Snake style feat clearification

Rules Questions

So the feat says that you use immediate action to roll sense motive and you can use it as your AC, immediate actions, if I'm correct are not limited to one per round when done not on your turn. Does this mean I could dodge more then one attack with this style.note my sense motive heck is currently 18 so even a low roll of 4 would be better then my ac, and a average roll of 10 would give me 29 for that attack. According to the feat this is how it reads it should work. But it feel a bit powerful so I wanted to make sure before I use him tomorrow. I would greatly appreciate any help, thanks

One immediate per round, and if you take one, you can't use a swift action on your next turn

Andy Brown wrote:
One immediate per round, and if you take one, you can't use a swift action on your next turn

Andy's got it right. Also, just FYI, this should go in the"Rules Questions" forum rather than here in General Discussion.

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