YoricksRequiem |

I'm thinking about dipping my toes back into the Edge of the Empire waters, and have been wondering if anyone would be interested in playing through the Jewel of Yavin adventure. I'll likely be taking some heavy liberties with adapting it, but the basic premise is that players are smugglers / thieves / vagabonds who are going to attempt a jewel heist.
It's just an interest check for now, so please don't throw up STat Blocks or anything yet, but if you want to spitball some character ideas, it's never too early for those!

Nebten Nox |

Already got a Pilot written up and ready to go. Able to modify to the GM's desires and may switch out starting talent.
I run EotE as our home group's secondary game, but we play only once every several months. So I would like to play in this game to stay fresh.
How are dice rolls going to be done? On Paizo via legend. Through a 3rd party dice roller and link? Or Trust Method: roll at home and post what is rolled?

YoricksRequiem |

How are dice rolls going to be done? On Paizo via legend. Through a 3rd party dice roller and link? Or Trust Method: roll at home and post what is rolled?
Probably just on here. There's a die conversion chart, which definitely takes some getting used to, but I used it in a game on here for a year and a half and it worked well enough.
I have read on the interwebs that JoY was meant for more experienced parties. Are you aware of this? If so, are you going to tone down the module or give more XP to make sure the PCs are able to handle the challenges the module provides.
Yep yep. Depending on the experience level of the players who are chosen, we'll either start our characters with some more experience, or (more likely), we'll do a shorter intro mission (maybe as a kind of Flashback thing) to get the rules down, gain some experience, work out party dynamics, that kind of stuff.
It's already got a biiiiit of a learning curve so I'd rather not throw anyone into the deep end without at least a little warm up.

Nebten Nox |

A majority of your games, Yorick, don't last more than 3 months. How do you plan to avoid this fate? Stick with only 1 game instead of try to run multiple games at once? Maybe not modify the module too much. Is your life stable enough for the year it may take to run this module along with its prologue?
I would hate for this to be a "Rogue One honeymoon" game for everyone.

YoricksRequiem |

A majority of your games, Yorick, don't last more than 3 months. How do you plan to avoid this fate? Stick with only 1 game instead of try to run multiple games at once? Maybe not modify the module too much. Is your life stable enough for the year it may take to run this module along with its prologue?
I would hate for this to be a "Rogue One honeymoon" game for everyone.
That's a fair question - and certainly I'm not making any promises, but the plan is... all of those things and more. I'm not modifying it at all, I'm only running the one, I'm in enough other games that I should not have an excuse for not being on at least once a day. A problem for me (as a person) has been having a consistent schedule - my job isn't 9-5 - but I'm pretty confident that I've figured out how to make it work.
It's also going to be the shortest thing I've ever run on here - your estimation of it taking a year is entirely possible, but that's still considerably less than "Yes let's do the entire AP". I also am hoping to find players who are active and have agency, which I think is probably what every GM wants.

Nebten Nox |

I got your force-using wookie right here, fuzz-ball. *crotch-grab with a kidding wink*
I knee jerked when I said I was aiming for Pilot, as in the background. I most likely won't go that route because the Talent tree is almost all for Piloting. Unless there is a healthy amount Piloting/Driving need in the adventure, I would probably be aiming at Smuggler or Thief with ranks in Piloting. Maybe Gambler if Fly Causal is allowed.
I may want to dabble in Force Use as written in the EotE CR. I would use the Force as a character quirk instead of an overall character concept.

YoricksRequiem |

FWIW Seth86 & Nebten, it's Rebellion days, so Force users are not super common and are at heavy risk. I'll only be allowing a maximum of one in the party.
I'll throw in a dot. I own both Edge of the Empire and Jewel of Yavin (having run the latter), but I can keep knowledge separate unless you'd prefer I not make a submission.
As long as you can keep knowledge separate, I definitely don't mind. Besides, I've been enjoying the hell out of your Star Wars game.

Nebten Nox |

I think I'm picking up on what you are laying down, Yorick.
So let's say we start with a wookie Force warrior. But we can't call it The Force because the Empire says The Force is evil. So we'll say he's Tainted.
If my character (Neb) wanted to become Tainted, he would then have to kill the wookie. There can be only one after all.
After killing the wookie, Neb would then absorb, no, suck the furry wookie Taint of the fresh corpse. Then he would have UNLIMITED POW-WAR!
I think that is what you just said, Yorick, reading between the lines and all.

YoricksRequiem |

That's exactly right: It's a Star Wars / Highlander / Dragon Age Mashup.
So, I'm glad there's at least some interest! I'll probably wait a day or two to open Recruitment officially, and see if more people come out of the wood work. Because of the whole Christmas thing I'll probably leave it open for a couple of weeks, anyway, and plan for starting in early January.
It'll also give me time to think about which nonsense species I want to allow. Maybe everyone will be Gungans.

rungok |

I'm intrigued and have been wanting to delve into Edge of the Empire. Played a few games of it but never had much of a chance to really get into it. I may make something not so combat-oriented, will look over the choices.
As long as it's not a rodian scoundrel, I'm sure we'll be okay. :p
(inside joke)
YoricksRequiem |

1) Is time zone a factor?
Nah, I'm EST for what it's worth but I imagine we'll fall into a routine regardless. Similar timezones would probably make combat go faster, but it's not something I'll be factoring into choosing characters/players.
2) Do you have a requirement on how well versed a player should be in the lore of Star Wars?
I'll likely be sticking to A New Hope / Empire Strikes Back canon. I'm not suuuuuper familiar with anything outside of the films and would rather we have the freedom to create our own thing anyway.
For all I care this can be an alternate reality where we blow up Cloud City.
3) What posting frequency are you aiming for?
Minimum of once per day, more would be great. Slow down and stagnancy is a common thing and I'd like us to get ahead of it and stay ahead of it.

YoricksRequiem |

Uh i have the Force&Destiny Rulebook, but only that unfortunately. Would be interested in a FFG SW game, can be pretty fun.
It could work if you want to make a run at the potential one Force-user slot, but having to keep your origins and powers a detriment might be too difficult. I'll take a look through Force and Destiny before opening up recruitment to see if there's a particular approach that might work for it.

YoricksRequiem |

I am largely in agreement with Hayato Ken that such a thing could be possible.
However. I want to emphasize that if I do allow Force and Destiny, I would still only allow a max of one force-user, and it's entirely possible that there would still be none, depending on other applicants. I'm not saying that a force-user would be discriminated against, but they also wouldn't get preferential treatment in the interests of a "balanced party". Having one isn't a requirement to get this going.
They also would have to write a pretty interesting backstory of how they got here / why they're basically a criminal, how that fits with any jedi training they received. Obviously if someone is merely force sensitive, that's less important. But for an actual Jedi Career, where the Force is their main focus, I'd expect slightly more. (IE: The difference of having the Force Sensitive Specialisation Tree vs having actual Force Powers. I feel like powers require a degree of "training" rather than being innate.)
I'm also not sure how much fun it would be to constantly have to try and like, mask your powers, even from your shipmates, so I'm slightly skeptical about a force-character working overall, but I also don't want to reject a potentially very interesting character out of hand. I'll mull it over a bit more before I set up the actual recruitment thread, but it's possible I'll include it as an option with listed caveats.

YoricksRequiem |

How do you want to handle the dice? Using that conversion method for normal dice?
The conversion method seems the most likely. I'll add the chart to the header / Campaign Tab / my Quickbar thing so that it's easy to find and reference.
So GM, how do you see the Hunter class then? With 3 passive force skills? Im planning making him a bowcaster user.
There's nothing inherently wrong with that specialisation - it's at least one of the ones that doesn't go heavy lightsaber / force use - but it would still come down largely to background, what those powers are, and how they're intended to be used.
Ah the competition for that one possible spot. Likely to spawn very interesting background and character writing^^
It´s also "only" 14 people right now when i counted right. Competition in recruitment threads is always a fun thing to watch though.
I'm living in fear that just everyone will submit a Jedi, haha.
Honestly though I'm hoping that interest will jump up a bit more when I open actual recruitment (likely later on today or tomorrow morning). It would be harder to narrow down people, but a bit of competition is always good. Gets the blood pumping and mind racing.