Living Grimoire's Tome weight and spell capacity.

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Living Grimoire

The Living Grimoire literally uses his deity's holy scriptures as a weapon in a form of an Ironbound tome with stats Simolan To a cold iron light mace. While this raisese the questions about relevant feats and such, this thread shall focus on the book itself.

The questions are as follow. How many spells can you fit into one holy book, as they learn spells like a Wizard? Infinite, or based on the size of the tome? If latter, do we follow wizard guidelines for the weight and size of the book itself?

I really dig this archetype, Int Based Divine class is something I've never built, but that's for another thread.

PRD; Under Adventuring Gear, Ultimate Equipment wrote:

Price 1–100 gp; Weight 1–20 lbs.
This is the religious text of a particular religion, with a title, text, and detailed rites specific to that faith. The cheap variety is a small, light book with no illustrations, printed or written on thin paper, and with a cover made of canvas or thin leather. A typical holy text for an experienced adventuring priest is durable, with a leather cover, chapter illustrations, quality paper; it costs 25 gp and weighs 2 pounds. The most expensive versions have detailed illustrations, gilded initials and border decorations, covers made of fine leather, wood, or even metal, and are often oversized and difficult to carry around.

I'd probably make closer to the 20lbs end, and give it the same functionality of a Wizard's Spellbook for in-game interactions and adding divine spells.

PRD; Under Equipment, Core Rulebook wrote:

Spellbook, Wizard's: A spellbook has 100 pages of parchment, and each spell takes up one page per spell level (one page each for 0-level spells).

Edit: Of course, nothing actually suggests there Is a limit to the book, nor is it stated they actually use the same costs, time, or process as a Wizard. Up to the GM, but for balance, go with the traditional Spellbook.

Sovereign Court

I would hesitate to put a limit to the grimoire, because that might cap the total number of spells the inquisitor can learn. (No provision for multiple books at the same time.) The intent seems to be however that he "can know any number of inquisitor spells".

As for weight, the book gains the combat stats of a heavy mace, so 8 pounds looks reasonable to me.

Liberty's Edge

Ascalaphus wrote:
As for weight, the book gains the combat stats of a heavy mace, so 8 pounds looks reasonable to me.

Actually, it counts as a Light Mace. So it can be finessed but not used two-handed for extra damage. Which makes the weight 4 lbs by that metric.

Speaking of which, the heaviest 'light' weapon is 6 lbs, so it probably shouldn't weigh more than that.

Sovereign Court

Ah, good call. Hmm, finesse bookbashing...

Ascalaphus wrote:
Ah, good call. Hmm, finesse bookbashing...

First off, Yes. Please. Please create a dex-based dual-wielding inquisitor that bashes you with a mace, and follows up with a smack from his book, all the while shouting 'Chapter 1, Verse 1, Ye shalt be ownt'.

Secondly... Yes, it counts as a light mace when wielded as a weapon, but I'd be hesitant to call it 6 lbs when it's described as being a Large ironbound tome...

Still, there's nothing in the rules to suggest it one way or the other, so the 4-6lbs Face(smashing)book is probably the best way to go.

Sovereign Court

I'm kinda digging the idea of "agile theology".

Liberty's Edge

Bane Wraith wrote:
Secondly... Yes, it counts as a light mace when wielded as a weapon, but I'd be hesitant to call it 6 lbs when it's described as being a Large ironbound tome...

Well, spellbooks are 3 lbs, so that plus 3 lbs of iron seems a reasonable bludgeoning weapon.

Ascalaphus wrote:
I'm kinda digging the idea of "agile theology".

Well, it can be enchanted as a an Agile Tome is very possible.

Bane Wraith wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:
Ah, good call. Hmm, finesse bookbashing...

First off, Yes. Please. Please create a dex-based dual-wielding inquisitor that bashes you with a mace, and follows up with a smack from his book, all the while shouting 'Chapter 1, Verse 1, Ye shalt be ownt'.

Secondly... Yes, it counts as a light mace when wielded as a weapon, but I'd be hesitant to call it 6 lbs when it's described as being a Large ironbound tome...

Still, there's nothing in the rules to suggest it one way or the other, so the 4-6lbs Face(smashing)book is probably the best way to go.

Thanks for making me laugh, Bane Wraith.

Holy..crap... i love this archetype!
I may finally build a inquisitor..

I only wish now, that there was an option to throw pages of it.

Because I SO WANT to fluff an Onmyouji style. Still can of course, I just can't throw slips that cause damage. I can still do the varoius hardened paper charm aspect.

So.. you could techincally put a bookplate of recall on this too right? in case of disarming or being caught off guard etc.

Heh.. if inquistors had more attack magic.. Could totally have made Yue from Negima

edit: so.. it doesn't replace slayer but slayer also doesn't do anything without judgements..r ight?

Finally... a character with a gold plated Bible he can smite with.

Why not use a Blessed Book. It's got 1,000 pages, so plenty of room for spells.

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