Help me write a space pirate Aegis.

Advice and Rules Questions

Hey, so I'm going to be playing a sci-fi game, where most the stuff is reskinned as tech. I'm going to be playing a space pirate who pilots a Power Suit, so I'm using the Aegis class, but I haven't the faintest idea of where to start.

A few houserulings were made to aid in the conversion to Sci-Fi.

Everyone gets gun training 1.

The Aegis abilities that affect melee weapons can also affect ranged weapons.

Currently the only third-party thing allowed is the Aegis class.

20 Point Buy.

I'd like to dual-wield pistols, and I feel that the above changes make this possible to do and not be the worst.

Any advice would be grand.

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SPACE PIRATE AEGIS is a great name for an anime. This is my contribution.

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Not helpful for the build, very helpful for my career. I will begin writing anime right away.

Alright, since Aegii don't get crap for bonus feats, what's the most feat-efficient way to be good with a gun?

Since you barely need any accuracy boosts and advanced guns rarely misfire, Rapid Reload seems like the only necessary thing.

I was thinking more along the lines of sheer damage boosting.

I know I need point-blank shot and precise shot, but aside from deadly aim, I don't actually know what feats are good for a gun build specifically. I typically play melee.

The Aegis has an archtype that gives you powerful ranged attacks it might be what you want. Three ways to boost your power at low levels is this. First look at Tieflings they have a feat that gives them oversized limbs granting you the ability to use large size weapons. Pepperbox goes from a D8 to 2D6 in damage. Second level Titan Mauler allows you to use a two handed weapon one handed. So Muskets and rifles are now one handed weapons for you. Minus two to hit put still interesting. A Barbarian archtype from Tech Guide gives them two weapon fighting with melee and guns while raging with attack of opportunity.
Aegis Suit over the armors is in my experience and mind better. It grants a Dex boost and Evasion at the first two levels for free.
Rapid Shot and two weapon fighting improve your damage output. Clustered shot will help get past DR. Fifth level gunslinger grants Dex bonus as damage bonus might want to look at. Take a feat sand you lose only one level of Aegis this way.
Sounds interesting what your GM is doing hope it works.

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