Space station / Enormous starship maps? (PCs been kidnapped by aliens)


In heady anticipation of Starfinder, I'm setting my traditional post-Thanksgiving one-shot in space (the PCs are going to be typical Golarionites, kidnapped by aliens).

To that end, I'd like to find a square-gridded map of a space station or enormous starship, preferably with a 5-foot scale.

Any suggestions?

Go go hive mind go!

If your players aren't familiar with the Iron Gods adventure path, you could just take the maps from the ship in there and fix it up some.

Otherwise, I got nothing. I'm the kind who doesn't want sci-fi peanut butter in my fantasy chocolate.

I'm a PC in an Iron Gods campaign right now, so for aspoilerism's sake, I've avoided that resource. Anyone else know of a good product or resource for a bunch of probe-happy aliens to sequester a party in?

Are you just looking for battlemaps to put miniatures on, or an actual module to give stats and/or a plot to the adventure?

If it is just a battlemat you are looking for, I personally like the company Heroic Maps (they put out pdfs on rpgnow/drivethrurpg). They have a dozen or so sci fi maps. Most of the larger maps are of buildings or complexes more than space stations, but they have some medium sized maps for space ships as well. The ship maps look about the size of the Millennium Falcon or Serenity, rather than Battlestar Galactica sized cruisers.

Villith wrote:

Are you just looking for battlemaps to put miniatures on, or an actual module to give stats and/or a plot to the adventure?

If it is just a battlemat you are looking for, I personally like the company Heroic Maps (they put out pdfs on rpgnow/drivethrurpg). They have a dozen or so sci fi maps. Most of the larger maps are of buildings or complexes more than space stations, but they have some medium sized maps for space ships as well. The ship maps look about the size of the Millennium Falcon or Serenity, rather than Battlestar Galactica sized cruisers.

Just PDFs--I'm doing the module myself, but maps take more time than I have :)

Thanks for the reference!

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I just checked their store, and they have a version of modular dungeon tiles that can be used to custom create your own layouts for stations. Look for "Industrial Spacecraft" and you will find corridors and hallways you can piece together in whatever configuration you desire.

Villith wrote:
I just checked their store, and they have a version of modular dungeon tiles that can be used to custom create your own layouts for stations. Look for "Industrial Spacecraft" and you will find corridors and hallways you can piece together in whatever configuration you desire.

Awesome! Thanks!

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Well, there's always

AD&D spoiler?:
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
Not sure how useful it is to you, but it's definitely something to look at.

Look through these.

Just PDFs. &bih=638&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjN5qn3v8X QAhUJJCYKHTDiCtIQ_AUIBigB &bih=638&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjN5qn3v8X QAhUJJCYKHTDiCtIQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=Spacecraft+RPG+maps+pdf

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