlorvian!!!

Rav is currently using the BoomRav, a Small sized, six barrel, Cap & Ball revolver (basically half-way between a modern firearm and a black powder gun).

Just wait until he sees a gun that uses cartridges. :) Oh, and he can now wield Medium sized firearms without penalty, so he's already rebuilding the BoomRav in a bigger version. :)

I present to you the mechanics of Nathaniel Fletcher, samsaran witch...

Nathaniel Fletcher:
Male samsaran witch (beast-bonded) 3
N medium humanoid (samsaran)
Init +3; Senses Perception +2; low-light vision
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +1 armor)
hp 23 (3d6+9)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities lifebound
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cestus +0 (1d4-1)
Ranged heavy crossbow +3 (1d10)
Special Attacks slumber hex (DC 17)
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 3rd, concentration +7)
2nd (2/day) - haste, slow (DC 16)
1st (3/day) - charm person (DC 15), grease (DC 15), mage armor
0 (at will) - dancing lights, detect magic, guidance, spark
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +1, CMB +0, CMD 12
Feats Ability Focus (slumber), Alertness, Undersized Mount
Traits Transmuter
Skills Fly +6, Knowledge (arcana, history, nature, planes) +10, Lore (probability theory) +10, Perception +2, Ride +3, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +3, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal
SQ fortune hex, mystic past life (summoner spell list: greater invisibility, grease, haste, slow, wall of ice), familiar (knows all witch cantrips and the following spells: charm person, enlarge person, grease, hypnotism, ill omen, infernal healing, mage armor, mudball, obscuring mist, reduce person)
Combat Gear wand of ill omen (20 charges), wand of infernal healing (20 charges)
Other Gear cestus, cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone, haramaki, heavy crossbow (10 bolts)

...along with his trusty steed...

Circadian the Flying Fox:
Male flying fox familiar (mauler) 3
N tiny [medium] magical beast
Init +1 [+0]; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
AC 16 [13], touch 13 [10], flat-footed 15 [13] (+1 Dex, +1 armor, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 11 (23/2)
Fort +3, Ref +3 [+2], Will +5
Defensive Abilities DR 3/- vs. small ranged piercing weapons, improved evasion
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee bite +4 (1d3) [bite +4 (1d6+4)]
Str 10 [16], Dex 13 [11], Con 12, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk +1, CMB +0 [+4], CMD 10 [14]
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Fly +9 [+4], Knowledge (arcana, history, nature, planes) +1, Lore (probability theory) +1, Perception +9, Spellcraft +1, Stealth +13 [+4], Use Magic Device +0
SQ battle form, bond forged in blood, empathic link, share spells
Other Gear quilted cloth barding

This is Palomia, your (not-so)friendly Group 2 summoner popping in to reiterate that Zed is a fantastic GM and both tables have some great people to play with! Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with :)

(Don't forget to specify which table you're interested in playing with, if you have a preference at all!)

I don't really have a table preference, but it looks like Nathaniel might mesh a little better with An Adventure Beyond This World.
Oh, and I didn't make this clear in the statblock, but his witch patron is Portents. If there are any issues with the character just let me know, and I'll post personality and backstory soon.

As interesting as this looks--and that's really quite a lot--I'm going to restrict myself to just reading through the play thread on occasion.


GM Zed wrote:

- All classes are acceptable (including the oft-maligned Gunslinger, Samurai, Ninja and Summoner – note that the Pathfinder Unchained version of the Summoner is preferred to the original APG version),

- All character options must originate from Paizo published Pathfinder products; or Legendary Games material written for this Adventure Path - no other 3rd Party Materials.

So, I expect this to be a no, but I have to ask: Would you allow Legendary Games classes? There's one specifically in mind that I'm looking at: The Deadeye Hexer hybrid class. It's sort of a ranged Magus but also has Witch Hexes and a focus on Firearms. I'd be happy to stat something up so you can see how it would play, or to share the PDF with you.

Grand Lodge

I have that PDF and really look forward to trying it out at some point. Unfortunately, so many tables have a lot of restrictions on 3pp *sad face* So if Zed allows it, and you make it to the Goblin game, I look forward to seeing how it works.

Yeah, it's really tough to have the opportunity to try out some of the cooler 3rd party stuff, and it's a shame that so much of it gets a bad reputation (though often not unwarranted). Glad I have some support at least, I'll keep my fingers crossed!

YoricksRequiem wrote:
GM Zed wrote:

- All classes are acceptable (including the oft-maligned Gunslinger, Samurai, Ninja and Summoner – note that the Pathfinder Unchained version of the Summoner is preferred to the original APG version),

- All character options must originate from Paizo published Pathfinder products; or Legendary Games material written for this Adventure Path - no other 3rd Party Materials.
So, I expect this to be a no, but I have to ask: Would you allow Legendary Games classes? There's one specifically in mind that I'm looking at: The Deadeye Hexer hybrid class. It's sort of a ranged Magus but also has Witch Hexes and a focus on Firearms. I'd be happy to stat something up so you can see how it would play, or to share the PDF with you.

Go on then... as it is a Legendary Games product, I'll make a pseudo-exception. Stat something up and I'll take a look - if you think there are any character options later on which might be 'troublesome' give me a heads up about them so I can make an informed decision. Colour me intrigued for now, (although the reviews on suggest one of the archetypes might be a bit 'broken')...

Shisumo here - I wound up going with a chlorvian oracle of wood instead. Crunch is basically done, fluff upcoming. Zed, I've (obviously) got the LP Player's Guide, so I went ahead and picked my campaign trait - it gives Mayenyi a good reason to want to help find Lomrick and maybe see a little justice done.

GM Zed wrote:
Go on then... as it is a Legendary Games product, I'll make a pseudo-exception. Stat something up and I'll take a look - if you think there are any character options later on which might be 'troublesome' give me a heads up about them so I can make an informed decision. Colour me intrigued for now, (although the reviews on suggest one of the archetypes might be a bit 'broken')...

Sweet! I appreciate the open-mindedness. I'll get something over to you tonight.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I feel like psychic magic would be super-appropriate for this, so I am going to put together a Triaxian Mesmerist (Mindwyrm Mesmer).

Here we go, the story of Nathaniel Fletcher:

Nathaniel Personality and Backstory:
Nathaniel has a quick-thinking and analytical mind, a dry sense of humor, and a gnawing curiosity about how the world works. He feels empathy toward the suffering of others but rarely gives it much thought without external prompting, so he doesn't go out of his way to behave altruistically. At times Nathaniel might seem cynical or withdrawn from day-to-day power struggles, but once he sets his sights on a problem in need of solving, may the gods help anyone who stands in his way.

From a young age, Nathaniel began to catch glimpses of times that are not his own, of places he's never been to and lives he's never lived. Many of these revelations were remnants of a previous life, but others offered peeks at an uncertain future. The strands of time seemed to inexplicably bend around this young samsaran, dangling mysterious hints about times past and times yet to come.

This frustrated Nathaniel to no end.

He didn't want mysteries, he wanted answers. Murky questions about sacred secrets were all well and good for inspiring a sense of awe, but not so useful for the task of actually figuring things out. So Nathaniel set out to figure things out on his own. He started attending a temple of Nethys, in the hope that such a divine connection could impart the understanding that he lacked. He soon gave up in disgust, however, as he watched worshipers come day in and day out, praying for enlightenment and then going home as clueless as before. Instead, he devoted himself to his studies, learning about the world through every book he could get his hands on. He absorbed information on everything under the sun and a few things beyond it: history, biology, interplanar physics, and above all, the laws of probability that underlie it all. Nathaniel read quickly and learned much, yet still he felt that something was missing. He couldn't just learn about the world through dusty scrolls, he needed to actually observe it.

That's when it happened. Nathaniel was studying intently, grappling with some particularly difficult problem, when his mind reached out and felt Something there. His thoughts connected with Something very powerful and very far away, and from it he grasped the principles of arcane magic. It might have been a god, a demon, a glitch in the fabric of reality - he didn't know, and he didn't care. A key had been turned in his head, and there was now so much left to learn. He learned how to influence the minds of others, to alter the rules of chance in his favor, to speed up or slow down the very flow of time that had tantalized him for so long.

By the time Circadian arrived, he was ready. The bat came in the night, sent by someone or Something unknown, but it would take him where he needed to go. He would go out into the world and discover what could be discovered, find clarity where there had once been only confusion. And he would change things along the way, of course, making jokes and making friends, preventing pointless suffering and earning a bit of wealth. But he would never, never lose sight of the ultimate goal. Now that he had seen a glimpse of the light, he would never again be satisfied with darkness.

I have the backstory and personality for Mayenyi done now as well. I got a bit wordy, I hope you don't mind a bit of length, Zed.


Liberty's Edge

Is this full?


Qstor wrote:
Is this full?

Not at all... I'm keeping recruitment open for a week (until the 29th)... feel free to propose an idea, submit a character or ask questions...

All - I will start having a look at submitted characters at some point this weekend and provide feedback as required (clarifications or ideas on how to integrate your character)...

This is Avoron - here's an alias for Nathaniel just to make things more convenient. Let me know if anything in the statblock needs to be clarified or fixed.
Also, I left the precise setting of Nathaniel's backstory deliberately vague to ease potential integration into an interplanetary campaign. Any suggestions on campaign-specific details to include would be greatly appreciated!

Hello again :) I think that I have figured out what it is that I am going to create (and it was a bit of a suprise for me, I have never played one before), This Mighty Claptrap shal grace you with an Enlightened Oracle of Lore! He shall be smart and charasmatic and shall not be kicked around like a little robotic shoebox! Seriously, robots have feelings too!
:P he is going to be an Enlightened Phliosopher oracle with the Lore mystery and probably either the Blackened or Legalistic curses depending on whether I want to go more agressive or stick with robotic programming. Or maybe Tongues where he can only speak in code?
He will also have the Focused Trance revelation which is basically him searching deep within his memory banks to come up with some sort of answer.
And he will have good Int and Cha, being able to be a glorified USB stick and a party face, and have divine spells to fall back on, which he will probably call "hacking" :)

But I am struggling a bit on where a robot Claptrap would fit into the story you have created so far. I was wondering if I could get some information on these gates that you use to planet hop (or at least what the party knows of them). The idea was to be a kind of workerbot in charge of gate maintainance or something.

Another Idea is that I have gone rogue or something and now I am running from the big bad secret orginization that created all of the Claptraps, hence why I am on a backwards planet and so willing to join a band of goblins >_>

Where are we starting out anyways?

USB Shtick is more appropriate I think... :)

Honestly, you could if you're selected, just end up being Rav's Brainer after it's repaired by him in town.

Having Rav repair an advanced scuttlebot with parts available using Clockwork would probably turn this into this with no one thinking a thing about it. And any erratic or insane behavior would be put down to Rav having wound the mainspring too tight. :)

Lantern Lodge

Hope the link works. This is my submission for an android Bolt Ace. Robotic like person with an old fashion style weapon. Will have fluff and backstory ready soon.

Fixed Link for Alecak

Lantern Lodge


Thats an awesome idea!
Do you have parts currently or would you have to go into town to pick up what you need?
Hows this? You have some of the core componets you need but not nearly enough to build yourself a Brainer but when you get into town you see a hunk of scrap that used to be a chassis that was sold to some trader from some otherworlder as junk. You have a moment of inspiration and "aquire" the parts needed and set out to build your own Brainer. A little bit of time and some elbow grease later and you have created me!
Except one problem (among others) you have is that the AI componets from your previous collection and those in the Claptrap unit are partially incompatable, and behave in ways that are unexpected for you, and sometimes erratic (aka I get to create my own personality -_^). But hey! It does have extensive memory banks and you created it, so, SUCCESS!!!

Also, Crunch being worked on, alias will give you an idea. (nm skills are done)

I took longer than I had planned because I wrote much more, but here is the first pass of my Deadeye Hexer character. Would definitely love feedback!

I'm sure if the GM picks you, he'll add in a junk yard full of tossed out trash to build you out of. :)

Folks, I have reviewed the submissions so far and have made the following observations… it is worth noting that, right now, I have one place going in each of the Legendary Planet games however there is a possibility that may increase to two spots in one or both of the games with a couple of players having been absent for a while…

…also, if there is anyone else planning on putting an idea / character together, I am keeping recruitment open until the weekend.

Gobo Horde, CL4P-TP – Claptrap Robot, Oracle of Lore
Looks good to me, I rather like the idea that we could evolve the ‘brainer’ robot saved by Ravboom (in the ‘Goblins’ game), through over-winding and over-zealous appropriation / incorporation of salvaged junk, into CL4P-TP… and the Oracle is a good fit for the group (both groups actually) as well.

Avoron – Nathaniel Fletcher, Samsaran Witch
I really like Nathaniel’s backstory, there’s some motivation there as to what makes him tick but you’ve left the GM enough flexibility to be able to pick him up and place him into the game in a number of different ways… I’m not quite familiar enough with the familiar rules to understand what allows your flying fox to grow from Tiny to Medium?

Yoricks Requiem – Kasia, Umbra DeadEye Hexer
I have read through your submission and, on reflection, I am cool with allowing the Dead Eye Hexer into the game – I will retain the right of veto as the character grows in levels throughout the game (basically to stop something revealing itself to be unintentionally broken) … and also, thanks for submitting something that is truly alien – we would have to work out how integrated this race were into the campaign world and also what the motivations for aligning with the party would be…

Shisumo – Mayenyi, Chlorvian Oracle of Wood)
Thanks for the submission – I really like that she is a Chlorvian yet she is alien to the world that she finds herself on… it would be really easy to write her into the game.

Alecak – Cho, Android Bolt Ace
Hi, I have only briefly gone over your stat-block but all looks fine… you’ll need to give me something about your character’s personality / background so that I can think about how to weave you into the game… it is also worth noting that one of the groups already has an Android player so Cho would more likely be put into the ‘Goblins’ game…

GM Zed wrote:

Yoricks Requiem – Kasia, Umbra DeadEye Hexer

I have read through your submission and, on reflection, I am cool with allowing the Dead Eye Hexer into the game – I will retain the right of veto as the character grows in levels throughout the game (basically to stop something revealing itself to be unintentionally broken) … and also, thanks for submitting something that is truly alien – we would have to work out how integrated this race were into the campaign world and also what the motivations for aligning with the party would be…

I'm definitely okay with that - certainly not looking to break anything. I didn't catch anything later on that might be an issue, but I'm certainly on board with changing the build (avoiding things, multiclassing, whatever) if it seems like it might become an issue.

And yes, absolutely! I'd look forward to ironing those things out.

GM Zed wrote:

Folks, I have reviewed the submissions so far and have made the following observations… it is worth noting that, right now, I have one place going in each of the Legendary Planet games however there is a possibility that may increase to two spots in one or both of the games with a couple of players having been absent for a while…

Shisumo – Mayenyi, Chlorvian Oracle of Wood)
Thanks for the submission – I really like that she is a Chlorvian yet she is alien to the world that she finds herself on… it would be really easy to write her into the game.

That was a deliberate choice - I figured that giving Mayenyi the same kind of motivations as the rest of the party (get back home, get some answers from Lomrick) would make it very easy for them to join forces. :)

Liberty's Edge

GM Zed wrote:

Avoron – Nathaniel Fletcher, Samsaran Witch
I really like Nathaniel’s backstory, there’s some motivation there as to what makes him tick but you’ve left the GM enough flexibility to be able to pick him up and place him into the game in a number of different ways… I’m not quite familiar enough with the familiar rules to understand what allows your flying fox to grow from Tiny to Medium?

He's using the mauler familiar archetype. Which is an interesting idea for a familiar that acts as a mount...

Shisumo wrote:
GM Zed wrote:

Avoron – Nathaniel Fletcher, Samsaran Witch
I really like Nathaniel’s backstory, there’s some motivation there as to what makes him tick but you’ve left the GM enough flexibility to be able to pick him up and place him into the game in a number of different ways… I’m not quite familiar enough with the familiar rules to understand what allows your flying fox to grow from Tiny to Medium?
He's using the mauler familiar archetype. Which is an interesting idea for a familiar that acts as a mount...

Excellent... thanks for the clarification - I can access the PRD at work but not d20pfsrd (and I haven't even bothered with Archives of Nethys!!!)

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