Black blooded Vishkanya bloodrager help.


I want to make a Vishkanya bloodrager with the black blood bloodline. How can I best utilize the blood besides blood spells such as "blood armor". What items or feats should I shoot for? The playstyle I'm trying to go for is a berserker that will purposefully hurt himself to gain more power (that power being the poisonous demonic blood).


If you're not in PFS then taking the primalist archetype for some rage powers might help, notably Come and Get Me.

Raging Vitality is an obvious feat to get - it boosts your constitution and hence your racial poison DC when in a rage. It may also save your characters life. Rage Casting may also be appropriate.

As far as items go you'd probably like a Blood Reservoir of Physical Prowess and maybe a Ring of Vengeful Blood Magic.

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