Luthorne |
On page 66, the Skull patron lists shadow projection as ACG, or being from the Advanced Class Guide, when it actually should be APG, since it's from the Advanced Player's Guide.
Edit: On the feat table, you list Pact feats with a superscripted 'O', which now that they're no longer termed Occult feats is a tad less intuitive...perhaps a superscripted 'P' might be more appropriate now?

Orich |

I'm working on some pactmaker NPCs for my game and was re-reading the Vestigial Bonds section when I had a question:
With Vestigial Bonds, is there a limit to only one bond, no matter the number of spirits, or one bond per spirit?
As is currently written in the Vestigial Bond section, there is no limit.

Luthorne |
Page 71, Craft Crystallized Pain, "A single seal of midnight ink can only generate one shard of crystallize pain per day", should be "...crystallized pain..."
Page 71, Demon Eye Exemplar, Misshapen Arm isn't indented or red text like Cloven Hooves or Spiny Skin.
Page 72, Eldritch Binder prerequisites on the feat table, should have a hyphen for 3rd-level.
Page 72, on the feat table, Exorcist's Scrutiny should, alphabetically, come before Exploit Spirit.
Page 72, on the feat table, Expel Spirit should, alphabetically, come between Exorcist's Scrutiny and Exploit Spirit.
Page 72, on the feat table, Forfeiting Recovery should be indented to indicate it's part of the Expel Spirit feat chain.
Page 72, on the feat table, God Binder's benefit, "Gains..." should be "Gain..."
Page 72-73, on the feat table, shouldn't Jealous Guardian and Volatile Mind be listed under Unyielding Mind with an indentation, as well as Yielding Gambit? Similarly, shouldn't Supernatural Slayer be listed under Shield Against the Supernatural? I also feel like Permanent Pact should be listed under Flexible Pactmaking, but since it requires Spirit Focus too, I suppose it's a bit ambiguous...
Page 74, Evolve Vestigial Companion, "If your vestigial companion summons multiple creatures..." should be indented.
Page 75, Expel Spirit should, alphabetically, be between Exorcist's Scrutiny and Exploit Spirit.
Page 77, Undead Anatomy, searing light should be italicized.
Page 78, Occult Infusion, "...all concentration checks that you would make to avoid loosing the spell." Should be "...losing the spell."
Page 78, Occult Infusion, "If you prepare spells in advanced..." Should be "...in advance..."
Page 81, Tailor Spell, you have listed as Tailor Spell (Pact); shouldn't it be Tailor Spell (Metamagic)? It certainly doesn't seem like a pact feat...
Page 81, Unbreakable Resolve, you have a † after Amateur Gunslinger, which should be a superscripted UC, since it appeared in Ultimate Combat.
As a side note, does Extra Constellation Aspect let you have a constellation aspect even when all your pacts are bad, or do you have to have at least one good pact to gain its benefits? I ask because it says 'additional', which which seems to imply you need one already, but it also just says when you're bound, not when you're bound with a good pact, so I'm leaning to needing one good pact but not completely certain...might suggest adding in 'bound with a good pact to one or more spirits' or nixing the 'additional' depending on which way it's supposed to go.
Thankfully, Chapter 2 was much shorter than Chapter 1, though I had to take a break from this over the weekend to finish getting a character together for my first Pathfinder Society game. I've gone over most of it, will try to tackle more when I have the time!

Luthorne |
Whoops, can't believe I missed these ones...
Page 73, on the feat table you refer to it as Tailored Spell, but the actual feat is titled Tailor Spell. I kind of prefer Tailored Spell myself, but either way, they should match.
Page 73, on the feat table Ability Share isn't marked as being a Pact Feat, whether that should be with a superscripted O or P, while the feat itself is listed as (Teamwork, Pact).

Luthorne |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Page 85, Binder Level, might consider rephrasing that last part, it makes it sound as if you get half your character level even if all your levels are in a class that grants bind spirit instead of half your total level in other classes.
Page 85, Maximum Spirit Level, shouldn't Amateur Pactmaker have a † after it?
Page 89, Personality Influence, "...for instance, a binder can verbal present a question to Forty-Two..." Should be "...verbally present..."
Page 90, Personality Influence, "For example, of a binder that sealed a poor pact with Forty-Two tries to speak to use a different spirit’s granted ability..." Should be "...if a binder..."
Page 90, Favored Allies and Favored Enemies, the text for the bolded bit is partially blue and partially black; it should be all blue.
Page 90, Vestigial Bonds section, "...she cannot select that spirit’s vestigial bond ability unless her binder level is equal to or greater then..." Should be "...greater than..."
Page 90, Vestigial Bonds section, "A binder that made a good pact with the vestigial companion’s associated spirit can suppress its physical sign as a full-round action, or as a swift action if she possesses the Suppress Physical Sign feat." Believe Suppress Physical feat needs a †.
Page 91, Maximum Spirit Level, "...her levels in the warshade archetype do not increase the binder’s maximum spirit level." Should be warbinder.
Unrelatedly, is it just me, or is the Binding Check only spelled out on page 85 in Key Terms...? I thought it would have been spelled out, either in Performing a Pact Ritual or Summoning Rules...I wanted to double check as to whether it was 10 + 1/2 your binder level + your Charisma modifier, or just straight 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modifier. Or am I just missing it...?
Edit: And yeah, as far as I can see, there's fifteen spirits per level, which adds up to 135 spirits; would need to be sixteen spirits per level to add to 144. But I suspect it's a just a tad bit late to be adding in another spirit per level, so probably best to just change the number, no matter how nice a gross of spirits sounds.

Luthorne |
Page 94, Spirits by Level, Coralene is listed as having the title Sovereign of Spirits, whereas they're listed as having the title Sovereign of Silver on page 104. I presume the latter is correct?
Page 94, Spirits by Level, similarly, though more minorly, Vishgurv is referred to as The Aberrant of Time Eternal, while he's merely known as Aberrant of Time Eternal in his entry on page 118.
Page 95, Spirits by Level, I don't think Arm of Taios should have the first letter capitalized; also (and this applies to the entry on on 133 as well), should it be Arms of Taios (as in the weapons - falchion and shortbow), or Arm of Taios as it currently is (implying you inherit the skill in his actual arm? But both weapons are two-handed, so it still feels odd for it to be singular).
Page 95, Spirits by Level, you have Xalen d'Marek's title as Archivist of Fell Spirits, while page 155 has him as the Archivist of Fell Secrets, which I believe is correct.
Page 96, Spirits by Level, I don't think Gargantuan Gulguthriana should have the first letter of gargantuan capitalized, since it's not referring to the size category...?
Page 96, Spirits by Level, you have Dark Blood's title as The Rakshasa Princes, but in his entry on page 181, his title is The Rakshasa Prince.
Page 97, Spirits by Level, you list Vodavox as being of the Blast constellation, and while that does sound like an awesome constellation, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be the Beast constellation.
Page 97, Spirits by Level, Giza Sekhemet doesn't have an alignment listed; should be N according to her entry.
Page 97, for Loresir Claw's Minor Granted Abilities, you have Burble; jaws that bite, claws that catch; planar acclimation, whiffling; those semicolons should be commas.
Page 99, Spirits by Level, Dama's Major Granted Ability isn't italicized, and Eschalon's Major and Minor Granted Abilities aren't italicized.

Luthorne |
Luthorne wrote:** spoiler omitted **...Actually those should be semicolons, since "jaws that bite, claws that catch" is a single ability; in fact, the comma before whiffling should be a semicolon.
Whoops, my bad...should have looked a little closer.
Page 99, Spirits by Level, Kaylos' Major Granted Ability has an extraneous comma after it.
Alright, think I'm done with the table...on to the spirits themselves...!

Luthorne |
Page 110, for Gwendolyn's Ghost's legend, several times it seems like you should use Gwendolyn instead of Gwendolyn's, such as...
"...fell in love with a city belle named Gwenolyn’s..."
"...until Gwenolyn’s lost patience..."
"...even after Gwenolyn’s sold the house..."
"...believing them to be Gwenolyn’s."

Luthorne |
Page 106, Eos Dei's Legend, "Their music stops
abruptly as elven of the faces shatter..." Should be "eleven", I presume.
Page 107, Forash's summon fiend ability seems to be oriented towards the pactmaker specifically, a warbinder, for example, wouldn't get access to summon nature's ally II until 4th level, summon nature's ally III until 7th level, etc. Might add in "for example, for a pactmaker, it functions as..." or something similar?
Slightly confused about whether or not you want to superscript Bestiary stuff...you do it with Achaelous' auroch and Forash's summon fiend for the fiendish creature template, but you don't for Eos Dei and Milo of Clyde's familiars gaining the celestial creature template...which you refer to as 'the celestial template', which should probably be fixed. And arguably all the familiars since their actual stats are in the Bestiary, with the Core Rulebook only mentioning what their bonuses are, while the Core Rulebook does give the necessary information for animal companions...I personally don't think the Bestiary needs to be sourced since I feel like it's part of the core assumption, but either way it should probably be standardized?
Have to say, I feel like Gwendolyn's Ghost's second totem implies that you can't know who your true love is without two ranks in Knowledge (local)...or perhaps more disturbingly, that you definitely know your true love's name with those two ranks. I might suggest removing that aspect and leaving it as the full name of Gwendolyn's Ghost's true love...or adding that to the third one and making something different for the second, since at that point, if you have the second you automatically have the third.
Also, think I said this before, still not really a fan of the way being a gnome with Marat gives you a +2 for meeting a totem while simultaneously getting a -2 for being a favored enemy, especially since they're in different sections...but you're the writer!

Luthorne |
Page 121, Humble Ohbai's Favored Ally, shouldn't it be Outsider (any elemental)? And Favored Enemy should probably be Outsider (any except elementals or genies), since as written, elementals are both Humble Ohbai's Favored Ally and Favored Enemy and while you have done that before - say, Dantalios - I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be the case for Humble Ohbai?
Page 122, for Imitreyes' Favored Ally...what is an illithrix...? I couldn't find it as a monster, making me wonder if it's a typo...
Page 125, Lord Foxglove's flavor text reads, "...whose lusted for coin." Should presumably be "..."who lusted for coin."? Or perhaps it was originally supposed to be more to it, in which case, "whose lust for coin..." could lead into something about his downfall...
Page 128, Mute Sylvus' keen senses, shouldn't it be x1.5 or x2 or something else? x1 means it remains the same, right?
Page 130, Prince Ozsen's totems don't have the »» before them.
Page 130, does Prince Ozsen's Favored Ally and Favored Enemy mean you always count as his favored ally, since you are presumably always a blood relative of yourself?
Page 133, Taios' first totem, the closest thing I could find to a wyrm kin amulet was a sliver of the Wyrmkin amulet, which is an artifact and automatically binds you to Taios while worn, which would seem to make it difficult to wear while binding Taios, though it is mentioned that they might all hypothetically be combined into the original Wyrmkin amulet...do you actually have to go on an artifact-collecting sidequest to manage that particular totem? Or is there something I'm missing?
Page 135, Urbo's Personality Influence, "...doing whatever you must to keep them well feed and groomed..." Should be "well fed", or possibly "well-fed"?
As a side note, I meant to ask about this earlier but forgot; Chapter 3 says:
A granted ability that grants a spell effect to the binder always affects the binder, regardless of type; for example, an aasimar that seals a pact with Aza’zati can reduce her size using the smaller is better granted ability even though reduce person (which smaller is better functions as) normally cannot target outsiders.
Would this also extend to things like allowing a ghoran or wyrwood binder benefit from morale and/or mind-affecting effects, or a construct or undead binder being able to heal themselves with positive energy, so long as these effects stem from a granted ability that grants a spell effect? I'm leaning towards no, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to check.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Would this also extend to things like allowing a ghoran or wyrwood binder benefit from morale and/or mind-affecting effects, or a construct or undead binder being able to heal themselves with positive energy, so long as these effects stem from a granted ability that grants a spell effect? I'm leaning towards no, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to check.
Channel Energy — No. Channel energy is not a spell effect, so it is not covered by this clause.
Cure Light Wounds — No. The clause does not alter how positive and negative energy affect the binder. For example, if there was a spell that said it coudn't target undead and that it healed its target with positive energy, an undead binder could use the clause to circumvent the "no undead" clause, but would essentially deal damage to herself because the clause does not alter how energy affects the binder.
Morale Bonuses — No, for the same reasons as above. The clause alters how the spell works, but not how morale bonuses work on the target.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

I'm working on some pactmaker NPCs for my game and was re-reading the Vestigial Bonds section when I had a question:
With Vestigial Bonds, is there a limit to only one bond, no matter the number of spirits, or one bond per spirit?
As is currently written in the Vestigial Bond section, there is no limit.
One per binder.

pi4t |

pi4t wrote:Does the performance involve singing and/or orating? The skill requirements would imply that, but it doesn't explicitly say so, and obviously whether you have to make a noise or not is kind of important for an invisibility effect.Its creepy singing / orating, but it doesn't interfere with the invisibility. Think of it as "ominous background music."
Would it be good to say that the targets of the ability who fail their save don't notice the music? Otherwise it rather reduces the utility of making yourself invisible to them...
Page 362: Pactmaker is listed above Oracle when it should be below. Presumably this is left over from when it was called the Occultist.

pi4t |

Solar Orchid: The duration is 1 day/level for spells of 4th level or lower, but only spells of third level or lower can be Extended?
Astute Binder trait: Does this also apply to Constellation Aspects? How about the abilities the Prophet gets (the only Pactmaker archetype I can see that explicitly uses charisma)?

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Alexander Augunas wrote:Would it be good to say that the targets of the ability who fail their save don't notice the music? Otherwise it rather reduces the utility of making yourself invisible to them...pi4t wrote:Does the performance involve singing and/or orating? The skill requirements would imply that, but it doesn't explicitly say so, and obviously whether you have to make a noise or not is kind of important for an invisibility effect.Its creepy singing / orating, but it doesn't interfere with the invisibility. Think of it as "ominous background music."
Nope. They hear it, but just because they hear it doesn't mean its any easier to pinpoint your location with a Perception check. (Which you could always do with invisible creatures anyway.)

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Someone asked about the bloodravager and Charisma drain—under the possession by ravager spirit rules in Chapter 9, you get a Will save each day to prevent the Charisma drain. Currently, that DC is 21. We're reducing it to 15 + 1/2 the character's Hit Dice.
It will be tough for a bloodravager to make the save for the first two levels of play, but if they survive that long they've mastered the spirit enough that they no longer need to save. (This was always intended to be how the archetype worked—you suffered for a few levels, then you got over it. We didn't want you to be able to dip a level of bloodrager to overcome the penalties of having a ravager spirit.)

pi4t |

pi4t wrote:Nope. They hear it, but just because they hear it doesn't mean its any easier to pinpoint your location with a Perception check. (Which you could always do with invisible creatures anyway.)Alexander Augunas wrote:Would it be good to say that the targets of the ability who fail their save don't notice the music? Otherwise it rather reduces the utility of making yourself invisible to them...pi4t wrote:Does the performance involve singing and/or orating? The skill requirements would imply that, but it doesn't explicitly say so, and obviously whether you have to make a noise or not is kind of important for an invisibility effect.Its creepy singing / orating, but it doesn't interfere with the invisibility. Think of it as "ominous background music."
Ah, ok, so they know something weird's happening, and will be alerted, but don't necessarily know what it is? That's still significantly less useful than a normal invisibility spell, and it might be worth pointing out that you have to keep making the music to stay invisible, if there's enough space?

pi4t |

Pact Maladies:
Inscribed Skin: Should the fortitude penalty be -1, rather than -2? The penalties increase by -2 cha, -1 fort every week, to a maximum of -14/-7. For those maxima to be reached on the same week, and for the ratio of the penalties to be constant, the fortitude penalty should start off at half the charisma penalty.
Stolen Identity: "While afflicted with stolen identity, you unable to speak your name."
Called by the Grave: "If you are a Venerable adult who is afflicted by called by the grave, you reach your maximum age the next time that your age category would be reduced," - should "reduced" be "increased"?
Gender Bending: "your become asexual"
Return to the Womb: If the effect goes so far that you disappear and a spirit birth effect is triggered, are you the baby who is born from that effect? If so, what does the bit about not being able to be returned to life except by divine intervention mean?
Legend of Mishpo: "“Oh,” Mishpo said. Was this the end? The cage looked a wee bit too large to fit the cage into it, so the devil would have to release him, providing an opportunity to escape."

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Alexander Augunas wrote:Ah, ok, so they know something weird's happening, and will be alerted, but don't necessarily know what it is? That's still significantly less useful than a normal invisibility spell, and it might be worth pointing out that you have to keep making the music to stay invisible, if there's enough space?pi4t wrote:Nope. They hear it, but just because they hear it doesn't mean its any easier to pinpoint your location with a Perception check. (Which you could always do with invisible creatures anyway.)Alexander Augunas wrote:Would it be good to say that the targets of the ability who fail their save don't notice the music? Otherwise it rather reduces the utility of making yourself invisible to them...pi4t wrote:Does the performance involve singing and/or orating? The skill requirements would imply that, but it doesn't explicitly say so, and obviously whether you have to make a noise or not is kind of important for an invisibility effect.Its creepy singing / orating, but it doesn't interfere with the invisibility. Think of it as "ominous background music."
I'm just ending this confusion and changing the masterpiece's effects to the following:
You perform an ancient lyric that distorts the senses of those who hear it, filling their ears with a confusing melody that makes the performer undetectable by sight. Upon completing the performance, you turn invisible (as per the invisibility spell) for as long as you maintain the performance, you choose one or more creatures that you can see. You may choose up to one creature for every 3 binder levels you possess. Chosen creatures can still see you as though you were not invisible, and you can attack those creatures without ending the invisibility effect on you. However, if you attack any other creature, this spell ends. Creatures that cannot see you also cannot hear your rendition of the Ballod of the Tall Man, though they can be alerted to your presence by other means as normal.
(Also, its ranks required will increase from 4 to 7.)
Does this clear it up for you?

pi4t |

pi4t wrote:Alexander Augunas wrote:Ah, ok, so they know something weird's happening, and will be alerted, but don't necessarily know what it is? That's still significantly less useful than a normal invisibility spell, and it might be worth pointing out that you have to keep making the music to stay invisible, if there's enough space?pi4t wrote:Nope. They hear it, but just because they hear it doesn't mean its any easier to pinpoint your location with a Perception check. (Which you could always do with invisible creatures anyway.)Alexander Augunas wrote:Would it be good to say that the targets of the ability who fail their save don't notice the music? Otherwise it rather reduces the utility of making yourself invisible to them...pi4t wrote:Does the performance involve singing and/or orating? The skill requirements would imply that, but it doesn't explicitly say so, and obviously whether you have to make a noise or not is kind of important for an invisibility effect.Its creepy singing / orating, but it doesn't interfere with the invisibility. Think of it as "ominous background music."I'm just ending this confusion and changing the masterpiece's effects to the following:
You perform an ancient lyric that distorts the senses of those who hear it, filling their ears with a confusing melody that makes the performer undetectable by sight. Upon completing the performance, you turn invisible (as per the invisibility spell) for as long as you maintain the performance, you choose one or more creatures that you can see. You may choose up to one creature for every 3 binder levels you possess. Chosen creatures can still see you as though you were not invisible, and you can attack those creatures without ending the invisibility effect on you. However, if you attack any other creature, this spell ends. Creatures that cannot see you also cannot hear your rendition of the Ballod of the Tall Man, though they can be alerted to your presence...
Much better, thanks. I think that the middle of it would be a bit clearer as follows, though:
"Upon completing the performance, you turn invisible (as per the invisibility spell) for as long as you maintain the performance. When you start the performance, you may choose one or more creatures that you can see, up to one creature for every 3 binder levels you possess."
If that makes it take up too much room, then I think it would be better to delete "you choose one or more creatures that you can see" from the original text - the grammar of that sentence doesn't quite work as it is.

Luthorne |
Sorry, don't think I'll be able to contribute more...got hit by Hermine, having to stay elsewhere since I still don't have power at home, and borrowing someone else's computer. Looking forward to the finished product, though! And maybe I'll get lucky and get my power back today...they're making progress...

Rednal |

One more thing that seems to be a BIT confusing: Binder Level.
For example, the Pactmaker says that their Binder Level is equal to their level. Okay, no problem. In the glossary, though it says "Binder Level: A binder’s total level in classes that grant the bind spirit class feature, plus half of her character level."
This is important. Let's say we have a 4th-level Pactmaker. Would their Binder Level be 4 or 6?

Luthorne |
One more thing that seems to be a BIT confusing: Binder Level.
For example, the Pactmaker says that their Binder Level is equal to their level. Okay, no problem. In the glossary, though it says "Binder Level: A binder’s total level in classes that grant the bind spirit class feature, plus half of her character level."
This is important. Let's say we have a 4th-level Pactmaker. Would their Binder Level be 4 or 6?
I don't have my copy with me at the moment, but I believe the answer is in the multiclassing section of Chapter 3. Basically, you add half your level in classes that don't grant the bind spirit class feature to your level in classes that do grant it. So if you took four levels in, say, occultist, and a level in pactmaker, you'd have a binder level of three. But a 4th-level pactmaker would have a binder level of four.

Luthorne |
If that's what was meant, it would have been easier to end the glossary definition with something like "plus half of her levels in other classes". Character Level is a specific term in Pathfinder, and refers to the sum total of all class levels a character has.
Indeed. That's why I already suggested he might want to change the rather misleading glossary entry.

Luthorne |
Did you? I must've missed that somehow. I've tried searching the thread for relevant terms before posting suggestions, but I didn't find any this time... ah, well. XD It's all good. That's pretty important, so I'm glad someone else noticed.
Yeah, it was hidden in some spoiler tags back here...not exactly easy to spot, in all fairness. But yes. I agree!

WhiteMagus2000 |

Man, I really like the new art. Those spreads between chapters are great. I especially like chapters one, two, and four.
I wish the were several different ergon to use. Are they from something specifically? They remind me of both the Eron (Star Wars: Dark Resurrection) and the kaortis. The chapter 9 art spread also reminds me of both of these.

Luthorne |
Got power back at home, huzzah. And hmm, not over yet?
Page 132, for Shelassik's title, he's called The Sea-Devil's Grin in the table, but The Sea Devil's Grin in his entry...not sure which is correct?
Page 132, for Shelassik's second totem, sahuagin - at least in Pathfinder - actually speak Aquan and Common, not Sahuagin...perhaps it should be Aquan?
Page 132, for Shelassik's [i]sea devil's grin granted minor ability, it reads, "Creatures with less Hit Dice are affected first." Shouldn't that be "...with fewer Hit Dice..."?
Page 132, for Shelassik's Vestigial Bond, "You gain a shark as an animal companion. You possess a druid level equal to your binder level when determining your auroch’s abilities." I presume shark is correct.
Unrelatedly, am I the only one who, after reading Hollow Eyes' personality influence, imagined a horrified binder who'd made a bad pact with Hollow Eyes meeting an otyugh?

Luthorne |
Page 150, the fluff for Obba, Ella, Atasha, shouldn't that be the "....worst traits of humanity." ?
Page 151, Signs and Influence for Sybee Rose reads, "Sybee Rose affects you in the following ways:"; should be a period instead of a colon.
Page 152, the fluff for Tommy Greensprout, "By sealing himself within the Dimension of Dreams, he was able to acquire it, though not at the cost of becoming a dream himself" So, first, missing a period at the end, secondly, shouldn't that be "...though at the cost of becoming..." instead? Or am I not understanding it correctly?

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Man, I really like the new art. Those spreads between chapters are great. I especially like chapters one, two, and four.
I wish the were several different ergon to use. Are they from something specifically? They remind me of both the Eron (Star Wars: Dark Resurrection) and the kaortis. The chapter 9 art spread also reminds me of both of these.
They're from Dario's works (Villains of Pact Magic, specifically).
We'll do more eventually—they're a REALLY scary race. They're basically the universe's dumpster divers. Except their "trash" is your reality. >:-)

Luthorne |
Page 136, Cornelius Button's legend begins, "The once was a legend of a powerful sorceress..." Shouldn't it be "There once..." or something similar?
Page 137, Cornelius Button's seedling bomb minor granted ability, smoke bomb doesn't have a superscripted APG designating its origin unlike the other discoveries listed.
Page 141, Forty-Two's legend reads, "...despite their interference with the gnome’s work..."; considering it was an entire vilage, it should probably be "...gnomes' work..."?
Page 142, Ghato'Kacha's blurb says he was, "Forced into an endless cycle of reincarnation to battle his evil mother..." but his legend says that he petitioned the gods and chose to enter that cycle, rather than being forced? Unless you count his morality as forcing him...

pi4t |

Ergon bloodline's devour magic - "When using this ability, you restore a number of uses of unnatural healing or rounds of ocular growths equal to
1/2 the level of the spell continued within the item" contradicts "If used on a staff, it loses 1 charge and you gain a number of uses of unnatural healing or rounds of ocular growths equal to the level of the highest-level spell the staff can cast using only 1 charge"

Third Mind |

Quick question to others. This is more about the pdf itself, than the contents thereof. The pdf starts at a default zoom of 59.3% for me and whenever I zoom in and click on anything in the bookmarks tab, it returns to the 59.3% zoom. Is there anyway to stop this? I click fit to window, but it still zooms out to 59.3% when I click a bookmark.

Third Mind |

It doesn't do that for me. I'm using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Maybe... don't click Fit to Window?
I have, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to stop it. I am using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, but it appears to be only a problem I have haha. It's an odd one too. If I click the "All the Spirits" group bookmark folder, it's 93.2% but if I hit the table: spirits, it's the 59.3%. Anyways, don't want to make a fuss or derail anything here. I'll try an older version of acrobat and see if that does the trick.