Magus build help


My group will be starting Chapter 2 of the Rise of the Runelords campaign. None of us have any knowledge of the campaign and first and foremost I'd rather not have spoilers if it can be avoided.

My group consists of the following

Tiefling Paladin - Tanky/healy frontliner

Tiefling Ranger - Ranged Striker

Third is undecided, Aasimar, or Tiefling to keep with the outsider feel.

I plan on going Magus, again, like above, going Aasimar or Tiefling. A few things of note, we're all re-rolling some with retired characters, others died and are starting fresh. I was one who died but my character had the Fearless Zeal story feat, and my GM has deemed I met the conditions, and as I'm rolling a new character have a +2 stat bonus to any non-racial adjusted stat. With Tiefling/Aasimar our GM also allows us to swap out our spell-like and choose whichever bonus we want from the list of variant abilities. The variant abilities can be the stat adjustments, and be on stats currently already adjusted by racials.

with a 25 point buy, and these possible racial adjustments from any of the variant heritage/abilities I can really overload select stats. Im unsure what exactly to build but was leaning more on a Kensai Strength based build with the VMC Wizard option, and taking Divination as my school. I'm hoping to offset the cost of VMC Wizard by staying Strength based, as I likely wont have the feats to make a Dex Magus work. I guess what it comes down to is what kind of utility/striker can I get out of the above information. We're starting at level 5, with proper wealth.

At level 5 with that setup you barely need to do anything to be a striker. Prepare a couple of shocking grasps, at least one bladed dash, make sure to have a pearl of power or two (or the wand wielder arcana and a CL5 wand of shocking grasp) and you're done. Add a few defensive spells to stay alive of course.

For utility you want an illusion or two - it doesn't sound like anyone else will have them - and it might be worth getting the scribe scroll feat for those and other utility spells like monkey fish, vanish or invisibility etc.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Rylden wrote:
I'm hoping to offset the cost of VMC Wizard by staying Strength based, as I likely wont have the feats to make a Dex Magus work. I guess what it comes down to is what kind of utility/striker can I get out of the above information. We're starting at level 5, with proper wealth.

Here's a guide for you.

How often is to often for a Magus to take Spontaneous Metafocus?

Assuming you went Eldritch Scion instead of Kensai, you can't apply metamagics to spells and still spellstrike, so how many times would you take Spontaneous Metafocus?

Once for Shocking Grasp?

Are there any other spells you would be spell combating with?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Rylden wrote:
Are there any other spells you would be spell combating with?

You'll be spell combating with everything.

However you usually don't need metamagic. You'll generally use metamagic only on your primary attack spell, which depending on your build could be Shocking Grasp, Frostbite, Snowball, Vamptouch, or a couple others. Taking spont.metafocus once should be sufficient, and more than twice is definitely overkill.

Your GM had better be buffing the campaign, with the options he's giving you, you'll plow through it as written.

And Kurald Galain is completely right about everything he mentioned in his post(s).

I'd suggest at least looking at the guides, there are 2-3 for core magus, and possibly one out there for kensai specifically. Not sure if there are any for Eldritch Scion however. This site has most all of the guides to just about anything in Pathfinder there are, the magus guides I mentioned included.

Edit: I'd look at Kurald's first, I'm pretty sure it's the most recent.

Apart from the previous good suggestions, I note that you guys already have good tanks/damage dealing PCs. So You might want to either go with an enforcer build to up AC and reduced incoming damage or build around a debuffing character like a frostbite build. You will have shocking grasp as a back up anyway just in might be interesting....if you like those types of builds.

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