Looking for GM for Kingmaker - Recruitment just finished plenty of players looking for a game.


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Sovereign Court

GM Waterhammer's Kingmaker recruitment thread has just ended, and there are many players with completed characters who would still want to play. Seeing as Kingmaker is among the most popular APs, would anyone step up to the challenge of GMing a game?

Including this Alias

Previous thread
http://paizo.com/campaigns/ChroniclesOfTheRiverKingdoms/recruiting&page =6#255

Still interested

Vitellia Orlovsky, good and ready to go if we can get someone to pick us up.

Mamise Iwani, Oracle, Bluffer, diviner and Master of Disguise, at your service.

What happened to this game?

nvm, I just read the recruitment thread linked.

I'd be happy to GM!
I've recently gotten through a nightmarish chapter in my life which kept me from posting regularly, but I'm happy to say that is over.
I own this AP and I've run it once before with an in-person group, and I'd be happy to run it with your group!

Lemme know!

EDIT: One thing I would change, just because I have no experience with them (and after reading about them, I have no desire to use them), is that I would not be using Hero Points. Hope that's not a deal-breaker.

Hey Little GM! Glad to hear it. We have quite a number of interested (like this, my alias) and it'd probably be a good idea if you posted your own approach/mechanic rules to do the AP. I'd be happy to adjust accordingly!

I'm cool with Waterhammer's initial set of mechanics, except the aforementioned Hero Point usage. He didn't mention XP, but I'll go ahead and let you know that I always use the medium speed track for leveling.

As for my approach, I'm a nurse, so I work 12 hour days 3 days a week. So, I'll generally be posting at least once a day, two days on and two days off, unless I have a rare slow day like today. I understand if this is too slow or sporadic for anyone, but that's my life.

Kingmaker is supposed to be a lightly-guided sandbox, which suits me perfectly as I tend toward creating homebrew games with "plot webs" rather than actual storylines; so feel free to roam, but rest assured there will always be a clear path if you need one.

Lastly, I am understanding to the nth degree about IRL troubles. No one will ever be killed off. In the interest of time, I may "roleplay out" an unresponsive PC, always leaving the door open for them to rejoin at a later date (and with appropriate XP to be fair to those who stayed).

I'm happy to pick up right where Waterhammer left off as soon as I have five yes votes from characters still interested in playing!


I'm alright with that!

Yes. Still interested with this menheir savant druid

The Little Game Master wrote:

I'd be happy to GM!

I've recently gotten through a nightmarish chapter in my life which kept me from posting regularly, but I'm happy to say that is over.
I own this AP and I've run it once before with an in-person group, and I'd be happy to run it with your group!

Lemme know!

EDIT: One thing I would change, just because I have no experience with them (and after reading about them, I have no desire to use them), is that I would not be using Hero Points. Hope that's not a deal-breaker.

I'm all right with that! Let me make a character for application!

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I did not realize none of you were chosen for the original play.
Still, I feel like recruitment has gone on long enough (and the original players are nowhere to be found).

Therefore, I'll take the first five (Gird, Andreas, Vitellia, Mamise, and Annurian) at Table 1, which will be this thread's gameplay.

And open a second table for Seleste, rungok's character (provided it's not filling the same role as Seleste's character), and the next three people to post yes with characters that don't step on previous characters' roles, voting me in as their GM.

Table 1 can expect the first post by this time on Saturday at the latest.

NEW APPLICANTS, please see GM Waterhammer's original recruitment for character creation (there will not be Hero Points, and we're using Medium advancement track for levelling). The url is in the first comment, courtesy of Gird.

Background is the most important part of your application, I've been known to alter story-lines for character development.

I'm still interested!

My character is ready. Just need to remove hero points but that's about it. My character would be perfect as the ruler.

Sovereign Court


The Little Game Master wrote:

I did not realize none of you were chosen for the original play.

Still, I feel like recruitment has gone on long enough (and the original players are nowhere to be found).

Therefore, I'll take the first five (Gird, Andreas, Vitellia, Mamise, and Annurian) at Table 1, which will be this thread's gameplay.

And open a second table for Seleste, rungok's character (provided it's not filling the same role as Seleste's character), and the next three people to post yes with characters that don't step on previous characters' roles, voting me in as their GM.

Table 1 can expect the first post by this time on Saturday at the latest.

NEW APPLICANTS, please see GM Waterhammer's original recruitment for character creation (there will not be Hero Points, and we're using Medium advancement track for levelling). The url is in the first comment, courtesy of Gird.

Background is the most important part of your application, I've been known to alter story-lines for character development.

Are you also going to say no to Pathfinder Unchained? I like their background skills and the unchained rogue, but if that's a no I can still make due.

Wooohooo! At work, so I can only check this sporadically. What joy it was to see this has already been picked up! :D

Indeed. What a great move by the LGM to step up with not one but two games. My hat is off to you. Good luck Table Oners as I look forward to meeting the rest of Table Two or the B Team.

I'm going to go ahead and say no to Pathfinder Unchained, solely because the original applicants have already made their characters without it (Hero Points is easy enough to nix, but adding a full library of new possibilities for newcomers is a little unfair).

Happy to be of service!

I may actually have time to start Table 1 today.

Well.. not that I'm very hopeful.. but here I am... STILL trying to play this character.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} wrote:
Well.. not that I'm very hopeful.. but here I am... STILL trying to play this character.

Not to worry Fenn, the roles you fill (and will fill) do not clash with Seleste, so you're in! I might have a few suggestions that I will PM you, however...

And of course my slow posting~ as I warned; has already put me out of the group of the first five... the characters that already know Fenn to some extent...

Not sure this is worth the Effort now...

Here's Rungok's submission, Tika Fairhaven!

A displaced member of Gentry now serving as a barmaid, she's got nothing to lose, so she's willing to get out of her comfort zone and start doing the things that the tales the adventurers told.

You are awesome, Little Game Master!
Also, Annurian, you are now our arcane caster, and may the Gods have mercy on our souls.

@Fenn: Totally up to you

@Tika: Welcome! You'll fit in nicely alongside Seleste (and maybe Fenn)

The arcane caster is a Bloodrager... lol :) we need a barbarian healing now.

Not to worry people, I'm not above party-saving plot devices.

Also, would anyone from Table 1 care to switch to Table 2? I was unaware that there was already a rapport with some of the applicants in another thread, and I'd hate to break that up if possible.

I'm keeping the tables to 5 players so as to keep from having to follow more than 10 total.


--Double Edit--
Here is a link to Table 1's discussion

If you're a table 1-er who's not interested in switching, go ahead and check in there. We'll get started as soon as I catch up on the Champion Pub thread if only to get a feel for the characters.

I would prefer to be in the first group... as Fenn has already RP'ED with those characters and they are somewhat familiar with him already. And Fenn will eventually be a full arcane caster and crafter.

I don't mind being in either table, GM.

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I can switch with Fenn, since Gird can take the role of divine caster, and I didn't roleplay that much in the recruitment thread (thank you, time zones).

Thank you very much Annurian! It means a lot! THANK YOU!

Is there room for Gage? :3

Indeed! So as it stands now,

Table 1: Gird, Andreas, Vitellia, Annurian, and Fenn Jr. (I agree with Mamise, Annurian is more vital to that team).
Feel free to report to the discussion thread.

Table 2: Mamise, Seleste, Tika, and Gage.
One more!

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Sounds nice to me, this way I can hear the story of the drums! Also, Team B is more of a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, I'll feel home.

I think Vitellia might actually fit in a bit better on Table 2 now that I look at the breakdown.

I agree, Vitellia, I just didn't want to say anything.

Anybody at table two want to trade up? Or should player 10 just go there?

I haven't heard from Derra since I pm'd her when I realized I had left her out

scratch that, she's in! Holding to see if she's cool with table 1

I like being part of whatever group thinks I'll do the best with. I am a social rogue most of the time, and a terror with a frying pan! :)

I'm here! Just got your pm. Sorry was at work. I hope I'm not too late.

So, I'm at Table 2, then. It looks like Derra can fill my slot at Table 1?

Okay. So I'm heading to table 1? Sorry I got confused. Just got off work.

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Yes, that is correct.
Table 1:Gird, Andreas, Derra, Annurian, and Fenn Jr. Please report to discussion thread linked above.

Table 2: Mamise, Seleste, Tika, Vitellia, and Gage!
Your thread is forthcoming, I'm on my phone right now, so it'll be either tomorrow (unlikely) or Saturday.

All done! Recruitment is closed!

@Tika: Seeing as Vitellia and her dogs will provide many opportunities for flanking, I am cackling with glee imagining jerks getting surrounded by dogs, then knocked clean out by a frying pan from behind. The Greenbelt has no idea what it's in for.

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@Gage: I am also just now realizing that it looks like you're building towards trip/disarm? If you have room, you may actually want to take Tandem Trip. Vitellia and both of her dogs are going to have it. Anything with two legs would hate us.

Mamise Iwani wrote:
Sounds nice to me, this way I can hear the story of the drums! Also, Team B is more of a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, I'll feel home.

I like this make up of the B team as well. I also didn't get a chance to participate in the tavern thread so I look forward to starting fresh with this group.

Vitellia Orlovsky wrote:
@Tika: Seeing as Vitellia and her dogs will provide many opportunities for flanking, I am cackling with glee imagining jerks getting surrounded by dogs, then knocked clean out by a frying pan from behind. The Greenbelt has no idea what it's in for.

I'm also going to be going the intimidate route with my sneak attacks, so I'll be this unassuming maid until I let loose and grown men in plate mail are fleeing from the angry barmaid with the frying pan.

This may be assuming much, but at some point I hope to have her frying pan upgraded to mithral. It's non-stick, you know? Also, masterwork.

Such shennanigans, I love it. Also it'll suit Gage very well.

@Vitellia Yes! I was thinking of trippy goodness though I was waiting on the party composition before deciding if it was worth more than my first two feats...

@Tika I also was going to get intimidate stuff
(Don't know if you noticed, but before GM waterhammer reminded me of the +1 BaB prerequisite I tried to get Weapon Focus (Whip) and Dazzling Display; DD seems like a very bardy thing to get: all show and no hurt :P)

Which reminds me, I was also really really really looking forward to taking Improved Dirge of Doom as my 9th level feat, so if anyone wants to apply the shaken condition or take advantage of any fear effects that Gage uses, we could be even scarier together ^_^
(anyone planning on spending the 3 feats they'd need for Shatter Defenses? XD)

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I have a chain of feats I intend on using through my sneak attacks. By taking Bludgeoner and sap adept, I can then take Enforcer at level 3, which lets me further scare someone I whang in the head with my frying pan. My archetype extends the length of shaken effects I create, or turn it into frigthened if I get high enough. At 3rd level I can sack out a die of sneak attack to inflict sickened on the target too. Then when I hit 5d6 sneak attack I can take dastardly finish which lets me do a Coup de Grace on cowering opponents. And if I can get a reliable source of stunning I'll take improved Coup de Grace...

... I'm sure this barmaid is all smiles and cleavage. :p

Seleste Talyn wrote:
Mamise Iwani wrote:
Sounds nice to me, this way I can hear the story of the drums! Also, Team B is more of a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, I'll feel home.
I like this make up of the B team as well. I also didn't get a chance to participate in the tavern thread so I look forward to starting fresh with this group.

Speaking of not getting to RP (due to character sheet issues?), I was just looking at everyone's sheets to see if we can pull off even moar shennanigans when I noticed your stats seem low.

Did you use the 15, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12 action hero array?
Don't shortchange yourself :D

It's been brought to my attention that Andreas and Derra fill the same role at table 1.

Mamise, would you mind terribly trading back? I know we're playing musical chairs, but...

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