d'Eon |
So this seems like it could be an interesting chain. First off is Meditation Master:
It's a +1 bonus that can be applied after you see what you rolled, and doesn't require you to do anything except hang out with the wizard while they prep spells.
The next feat is Combat Meditation:
This one seems more like a tax to get the good stuff later, trading a Flurry round for rolling twice on a single attack roll doesn't sound great.
Hopefully the last feat makes up for the tax. Slow Time:
Now once a day we're trading a Flurry for the roll twice from Combat Meditiation, and we get three rounds of haste minimum that works in anti-magic zones and can't be dispelled.
At level 7, which is the earliest it's available, our Flurry will be +7/+7/+2 before ability mods and other bonuses. In four rounds we'd get twelve attacks, eight of which are at full BAB. With Slow Time, we skip our attack for one round and get three hasted attacks instead, along with the other benefits of haste. So in those four rounds we'd get the same twelve attacks, but nine are at full BAB.
At 11th level, we have a Flurry BAB of +11/+11/+11/+6/+1. So without the feat we'd get thirty attacks in six rounds, eighteen at full BAB, six at BAB -5, and six at BAB -10. Using Slow Time, we'd skip one round of attacks and get the same thirty attacks, but now twenty-four are at full BAB, five at -5, and five at -10.
Biggest issue I can see is the fight ending before the full haste effect wears off. Going off the rule of thumb that fights end in 3 rounds, just full attacking at level 7 nets nine attacks, as opposed to the eight from using Slow Time.
NoTongue |
It's not very good, 3 feats and a missed turned for a few rounds of non-magical haste once a day.
You will get the rare scenario where it pays off but if you are teamed up with a Monk who bought some boots of speed and picked up a style feat chain, possessed hand feats, etc, instead your going to be looking on in envy more often than not.
Saethori |
Of note that the full round action meditation from Combat Meditation applies only the +1 on a roll, as evidenced by the later text that says the alternate ability can only be used in place of the Mediation Master feat. So it's actually the initial meditation that gives you the once/day roll twice.
It might seem like the Combat Meditation feat allows you to roll twice, but there would be no point in the redundant statements about Meditation Master if so.
Chess Pwn |
So you spend 1 round out of 4 to have haste for 3.
This is completely useless if you have a spellcaster that often provides haste.
or you can umd a wand of haste and get 5 rounds from a standard action and gold instead of 3 feats.
Yeah I'm not seeing how three feats is worth some haste over just using a wand IF there's no haste in party.
Dasrak |
This looks fairly tame even if it were all a single feat rather than a chain. As a three-feat chain, I wouldn't even consider touching it. Maybe if you're in some kind of weird campaign where dead magic zones are everywhere then extraordinary haste would be useful, but these benefits are just all really situational on their own.