Firearms and Cover


Silver Crusade

Hello Paizo forums I am running a Steampunk campaign and one of my players and myself have a strange though on the cover system as to how does a person who is half the hieght taller then a lower wall gets soft cover to 100ft Range weapon because to get proper cover from it you would need to crouch behind it, and a skilled Gunslinger as they would be would not really matter if there target is only half covered by the low wall as they would just hit the top of there target therefor making the cover bonus not really mean anything.

So my question is how can you make cover that works with firearms shooting at soft cover?

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The rules work fine as-is. Soft cover doesn't prevent the gunslinger from hitting, it just narrows the window on what hits. If it's a "skilled gunslinger" as you say, they can still hit the target. If they would have only barely hit before, then it was probably best thought of as a shot that clipped the leg or some such thing- and that's now behind a wall. Soft cover is just removing those nearly-missed hits. If the target were to duck down behind the wall, that's now total cover. (Also, the wall may be a little higher than half, preventing gut-shots.)

Pathfinder makes ranged combat potentially very strong. Removing penalties makes it even stronger.

Agreed, rules work fine as is.

Besides, with guns targeting touch AC the bonus from soft cover still probably wont matter much.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for your help I will try to explain it to him.

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