Boosting Craft skill - looking for more stuff


Yeah, yeah. I know. Most people don't bother with crafting. Meh. I know about the following:
Master Artificer (+4 when crafting magical items)
Master Craftsman (+2)
Skill Focus (+3)
Forgemaster's Hammer wondrous item (+5 Competence)
Crafter's Fortune spell (+5 Luck)
Any general skill boosting item (Competence)
Couple of traits (has Clan Artisan)
Int boosts
Unchained Rogue's Rogue Edge perk
It's a custom race, but I did NOT take the tinker thingamajig that would have let me use self-made weapons as proficient.
Masterwork tools (Almost forgot this one)

Am I missing anything? Any other stacking, or better, bonuses? A 2'n'2 feat that includes like... Crafting and Perform? Archetypes for ANY class? Other class stuff? Known profane-type bonus (or the celestial equivalent)?

Third party stuff is acceptable, my DM has pretty much gone cart blanch with it. Even 3.5 is negotiable, don't hesitate there, either.

If it helps, these are the basic details of what I'm looking for:
We're using the alternate crafting times, so it's no longer going to take a year and a half to make an adamantine dagger.
I'm currently at a +15, factoring in my MW tools and other odds and ends, so I can do a basic exotic weapon on a take ten.
I'm looking at wanting to do even the most complex armors, with special materials, on a take ten at lest ten points over (minimize craft time).

Here are the few I can think of to add to those:

Replace your mundane mwk tools with Amazing Tools of Manufacture to boost the +2 circumstance to +4.

The Prodigy feat will give you +2/+4 to any two (Craft, Perform, Profession) skills.

Your list of traits includes Perfect Calm, right? It's easy to miss since it's not a straight bonus to Craft.

If you're looking at making weapons and armor specifically, I'd recommend taking a look at the Soul Forger Magus archetype. You get a bonus equal to your Magus level to crafting weapons and armor, including magic ones. On top of that huge bonus, at level 7 you use 1/10th of the item's gp cost instead of the base price to determine how long it takes to make the item, and if you're crafting magic weapons or armor it takes you half as long.

Diachronos, that *only* applies to magical arms and armor, not mundane, but still useful to know.

Fuzzy, You mean patient calm? No, I didn't. I had other things I needed from them =/

However, those are both great things to know.

Zarius wrote:
Fuzzy, You mean patient calm? No, I didn't. I had other things I needed from them =/

Whoops! Yes, that's what I meant.

Getting a spellcraft DC high enough to easily craft is almost trivial, especially if you're INT-based. It's the time it takes to craft that matters. The valet archetype of familiar allows for cooperative crafting. I'd be interested in any other time savers (in addition to doubling crafting speed for a penalty to DC).

Aid another bonuses can get really high depending on how that person built.

Not using Spellcraft for it. The above hammer switches the skill to Craft. However, I do technically HAVE Spellcraft on my rogue. But. I as actually looking at BS like Adamantine Plate and BS like that.

As a note to you, Create Mr. Pitt: 3rd-party---kobold-press/craft-anywhere
Craft Anywhere is helpful, as it removes the "stationary" requirement of a full day's work. 3rd-party---kobold-press/fast-item-creation
Add +1,000 to the total gold value of what you can produce in one day. Can be taken more than once. ats/master-artificer
Halves how long it takes you to DO one day's work. (I'd stack 'em, myself).

There's probably more, but that's what I'm aware of.

Create Mr. Pitt wrote:
Getting a spellcraft DC high enough to easily craft is almost trivial, especially if you're INT-based. It's the time it takes to craft that matters. The valet archetype of familiar allows for cooperative crafting. I'd be interested in any other time savers (in addition to doubling crafting speed for a penalty to DC).

To elaborate, Cooperative Crafting gives a +2 circumstance bonus to crafting, and the valet familiar has the same crafting skill rank and item creation feats as your character. Remember that circumstance bonuses from different sources stack.

A successful Aid Another skill check from another character gives a +2 typeless bonus.

What I like about Cooperative Crafting from a valet familiar and Aid Another is that they apply to all Craft subcategories.

The Heroism spell gives a +2 morale bonus to all skill checks. However, Heroism lasts only 10 minutes per level and as the GM I ruled that the crafter must have Heroism active for all the crafting time in order to gain that bonus on the Craft skill check. That led to 3-hour 20-minute crafting days for the tough projects conducted by my 10th-level bloodrager GMPC. The rest of the day was Aiding others on their projects.

My Iron Gods party is 11th level, short on cash, yet everyone has adamantine weapons and many have exotic armor that the party made themselves. Crafting became a theme for that party.

+5 luck

Zarius wrote:
Diachronos, that *only* applies to magical arms and armor, not mundane, but still useful to know.

The wording's kind of ambiguous, and could be taken either way. Is there an errata/FAQ for it?

Diachronos wrote:
Zarius wrote:
Diachronos, that *only* applies to magical arms and armor, not mundane, but still useful to know.
The wording's kind of ambiguous, and could be taken either way. Is there an errata/FAQ for it?

No errata, yet.

Ultimate Combat, Soul Forger archetype wrote:

Master Smith (Ex): A soul forger adds his magus class level on Craft checks to manufacture armor, shields, and weapons. This bonus applies on skill checks required when using Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

At 7th level, a soul forger uses the 1/10 gp value of armor, shields, and weapons to determine how much time it takes to craft mundane items, and he requires only half the normal amount of time to enchant magical arms and armor. This ability replaces knowledge pool.

The grammar is ambiguous, because the phrase "This bonus" in the second sentence could either mean a bonus equal to the magus's class level or the bonus on Craft checks to manufacture armor, shields, and weapons. However, the skill check, either Spellcraft or Craft, to use Craft Magic Arms and Armor is for enchanting armor, shields, or weapons, not manufacturing them, so the second meaning does not match the verbs in the two sentences. Thus, the ambiguity is resolved.

The two sentences give two bonuses: a bonus to manufacture armor, shields, and weapons and a bonus of the same magnitude to enchant armor, shields, and weapons.

The rulebooks often use short phrases, such as "This bonus", to save space. However, here a shorter wording would have been more clear: "A soul forger adds his magus class level on Craft and Spellcraft checks to manufacture and to enchant armor, shields, and weapons."

Eh, alright, fair enough. I suppose it could be interpreted with an "also" in that second sentence, though my brain added in an "only" there.

I'd have to recreate my character to take advantage of the perks, but I'll be keeping that in mind if I ever make another crafter-based character.

While Heroism is nice, Tears to Wine is much much better.

... gaining a +2 enhancement bonus on all Intelligence- and Wisdom-based skill checks. This increases to a +5 bonus at caster level 9th, and to +10 (the maximum) at caster level 15th.

Craft is Int based.

Great part is that I calculate you get skill bonuses to ~60 people/2 levels.

Get a wand CL2 of it for 1,500 gp, CL9 for 6,750 gp or CL15 for 11,250 gp. [A wand CL1 produces nothing.]


Actually... We have a shaman that can cast that. o.o

Anyone mention the fabricate spell?

Amazing Tools of Manufacture are +4 circumstance and under the standard craft system speed you up a great deal too; not sure how that'd interact with the alternate one.

Oh yeah the magnum opus story feat which gives a +5 as well as let's your take tens count as 15 (one specific craft skill). That's a good one.

Edit: check out traits and don't forget the class skill bonus.

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@MageHunter well, it's useful for time-based parts of it, but you still have to make a craft check. I'll have to look into something to do that at a base cost.

@Paranoid Oldman
Holy P*($^@$#*&!(@*&)($#_^*#)&%(&_@!(*_$(&%

Remember that the Skill Focus bonus increases when you have enough ranks in the skill.

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