Dark Paladin Divine Bond


I always liked the idea of a paladin being the champion for a group nobody else would represent. In pathfinder, this is often equated with the various darklands races. The idea is to use Eclipsed Spell on every light spell the paladin has (as a prepared caster, and 0-level metamagic, there's no cost besides the feat), but I run into a problem with Divine bond. All of the equipment options give off light, and there are few mounts with darkvision.

What should this character be doing at level 5?

You could take the monstrous mount feat and get a griffon; they have darkvision. There's a definite coolness value, griffons are unpopular with many people due to their horse-eating habit (so your paladin might have formed a bond saving it), and with another feat it can fly while carrying you.

The bigger problem is likely to be your party. They're unlikely to all have darkvision, surely.

You could also just talk to your GM about changing the weapon bond so it emits darkness instead of light? Or even just doesn't emit light?

I have to say that while generally I'm way more a fan of the weapon bond than a mount for Paladins (and I really love Paladins), the idea of a Griffin-riding Paladin sounds AMAZING!

Have you considered using a Riding Gecko? They work well enough for the drow.

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The Sideromancer wrote:
I always liked the idea of a paladin being the champion for a group nobody else would represent.

When I first read that, I thought it said "a group nobody else cared to represent"-- i.e. a cause of one. It made me chuckle. "I am here to ensure that all librarians are eating properly-nutritious meals! Justice must be preserved!"

As far as your darklands-paladin goes, there's an archetype called Dusk Knight that trades divine bond for the Blind-Fight feat.

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