if you can't save feats for later level...

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

and your dm does not allow retraining at all
that means i am going to take the feat one level early and just not be able to use it till i acquire the prerequisites. or fill it now with your second pick and wait three more lvls. i am more partial to the former rather the later. what is your opinion?

Unless you can temporarily acquire all prereqs, you cannot take the former option.


zainale wrote:
or fill it now with your second pick and wait three more lvls.

You get a feat every odd level, so you should only have to wait 2 more levels.

But yeah, you can't get feats early:

our character must have the indicated ability score, class feature, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or other quality designated in order to select or use that feat.

Maybe if you showed us your build, we could help you with build order.

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