Advance my Night Hag


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Im looking to take a Night Hag (Bestiary 1 p215) and make her a formidable opponent at the CR 13/14 range. Anyone have any nasty twists I can put use?

Also, anyone recomend a name for her? :)

Thank you

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I can't commit to doing the legwork of advancing her for you, but inspired by another thread I just replied to, what about giving her the Implacable Stalker template? Conceptually, the fear and nightmare aspects would seem to work very well with a night hag.

(thread: )

Otherwise (or additionally), it would certainly be fitting to add a few levels of witch. Slumber hex plus ability focus and other DC-raising tricks could be a nice trick, especially if she were accompanied by allies who might take advantage of a sleeping enemy (maybe shadows

For a name, how about "Grisel Hollowheart, called the Soulbinder, the Mettlebreaker, the Mindrender, Mother of Nightmares and Daughter of Sorrow. But if you had heard of me, you wouldn't dare stand in my shadow, mortal worms."

Or something equally ominous and suggesting a lengthy history of misdeeds.

Very well done SR.

Daw wrote:
Very well done SR.

You're too kind, Daw!

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Thank you Steel Refrain- yes, I had looked at witch as well as it seems a no-brainer- but there are others out there who are a bit more devious than I (such as yourself ;)) and I was interested in hearing their opinions as well- one of the benefits of this forum :)

Your names are excellent!!!

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Advanced Simple and Implacable Stalker are a vicious combination putting the CR at 12. Adding 1 or 2 racial HD brings her CR up to the desired value, scaling CL (= # of HD) and SR (CR +15) accordingly.

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Nightmare lord template, maybe?

(The bottom one that permanently dominates things from their sleep.)


Other options:

For being on-theme...

- Dream Creature
- Dream Eater

For phenomenal cosmic power...
- Alacritous
- Quickling (outsider, no worries about age-related stuff)

Templates as you like 'em.

I might mention, as an aside, Simple class templates: make your own, grab the Witch class, as suggested before, make one for yourself. Should be sufficiently terrifying for most any purpose you want.

If you add the leadership feat and a full-out conjurer or summoner who focuses on calling up more folks, you've got a metric ton of action economy on your side (even better if you use shadow conjuration spells as your base or something with the shade spell to keep with the dream/illusion connection).

Also, Ally
And, Other ally-or-Other Ally (choose one - they'll destroy everything to kill each other, so you can't have both).

Those aren't very strong suggestions - I've not done a lot of work, but those are hastily made themed ones. Hope that helps a bit!

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Just curious but does anyone else really dig throwing their parties up against Hags? I really do as they just seem like really evil, vile foes. There is so much fun to be had with them!!!

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I sure do. ^_^

You might want to check out Wayfinder #14, available for free on this very site. There's some content in there that you might find useful.

My only thought is, why have one hag when you could have three? Their strength grows with numbers, after all, and the coven is such a potent force...

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Oh, make no mistake about it, covens ROCK!! :)

I have actually toyed around with my storyline to make it a coven rather than one really tricked out Night Hag..........still chewing on it frankly.

This is the section of my campaign where the PCs find themselves dropped into a quaint little Thorpe known as "Sleepy Hollow". A headless rider (advanced dullahan) is causing mayhem but the Dullahan has a far more sinister matron to answer to- the hag!! She is really the power behind the blade of the horseman.

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If you're ok with 3pp, the Dread class from Dreamscarred works well for the fear concept too.

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Currahee Chris wrote:

Oh, make no mistake about it, covens ROCK!! :)

I have actually toyed around with my storyline to make it a coven rather than one really tricked out Night Hag..........still chewing on it frankly.

This is the section of my campaign where the PCs find themselves dropped into a quaint little Thorpe known as "Sleepy Hollow". A headless rider (advanced dullahan) is causing mayhem but the Dullahan has a far more sinister matron to answer to- the hag!! She is really the power behind the blade of the horseman.

Covens are tremendous and terrible and wonderful awful things.

Their unified hag abilities are great, and I especially like adding storm and winter hags to covens (preferably, naturally, those led by a night hag, despite not getting anything "extra" - it just feels right) - the extra spell-like abilities those two hags provide just makes the coven that much more terrifying.

Flue hag can also be interesting for coven purposes, but it's a bit weird, also blood hag can make things interesting by changing out spell-like abilities.

Ash hags can be moderately interesting in the sense that there is great changeling potential - if you've got a Changeling with either a gray eye or psoriasis or dry skin, you've got a potentially really cool thing going on.

Also, I just learned of the dreamthief hag - I've not really examined it, but it looks like it's supposed to be a variant night hag, so it may be worth examining. Also, I'm partial to changelings, so... that's a thing. :D

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Currahee Chris wrote:
Just curious but does anyone else really dig throwing their parties up against Hags? I really do as they just seem like really evil, vile foes. There is so much fun to be had with them!!!

Hag covens are great, especially when you bring in their monstrous servants -- ogres, trolls, or marsh giants. I wonder why they seem to be used so rarely in official adventures as major villains.

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