Blayde MacRonan's Giantslayer Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20

i can use the alchemy gear but then again so can every one else, the only thing that stands out in this pile is the vial of singers solution which i might down immediately just so i can be useful a bit longer. if i'm recalling the effects of it right.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

DM verification:
I might have said this before about my character but I want to state it again. -- Full round attack reduces burn cost by 1, Burn blaster ability lets me create 1 additional blast. Excessive blaster lets me take 1 burn and increase my blast by 1 which the burn is reduced by the full round attack. Giving me 2 additional blast at zero burn. Infusion specialist gives me 1 additional burn point that I can reduce which will allow me to add extended range on to my blast. I have 1d6+1 at 1st, 3rd, and 5th; giving me a total of 3d6+3 plus 2d6+2 for the additional blast for a total of 5d6+5 Physical Element. I then add my con to the damage for another +5 points making it 5d6+5 Physical Element(PE) +5 con. I then add a +1 to damage for point blank shot (PBS) within 30ft. Single target(ST) adds another +3 for each additional 2 dice hitting the same target, which means I add another +6 bonus. Making my damage total for a single target ==5d6+5(PE)+5(con)+1(PBS)+6 (ST)==

As for my attack modification, if I do not move I can add Bulleye bonus of +4 to my attack, plus my base attack bonus of +3 plus my Point Blank shot of +1 for being within 30ft. And another +3 from my dex. Also a +1 from weapon focus blast. Overflow bonus to attack only gives me another 2 points to attack for 3 points of burn and 1 point to attack for every 3 levels. Giving me a total of == +3(BAB) +4(BE)+1(PB)+3(Dex)+1(WF)+2(OF) == +14 attack

Please let me know if this looks correct.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

OK, finally trying to get the level up completed. Picked the spell for next level and the only thing left (I think) is skills. I don't think I should have received a skill rank for fifth level, but HL seems to disagree - or it doesn't like how I have something allocated already, which might be the case.

Can you tell me if I should have picked up anything new, skill-wise, at this level-up?

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Rohan Scythe wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Seems fine by me.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:

OK, finally trying to get the level up completed. Picked the spell for next level and the only thing left (I think) is skills. I don't think I should have received a skill rank for fifth level, but HL seems to disagree - or it doesn't like how I have something allocated already, which might be the case.

Can you tell me if I should have picked up anything new, skill-wise, at this level-up?

Going by the chart, Liesel-Marie doesn't gain a new specialty for being 5th level. However, she is human, which means she does get the option of receiving either another skill rank or another hit point. If she chooses the skill rank, just remember that while Liesel-Marie can't have any skill ranks higher than 5 or 2 depending on the skill, she can pick another skill specialty to put that rank in.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

She's taking the extra round of rage option for the FCB.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

Let's try this again. As a human, Liesel-Marie receives an additional skill rank per level. This is the "skilled" racial trait she possesses.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

That seems pretty overpowered compared to how other racial skill bonuses are affected by the consolidated skills system, but I cannot find any mention one way or the other regarding that racial trait in the consolidated skills pages on aonprd.

And Hero Lab definitely doesn't think I should have five more specialized skills. Per their implementation, I would say that skilled racial trait no longer exists. In fact, by their rules, it appears that one of the specialized skills I already have is wrong - they appear to think I should have one adventuring skill specialty and one background skill specialty. I don't know that I've ever used one of my skill specialties, so I can remove it without impacting continuity much.

I'm going to go with the more conservative approach, not try to shoehorn the skilled trait in after the fact, and trade my Influence skill for Craft (weapons) because I think it would tie in well with my intuitive understanding of the blocking greataxe, which remains unnamed. I think I need to bond with it further before a name will make sense.

EDIT: I see that Hero Lab also removes the FCB for extra skill ranks in this system, which makes sense.

EDIT 2: I might have found part of the problem in Hero Lab. Are we using the Background Skills system? I appear to have turned that on when I was trying to make this all work for the alternative skill systems.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

To a limited extent. Mainly for the Lore skill. And as for the skilled trait, that's entirely up to you whether or not you use it.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

Ok, then I will leave everything as it is. No skilled racial trait, one adventuring skill specialty, one background skill specialty. I will get her character sheet completely updated for the level up, probably tomorrow.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

In finalizing the character after the level up, it appears that we might have actually passed the first tier for fifth level. I'm showing we are 33% of the way to sixth, which should put us past tier one, should it not?

(Full disclosure: I selfishly hope so because that means I get a second attack a round on a full attack action.)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

For Mesa... notes on two of her items.

Jusoken (Flute-Short Sword Instrument Weapon)
Price 2,800 gp
Weight 2 lbs.
Hardness 10, Hit Points 15

Though often called a dagger, this item is actually a shortsword that includes elements of a flute (the embouchure hole is set in the crossguard, with piston valves along the grip and a series of tone holes in the blade’s midrib). It doubles as both a musical instrument and a weapon and the wielder can switch between functions as a free action. Made from a metal that naturally harmonizes with sound, the instrument weapon produces a strange alien tone when played. As a result, both the weapon and musical instrument portions of Jusoken are considered masterwork and confers a +2 circumstance bonus to any Performance checks the character using it makes. If the performance is a component of a spell or another level-dependent supernatural effect, such as bardic performance, treat the performing character as 1 level higher when determining any effect. The instrument weapon is treated as a separate musical instrument and a weapon for purposes of being turned into a magic item. The musical instrument and weapon portions are enhanced separately.

Poet’s Cloak
Price 9,750 gp; Slot shoulders; CL 7th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate enchantment
Even after cleaning and mending, this green and gold traveler’s cloak appears worn and weathered. For wearers with the bardic performance class feature, it grants the use of raging song as a 4th-level skald by spending rounds of bardic performance. For wearers with the raging song class feature, it grants the use of inspire courage and inspire competence as a 4th-level bard by spending rounds of raging song.
In addition, the poet’s cloak allows its wearer to grant the lesser spirit totem rage power when using raging song in place of his own rage powers (if any).

Lesser Spirit Totem (Su) While using raging song, the poet cloak’s wearer is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass her foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the cloak’s wearer. This slam attack is made using the wearer’s full base attack bonus, plus the wearer’s Charisma modifier. The slam deals 1d4 points of negative energy damage, plus the wearer’s Charisma modifier.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:

In finalizing the character after the level up, it appears that we might have actually passed the first tier for fifth level. I'm showing we are 33% of the way to sixth, which should put us past tier one, should it not?

(Full disclosure: I selfishly hope so because that means I get a second attack a round on a full attack action.)

You are correct. That was intentionally done to keep you somewhat on track experience-wise, as there will be two new players coming in before too long. Assuming of course, we can get you out of Uskroth's Tomb without too many more issues. (Gives Nyym the side-eye....)


Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

OK, her character sheet is sans the new BAB, so she’s ready.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:
Quite embarrassed to note that while I have no healing potions left, I do have some acid flasks in my kit. *Ahem* Sorry, Rohan, would you like to carry them? I won't think of them next time, either.

Sorry for the late late reply. No you can hold on to the acid potions.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

No offense to whats going on but I thought the auto progression for abilities and stat points was basically all the magical items we were suppose to get. Are there magical items still in the game that I was unaware of?

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Rohan Scythe wrote:
No offense to whats going on but I thought the auto progression for abilities and stat points was basically all the magical items we were suppose to get. Are there magical items still in the game that I was unaware of?

Yes... magic items do still exist. Magic weapons and armor do exist, but grant only special abilities, not enhancement bonuses. In this system, magic weapons, armor, and shields never have enhancement bonuses of their own; those bonuses are granted only through attunement. Any weapon, armor, or shield special abilities on attuned items count against a character’s enhancement bonus from attunement. Also, there normally would be no expectation of finding magic items with how I'm doing this. However, this particular campaign is, among many things, a throwback to the old-school "Against The Giants" adventures from 1st Edition AD&D, so there will definitely be some expectation of magic items beyond just potions and scrolls. And you'll need them too... you can believe that.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

So... I've got my hands on a PDF of Legendary Games' Ultimate Kineticist Compendium. And I've got to say, it's awesome. This is the product blurb:

Ultimate Power!
Kineticists are masters of the elements, versatile in the extreme, and the Ultimate Kineticist Compendium is your encyclopedic resource to ALL the awesome tricks and talents that allow your kineticist to fill almost any niche in an adventuring party! This comprehensive collection includes a whopping 54 archetypes, 14 elements, over 80 kinetic blasts which can be modified by more than 200 infusions, over 550 utility wild talents—almost a thousand wild talents in all—and countless more options to allow players to customize their kineticist character, drawn from nearly a hundred different resources from official Pathfinder Roleplaying Game core rulebooks and softcover companions to the very best 3rd-party content for kineticists from Legendary Games, Purple Duck Games, and more, including the legendary kineticist class variant, favored class bonuses, variant multiclassing, and more. Every rules element in the Ultimate Kineticist Compendium has been updated to work seamlessly together, as well as with never-before-seen archetypes and abilities! To cap it off, four all-new sample characters show off how this wealth of kineticist material can be used to create a powerful and interesting characters at any level! Whether you've just discovered the kineticist class or you're a diehard fan, the massive 280-page Ultimate Kineticist Compendium is the perfect addition to your collection and is sure to Make Your Game Legendary!

So what does this mean for you guys exactly? Well, as Legendary Games is one of the third-party publishers that I allow content from in my games, this means that pretty much every option available in this 280 page document is available for use, whether that be feats, archetypes, or wild talents. I say 'pretty much' because there's at least one option, the legendary kineticist class and anything tied to it, is off the table with regard to use. So yeah, other than that, pretty much everything. In fact, 2 archetypes that are in this supplement are already in play - onslaught kineticist (which is being used by Rohan) and psammokineticist (which is being used by one of the new players). There is a third, but that character has yet to be introduced with that archetype. The feat and wild talent options will be of great use to the majority of my players (as aside from two of them, many of you have some sort of kineticist-like option that you can use to take advantage of this trove of information. So if you can, pick up a copy of this fine product. If you can't, that's fine too. Regardless, if you have any questions concerning the content, don't be afraid to ask me about it (whether it be here in the discussion thread or through use of PMs). This could cause some of you to retool character progression given the bevy of options available now, so we will have to discuss that when the time comes (if it comes).

So, yeah... just wanted to let you know that this is a thing and that it's something you can benefit from.

Oh to give you an indication as to what I mean... I told Rohan he could treat himself as being 2 levels lower to determine the penalties taken from burn. There is a feat that actually does this. It's call Burn Resistance. So with that said, Rohan essentially has this as a bonus feat (in addition to the Extra Wild Talent feat), but this also means that he no longer benefits from the 1 burn point reduction that I had given the character before (not necessary any longer when he, as a 5th level kineticist, is treated as though he is 3rd for the purposes of burn, and when you consider the infusion specialization, internal buffer, and gather power options on top of already having that 1 less burn option, Rohan would have become a truly OP character in addition to the Burn Resistance feat).

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

It’s on my list to buy!

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

thank you for the bonus feat, I really appreciate it. Sadly I don't get the use of gather power option as a Onslaught Kineticist. My infusion specialization apply's to attack only and not damage because its modified. Though I know some of us have already picked there 5th level feat, but if we see something relativity soon in the big book of godly kineticist powers can we modify our last feat and Utility Power/infusion if it apply's?

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

Of course this is depended on those who actually can buy the book if they choose to. I will not be able to get my hands on it for a while.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Rohan Scythe wrote:
Of course this is depended on those who actually can buy the book if they choose to. I will not be able to get my hands on it for a while.
DM Blayde MacRonan wrote:
So if you can, pick up a copy of this fine product. If you can't, that's fine too. Regardless, if you have any questions concerning the content, don't be afraid to ask me about it (whether it be here in the discussion thread or through use of PMs). This could cause some of you to retool character progression given the bevy of options available now, so we will have to discuss that when the time comes (if it comes).

The only thing I would add to my quoted blurb is that I'm also available through Messenger and by phone for those that actually have my number. The point that really needs to be underscored is that I have this product and so if you have any ideas or questions concerning it and your character, then hit me up so we can discuss it.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

I have laid my greedy fingers upon this tome, as well. I see relatively little that applies to my girl thus far (to my uneducated eye) without retraining or multiclassing, but there is a lot to look at. I would also be happy to answer “Do you see X questions” though I don’t know the system as well as our tyran... er, esteemed GameMaster. ;-D Just havin’ a little fun, boss.

I can’t wait to hear what’s in the loot pile, y’all. I don’t need much, but I’m hoping the rest of Team Ruby scores big. And I hope that skeleton’s fighting days are long past. Just saying.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

You're going to want to pay close attention to the infusions, utility talents, and feats. Again, while this is geared mainly to the kineticist class, there are useful things for all who have quasi-kineticist abilities.

Case in point: Kinetic Proficiency. With this feat, you can use infusions which are normally used as part of an attack action as part of a coup de grace, disarm, sunder, or trip attempt. Without Kinetic Proficiency, Liesel-Marie can only use her kinetic blade as part of an attack action, full-attack action, or charge. And since the prerequisite for obtaining it is to possess devastating infusion, kinetic blade, or kinetic fist as well as Weapon Focus (kinetic blast), it's a lot easier to get than you think. And that would set Liesel-Marie up for the next feat in the series, Improved Kinetic Proficiency, with which, when she attacks with an infusion which can be used as part of an attack action (such as devastating infusion or kinetic blade), the attack has the deadly, disarm, distracting, sunder, and trip weapon qualities. Of those weapon qualities, I'll highlight two: Deadly - When you use this weapon to deliver a coup de grace, it gains a +4 bonus to damage when calculating the DC of the Fortitude saving throw to see whether the target of the coup de grace dies from the attack. The bonus is not added to the actual damage of the coup de grace attack, and Distracting - You gain a +2 bonus on Influence skill checks to feint in combat while wielding this weapon.

There is a third feat in the chain, called Defensive Kinetic Proficiency, which requires the Defensive Combat Training feat in addition to Kinetic Proficiency. It makes it so that when you ready an infusion which can be used as part of an attack action (such as devastating infusion or kinetic blade), the attack has the blocking (+1 shield bonus to AC when fighting defensively) and bracing (deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging creature when set to brace) weapon qualities. Obviously, if combined with the kinetic whip infusion (3rd-level form infusion which functions as kinetic blade but counts as a reach weapon appropriate for your size that can also attack nearby creatures and threatens all squares within its reach, allowing you to make attacks of opportunity that deal the whip’s usual damage), you've got plenty of options that weren't there before. Plus, when this infusion is readied against a charge, you can also make one 5-foot step as a free action when it is triggered.

There is a lot of material within the pdf. Some will be of no use while others will be more useful depending on the character and their play-style. And I'm only currently focusing on the combat applications of some of this stuff. I'm sure others will find things that work outside of that particular theater which I may overlook. Only time will tell how exactly that will work out. But I look forward to seeing whatever is found being put to use.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

I've finally laid the groundwork for the next chapter. Here's the link to the discussion thread (Click Me!). I'm working on the first post for that gameplay thread, but for now, go ahead and make your presence felt in both the discussion and recruitment threads. This includes the new players as well, who have been shadowing the goings-on of the current gameplay as they await their opportunity to play.

Once we are done with this chapter/season, I will mark this inactive and we'll continue on in our new and shiny digs.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

Sorry to jump on in but I am going to start splitting this treasure loot up the best that I can. I have already accounted the Vile of singers to him as his request early on. I want to make sure everyone gets stuff and its as balanced as I can for everyone.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

These Items have yet to be identified so I have not assigned them to anyone.

* a temple sword fashioned entirely from a shimmering translucent blue crystal, with the grip wrapped in eel hide (under detect magic, it radiates a faint evocation and transmutation aura)

* a set of "leather" lamellar armor, which upon closer examination, is actually constructed from a special form of flexible material made by weaving together leaves and thin strips of alchemically-treated bark from darkwood trees (under detect magic, it radiates a faint transmutation aura)

” *The temple sword and the leather armor actively resist any attempts at identifying their properties. The chain shirt worn by the skeleton radiates a faint transmutation aura actively resists any attempts at identifying its properties.. The stone hammer, upon closer examination, is a massive and simple stone blacksmith’s hammer engraved with the image of an anvil on a cave floor in front of a triangular background with a moon, a planet, and a star, respectively, at the corners. A DC 20 Religion check will identify the image as the holy symbol of Minderhal, the smith-god of the giants. It radiates a strong transmutation aura and actively resists any attempts at identifying its properties. “

I already have a belt of tumbling and I need to know who wants these items. Some I am unsure of who can benefit from them.

***a pair of soft leather gloves decorated with even rows of mithral rivets (under detect magic, it radiates a faint transmutation aura and has been identified as Gloves of Arcane Striking)

I have assigned items to each person character based on their description, but if someone got something that the other person has please trade, or be kind to each other and give it to them if they can benefit from it better.

Rohan: PP: 3 GP: 246 EP: SP: 30 CP:714 / Potions:”, cure serious wounds” thunderstones (2), antitoxin (2)

Mesa: PP: 3 GP: 246 EP: SP: 30 CP:714 / Potions:” cure moderate wounds, remove curse, remove disease” acid (2), alchemist’s fire (2), black adder venom (2 doses), bloodroot (2 doses), mwk thieves’ tools, portable alchemist's lab, alchemy crafting kit, formula book(Undefined from DM), 1 scroll (4th lvl bard spell discordant blast)

***a jewel that glows with an eerie green radiance (under detect magic, it radiates a faint transmutation aura and has been identified as a kitsune star gem, which acts as a runestone of power, except it only allows a kitsune to recover a spent use of a spell-like ability of the appropriate spell level)

Kytynna: PP: 3 GP: 246 EP: SP: 30 CP:714 / Potions:”cure serious wounds”

***A thin and flexible cotton cord is meant to be wrapped several times around wearer’s waist. (This has been identified as a belt of tumbling, which affects belt’s wearer by granting a +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks made to move through a threatened square or through an enemy’s space)

Nymm: PP: 3 GP: 246 EP: SP: 30 CP:714 / Potions:” cure moderate wounds, remove disease”

Liesel-Marie: PP: 3 GP: 246 EP: SP: 30 CP:714 / Potions:”cure serious wounds, enlarge person (CL 3rd), bull's strength”

***A wide leather held together with two strands of oxen skin threaded through holes on each end. (This has been identified as a heavyload belt, which affects belt’s wearer as though subject to a permanent ant haul spell, effectively tripling their carrying capacity)

Aodhan: PP: 3 GP: 246 EP: SP: 30 CP:714 / Potions:”remove curse”

***a thick leather belt adorned with several over-sized iron plates and disks depicting images of orc gladiators in battle (under detect magic, it radiates a faint enchantment aura and has been identified as a Victor's Belt, which allows the wearer to receive a +2 morale bonus on all combat maneuver checks and to Combat Maneuver Defense as well as being able to enter a rage [as the rage spell] as a standard action once per day. However, should the wearer take an amount of damage equal to at least half his current hit points in a single round, there is a 50% chance that the belt activates its rage ability automatically as an immediate action, provided the power has not already been activated that day and the wearer is not already raging. Regardless of how the rage is activated, it lasts for 5 rounds.

Nogusta: PP: 3 GP: 246 EP: SP: 30 CP:714 / Potions:”remove curse, remove disease unholy water”

"If there is anything that you don't agree with please let me know. If there is something you don't want I will add it back to the sell list. All gold has been split evenly and I assigned potions and items to who might be best served to use them. Please mark them down and keep track of them for your gear."

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

This list is for things that are going to be sold. If you spot something that you want on this list speak up or forever hold your peace. "DM please pick for the NPC if they need or can use something they don't already have"

QTY Items Price Sell Value
1 Black Pearl 500 250
1 Gold Mask 450 225
1 Great Sword 50 25
2 Longspears 5 5
2 Chainmail 150 150
1 MW Greataxe 320 160
1 Shortspear 1 0.5
2 MW Studded Leather 175 175
2 Light Crossbow 35 35
40 Bolts 0.25 5
1 MW Warhammer 312 156
1 Scalemail (broken) 38.5 19.25
2 Scrolls of Nap Stack 450 450
1 key 0 0
1 50 feet of hemp rope 1 0.5
2 Heavy steel Shield 20 20
6 Studded Leather 25 75
2 Falchion 75 75
20 Javelins 1 10
2 Longsword 15 15
3 Composite Shortbows 100 150
56 Arrows 1 28
1 Double axe 60 30
1 MW Leather Lamellar 210 105
4 Daggers 2 4
1 MW Dueling Swords 12 6
1 Gold Necklace 100 50
1 Blue Whinnis 120 60
2 Liquid Ice 40 40
1 Oil of taggit 90 45
1 Tanglefoot bag 50 25
1 MW cold Iron Falchion 2375 1187.5

Total Gold 3581.75

This was done on Excel sheet so the numbers look funny. First number is value of items from the book. Second number is value of total sold at DM price.

This list has not been sold yet until we get somewhere that we can sell it.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

To be honest, this feels a bit pushy when the treasure post had hardly cooled off. Let people look at the inventory and make their own decision.

And, for the record, at least one of the scrolls of nap stack has been used.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

Liesel-Marie is correct about the scrolls of nap stack. One has been used by Nogusta so that Team Ruby could recover from the day's encounters within a 4-hour time period.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

I am sorry, I wasn't trying to be pushy at all. Other then this last group of items, we have had 4 encounters worth of loot that I have been tracking and people were not taking any of the items for themselves so I felt that I needed to hand out the items that were useful and try to get this loot divided up.

I have no problem if everyone wants to take those special magic items and just throw them back in the pot and pick and choose which one you want. I was merely trying to help out because the lack of people using the loot found. But you are right this is fresh loot and I hope people pick the items they need.

Will make note of the 1 nap sack scrolls used.

I would like to make note that I did say if you can't use it or don't want it give it to someone who can. This also was not set in stone, just trying to take care of a massively growing list.

Also, I spent nearly 3 hours fixing all the loot and finding the things that are useful and separating them out of it and what not, plus figuring out all the prices and setting up the prices for what we can sell. I assigned items based on what I guessed people could use based on there skills there class and so on. However, if I am wrong for trying to help out so be it.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

Once again, I find myself apologizing to Rohan for over-reacting. Please forgive me. I was intentionally not posting so as to let our less-active posters (or otherwise-occupied posters, as may be the case) have a chance to weigh in before I started making suggestions.

Observation: The Gloves of Arcane Striking appear to benefit someone that has the Arcane Strike feat, which Liesel-Marie has. Who else has that feat?

Also, Liesel-Marie can cast enlarge person with a longer duration, so the potion of enlarge person might be better utilized by someone else.

For the party, the heavyload belt being on the strongest person increases the party's carrying capacity by the most, so if that's Liesel-Marie, I'm in. If someone else has a greater Strength (and wants the belt), I would certain defer to them.

Rohan, are you keeping the treasure in a list offline or is it in a location where you can share it with everyone to review? Google docs, etc.?

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

I think Liesel-Marie was looking to deal with matters pertaining to the group's loot haul as a part of the downtime between chapters/seasons, so that everyone could still focus on wrapping up this part of the campaign.

Rohan has only made recommendations... nothing is set in stone (pun intended). But it does require some level of interaction on the players' part to sort this all out. Handle that here in the discussion thread.

Update: I see that this has already begun. Good. :)

There are few a other matters that I want to address, so lets start with the first one: the formula book.

Gorewillow's formula book contains the following formulae: bomber's eye, cure light wounds, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, invisibility, protection from arrows, and shield. It is worth 65 gold sails (this price takes into account resale value), but only to those of the alchemist and/or investigator classes. There might be a few classes with archetypes that allow the use of alchemical formulae, but outliers aside, the book is useless to anyone else.

Next up, the formula alembic. This magically-augmented alchemical device distills a potion or alchemist extract into the knowledge needed to create its formula. By gently heating a potion or extract in the alembic for 1 hour, the device creates a few drops of magical liquid. If consumed by an alchemist, this liquid gives him knowledge of the potion’s or extract’s formula, as if it were an extract he recorded in his formula book. This knowledge lasts for 24 hours. He may scribe this formula in his formula book in the normal fashion. Using the alembic does not harm the potion, but the process makes it nearly boiling hot (it cools normally). The alembic can only distill the knowledge of formulas on the alchemist extract list (for example, it cannot turn a potion of a cleric-only spell into something an alchemist can learn). It is worth 200 gold sails (100 resale).

The gold heart-shaped locket. It radiates an aura of faint divination magic and, when opened, contains a lock of hair. It is identified as one half of a pair of true love lockets.

True Love Locket: These gold, heart-shaped pendants, which open to reveal small hollows inside, always come in pairs and must be on the same plane of existence to function. When two people with a strong emotional bond (such as good friends, family members, or lovers) each wear one of the lockets containing a keepsake from the other person (usually a lock of hair or small picture), the lockets’ magic becomes evident. After 24 hours of wearing a linked locket, each wearer knows the condition of the other, as a constant status spell. In addition, when either wearer uses the aid another action to assist the wearer of the linked locket, the bonus gained is increased by 1. Lastly, once per day, each wearer may use one of the known skills of the wearer of the linked locket, as borrow skill. If either wearer of a linked true love locket takes the pendant off, has it forcefully removed, is killed, or travels to another plane, both lockets cease to function until re-attuned after 24 hours. A set is worth 6,000 gold sails (3,000 resale).

The darkleaf leather lamellar armor. This “leather” lamellar is actually crafted from a special form of flexible material made by weaving together leaves and thin strips of bark from darkwood trees, then treating the resulting fabric with special alchemical processes. The resulting material is tough as cured hide but much lighter. In addition, it looks to be designed for flexibility and ease of use, though this does compromise its protective qualities somewhat. Darkleaf armor like this typically sells for 810 gold sails (or 405 resale), but the customized nature of its design increases its value (1,810 gold sails [or 905 if resold]…) +3 armor bonus; +7 Max Dex Bonus; 0 Armor Check Penalty; 10% Arcane Spell Failure; Speed 30 ft./20 ft; 18 lbs.

Uskroth’s Shirt: This battered, well-used masterwork chain shirt is crafted from fire-forged steel, a dwarven technique which channels heat in one direction to protect its wearer or wielder. When it is crafted into armor, heat is channeled away from the wearer, offering some limited protection and granting the wearer fire resistance 2.
It also automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wearer. Once per day on command, the armor can bestow upon its wearer the effects of righteous might for 5 rounds. The wearer’s alignment determines the DR gained from this ability. A good wearer gains DR 5/evil, an evil wearer gains DR 5/good, and a wearer who is neither good nor evil chooses which DR to gain the first time the ability is activated – once chosen, it cannot be changed. This fire-forged steel chain shirt would sell for 13,400 gold sails (6,700 resale) Armor Bonus +4; Max Dex Bonus +4; Armor Check Penalty -1; Arcane Spell Failure Chance 20%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.; 25 lbs. (medium sized weight, 50 lbs when Large sized).
Righteous Might: Your height immediately doubles, and your weight increases by a factor of eight. This increase changes your size category to the next larger one. You gain a +4 size bonus to Strength and Constitution and take a -2 penalty to your Dexterity. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your natural armor. You gain DR 5/evil or DR 5/good. All equipment you wear or carry is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee weapons deal more damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves your possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage. Magical effects that increase size do not stack.

The blue crystal temple sword. This temple sword is fashioned entirely from a shimmering translucent blue crystal that is strong as steel, with the grip wrapped in eel hide. It radiates an aura of moderate evocation and transmutation. This weapon would sell for 11,930 gold sails (5,965 resale).

And the final item. I left the following out of the treasure in Uskroth's tomb by mistake and so will place it here for inclusion:

Dual wakizashi set: This pair of short, slender blades are between 1 to 2 feet long. They are of masterwork quality and have been balanced to be wielded in tandem. When wielding the two weapons together, reduce the two-weapon fighting penalties by 1 for both weapons. The paired weapons would sell for 2,670 gold sails (1,335 resale).

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

Random thoughts regarding inventory:

I would suggest that we not sell alchemical items, in general. Same with arrows - they are light, when we need them, we will burn through however many we own.

Specific to Liesel-Marie, her weapon selection lacks a good bludgeoning weapon. I would like to swap her masterwork battleaxe for the masterwork hammer in the inventory. I was looking at Agrimmosh for the same reason, not realizing what that weapon really was - I think it would be a shame to have an artifact-level weapon that isn't someone's primary weapon, especially at the level we are currently at.

I'd be interested in the masterwork cold iron falchion for mechanical reasons - good two-handed damage and cold iron for getting through certain DR? Another shame to discard that one.

I'm not seeing a lot of use for my javelins at this point. If they are in range for a javelin, they are in range for my blade rush, and I'm typically going to prefer to get in their face with something doing more damage than a javelin, so... anyone want some javelins? The shortbow gives me greater range if they are smart enough to stay out of my reach.

Also, I still have items on my sheet that should be on the party inventory that just never got transferred (from the Plague House). Also, do we know where the Key in the inventory came from/where it would be used? Seems unlikely to be something we can sell if there's no associated lock...

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:
Also, do we know where the Key in the inventory came from/where it would be used? Seems unlikely to be something we can sell if there's no associated lock...

The key was on Daktani's person and could have been used to open the door to furnace room where Vegazi was being held prisoner had you not taken the secret passage.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:

Once again, I find myself apologizing to Rohan for over-reacting. Please forgive me. I was intentionally not posting so as to let our less-active posters (or otherwise-occupied posters, as may be the case) have a chance to weigh in before I started making suggestions.

Observation: The Gloves of Arcane Striking appear to benefit someone that has the Arcane Strike feat, which Liesel-Marie has. Who else has that feat?

Also, Liesel-Marie can cast enlarge person with a longer duration, so the potion of enlarge person might be better utilized by someone else.

For the party, the heavyload belt being on the strongest person increases the party's carrying capacity by the most, so if that's Liesel-Marie, I'm in. If someone else has a greater Strength (and wants the belt), I would certain defer to them.

Rohan, are you keeping the treasure in a list offline or is it in a location where you can share it with everyone to review? Google docs, etc.?

Actually I am not keeping the list currently in any google doc right now but I can make that happen if you want to go that route. I just used excel temporary to price out stuff and what not. I have been just adding it under my character sheet here on Paizo. But if you want I can go back in and create a list if that is something you would like to do going forward.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

Also, I would like to mention that I have talked with the DM, and I am staying around and continuing on if you guys still want me to go along. Please let me know if you all are alright with that?

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

I am interested in the Chain Shirt if no one else wants it. I can just imagine Rohan doubling in size from 7'11" to 15'10 inches. I think that would be quite a sight lol. However, if someone else can use it thats fine too I don't mind.

Umm..Not sure what Rohan going to do with the hammer but it still might be better served in Liesel hands if she is going to use it on a regular basis. I maybe able to use it but its likely that I would only use it in the event that I can't get off a range attack. We can play that one out.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12
Rohan Scythe wrote:
Also, I would like to mention that I have talked with the DM, and I am staying around and continuing on if you guys still want me to go along. Please let me know if you all are alright with that?

Hey, that's great news! I had to say I was starting to think that you didn't sound like someone who was packing his books to leave the table...

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12
Rohan Scythe wrote:
I am interested in the Chain Shirt if no one else wants it. I can just imagine Rohan doubling in size from 7'11" to 15'10 inches. I think that would be quite a sight lol. However, if someone else can use it thats fine too I don't mind.

I haven't looked at your armor vs the chain shirt. Make sure you aren't making a sacrifice to your armor class for the sake of something cool unless you think it's worth it. How would the effect - other than the admittedly cool visual - impact your normal gameplay? It would be cool if the missiles you generate were affected by the fact that you were double your normal size, but in a lot of cases, enlarging the ranged attacker doesn't result in enlarged ammunition once it leaves their possession. I don't know how your onslaught would be affected.

Rohan Scythe wrote:
Umm..Not sure what Rohan going to do with the hammer but it still might be better served in Liesel hands if she is going to use it on a regular basis. I maybe able to use it but its likely that I would only use it in the event that I can't get off a range attack. We can play that one out.

Yeah, I confess to metagaming here. I would love to have her carry the warhammer because ARTIFACT, but the GM said while it is enticing her to choose it, it hasn't chosen her. So the player in me feels that it makes sense that the one with giantblood would be the one that the hammer would seek out.

And as long as I'm attacking things that don't have resistance to bladed weapons, I think I'm probably going to do more damage with the greataxe on the average attack, but I haven't actually crunched the numbers yet.

As you say, we can play that out. We might even hand it back and forth as the situation warrants.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12
Rohan Scythe wrote:
Actually I am not keeping the list currently in any google doc right now but I can make that happen if you want to go that route. I just used excel temporary to price out stuff and what not. I have been just adding it under my character sheet here on Paizo. But if you want I can go back in and create a list if that is something you would like to do going forward.

I just thought if it was in a shared location, it would be easier for everyone to see what was available and what had already been claimed. I've seen several groups use it to good effect.

And you wouldn't necessarily have to manage the list if you didn't want to. I know that can be frustrating when you aren't getting feedback.

If you want, I can try to steal the format from one of the sites that I have seen using it and we can see if it works for us.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

I am interested in the Chain Shirt if no one else wants it. I can just imagine Rohan doubling in size from 7'11" to 15'10 inches. I think that would be quite a sight lol. However, if someone else can use it thats fine too I don't mind.

Umm..Not sure what Rohan going to do with the hammer but it still might be better served in Liesel hands if she is going to use it on a regular basis. I maybe able to use it but its likely that I would only use it in the event that I can't get off a range attack. We can play that one out.

Yeah I don't mind if you do that. It could be very helpful with the loot

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

Just realized that if Rohan does indeed keep Agrimmosh then he could grow in size for up to 20 min, which insane for him. So he would gain it regardless. I did found out from DM that I would be able to use Agrimmosh with no penalties.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

I don't know why the text did a double or triple post here but I had nothing to do with it. Paizo been going on the fritz today so not sure whats going with that.

Glad to hear that you are happy that I continue with you guys.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

The new profile image took me by surprise. Very in keeping with recent story changes, though.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

Thank you. I figure you know since I got the blood of a stone giant running through me and all it was a much needed change.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

So while I don't have your inventory list from your other campaigns I made one of my own for now. I have listed all the new magic items in the unclaimed section, and added the items from the plague house off your character sheet to the selection. I have already split all the current gold currency in play to each person. You can update your individual inventory sheet listed in the link to establish that you took the item. Please look over it and make adjustments if you feel that you need to make changes or add something. I appreciate any assistance. 5rlPrLTI/edit?usp=sharing

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 9; AC 23/14/21; 77/85 hp; F12 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 38-5+1/38; Spells left: 3/3, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

Sounds good, but I can't access the doc from that link. If I click on it, it takes me to the campaign page for this adventure. If I copy the apparent link, it takes me to a Google Docs page saying the document does not exist.

Not sure where to look in a case like this, but I would start with the link.

EDIT: I've barely had time to look at this, but I do have a copy of the other sheet made. I can clean it up to make it more applicable for us and you can see what you think of it. Obviously, if you like yours better, use it. I'm not worried about it either way, just trying to help you offload some of that grief by making it accessible to the whole party.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

My apologies... This weekend has been fairly busy for me, so I haven't been able to get on other than to read posts. And the next few days don't look to be much better, since we're rolling into the 4th of July.

I'm also apologizing on behalf of Kyt, Mesa, and Nyym's players for their lack of presence as well. Mesa and Nyym have been caught up with work just like I've been and Kyt is on vacation (her player should be back home by Wednesday).

Hopefully, after the 4th, things will pick back up here on the forums. In the meantime, carry on as you have been doing. Thanking you in advance for being understanding.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

well lets try this again 5rlPrLTI/edit?usp=sharing

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