Deadly Secret's Rise of the Runelords Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

Sacred Tattoo racial ability. +1 luck bonus to all saving throws & replaces Orc Ferocity.

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

If that's problematic please let me know, I included it as part of the character build for the previous application that I didn't get into.

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OK the change has been made to your files on my end.

I'll get into r20 in about an hour

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3

Logged into the game as John S but changed the name to Cade..I placed a couple Purple squares where I thought my character would be after his movement.

Female Elf Witch 1

Sorry guys work ran way late. Will head in now.

Female Elf Witch 1

Logged in as Blake M.

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

My bad on the identification. Kargas just pretends to know what he's talking about in that case.

lol no worries

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

So I guess we turn in then? I don't really know who else to try to go find, if the town authorities aren't looking to shower us with exorbitant praise then forget 'em!


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Are you guys only active when I put goblins in front of you? Let's see if we can pace this more. Lot's of role playing time. Next combat won't be for a long time'ish.

I think it's more that we're still trying to find our groove and sometimes don't have anything to say that would move the story along. Also, for the students and educators among us it's finals time (2 big essays left on my end).

Yeah, I also have two finals this next week, so that's a big factor.

Thank you for the update.

Undine Varisian Pilgrim 9 | HP: 75/75 | AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 16 CMD: 20| F: +9 R: +7 W: +12 +2vsChrms/Cmplsns| Init +8 | Perception +22, Sense Motive +16; Darkvision 60ft | Move [40] 50 | Active Effects: Extended Fly, Blessing of Fervor
Tracked Resources:
Flesh to Stone 1/1 | Reach 3/3 | Extend 2/3 | Bit of Luck: 6/7 | Agile Feet: 7/7 | Dimensional Hop 90/90 | Spells: 1st 4+1/5+1 2nd 4+1/5+1 3rd 4+0/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1 5th 2+0/2+1 | Channel Positive Energy 3/3

Herra, how obvious is this shyness? Is it something we would be able to pick up on?

If it isn't obvious/apparent, how do you think mammals would be perceiving your reptilian facial expressions/body language?

It's kinda subtle, lizardfolk don't exactly socialize with the mammals. But the longer you're around him the more you notice he doesn't like crowds and is very slow to assert himself if it's outside his comfort zone. Little Brother picks up on his moods and reacts accordingly, it's why the tyrannosaur had no trouble with children crawling all over him but an adult offering food was a good way to lose a hand.

For mammals the reactions might be chalked up to him being slow to act, like crocodile that would prefer to sun himself rather than respond to stimulus. They might also think he's very snide or sarcastic. Outright hostility wouldn't be a good read right off hand though, he's too insular.

He's not terribly aggressive except in combat or when survival is at stake. Personally he doesn't assert himself but the lizardfolk culture is all about survival and pragmatism, it's why he doesn't mind LB snacking on goblins (he probably would have himself if he hadn't eaten earlier.)

Female Elf Witch 1

Gwestiel will probably get along quite well with Herra. She'll find his shyness a welcome respite from the overly social personalities she will otherwise be exposed to.

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3

If Gwestiel does not like overly social personalities....she will just love

Reading Cade's last post made me think of the original Iron Chef series. :)

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

It's a good thing that Kargas isn't overly social or anything. :p He's ~19 and out in the wider world for the first time, and non-Belkzan civilization is endlessly fascinating. He's got a bit of bravura going to try to conceal that he has no idea what he's doing, but for the most part he's just genuinely enjoying the novelty of it all.

He'll probably spend a lot of time trying to be convivial with Herra, because the druid with a dinosaur seems like a likely kindred spirit, and Flor/Cade are nice enough to him that they should get along fine. Elves are mysterious, aloof creatures that Kargas has only ever heard stories about, so Gwestial is certain to baffle and slightly intimidate him, though he'd never admit it. The party has no dwarves so Kargas may never come to grips with his bigotry there.

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Female Elf Witch 1

It's not that she doesn't like social people; she just has no way to process that. She spent most of her life in the wilderness by herself communing with a mysterious patron, so she's used to solitude. She doesn't really know how to people.

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

I can see that. Issue I'm having with roleplaying Kargas is that his upbringing in Belkzen didn't equip him well to deal with "civilized" society, though frontier towns should be just rough-and-tumble enough for him to fake it. He's got a tolerance for violence and cruelty that might shock, say, Floredana; not because he takes especial pleasure in others' pain but because that was normal where he was raised. It's a fine line and I'm not especially sure how to walk it.

Female Elf Witch 1

I feel like Gwestiel and Kargas have some similarities there. The reason she's quiet is because she has no idea how small talk works, and she only has the most basic notion of social interaction and civility

I ment to say the Festival has "now" passed. Silly typos

Female Elf Witch 1

Also guys I'm not going to be around until next Monday. Finals are this week.

DM, are you still around? No worries if you are busy, just checking in with you!

I am

If you're all tucking in for the night I can move us onto the next day?

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3


BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

Please do.

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

Two questions: first, do we need to rollplay our interactions with the merchants to sell/buy equipment, or may we hand-wave that as long as we're within the community's gp limit or stick to what they have in stock? Does anyone have a preference one way or another?

Second, player romances. I probably should have asked before, but now Kargas & Cade have both made allusions to the topic. I have no intention of making anything sexually explicit, but are people comfortable with PC romances (or awkward pining at least) with whomever? If not I'm fine with not mentioning it.

Merchants: No personal preference one way or the other.

Romance: No objections, though it's going to add another level of awkward to poor shy Herra :)

I don't really care how you interact with merchants. You can sell anything you want but I will tell you how much you made. Also, you can not assume everything is available so from location to location inventory will vary. So ideally, create a list of what you want to sell, then create a list of what you wish to buy.

Romances are not an issue but I am not going to role play it out with anyone. So if you do get involved with an NPC, 1. the NPC might not be interested or react well to what you're intentions are and 2. I am an Asexual person and don't really partake in that stuff in real life so it's hard to expect me to do it here.

Undine Varisian Pilgrim 9 | HP: 75/75 | AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 16 CMD: 20| F: +9 R: +7 W: +12 +2vsChrms/Cmplsns| Init +8 | Perception +22, Sense Motive +16; Darkvision 60ft | Move [40] 50 | Active Effects: Extended Fly, Blessing of Fervor
Tracked Resources:
Flesh to Stone 1/1 | Reach 3/3 | Extend 2/3 | Bit of Luck: 6/7 | Agile Feet: 7/7 | Dimensional Hop 90/90 | Spells: 1st 4+1/5+1 2nd 4+1/5+1 3rd 4+0/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1 5th 2+0/2+1 | Channel Positive Energy 3/3

I am comfortable with PC romances as long as they aren't sexually explicit (as has been mentioned above).

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3

I am fine with the romance part...not for this character, he is more colorful than anything. I will not get to much into the romance part. If any of my post offend anyone. Please let me know. This is a game and meant to be enjoyable to all.

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3

Are we missing someone?

Not sure. If it is safe to assume you're all heading out then I can give you some stuff to work with but the post won't be until tomorrow.

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3

I think it is safe to assume that.

Undine Varisian Pilgrim 9 | HP: 75/75 | AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 16 CMD: 20| F: +9 R: +7 W: +12 +2vsChrms/Cmplsns| Init +8 | Perception +22, Sense Motive +16; Darkvision 60ft | Move [40] 50 | Active Effects: Extended Fly, Blessing of Fervor
Tracked Resources:
Flesh to Stone 1/1 | Reach 3/3 | Extend 2/3 | Bit of Luck: 6/7 | Agile Feet: 7/7 | Dimensional Hop 90/90 | Spells: 1st 4+1/5+1 2nd 4+1/5+1 3rd 4+0/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1 5th 2+0/2+1 | Channel Positive Energy 3/3


Undine Varisian Pilgrim 9 | HP: 75/75 | AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 16 CMD: 20| F: +9 R: +7 W: +12 +2vsChrms/Cmplsns| Init +8 | Perception +22, Sense Motive +16; Darkvision 60ft | Move [40] 50 | Active Effects: Extended Fly, Blessing of Fervor
Tracked Resources:
Flesh to Stone 1/1 | Reach 3/3 | Extend 2/3 | Bit of Luck: 6/7 | Agile Feet: 7/7 | Dimensional Hop 90/90 | Spells: 1st 4+1/5+1 2nd 4+1/5+1 3rd 4+0/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1 5th 2+0/2+1 | Channel Positive Energy 3/3

I say we visit taverns and other highly populated areas to see if we can catch word of anybody who needs help due to the goblins or knows anything about them. Thoughts?

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

As good idea as any, sure.

Works for me.

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

So, are there any outstanding attractions in Sandpoint? Or are people trying to start the festival back up? I'm at a bit of a loss as to next steps.

There really isn't much going on in Sandpoint. You might hear about a play happening in the evening if you want to attend to watch. Other than that the town is acting like nothing happened.

I know you're grasping for straws, but at the moment you know what you know. Feel free to take a few days in the town. I do not want to spoil anything but events will happen as time passes, but time has to pass.

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

Okay, that's good to know. I was starting to think maybe we'd missed a critical clue :p

Undine Varisian Pilgrim 9 | HP: 75/75 | AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 16 CMD: 20| F: +9 R: +7 W: +12 +2vsChrms/Cmplsns| Init +8 | Perception +22, Sense Motive +16; Darkvision 60ft | Move [40] 50 | Active Effects: Extended Fly, Blessing of Fervor
Tracked Resources:
Flesh to Stone 1/1 | Reach 3/3 | Extend 2/3 | Bit of Luck: 6/7 | Agile Feet: 7/7 | Dimensional Hop 90/90 | Spells: 1st 4+1/5+1 2nd 4+1/5+1 3rd 4+0/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1 5th 2+0/2+1 | Channel Positive Energy 3/3

Does anybody have a list of the items we want got from the goblins? Unless someone wants something, we might as well sell the lot of it now.

Undine Varisian Pilgrim 9 | HP: 75/75 | AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 16 CMD: 20| F: +9 R: +7 W: +12 +2vsChrms/Cmplsns| Init +8 | Perception +22, Sense Motive +16; Darkvision 60ft | Move [40] 50 | Active Effects: Extended Fly, Blessing of Fervor
Tracked Resources:
Flesh to Stone 1/1 | Reach 3/3 | Extend 2/3 | Bit of Luck: 6/7 | Agile Feet: 7/7 | Dimensional Hop 90/90 | Spells: 1st 4+1/5+1 2nd 4+1/5+1 3rd 4+0/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1 5th 2+0/2+1 | Channel Positive Energy 3/3

I don't have any plans for the rest of the day. If it is all the same to everyone else, I'd be down to fast forward to the evening and see this play!

I'm ok to fast forward, bask in the sun until we're ready otherwise.

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

No objections here.

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