What Rulelords still thrive? (SPOILERS)

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Dark Archive

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Okay, so I'm doing an open-world Golarion adventure and this question came up from talking to one of my players. He is much more familiar with the lore than me (he's a big fan of the chronicles books) and he asked me which of the Runelords are still up and kicking at this point in time.

This got me thinking, where and how have all of the Runelords been killed off or prevented from awakening? I can recall a few events but elsewise am unsure, and I would love for you guys to help me out in compiling a list.

Greed-defeated in the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path
Gluttony-allegedly defeated in the Pathfiner Chronicles books, according to my friend
Lust-defeated in Seven Swords of Sin
Sloth-defeated in Pathfinder Society 42

If somebody could help fill in these gaps for me, I would certainly be grateful.

Liberty's Edge

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Huh? Lust isn't defeated. She's still asleep under Korvosa. The events you mention keep her from waking up, I believe, but defeat her? Not even a little.

Pride, Envy, and Wrath are likewise still asleep.

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Reliable sources say that Sorshen (James Jacobs) will be featuring in an AP or similar at some point so lust is definitely active.
Greed is defeated in Runelords and Sloth in PFS but given Golarion continuity none of those events need to have happened in your campaign if you want to use them.
I have seen information on how Gluttony would rise in a product (either continuing the campaign for RoTRL or a Campaign setting) but nothing which would give his defeat even the same level of continuity as the defeats of Greed and Sloth.
I consider the fate of 5 of the 7 to be completely undetermined and the other 2 only determined if you want them to be. Having said that I would probably not run a major plot using Sorshen if I was then going to be bothered when the 'official' version came out and was very different

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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Wrath sees significant development and a change of status in the Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain comic, specifically in scenes in #1 and #6, as Alaznist herself features in the framing sequence.

Silver Crusade

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Erik Mona wrote:

Wrath sees significant development and a change of status in the Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain comic, specifically in scenes in #1 and #6, as Alaznist herself features in the framing sequence.

Excellent, she is a nutcase that lady. On the subject of comics, bring back your Gribbet the gentleman goblin. Love him.

Alasznist is still about and she's not even the only Runelord of Wrath who is! First RoW Alderpash is still 'alive'. It's not clear where he is meant to be by canon at the end of the story he is involved in. Not an immediate threat in any case.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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Oh, I'd love to. I was THIS CLOSE to putting him in a cameo in Pathfinder Worldscape.

THIS CLOSE, I tell you.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A battle between the two Runelords of Wrath could be interesting (except for those in the immediate vincinity): Alaznist with the trappings and some mythic tiers, Alderpash with the lich template; both calling in various favors with outsiders (Alaznist demons, Alderpash demodands).

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Alderpash is in WotR book 5 - in Baphomet's Prison - upto the PCs whether he's redeeemed or killed

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Gluttony... No spoilers, but the short summary attributed to your friend gives the wrong impression. The Runelord of Necromancy is not happy, but there are degrees of defeat. Some are only temporary.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

The only Runelords that have been accounted for are Karzoug (Rise of the Runelords), Krune (The Waking Rune), and Xin himself (Shattered Star).

The rest are still out there somewhere.


Dark Archive

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If I'm not mistaken I believe all the runelords location (Or at least rough locations) are known with the exception of Pride.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kevin Mack wrote:
If I'm not mistaken I believe all the runelords location (Or at least rough locations) are known with the exception of Pride.


We Know that Sorshen is somewhere under Korvosa.
We also know that Zutha's plylactory is outin world somewhere (in three parts).

But, what about the rest?

Dark Archive

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-Alaznist: is awake in the "Hollow Mountain" comics, but her location is unknown.

-Belimarius: unknown

-Karzoug: dead

-Krune: dead

-Sorshen: in stasis in the lowest level of the pyramid under Castle Korvosa.

-Xanderghul: unknown

-Zutha: Inside the Cenotaph in the Hold of Belkzen.

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Lord Fyre wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
If I'm not mistaken I believe all the runelords location (Or at least rough locations) are known with the exception of Pride.


We Know that Sorshen is somewhere under Korvosa.
We also know that Zutha's plylactory is outin world somewhere (in three parts).

If it counts as a phylactery anymore. The soul is in him, so in theory he could just make a new phylactery once... er, what's keeping him in place gets...full.

Dark Archive

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Alaznist: Hollow Mountain? Status: Unknown (comics explain)

Sorshen: Beneath the grand temple of Korvosa. Status: Presumed Alive

Krune: Defeated during the event of waking rune. Status: Deceased

Zutha: Sealed in Tome, Somewhere on Avistan. Status: Undead

Xanderghul: Location: Unknown Status: Unknown

Belamarius: Crystalin? Status: Presumed Alive

Karzoug: Defeated during events of Rise of The Rune Lords Status: Destroyed

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Beliarmus may be somewhere in Dimension of Dreams. Desnian Temple of Dreams from Crystalin was transported there. Don't remember if text says it was at the Eartfall time, but it's a possibility that Beliarmius made an "emergency teleportation jump" when Starstone hit the ground.

Liberty's Edge

The other thing to remember is we have seen evidence that the Runelords have contingencies in place, not necessarily the spell, to deal with death. APs have featured inactive clones of Runelords, so even the dead Runelords may not be.

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

Wrath sees significant development and a change of status in the Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain comic, specifically in scenes in #1 and #6, as Alaznist herself features in the framing sequence.

Probably my favorite of the comic series so far! (In fairness, I'm still waiting for Issue 2 of Worldscape to reach my FLCS, as the first delivery was mostly damaged) So, I hven't read that series yet.

If you want to see a beautiful personification of a near-TPK, played out (with my favorite casting of a CLW EVER by Oloch to wake up Valeros), check the Hollow Mountain series out!

Silver Crusade

I remember reading on the inside cover of one of the Shattered Star adventure paths the words

Sorshen Lives!

so I think this person is awake and alive somewhere

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