Fragile weapon and Black Blade Blade / Bladebound


So a black blades sword cannot gain the broken condition while he has all east one arcane point available, does that mean if I am using an obsidian weapon, or a true crystalline weapon it does not break on a roll of 1?

Carlos medina 291 wrote:

So a black blades sword cannot gain the broken condition while he has all east one arcane point available, does that mean if I am using an obsidian weapon, or a true crystalline weapon it does not break on a roll of 1?

I think so, but I don't think a black blade can be made of special materials.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yup, can't be broken as you suspect, and, presumably, can't be made of special materials, either. I couldn't find any specific FAQ other than the "you can't enchant a black blade" entry, however.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I don't see anywhere that a black blade can't be made of special materials. Would just make sense that I have to pay the cost of any special materials the black blade is made of.

Grand Lodge

I believe it was clarified under the battle host occultist that immunity to the broken condition resulted in the item not taking penalties due to being "Broken", but did not prevent hit point loss or stop the item from being destroyed.

as I read it, you would need to make your weapon before it becomes a black blade at level 3. so if you got an obsidian (or mithral, or adamantine) weapon before level 3, it would become the black blade at that point.

That was my thought as well. Is there another class with a similar ability to the black blade that would deter the broken condition? Or a feat?

Don't magic items lose the fragile quality? I know that doesn't make them immune to broken, but it helps. Magic items with an enhancement bonus also receive bonus hp and hardness and there are some wondrous items that can reinforce something further. That'd make you effectively immune to broken with regards to hp damage.

Magic items lose the fragile quality unless the item is made of a special material that has the fragile quality. Which in this case the true crystalline weapon I am trying to use does have the fragile quality.

Carlos medina 291 wrote:
Magic items lose the fragile quality unless the item is made of a special material that has the fragile quality. Which in this case the true crystalline weapon I am trying to use does have the fragile quality.

True crystaline weapons don't have the fragile quality, they have something different based on what I'm reading. A fragile weapon gets the broken condition on a roll of 1 (called the fragile quality). A true crystaline weapon shatters completely which is to say, is destroyed, on a 1. I don't think immunity to broken would do anything for crystal.

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