[Design Camp] A Return to Patron Projects

Product Discussion

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Do you miss the days of Open Design, or did you never get a chance to try it?

Want to learn about the RPG Freelancing Business?

Want a say as to what is in your next RPG purchase?

Check out Design Camp! A new project from me -- Ben McFarland, Jason Sonia, and Brian Suskind.

Design Camp is a hands-on look behind the curtain of the RPG design process. As a Patron, you will get a front-row, behind the scenes seat as the designers work. Along the way, you will be able to comment and suggest changes to the manuscript, and you can even pitch and write up your own ideas for inclusion in the final document.

The first project for Design Camp is the Celestial Host. Return to the wonder and majesty of Deities and Demigods with a pathfinder conversion of three real world mythologies chosen by the Backers!

With Wolfgang Baur’s blessing, we have launched Design Camp to follow in the footsteps of Open Design. An epic, patron-sponsored series of projects, Wolfgang Baur’s Open Design taught hundreds the “in’s and out’s” of the design world and launched the careers of many brilliant RPG writers. For those who would enjoy a return of the days of Open Design, we proudly present Design Camp.

You can find the kickstarter here.


First real day out in the world, and we're about a quarter funded.

If you've been wondering about RPG design, and want an up-close look at the process, this is your chance.


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Over three-eighths funded and very early in the month.

Looking good.

We just pushed past the 50% mark today, and now we're on the downward slope! Were you considering getting on board? Join us and let's take a hands-on look at game design.


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68% funded and over 2 weeks left.


Actually almost 80% now, like $11 shy! :) And we've got a couple of surprises in the next few days, so I'm very excited to see us close in on greenlight.

Here's hoping you'll join us...


Ok, it's 80% for very large values of 70% but close. :D

Probably still 68%. Maybe 69%


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This is well worth a look for anyone who missed out on Open Design. I learned a hell of a lot from taking part in those projects :)

Paizo Employee Developer

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Totally agreed, Rich. Open Design brought me up to speed so nicely when I was first starting out freelancing. I'm excited to see what Ben, Jaye, Brian, and crew turn out.

We're halfway through the campaign and we've just about hit the 70% marker for funding!

Why not come join us on the way to greenlight? We've posted a couple of previews--

Udenki's Kapala
and the Flame of Mithras

-- because you should have an idea of what you're getting into. So why not come sign up and get the Design Camp Experience?

We can make this happen with you!


We're at 75% this morning! We can make this happen, come join us!



75% funded and over a week to go!

We've hit 75% with 9 days to go! Hopefully you can join us and help us hit greenlight!

This week, we've announced guest designers who'll be dropping by to engage with patrons during the project: Nic Logue, Clinton Boomer, Jim Groves, Savannah Broadway, and Brian Berg!

We've got more previews and surprises planned for backers this week, so come sign on,


And there's always the $10 level for the PDF. :)


Liberty's Edge

Hey! This sounds interesting!

87.5% funded and several days left to go!




(I'll let you guess what happened!)

I won't-- we've funded! We hit greenlight this morning! So we'll be racing down the slope to the finish line and hopefully everything will go smoothly! :)

The current $4200 total means Nic Logue will even join us for a 2-hour Q&A session with patrons.


Awesome news.

Where can we keep the drums beating in order to start unlocking those stretch goals?

'Cause those extra hours of design camp will be invaluable to all patrons.

I'm going to hit all the existing threads, and we're hoping to amp the signal with our partners in crime, and I'll look at getting some stretch goals posted. We have a couple we want to put, so I'll confirm them and see about updating tomorrow.


Only 2½ days left.

If you liked Deities & Demigods, consider pledging $10 for a PDF.

We've crossed over $5K and Brian, Jaye, and I are going to offer all backers a convention-length adventure using the material.

At our next target, $6000, we'll increase direct interaction time, scheduling more hangouts, Q&A, and brainstorming/feedback sessions.


According to a recent update and confirmed by Jaye in the project comments, even $1 backers get the approximately 10-page adventure from the stretch goal.

Paizo Employee Developer

I just realized something that I've said it elsewhere but not here.

Ben, Brian, and Jaye invited me to do a two-hour course on designing monsters, and I'm happy to say that I'm able to do it! If you're interested in learning what goes into designing RPG material and want to throw in your voice to guide a project in a collaborative environment, I strongly suggest checking out this Kickstarter project.

This is within the last 24 hours.

We're on our way to the finish line, just 21 hours to go!


scary harpy wrote:

Only 2½ days left.

If you liked Deities & Demigods, consider pledging $10 for a PDF.

Less than 12 hours left now!

Scarab Sages

scary harpy wrote:
scary harpy wrote:

Only 2½ days left.

If you liked Deities & Demigods, consider pledging $10 for a PDF.

Less than 12 hours left now!

Thank you for posting this update. I would've kicked myself if I'd found out about this project after the Kickstarter ended.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

6 hours left and a stretch goal was just eclipsed adding an extra 12 hours of time with the talented folks putting this on.

KarlBob wrote:
scary harpy wrote:
scary harpy wrote:

Only 2½ days left.

If you liked Deities & Demigods, consider pledging $10 for a PDF.

Less than 12 hours left now!
Thank you for posting this update. I would've kicked myself if I'd found out about this project after the Kickstarter ended.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We're a go! We hit one stretch goal and now it's time to fire up the experience! :D

Thanks to everyone who's supporting us or coming along for the ride!


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