Elemental Ascetic & Unchained Monk?

Rules Questions

Hi guys!

I was planning to build an Elemental Ascetic for a Skulls & Shackles tabletop game starting in a few weeks (20 points, core races and few exceptions, one campaign trait, all Paizo legal, no 3rdPP). This archetype seems to suck hard but I want to be Avatar Ang in close combat!

So I got a few questions for the crunch experts around!
- If you got an ability which emulate one from another classe (Furry of Blows) can you take the Unchained one?
- If I take a one dip in Unchained Monk, and then Elemental Ascetic, will I have the two furry of blows? Only one?
- Is there a way to do a decent build with that or not? We are not power gamer and our GM is generaly fair, but I don't want to slow the group down with a cool thematic character that sucks.

what is the draw to elemental ascetic? What of that class makes you think of Avatar Ang? I ask because I have seen a few classes that mimic stuff that might satisfy your view.

Chess Pwn wrote:
what is the draw to elemental ascetic? What of that class makes you think of Avatar Ang? I ask because I have seen a few classes that mimic stuff that might satisfy your view.

I want a character that throw elemental stuff at people while doing Kata and martial arts. If you got anything like that with this feeling I'll take it!!

So the elemental ascetic doesn't throw element at people. Only modifies their punches.

Going unchained monk or Scaled fist monk can get elemental strikes on their attacks.
Going normal kineticist can use blade or punch for free at lv5, but then you can still shoot your element at range.

Multiclassing monk/umonk and kineticist seems to be a better option than elemental ascetic.

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Multiclassing monk/umonk and kineticist seems to be a better option than elemental ascetic.

Yes multiclassing seems like the better option here! How much levels in Monk in your opinion? I generally prefer core Monk when I don't mucticlass because of all the cool archetypes but for a dip Unchained seems better

Two levels maybe then Kinetist?

I'd suggest either doing 1 elemental ascetic and then the rest monk OR take 1 monk and the rest normal kineticist, or just all normal kineticist.

Ok thanks you for the insight guys!

Silver Crusade

Have you considered a vigilante warlock? It has energy attacks and access to wizard spells.

Umonk 1 or 2, then Kineticist sounds reasonable.

EDIT: to answer your question, no, unless it says it emulates the Umonk ability, it only emulates the monk ability.

Scarab Sages

Just to play the devil's advocate, I actually prefer elemental Ascetic to the base kineticist, if you are using the fire element. Giving up your targeted blasts doesn't hurt as much when you have all the aoe infusions, and ginving up elemental defense doesn't hurt when it is as useless as fire's.

Yes you will be better off with a multiclass, but the ea is not really that bad at what it does.

Hum at least I got a few build possibilities which is good! However it's a shame that they did not create a better Ascetic than this one. All I can think when I see the class (Blood Kineticist come on...) is Avatar, and still Ascetic seems lackluster. I'll give it a try with a full fire build thanks Imbicatus fire is going to be strong in S&S I think a lots of boats to burn.

Thanks for this wonderful discovery Sledgehammer I did not know this archetype.
There are so many books and cool options outhere, hard to keep track on all of it!

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