Katana; Swashbuckler Weapon Training

Rules Questions

Hello. I just have a quick question about using a katana with a swashbuckler. I know it's not the recommended route but that's not what I'm here for. Here's my question:

If I take all of the required feats to wield the katana, i.e. Exotic Weapon Proficiency, and then take Slashing Grace (Katana) to make it a piercing weapon as well, will Swashbuckler Weapon Training (See Below) double the threat range of the katana?

Swashbuckler Weapon Training (At 5th level, a swashbuckler gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed or light piercing melee weapons. While wielding such a weapon, she gains the benefit of the Improved Critical feat.)

Sovereign Court


It certainly does. I've got a Swashbuckler/Sword Saint Samurai with a katana.

Sovereign Court

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PLay a tengu - you wont need to waste a feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency for the katana

Sovereign Court

Or just spend 1500gp =)

Azara Emberkin wrote:
Or just spend 1500gp =)

I feel like that's more something you'd get for a secondary or backup weapon than for your main method of attack.

if traits are allowed, taking Heirloom Weapon would save you a feat, though that trait isn't that awesome as it use to be.

Sovereign Court

Heirloom Weapon doesn't work for Exotic Weapons.

Fun fact: The katana will still deal slashing damage.

Azara Emberkin wrote:
Or just spend 1500gp =)

I would like to but the fame requirements in PFS make this impractical.

Sovereign Court

Huh? That's level 2. Level 3 if you aren't on point with earning Prestige.

I have two characters that did this exact same tactic.

9 fame required; so ya level 2.5. But slashing grace requires weapon focus, and weapon focus requires proficiency.

So when I tried to do this as a Swashbuckler I gave up because it delayed weapon focus to lvl 3 and slashing grace to lvl 4. In hind sight it would only delay slashing grace by one level my this non-human swashbuckler...

Scarab Sages

Really, it's not worth the feat or race investment for a katana over a rapier or scimitar or falcata. 1D6 is only one point of average damage less than 1d8, or you have the best crit profile in the game with the falcata. None of those need a feat or racial proficiency (falcata needs an archetype).

Unless you wanna play a guy that uses a katana...then a falcata doesn't cut it, no pun intended :)

Scarab Sages

There is no accounting for taste, and katana is very much style over substance. If I absolutely had to use a katana as a swashbuckler, I would take a dip of either samurai or cleric/warpriest of shizuru. Even still, the cost is not worth the mechanical benefit.

Silver Crusade

It's still fun, I had a Samurai/Swashbuckler in Jade Regent, before other obligations forced me to drop.

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