Major_Blackhart |
There are no best parties. I've played this AP and loved every minute of it with my Half orc redeemer paladin.
I'd suggest something that can make use of intelligence. Possibly a wizard would be a good choice. But it'd up to you.
The whole of it is a combination of dungeon slog and learning of Thassilon. Awesome experience either way.

FireberdGNOME |
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in book one, our current party is...
Half Elf Bard
Half Elf Wizard
Human Barbarian
Dwarf Cleric
Gnome Druid
Half Orc Ranger
We are running it as a round-robin, so the Bard will sit out book two as his player becomes GM, and we will be adding a Human Inquisitor in his place (as I get to play for two books :) )

Wiggz |

I have a question. . .
My group is thinking of running this AP. What would the best party makeup be for a group of 4?
I appreciate any advice. Thanks!
Human Unchained Barbarian with an Unbreakable Fighter dip @ 5th level for Stalwart/Improved Stalwart
Half-Elven Heavens Oracle with Color Spray and FCB for extra spells known
Elven Hexcrafter Magus with the Frostbite/Enforcer trick
Human (or Kitsune) Sorcerer with the Serpentine Bloodline focusing on Enchantments
That will give you a world-class Tank, a shut-down de-buffing Striker, a full on healer who also provides excellent battlefield control and a single-target control specialist who provides a wealth of other useful spells.