Rules for a Jian sword

Rules Questions

I want my monk character to wield one, it's aesthetically my favourite weapon so here I am. I found one in the Ultimate Equip guide volume II and from what I understand it's an enhanced version of the shortsword (which I don't like mechanically because I can't wield it with two hands) and it shows a single edged little sword... but whatever.

Is there something better other than saying "My masterwork longsword looks like a Jian"?
Is it correct to threat it as a light weapon?

I usually reskin a Temple Sword for Monk proficentcy. One GM let me reskin a Blade of Sword-Saint.

Ultimate Equipment Guide Volume II is not a Paizo product. There is no Jian in Paizo products as far as I am aware, so the sword is not part of the Pathfinder rules set. That basically leaves you with picking a sword that is part of the Pathfinder rule set and fluffing it as a Jian. If you want your monk to flurry with the sword, your choices become even more limited.

If this is for a home game, work with your GM to design a Jian to both of your liking.

Reskinned Temple sword it is then!

I second Diminuendo.

Joey Cote wrote:
I second Diminuendo.

Aww shucks

Historically, the Jian was between a short sword and a arming sword, blade length varying from 20 to 30 inches, in the rules, for me, it is closer of the Aldori Duelling sword for the long version, more than the temple sword which is a khopesh like weapon in description.
You can use the ADS rules for it and keeping the shape of the Jian, making it Piecing and Slashing instead of Slashing only.
For the short version, a short sword basis is good, P/S...

I want to say Dragon Empires Primer had a sidebar on equivalents, maybe ultimate combat? Either way, a Jian is a longsword as far as Pathfinder goes. It my not accurately represent the damage types, agility, weight or potential of a real Jian but... nothing in the game represents what it is supposed to very accurately.

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