Second Darkness AP [Recruitment]


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Grand Lodge

I would say call it now and say that no further alterations can be made.

Yeah no further application additions

No worries - this would be mainly me rounding out the character with stuff which is already in my head anyway.

Don't want to raise any eyebrows though - I'll leave my aplication as it is.

Thanks for the really fast input Raltus and rungok.

Grand Lodge

I wasn't trying to be rude or anything just trying to keep it all even.

I have actually started to build 20 point buy characters for each AP that I want to play in them and work out fluff and such well before so that way I don't feel rushed or like changing much later on.

I don't believe anyone was trying to do anything underhanded; it's just that with so many applicants already, even a small thing can mean the difference in selection and the GM has a lot of characters to go over, and if you change something AFTER they have actually looked at you (Which I assume would be done at least in passing while recruitment was running) then they're going to miss it anyways, or get confused by your adjustments and decide just to nix your entry even if it was otherwise already okay.

And if you're submitting your character so close to the deadline that you have to make edits after the deadline... you probably came in too late anyways.

I've always been in the belief that once I submit a character, I'm done, unless they message me/reply to my submission and ask me to make tweaks.

DM Default wrote:
Albion, The Eye wrote:

Good luck everyone!

I will be adding to Ederion during the evaluation period - namely to his background. Is that ok DM Default?

While I may not have actually stated in in my posts, I was hoping that all submissions would be finalized before the deadline.

But as I said, I can't seem to find a post that forbid altering submissions after the deadline....


Any of the other applicants want to make a judgement call here?

Personally, I would say all that matters is the status of the application when you look at it. But it seems others feel differently. *shrug*

rungok wrote:
And if you're submitting your character so close to the deadline that you have to make edits after the deadline... you probably came in too late anyways.

Maybe not, who knows ;)

rungok wrote:
I've always been in the belief that once I submit a character, I'm done, unless they message me/reply to my submission and ask me to make tweaks.

In this particular case, I submitted the crunch, and the overall sketch of the character fluff - all the rest would fit into that same frame, not making that much of a difference (some more details about his relationship with the adopting family and sister, perhaps a note here and there about her disappearance, personal thoughts of Ederion, his nightmares, stuff like that)

In any case I'll just shush, and let the GM get to his work ;)

Raltus wrote:

I wasn't trying to be rude or anything just trying to keep it all even.

I have actually started to build 20 point buy characters for each AP that I want to play in them and work out fluff and such well before so that way I don't feel rushed or like changing much later on.

I'm literally about to start doing that myself.

That actually sounds like a good idea!

Sorry for the confusion guys, I'll strive to lay out all details in the future.

DM Default wrote:


As the deadline draws closer, please make sure you have all your details and last minute touches in place. I give myself a week to look over everyone's submissions, and with the amount that I have for this game, I'm sure you can understand.

I would definitely say no alterations.

I will add to the agreement of no alterations.

Yep, I got it now people :D

No alterations as well

*Ducks and runs*

Orendel's all set. No alterations necessary!

Wait don't run!

Any word on the final selection?

Still in Progress.

Grand Lodge

Loading stopped at 99%?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The progress bar is increasing, but the remaining time is going up!

Grand Lodge

Like trying to transfer to many files at once.

The time remaining is only the computer's best guess.

Aaahhh, the dreaded progress bar...

Close all unnecessary programs.

Use a solid state drive. Much faster. No spinning and whatnot.

I do wish everyone good luck. The gm has a tough job picking as there were many great and amazing characters to choose from.

I think we should know come this time tomorrow but i agree it cant be easy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.


I'll be honest folks, sometimes I need a day for selection, sometimes I need a week. And for this particular game, I was tempted to ask for more time. But you all have been patient, and I am ready to reveal my choices.

I will also mention that part of the reason I took so long to come to a decision was my conflicted decision if I should open up a second table or not. In the end, I decided to shorten my lifespan a couple years and open a second table.

Thank you for all your submissions, as I know they take a considerable chunk of time to create or repurpose. If you would like to know why you were selected or passed over, I will do my best to explain in a private message correspondence.

With that said, below are my final selections in no particular order.

Group 1 - Dark Omens
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Handsome Sully [Male Half-Orc Tattooed Sorceror]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Ibara Boswell [Female Human Scale Fist Unchained Monk]

Group 2 - Curse your Luck
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Syeira Istrati [Female Human Cartomancer Witch]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Silvio Errico [Male Chelaxian Human Living Grimoire Inquisitor]


Ah, well. I tried; have fun y'all!

Best of luck in the campaign!

Have fun!

Congrats to those who were chosen.

At least you have a good selection of back up characters if needed.

Congrats to those selected. Enjoy the game!

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